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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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The girl looked at him with her eyes, which gleamed a spark of anger:

-To whom?

-Well, to that... To her husband. So now he is called.

-Tell better: to Behemoth. He remained.

-Why are you?! her words brought him in confusion. — In your voice so much hate! Do you not like?

Silence answered more eloquently than any words.

-Why then are you married, Veronica?

-Gladyshev, calm down! — as retorted the girl.

-And still, you better go back.

-What, are you afraid?! she went on to drill his gazes.

-No, not for myself. I don't want you to have trouble.

-I do not care. You got me? Got! And don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I like you, Gladyshev, although to be honest, I sometimes you hate. Sincerely hate.

-I know. I remember then, in the restaurant when you were with that guy. The weird one...

All you are odd.

-I wasn't talking about that. You then something in me окрысилась.

-Found something to remember. You better times of yore still remember.

Gladyshev paused, apparently, having lost thoughts.

-It is strange, why do you always call me by name, even now... in such an intimate setting.

-I don't know, girl slightly shrugged her shoulders. — Maybe because I'm not frightened of you.

Maybe, on the contrary? In your address to me there is some fear, I feel it. You're afraid to approach me in the heart, even now, when absorbed in the body.

Face Veronica winced painfully, like a toothache.

-Listen, Gladyshev, shut up, eh? A philosopher! Me from your conversations sick. It would be better, took out a cigarette. Invented too, I'm afraid. Yes to damn I need you?!

Then why did you come? "he persisted.

-If afraid she wouldn't I come?

Maybe, this is your fight my inner fear before me? Huh?! You now think that overcame him. But no! You just think so! This you desperately want to, but it's not there...

-This is your last warning to you shut up! Look for a cigarette!

-Now, a phone call in the room will bring si гшарет. What else?

He went to the phone and began to dial the numbers.

-Vodka... no, better конъяка with шоклоадом or хоорошего red wine. Fortified, with fruits.

Waiting on the other end of the wire to be answered, he asked the girls forgot about prevention:

-Now comes the waiter from the restaurant, I give him a tip, and he happened to see you. What will you do?

Goat — simply replied Veronica.

"If you want to remake me? But you can't," he thought.

-Listen, Gladyshev, you clever boy?

-And what?

-No, I think you should treat. In your head Guli накакали.

He made an order in the room and stretched out on the couch next to her.

-And who will pay? asked Gladyshev Veronica.


I'm not as rich as your husband.

Внероника grimaced again:

"Don't call him a man, I told you it seems.

-And he knows how to do this? he made an unambiguous gesture.

-What are you, cultural! Already sick! Писька he is small.

-Small?! It would have never thought of that! Favorite of women, sir hippopotamus! And you do! And you know family secrets.

It seemed to him what Veronica again unhappy with his buzzing, but so as to quarrel with her longer wanted, he hastened to ask a question.

"You have a lot of guys were?

-Why do you ask?! in the voice of girls засквозило curiosity.

-Beautiful you.

-Hmm — it was felt that his words польстили her vanity. — A lot.

-Are all asleep?

-No. You're the third. Third after the Hippopotamus and the other guy.

-I know. That was with thee in the restaurant.

-Many well you know!

-I instinct, intuition good. Then he came, by the way, thee was interested in. But you were not. I he started his paintings show and houses a small пожарчик arranged, therefore, associated with him in that time we won.

He paused for a moment, but then decided to ask:

-He squeak biggest was?

His fears were not realized, Veronika didn't took:

-I once was... But it seems that it is necessary...

-And me? More?

-Have you got? Nothing too. Fool you, Gladyshev!

-Well what this idiot?

-And the fact that it is not письке.

-And what?

-Love is all about.

"You loved him?

-Liked and he noticed that Veronica was difficult to pronounce this recognition.

-And now I love?

"You? No.

-Why did you come?

-What?.. It became boring

-That, a Hippo can't you cheer?

-And it's not the whole evening.

"Where is he?

-Went somewhere. Yes me and with the Hippopotamus this boring. Sadness is jammed to death.

-Well, of course. You're still the one friend he wanted to say "бабища", but he dared not. — You, probably, men as gloves, change.

"You are a fool, Gladyshev. A fool. The thing you hate. Like you and write poems and paintings мазюкаешь, and such a simple thing as love, don't know.

"Baloney — all this love. Don't believe.

