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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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These considerations led to the Hippo to decision and he said:

-Well. We assume that we're quits: and I will fulfill your request, but after that you're out of my life forever! — conciliation-conciliatory notes of his voice постепеннно declined to the level of threat. — What to do?

-I am speaking frankly, — the Beast was clear that he was afraid to frighten luck. — It is necessary to blow up the plant...

-Blow up?! — with surprise and unexpected scale proposals Zhora involuntarily sprang up. — A plant? As it blow up?!

-Well, certainly not the entire plant. Capacity. Only the vessel with the substance. At the same plant, where are you from the first time stole the documentation, — the Beast stopped for a moment and peered into his face Zhora, trying, apparently, to read his thoughts. — This is very important. If he had understood the meaning of the game. There is a struggle for the market. I only help a rival party.

-Америкканцам, — said George.

"Yes, " replied the Beast. — Now against them acts as some European companies. And all in this case. Patent they still won. But the Americans managed to destroy all of the лабраторных work and research on this material. There are no copies in any form. Those who carried out the research, partially or completely eliminated. To restore the formula and technology of obtaining a product, Europe потребуетсяминимум ten years. Americans will make a pause pause and restore the substance to three times faster, and запатентуют it under the guise of its opening — that's all a calculation.

-Well, why then something blow up? surprised Zhora.

-Hm, — said the Beast — the fact that it will turn out if to eliminate all stocks of semi-finished product, product-raw. The only place it is installed correctly preserved its stock — this stupid factory. And nothing can be done — it is necessary to destroy. Otherwise...

-What else? I could not stand it pause Zhora.

Otherwise, the French and their allies are able to restore production technology a half-two year. This means a complete failure...

For those of you who pays.

-Yes, and therefore for me. Hit them though glass of this product-raw, and I'll stay in his old age to beg.

-Aren't you afraid that you will be removed after this raw material will be destroyed. I, for example, after your рассказок fear for his life. Moreover, it runs through my slowly and with relish.

Do not forget that this is my merit — shook his forefinger Beast

-All this in the past, " quipped George, he felt that he again can "jump" from the promise, From the talk of the Beast appeared a sensation, that the power to influence the situation he had not so much.

-But the past loves to cling to the present. And as for your relaxing prosperity, so it shatter to pieces as soon as I am gone from the world leaders. My name is invisible part of the iceberg, which formed the bedrock of your welfare. 't believe me?!.. Yes, and about what you fear for your life, be not afraid. Besides me that you were involved in the operation, nobody knows and will not know. And I? Me, even if I wanted to, no time for you, unfortunately, lately me intently interested in the Interpol. That's it, the Beast paused, and George tried to figure out why he "merge" this information, which, in principle, was disarming everyone around him before him. — However, if you pernicious added suddenly, the Interpol, and some others who have lost tens of millions of dollars, are interested and you. You're not me. You crush a fly without's ceremonies, even a wet spot left. Only for what you stole documents and made tremendous trouble very influential people. You will be removed even without напутственного words, so casually. This will not be a revenge...

The beast fell silent again.

-Product, which you will blow up, very damaging, " said George with intonation припертого to the wall. He was tempted right now remove the Beast. It was easy and promised deliverance from all these unexpected problems. But that's why he couldn't do it. Behemoth understood that the Beast even took out another ACE out of the sleeve, he only hinted at his presence. Certainly he has all been thought out in case of such a scenario.

'Not much, ' grinned the Beast, apparently sensing the changes that were observed in its recently строптивом interlocutor. — But it is toxic. Some people in the nose will have to fasten the clothes pin...

-The scope of work, is a quite business-like, more is not going to resist, asked George.

Twenty kilo of TNT. A brigade of five people. You're the sixth and senior. 'll be leading the operation. Documentation schemes bookmark your assistant. They are good miners. But they don't have what you fighting spirit. Without you — cover. And for me to not worry. Anyone who is interested in my death, knows that in case of its occurrence competitors will get the fire extinguisher, dressed with the fact that we are going to destroy. He is already in Paris and very good lies in one place, which Americans do not get.

