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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-But why? It is a figurative expression,it denotes a person's character. Soulless — so cruel, treacherous, sneaking, бессострадательный. Is there a soul, no soul, is a mystery. Even in our Communist literature comes across this word., although it tried to avoid it, because party ideology does not allow to use this word: for her, it is inextricably linked with поповщиной, religion, God. And all this, as you know, dialectical materialism for a long time already denounced as not existing, fiction, through which the damned landowners and capitalists ддержали in obedience to the working people. And now, freed from the fetters of religious dope, our people confident stomping toward a brighter future... but for some reason circle becomes more and more poverty, ворюг and dirt.

Gladyshev sold and with idiot-mocking pathos declared his speech, pretending to so real a speaker at the podium some of the rally. Only the last sentence he uttered, as an outside observer under this platform, in a lower tone and changing his voice.

"What says the Communist ideology about the devil? — Veronica asked in the same spirit, taking game Gladysheva.

-And what she says, because the classics of Marxism-лениниизма with that phenomenon in the nature and society are not met, — Gladyshev said it, so funny bulging eyes and pouting important as Turkey, that she involuntarily burst out laughing, and he could not resist

However, the Veronica laughed briefly. If stumbled on some invisible obstacle or remembering something unpleasant, she suddenly stopped, changing face, and already, as if to now get serious and exhaustive answer depends on seemingly everything in her life, she asked:

-And what she says about selling this very soul to the devil?

Gladyshev, is clearly out-of-print and staying in the best of humor, like to continue your answers in the same rhetorically-издевательском spirit, then stopped and looked at the girl, slowly turning his head, as if seeing her for the first time and wanting to get a better look.

They walked already silently, not разгоываривая, although Veronica continued looking at Gladysheva, as if expecting an answer. But he is like the water in your mouth scored.

Dark street led to a prospectus, brightly lit, but the same deserted as all around.

-Went somewhere in the restaurant as you wanted? "suggested the girl.

-Go, — agreed Gladyshev. 'But why are you such questions you ask?

-What are these?


-Person has the right to ask any questions, isn't it?

-Yes, but usually these are always held back, or fit it more carefully. Not the way you straight.

Chapter 3. (012). (-> 022)

Zhora't want to go by train to Moscow. There were substantial grounds.

Of course, the train was short and pleasant to sit down at seven o'clock in the evening and woke up, go down with him at the Kiev railway station in the morning.

It was more pleasant than to hang a half hours in a legacy, the antediluvian turboprop Ana, cabin during the flight does not cease to tremble, and squeak, moaning and rattle all your seams and joints. Other planes in Moscow did not fly — was too close for some more comfortable, modern and high-speed machine.

In the train you can sleep in the cosy AFTERNOON, enjoy the evening in the restaurant or dinner in a compartment in a word, to travel with comfort and трясущемся and overwhelming plane all were equal.

However, despite this, Zhora was against travel by rail. The reason was a woman. Although he considered himself a man with good self-control, with it, he would not even randomly encounter.

She worked as an attendant, and in time Zhora spent a lot of time its charm and spent a stormy night in her bed, delighting in the next fleeting novel. With her and then he met, being a passenger in her car. She now worked, still, the conductor on the train.

All would be nothing, Yes girl, this was a rare приставучей. And George, feeling himself among women, as cheese in butter, it feared and dreaded. Having flighty and capricious character, she was unpredictable and unstoppable in their actions, and hold it in their hands was as impossible as to catch a hand flames. She's just as fire stared at each attempt to restrain her. May be it is about such people "fire woman".

Whatever it was, but from the memories about it by his convulsively передергивало. Because of it he didn't want to go by train.

Of course, you can know the к5аким numbers, which car rides this Alla, and choose to travel another day or another car, but his fear of meeting with her paralyzed his will. Learn about when and how Behemoth is going to Moscow — his knowledge almost the entire city, — it was much easier than he find out something about her. And she could easily change change to meet him on the train. Behemoth was afraid of this, because I knew she wants, and it does not stop nor the other day, neither car nor even the fact that he married. Find her Jora in the city was a thousand times more difficult than москуовском train.