"That's why I'm yours стихоплетство despise. You've got it not from your heart and from your закаканных drain. As such verses I despise, not what I'm trying to understand. Feelings in нихз no, some labyrinths of a schizophrenic flow of your thoughts... Well, where are your cigarette?

-Now must bring.

Somebody knocked in the door.

They turns looked at each other. It even broke into a sweat.

-Who is this? he asked the girl.

"Come, Yes ask.

-And suddenly it Hippo?

"Just say that you wanted to sleep.

-Well, Yes! I would never be able to. He makes me to open the door. Get dressed, just in case.

Weak! Rag you Gladyshev! "You're afraid of me!" Yes, you coward, afraid of?! Go open up!

In двероь knocked again. This time became more and stronger.

-I ask of you: get dressed! "he asked again, rising from the couch and frantically fumbling eyes on the floor in поискахсвоих pants and trousers.

-Coward! Now I'll go отворю.

-No, no, no! he tried to detain her, but realizing that he can't, then rushed to get dressed.

"Who's there? — Veronica asked through the door.

-Cigarette, port zakazyvali?

"Yes, " the girl opened the door, naked and not ashamed of his nakedness, took a tray of обалдевшего waiter. — Go, pay off! she cried Гладышеву.

This is a shout out of his torpor, and he sped in the half-empty pants to the door, trying to go more and find money in their pockets.

The waiter came around and already in following politely, but with irony smiled:

-You have a problem? his tone was felt restrained joke. — I'll try back later or go then in the restaurant themselves later. We work until three in the morning, can't hurry.

Gladyshev and could not find the money and stood uncertainly in the middle of the corridor rooms at the half-empty trousers.

Veronica slammed the door.

-He said that he will write it all on account of your rooms, ' said the girl, then, after a pause, she added. — Went to the disco.


-American, of course.

-Oh, I had even at the entrance there money is not enough.

-Weak? Bad Board appointed Hippo his spiritual comrade! — mocking, Veronica laughed. "And you with him an additional charge ask!

-For what?!

For me трахаешь! — it was a pleasure to see how it changed in the person. — And what? Too hard physical labor.

Gladyshev was silent, just struck down on the spot. He already knew not what to do, and went on to stand in a half-empty pants, nothing is dropping his hands.

"Okay, get dressed, " said the girl, apparently, plenty поиздевавшись. — so be it, ticket you buy today I. Look though as normal людиоотдыхают. Only for the tray, be kind, pay yourself!

-No, not necessary. Tickets are rabid money, " explained the Gladyshev.

"Silence, Kazbek! — shouted ддевушка, топкнув foot. — To pay me. I have money yet.

-While there, he added.

Veronica furrowed her eyebrows, but said nothing.

-Hey, did you...

Gladyshev stopped short. The word "witch" for some reason was in his throat, and tears came to my eyes.

Girl, apparently misunderstood him, and her face softened.

-Stop talking, Gladyshev, she summed up. "We got to leave. Натягивай his pants, stupid.

At the hotel entrance, where stood a dozen taxi waiting for their clients, they almost faced with the Hippopotamus. He gets out of the approaching car. At this time they were at two steps from the taxi., and Veronica, do not hesitate even for a second, opened the back door of my car, jumped in there and pulled a Gladysheva.

"I never thought that so I can get, " he said, плюхнувшись on the seat.

"What is it? — asked the girl.

-About this. I, the best friend of Hippo, and to you!..

-Shut up immediately! — Veronika her eyes flashed angrily, and then looked through the back window of the cabin on the Hippopotamus and the long watched him until he disappeared into the entrance of the hotel complex, отблескивающего in the twilight dim light начищенным metal rotating четырехлопастных doors.

"Well, are we going? asked Gladyshev.


-What are you a coward? You will be in trouble in the first place! I can stay and unnoticed..

-Ah! About me, it turns out, worried?!

-Do not поясничать!

-No, really, let! We are going! I want to have fun! Quite melancholy! Since we in Moscow, I'm doing really miss it. I'm tired!

-So, are we going? — intervened in the conversation the driver.

-Yes, certainly, " said Veronica.

All the way they not разнговаривали, and only got out of the brightly lit flashing colored lights, luring a defiant-indecent flashy stained glass entrance to the disco, Gladyshev spoke, confused and depressed seen luxury. He felt twice as worse from what Veronica herself paid off with the taxi driver, because he really didn't have enough money.