-That is, raw materials all the same will not be completely destroyed? shook his head Zhora.

-Five liters is not ten thousand cubic meters. I can't steal and hide so much! And this fire extinguisher me dressed only for a bottle сивухи. And it is in Paris. I have it. This is now my most weighty remedy... and blackmail.

Zhora was thinking again and shook his head:

"No, I will not do that.

-Why? You have enough of my argument? "The beast of the brow.

-Firstly, there is someone to work, secondly, twenty kilograms of TNT ten thousand dice, it means that this stuff, myomas estimates, not only burns itself, but also explodes. It turns out that it is dangerous for the city and I still live in it. And, thirdly, in fact, again an international scandal and a lot of money. This means it for thanks, at least, is stupid. At least! — up Zhora index finger.

The beast asked for a cigarette. George pulled out ккармана and laid before him just begun pack.

The beast took a cigarette and smoked silently till morning, until the tutu is not empty, and in the ashtray in front of him not formed a mountain "bulls" and ashes.

"Okay, " he said through clenched teeth. "The hell with you! Give me a sheet of paper and a pen.

George plucked a sheet of notebook paper, and gave him a pen, and the animal began to draw something, puffing from voltage unaccustomed to such business.

As he completed the job, then asked George:

-Know how many are estimated unfound Nazi archives? No? In ten billion. And unfound documents of the CPSU? Three times smaller. But this, I think you would be enough. Now, part of them is here — the Beast jabbed a finger in the sloppy drafted scheme. "You'll know where it is?

-Find out about them, nodded Zhora, intrigued plan. — The building is almost in the center of the city.

-True. There, in his secret basement a very valuable archive of the papers of the third Reich, top secret documents of the CPSU, icons, old books, manuscripts, paintings — a lot of value and just priceless material. Take all he made a wide gesture with his hand. — How much you can carry, — and I barely audible added. — Still not mine.

Such generosity seemed Жоре very suspicious, as well as the unexpected.

-And how to get there? — still asked George.

The beast turned a piece and quickly jotted down on the other side of the map of the building:

-Well, give some каранндаш, red whether to draw where and how to go... Now here's the door to the dungeon. There is a code lock on... Here is the code. Rooms racks, where lie the most valuable today documents... Enough to take only them: they уместяться three to four average travel bags. Taking them, and I with you in the calculation of the charge of the operation. The rest don't touch, Okay?

Zhora twirled a sheet in their hand.

-Okay. Only I first провперю — don't lie.

-Verify-verify. Only be quick about it, because that should be performed before the start of next week: sent here the French experts and workers. It is necessary, that their arrival there a trace of raw sugar left. None of the surviving molecules.

-Well, will be wiped Zhora hands. He felt that there is a gain.

-Only in the archive, don't send their people can run into big trouble. Find someone from the outside, not local, not from this city. And then smack it . and the wiser. That no one had thought about anything. Understand it's not yours and not mine...

-And whose?

-Тссу! — put the Beast finger to his lips. — Not спращшивай even. Give — Beri. Struggle... And only once there, and then засекут, повяжут and почикают. Understood?

-Yes, it is easier to understand, George thought that the calculation of the fire is still better than nothing. He put the piece of paper in his pocket, and, clapping a hand on the table, concluded. — Operation will spend the night, when my people will take the archive: that without cheating.

-Only I ask you: do it quickly. Miss time — пеняй the voice of the Beast почувствовлись team notes, as if he was the master of the situation.

Жоре't like this, because it seemed to him that no grounds even now he had to act no. So he said:

-I will try. And as with the safety of their homes?

-You mean the city?

-Yes, it darling!

-Explosives lay according to the American method. They have calculated the optimal scheme of the detonation. Raw did not explode, but only burn under high pressure with emission. So to that don't worry, Americans can count only the right to make a bookmark, according to the scheme, and undermining the map detonation. They bastards, even the time of day gave optimal to undermine — about four in the morning. Maximum inversion or conversion will be. In General, everything goes up...

-Okay, hand — suddenly interrupted his thoughts Zhora, feeling that this talk begins to annoy him.

