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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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The boy whose name was Semik, considered it necessary to warn new — companions. After length and jog, intensive for usually person, his voice sounded muffledly, because of heavy breath.

— There is a lot of guards, it surrounded unfinished walls, but there is a chance to make the way almost imperceptibly to the city.

— How to lull to the guard? — Asked Dashingly.

— Look more attentively at a wall!

Really, on it almost naked people pottered about. They were adjusted by supervisors in chain armors, ruthless blows of long scourges. Probably slaves hastily completed a high and thick wall, the young city.

— Over there, where children work, there is my elder brother. — Specified the Semik.

Dashingly roughly interrupted.

— What he forgot there. You think, we will release it?

— No, I do not ask it, four more years and it will lower. For debts, it was handed over in slavery by parents, so many do. War was not for a long time, at all the special tax here is a lot of children from everyone and rent to pay off. — The boy explained.

— That to us before! — Razorvirov contemptuously twisted lips.

— We are still children, but strong, and they have an urgent work, there are not enough people, war began. I and one of you we will work one change, and the others will be let the policeman in the city. If during this time the others return, then will allow to go home temporary sloggers. — The Semik beggarly looked at Razorvirov whom, he considered as the main thing, despite all elegance and presentability of Caress.

Dashingly grinned.

— It seems that we are held for imbeciles. Let's better break with fight, unless there is no other way to be thrown through a wall.

— Stop killing. I will work a vsmest with it, and you get into the city so far. We as it is in this world narazrushat very much, something useful to make is necessary though. — Vladimir butted in.

— Here is how, go, work, the altruist, the hypocrite mokronosy. It is clear, why you are people our slaves. — Dashingly even waved a fist nearly having touched a face of the friend.

Tigers wanted to hit it, but restrained:

— Weakness of people it and my weakness!

— Perhaps you will battle against me, strong now! — Dashingly again krutanut a fist near a nose Vladimir.

— No! — The boy from Earth was firm. — I gave up violence!

Really, where they will not pass a problem everywhere, it is necessary to calm somehow conscience. It was resolved it is extremely trivial. The head of guards did not deceive, having left two, passed Dashingly and Caress to the city though the last looked very brightly. Having roughly felt relief muscles of Tigrov, richly dressed healthy fellow it is satisfied slipped:

— As a stone, probably the strong, tempered guy. If you well work, we will not beat you.

Though Semik was a robust fellow, in comparison with sculptural and relief Vladimir too, seemed almost the clodhopper. Tigers worked with enthusiasm, perhaps, even with excessive eagerness. Because of it lashes came the way also of other slaves because they seemed sluggards. When led for lunch, forced to be washed carefully in a streamlet, hygiene above all. Fed rather not bad, climate almost ekvatorialno soft, the earth as down. The harvest can be reaped all the year round, perhaps, even overproduction of agricultural production.

— It and my brother. — Whispered the Semik.

The brawny fourteen-year-old guy with tired not on age the person, sad with a big black eye, raised the close-cut head. Was surprised:

— You what here you do?

— Were employed on a side job the brother. — The Semik smiled.

— You are idiots, you will be branded and held to majority and that if the need in slaves is not impatient. In the south there was a new kingdom where willingly buy us. — The boy lowered a voice and almost in a whisper said. — Extremely seldom temporary slaves after the expiration come back. Usually blame of them that worked insufficiently, or were insolent to owners, or even non-performance of labor norm which is determined by desire of owners. And term is charged on new, and even forever in a yoke.

Other little boy confirmed, having shown flogging traces on a wide back:

— This also waits for you.

— Do not worry, we if that, we will run away and release all of you. — Said Vladimir in half-voices.

— Baby talk, you see a triangle on a shoulder, this brand of the temporary slave. To draw one more line, and you are a slave on eyelids. — The fellow quietly added. — Here yet not the hell, fresh air, normal food, and work though it is heavy, but we are accustomed to it almost since the birth. We maintain and can long live. — In a voice of the boy fear notes — appeared And if never transfer to mines where the terrible stench from torches and excrements, and places is deeper poisonous evaporations, then the strongest and hardy slave more than two years, will not hold on, the majority dies in the very first weeks and months so for replenishment of left send to mines of disobedient slaves. And useful at children there the chance to be above, than at adults, vel small is easier to move or push the cart on narrow mines and adits.