Standing оторопело opposite the entrance to the disco, it has rested, exactly заупрями вшийся ass.

-I will not go there, — he said to the girl.

-Why is that?!

-Yes, because I can't! I already feel at ease, and let us go, and even shame places itself cm g find...

-Gladyshev! You only ride somewhere! "said Veronica.

-May be. But it is not my place! Not mine! Pay rabid money, then to head off twitch, along with the other? It's not for me, sorry!

Swinging inconsistent, thin hands, even for рроста look too long and bony, Gladyshev walked away down the street, absolutely no interest in going there for him, Veronica.

When she caught up to him, he still muttering.

"You bastard, Gladyshev! she said sorry, зашагаыв next to him. — Imprison l me pleasure.

He нпе pay attention to her.

-Well, what do you want? "the girl asked already more friendly.

-What do I want? — responded suddenly Gladyshev, and thinking.

Past toward them were three handsome guys, and Veronica involuntarily stuck to his hand, knowing the mores of the city at night.

"Now named call will begin", — not without pleasure thought Gladyshev, not noticing the thoughts миновавшей as quickly as it arose, danger.

"Actually, I want you now returned to the hotel, the room to Behemoth. You will be better! It's not late, and your absence can be explained quite good, — Gladyshev looked at her. — As for me, I would feel like now to go to any restaurant, where you can sit longer hours to three in the morning.

-You've got no money! going Впероника.

"But you asked what I want. Except to wish for something, to have this money?! In my dreams I'm much bigger than they actually are. Creamy sailing under crimson sails, comfortable Villa of white marble with a pool in which under the warm tropical sun sparkling azure blue, pure and clean as a tear, water, magnificent, powerful and wildly expensive car, furniture made of ivory, huge mirrors in the wall of rock crystal is all I'll never have in life, easily умещаетс I in my dreams. And I can fly away in this world, where a master of himself, though every day, even a thousand times a day. And because the reality oppresses me as much as anyone else in my position.

-That's so real, I like you, — snuggled up to him even stronger Veronica. She smiled dreamily. — You're still an incurable romantic.

-Why? It's not romantic, it's very convenient and easy way to get away from life, if you don't like it. How could all this have I in reality? Of course not. I am not so crazy to build illusions about its features and its future. But I invented a way, oamc avoid torture, connected with the realization that between the desirable and the possible there is an abyss. Some uses for this drug, someone drinks, someone is going to kill and Rob. But all this disastrous path. I think my brain is developed enough so that he could construct in its conjuring up images of the desired without approx енения dangerous stimulants, such as wheels, grass or vodka. The more stupid attempt, perhaps, at the same, but their brains are out of control and fall into галлопирующую, crazy hallucination. Criminals — it's all bastards. All that in the end they receive the prison, tower, or the bullet. And the wolf ticket already out of the pit and not get out. All the time life will return to the vicious circle of their systems stereotypes...

-And you're really clever, Gladyshev, ' interrupted Veronica. — You have no communication between the hands and the head. You're a good draw — could earn. Why don't you sit down, for example, to paint portraits on the Arbat, as do others? I think you have worked not worse than many others..

Thank you for the good advice, " laughed Gladyshev. — Me and without well.

"But you have no money! You are not humiliated that I am here, for example, has to pay for you?

-Actually, not really. I am not asking for anything. I can go without any money. Yes, and besides, why should I be uncomfortable, embarrassing, if Jesus Christ did not have any money?

At the mention of the name of God Veronica winced, but Gladyshev not noticed the grimace. He went forward, eyes speaking to himself.

They turned on a dark street, and girl, had молчавшая, spoke again:

-Why did you come here?

-And what? Are you afraid of?

"Actually, Yes. I think this archway swarming подвыпившими teenagers, and now somewhere POPs up gang!

-And what then? — laughed Gladyshev.

-Speak softly! — Veronica was not seriously concerned. — What is! If you do not know that then. I Nghe hope even that you will be able to protect me.

Gladyshev shook his head.

-That the soul in the heel is gone?

Veronica neither answered, continuing to walk with Гладышшевым, looked around, like a frightened kitten. Gladyshev невольрно smiled.


-And what is the soul? she asked suddenly.

"A soul?.. Well, the soul is the soul.

-And it is there at all? They say the heartless. This is what, he has no soul?

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