-Hands — handed hand of the Beast.

After a few days to Fix, right hand Zhora, "hooked" for the old card debt, at his request certain Охромова, cadet military school graduation rate, which was about to leave the city forever. As a practicing debt he agreed to get from the specified Beast secret archives right Behemoth paper.

Zhora meanwhile, began mining the object.

However, when all was ready, on the appointed day Охромов suddenly failed the plan. He never left the school.

Without going into the reasons and excuses debtor people Hippo it as it should have finished and threatened that the next time, just шлепнут. Охромов refrained from reporting him, and promised in the next appointed time fulfills the promise.

It is crucial night. Behemoth knew nothing about Yakovlev, помошнике Охромова, and was sure that he is now in the archives, works in his job. Taking with him the coveted "Uzi" he demomen Beast went to the plant to test the readiness to undermine it.

All factory guard vigilantly carried that night service, and as always, long rubbing sleepy eyes, passed it on and on, deeper into zones of secrecy, just barely glancing at the "fake" documents.

After checking the system Hippo decided that the explosion will of his apartment. He even wondered if it works remote control at a distance.

Perhaps, this was the last possible for operations nights because, according to the Beast, hastening his French already were in Moscow and in the morning had to travel by train to the city.

The hotel Zhora let go of sappers who were quite puzzled by his behaviour — until the end of the operation they were asked next to him and to control its actions, and went home.

At home he locked the door, undressed, washed, feeling now languor, fatigue and overwhelming desire to fall asleep. Then George went to bed, and then only with a delay of forty minutes from the schedule of operations clicked on the button on the remote transmitter. Then after a while another, with a sinking heart, pressed the red button, which meant that the receivers are the fuses take the latest information, and, holding his breath, listening.

Somewhere in a minute in the open balcony door burst from the stillness of the night a strange, gigantic sigh, and all was quiet. It was a blast.

However, whether American computers not have made corrections on своенравность local atmospheric movements, whether from the fact that Zhora delayed explosion almost an hour this morning the whole city plunged into the stinking yellow fog, and the Жоре experienced all the charm of a gas attack.

He woke up only in the evening with разламывающейся pain head. In a dry mouth there was a taste of a bitter stuff. First егоо thought was a poignant and helpless rage: "He cheated me!"

He was disgusted from t CSOs that he sat in a puddle, which he himself had prepared. But doing nothing was impossible, and George, like thousands of other citizens, spent a few days in a morbid condition, sometimes already thinking intolerable attacks suffocation and nausea that he is coming to an end..

When he finally recovered and left the house, I saw that the city seems to переминлся in the face, was not such as to be as подурнел, поплохел.

Something told him what is in front of him waiting for life changes, and they are not all here. From being sucked under the spoon.

Chapter 2. 1.

-Why have you come?

He sat on the cold chair was, naked, and dropped his head cupped in his hands back.

She did not answer. He turned around, looked round her bare figure at the window, lit by a ghostly pink light sconce above the sofa.

-Why have you come? — he asked.

-I want to, " she finally said quietly, so quietly that he could barely hear him.

And if he finds out?

The girl was silent again, then said:

-Don't care.

He said nothing and only shook his head, then stood up and approached the girl.

She stared into the blackness of late the October evening, оплакиваемую tears dismal endless rain, lazily walked without interruption ever since they arrived in Moscow.

Outside the window, scattered thousands of prickly points, stood quarters of the huge city.

-Metropolis — somehow she whispered, when he put his hand on her warm shoulder. "It looks like the jungle, isn't it? ... So I look and I sometimes even scary on the street. Now I would never think of on the street did not come out.

The girl drew back, pushed off the window sill hands, crossed the room and knelt RNA scattered in disarray bed.

-Smoke now, " she said, hugging himself for the shoulders.

-You cold? "he asked.

-Me? No, she guessed, probably why he would ask such a question. Is I'm just so. I love hugging himself.

-You erotic.

His words were incomprehensible, not as a question, not as a statement, and it is in response to similarly unclear smiled.

-Come back to him, " he suggested.

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