Though also understood Tigers that this boy is right, but it was absolutely quiet. At a chlenistonogy monkey sadist, the slavery was heavier, than on a surface, and in mines and mines with their labyrinths of various courses and holes, he a name superhuman abilities will always manage to be exempted from fetters and to leave. From where confidence? The hyper plasma computer as recorded with the hard drive to it in a brain the program of orientation in various vaults and the most cunning labyrinths.

When to them burned out brands, pain was felt, is weakened as if in a freezing, Vladimir did not even frown, and here the newly-baked slave Semik screamed, it is unpleasant when skin is ironed the heated iron. For it change obviously dragged on, it was forced to work also in the following turn, and at the heaviest site. An award for labor enthusiasm, right for overtime work and mix of the gratuitous, begun to rot vegetable and fruit wish-wash, which at so generous climate and so not where to put. And only when for a short time all stars were behind the horizon, allowed to have a sleep a little. Other children slaves gloated over where to find still such fool, itself got into a heavy yoke. However, on the contrary felt tigers happy, even blows a lash were for it a joy. Hard sticking, he made an atonement ceremony for numerous murders, is not present just kind by nature heart to the boy, to bear all this in soul. And if muscles slightly shivered for fatigue, council felt much more quietly.

Dashingly and Caress considered storm of the striped black-red palace of the very duke meanwhile. The frontal attack was too risky, one guards several thousands of fighters here. And in the city of troops more than hundred thousand, apart from fighting monsters.

— One fighter, and all in an antiworld. — Giggled Fruit drinks.

Dashingly squeezed, unclenched fists.

— The divine authority can use.

— And how we will prove to them? Again we will allow to utykat ourselves arrows. There is no teleimage here, and the savage they will not believe you! — Caress out of place put out the tongue.

— And you are already such abrupt. Be at us a force field, and heavy luchemeta, we would cut off all twelve towers beams. However we still have a charge, with a roar lupany and they will run up. — Dashingly it was ready very in a fighting way.

— You were ionized. It is the big city if the effect of savage fear and panic does not work, we will be badgered as rats. — Logically the little girl noticed.

— What do you advise, to recede and be given? — Dashingly very clearly showed extreme extent of contempt.

— No. To reconnoiter and find vulnerable points.

On streets of the big city it was full to the people. Here it is visible, it is more than poor and dirt than in the first city. You look, you see beggars, cripples, patients, however it is in any settlement, only here is much stronger, is evident. Though in this world nevertheless grow old not so considerably and throwing into eyes, as in the terrestrial Middle Ages. Tells influence of ancient genetic modifications human. But it from generation to generation weakens, and unfortunately deplorable results of degradations are visible. Having pointed to the wrinkled, hunched old women Dashingly, did not keep and loudly said:

— What ugliness. The crumpled effigies the pathetic parody to great race. Well, you look, unless our women will dare to look so ugly.

— Dashing it is atavism, primitive level of a degeneration. — And most it was very opposite to caress to look at this muck.

Do tell? — It was twisted, without having understood Dashingly.

— It have no our improved genetics, with superregeneration. Therefore hairless primacies are crippled and rumpled. Sympathize with old savages. — Indulgently declared a stelznak.

— Such freaks, have no right to be similar to our greatest nation. When we break to the brothers, this backward planet will be smoothed out! — Dashingly again began to sit down on a game, speaking inexcusably loudly.

Their obscure exclamations drew attention of people. Indignation voices were heard. Someone proorat.

— Mad foolishes!

— Why you drew attention! We are better annihilated. Come to camouflage level. — Caress shouted, having forgotten that to mask, only it can one.

Dashingly however did not find anything the best how to cut a leg from a turn to the closest policeman. The blow had in a breast and slightly deafened a detinushka. And here the mini-soldier was not lucky, his naked heel got into the sharp thorn which is sticking out of a bib. Bol was slightly made sober by Razorvirova, and he managed to whisk a pike in crowd. As the policeman lifted shout not at once, children managed to leave on safe distance. Caress slightly stopped by in an ear to the friend.

— Constantly you ask for trouble, you should be handed over in slavery. You want that we disgracefully died.

— These primitive creatures, we still have to be afraid! — The boy was very angry.