Besides Zhora could not afford to stoop to cautiously interested when running some Alla-conductor. He was now one of those called "master city", and could not now give anyone a reason, even a hint to question his authority.

Alla could completely destroy anything, exposed to ridicule his reputation. And he couldn't help because that he had to fear wacky and wayward women, which was not considered to be with anyone and anything.

I must say that the credibility of the suffered damage.

Despite the fact that he вылоил the dispensation of his wedding fortune and throughout the week, watered and fed all the criminal and major audience of the city, arranging for its humour incredible by the standards of the province spectacle, this does not bring the expected result.

Some behind the eyes, and other urban aces and eyes told him his "Fi".

Fry авторитетосм smaller, large in number but after watching the capital city of artists and thoroughly попировав, disappeared without a trace in the bustle of the city, the next day, forgetting about gratitude.

To Zhora sometimes heard rumors. That many are unhappy with. He's married, although it seemed to him that this is his personal business. The town was indignant rumors: "How so, Hippo married?! By what right?! He broke an unwritten law..."

Leaving the young wife of the sea, Hippo secretly hoped that during his month lack of these conversations calm down themselves. However, when he returned, he was convinced that his expectations were not realized.

After returning from the sea, Zhora suddenly I was unpleasantly surprised that his secret store was stolen away, and no one could tell him who did it. This meant that he обобран almost completely. In his possession was only a small part of the state you could only buy a new six hundredth mercy, which he had long dreamed of, well, two or three months have not been afflicted.

Stolen was all Zhorin archive, which got him for the operation of the Beast. Invited them on the eve of authoritative experts on art and historical ценостям evaluated it in нгесколько million dollars. Right after that it started receiving offers on sale of available values. First he kept putting it off, but then seriously decided to engage their implementation on arrival after the honeymoon.

And now it turns out that all stolen. George managed to sell лишьнезначительную part долкументов, the proceeds from which the funds устрил luxurious wedding and round-the-world honeymoon, Yes something else was put in the Bank for a rainy day, which suddenly came.

No one seemed knew nothing about it. George felt some not that plot around them for the widespread fear and desire to be away from the case.

Some information left him faithful people still out. Traces of the incident led to Moscow. Deal with москвичамии anyone in the city was too tough. George knew that he himself will have to go to Moscow and seek tips and links for the resolution of this case. The chances of a success were insignificant, and Zhora all pulled and pulled with the decision to go to war. He could not even approximately estimate heard his opponent, but he knew that his possibilities are not comparable to go with the capabilities of the enemy.

However, from his hands glided million state. And he could not, no matter how convinced his people close to him, with этисм be reconciled. The second chance to get such a wealth he had hardly ever introduced himself would.

In the end, when the circumstances closely priperli it to the wall, he told Veronica that they are in the next Friday go to Moscow.

-Who will go? she wanted to know.

-I think that nobody, " he replied, but then he asked, seeing that the young wife is not arranged. — Whom would you like to bring to you not to be bored. Only a little, because we have temporarily limited resources.

Veronica evaded a direct answer:

I don't know, of course, you have some business in Moscow, but do you yourself there's no need?

George hesitated, then replied:


-Gladyshev? "inquired Veronica.

It felt strange decision, because Gladyshev, in her opinion, was a mattress with a strange nature, difficult to communicate.

However Behemoth suddenly it seemed that Gladyshev was the man he needs in Moscow. He will "guard" with his wife, keeping her company, while hippopotamus will do your business, not attempting upon her charms. If you take some friend Veronica, they start to seek adventure. Therefore, until his face Veronica was stretched out using astonishment, in the Hippo lightning matured in the head of such a cunning plan:

-Yes, Gladyshev, and what? A bad guy?


-No. You just don't know, — Zhora mysteriously smiled to himself. — No, he's really not as bad as it seems.

Veronica said nothing. She just curled her sponge, then she turned and went into the other room. From there she continued the conversation:

-I would like to go out to somebody else.

-Who, for example? — George followed her.

-Well, at least Fix or a Nail...

"Then, let's take and Rafter, he added.

She evil flashed at him and eyes: got to be kidding me! — Zhora broke off, changed the tone of the conversation.