— Think better how to get into the lock and an underground jail. Nam Likho, it is necessary to go down in a vault, will not begin to support prisoners in imperial rooms. — Caress pointed a finger down. And quietly not absolutely to the place tender tone, added:

— Let's get clothes and documents. Let's pass as servants or guests. Then we will get lost in corridors and down, for our skills it is real. I have a minicomputer, I in the first-aid kit carry it, itself know a standard set, we will count on it rules of war and cunning...

However the tiny cybernetic device did not give life signs. Luchemeta also on zero, a look sat down, spending ultracurrent for unnecessary games. Eh thoughtless childhood!

— Plazmodrakon to me in a jaw, it is necessary to work at own risk.

The first attempt was extremely primitive on execution, couple of blows in the poorly populated place to the head and the children suitable by the sizes were neutralized. However, seemingly, it were servants of the lowest rank, and fastidious Caress demanded to disinfect clothes. Dashingly, eventually spat and declared that this the plan to be no good better, to get into the lock illegally. The task was complicated that besides numerous protection approaches to the palace protected Tanko Tigers and smaller Buld-lemury.

— Let's cut off several reptiles the laser, panic will begin and on the quiet we will get through in the lock.

— At us only one loaded luchemt, and stay can drag on, spend the last trump on creatures here. — Caress objected.

— No, you have still a gamma gun. And as far as shots at it a charge? — Blinked the eyes Dashingly.

— This can scribble very long. I do not know precisely, several hours of the most forced fire and in tens times more quiet are possible. From the point of view of energy consumption, the gamma weapon repeatedly surpasses in profitability laser and a little gravio-laser. — Caress declared.

— Give it to me! Let's cut down sentry animals, and people to deceive not a task! — Offered Razorvirovyu

Caress did not begin to object. It is decided what an optimal variant will fire from roofs. It was necessary to choose the position invisible from very tall almost hundred-meter walls of the lock and higher towers. Razorvirov stated idea.

— Well, to get ropes. Vladimir told that thus in ancient times of an arkanila of enemies.

— I know, the instructing loaded into a brain — conducting combat operations with use of make-shifts in the conditions of lack of the modern regular weapon. — Mechanically Caress said.

— And to throw a loop, you are able? — It was twisted Dashingly.

— I was not taught! — Honestly the girl answered.

— Me too, what mistake! — The boy frowned.

— To us on only seven cycles. We should also not, all to be able in primitive military operations. — Caress was stirred up.

— All right, he agrees, not all at once. On rings I am able to throw, not an essential difference. — Dashingly in one jump, broke roofs a rope.

— I am able too, maybe, we will throw on wall tooth? — The warrior offered, without cunning inventions getting herself a lasso.

— At first we will eliminate monsters.

Having taken a position, Dashingly opened fire on defeat. Scale radiation infuriated Tanko tigers. Usually obedient animals ran up on the city. From mouths bloody saliva flew, beautiful five-color striped skin became covered by bubbles, and pieces fell from enormous well-muscled bodies. In the city terrible panic began, large and small animals tore people in hundreds. On suppression of the enraged creatures thousands of knights chained in heavy armor were thrown. Enormous animals with sabers canines rushed on knights, unstitching and tormenting as people, so elks and deer. The soldiers who are usually chained in heavy armor preferred more powerful elks. In fight of a horn not bad help. Two knights in gilded armor were less than the others, but on unicorns. Apparently it, were very notable noblemen.

— Look Dashingly. What they small, probably princes. And armor just to us by the size. Give a lasso, we will lasso them. — The Caress pleased with unexpected luck offered.

— Radiantly! Let's choose a moment when they are lost from a look. — It is dashing crept as if the Indian.

Long it was not necessary to wait. One of wounded Buldo-lemurov, managed, having broken off a spear and to have a bite forward legs to a unicorn. The little gilded soldier fell down, and his companion dismounted and tried to extend the companion. The others were too keen on fight. Enormous Tanko tiger in spite of the fact that several copies pierced its hulk, jumped up, and having broken off a spear, tumbled down the closest knights. The others amicably snatched on a furious monster. At this time even not struck with Tanko Tigers' radiation rushed in fight attracted with the stupefying blood smell so the moment was suitable. Self-confident it is dashing it was succeeded to throw with a lasso only from the third attempt, and Caress coped with the second. Knights were quite heavy and ropes cracked, cut skin, but fortunately it was succeeded to drag nevertheless prisoners on a roof. Razorvirov sharply hit the dense knight on a face, a magnificent elaborate helmet flew, having opened the growing bald head.

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