-Okay, okay, they, too, go with us... but only later... In Moscow, I may need a machine. Now, Fix, Nail her пригонят then when we get there then we settle in. Well?

Not giving Veronica recover, he called and booked tickets: two HOLY and one compartment. Then suddenly remembered about Alla-was guiding them and thought "Oh, to hell with it!"

In the evening Behemoth called Гладышеву that will take him on месячишко-another one, and he immediately agreed: he had some trouble with his parents. Zhora had heard something about the fact that this moron perpetrated the house was on fire.

Friday night Nail took them to the train station Жорином "Merce".

-See more careful with the machine! warned him goodbye Hippo, giving the keys to the garage and apartment. — Escort is not necessary.

He knows that he will visit Moscow? — Veronica asked, when the Nail is gone and they were three on the platform.

-Знвает lied, Zhora.

-But I thought he nor sleep, nor spirit knows about this yet.

-You that, Gvozdeva't you know?! This is a real master of equanimity.

Veronica calmed down, apparently believing the Hippo, and began to examine standing around people waiting for trains.

Gladyshev stood a little aside, it was clear felt uncomfortable, just not hitting on my plate. The night was damp and cool, it was easy баллоневая jacket as if he hastily ran out of the house for half an hour, dressed easy, not by the weather.

To give Гладышеву that he should not from them отмораживаться, George said to him:

"Are you there, article оишь, as a poor relative?

-No. What? I am nothing, — said Dima, flustered.

-You, ' Feller', what it's dressed, not in season? or forgot that we are going? "asked George, протягива him the ticket.

Veronica intercepted ticket and looked in, asked:

"What we coupe go?

-No, in the AFTERNOON. This Gladyshev in the coupe will go.

Veronica looked at Jora:

-You that, money is a pity?

-No, I just think that they should ride the lower class.

-What, are you crazy?! What kind of staff?! He's our — well, no friend, buddy!

-So what?! 'retorted Behemoth. — I have invited him to Moscow as an employee, and therefore, I think...

"What the employee?! "inquired Veronica.

George tried to turn the conversation into a joke, but Veronica started up. She gave him back his ticket and a commanding tone of voice announced:

-So, or else you will go in the coupe, and we Гладышшевым in the AFTERNOON, or go to sleep alone I.

I still tells ь you? "exclaimed George.

-Yes, imagine that! It's time to compile your upbringing!

"Hey, Veronica, right, do not worry! "Gladyshev. — I had a great ride and купе.я never went to the Suite, and I don't want...

-Never gone — then you go! — dismissed him Veronica. And, in General, Gladyshev, I fuss for you, but not covet you vstreval in the conversation! I know with her husband. If I said "no!", so I said "no!", — she turned to Жоре. — You understand?!

George realized that I found a rock spit. Moreover, he felt guilty for honeymoon which was not entirely successful. So he handed her two tickets in the army and threw Гладышеву:

-With things restrain himself.

Filed train. Passengers crowded to the doors of the cars.

George took the ticket in a compartment car and looked at the number of the car: "Thirteen!" he was surprised, because when he took the tickets didn't think that the coupe will have to go to him. He took his diplomatic and went with him to look for the thirteenth car, leaving Veronica and Gladysheva the suitcases on the platform.

Looking up at the entrance of the train car, Zhora saw a Alla. She smiled:

-Meeting! Nice to see you again! — she threw up her hands.

-Me too, " he replied sheepishly, knowing that hundreds of eyes now made them the centre of its attention.

"Now the new rumors around is guaranteed!" he thought. He did not want the simple people used it its name for круэкой beer and chewed as жевачку on every corner.

However, Alla like trying now in all, arranging принародное show:

-Hippo, how are you nothing? — it familiarly opened her arms and made a step closer to him, if he were going to throw himself on his neck, but he pulled her полутливым gesture, feeling in a stupid position.

-What are you, as a native, Alla, climb, climb cuddle? he had to take a humorous tone, taking her game, not to look like a moron.

-Didn't I give you all this time? Alla cheeky to him climb, and he приходидлось every time дурашливоотпихивать her. — Didn't I give you all this time?!

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