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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Passengers were standing round him as dead, fascinated by the sudden drama.

George glanced in the direction of Veronica and Gladysheva.

Gladyshev toting bags to the train, and she stood there with her arms folded and watching. "That's screwed!" "thought George.

Проаводница Alla took advantage of the fact that he was distracted, and covered her arms round his neck and hung on her and highly raising ago feet in shoes.

-Will you be tonight sleep with me, honey? quite loudly she asked.

-No, no, he couldn't figure out how to answer her what to say, how to behave, because once the ears dipped in shit. — I go in the thirteenth carriage, — what he said.

-Also, the food in the thirteenth carriage — rubbed her nose on his cheek Alla, my blue-OK!

Alla intercepted him an anxious glance and she realized where he looks:

-A-a! You are said to be married! Hear, hear! And there, perhaps your wife! she pointed out her arm, pointing in the direction of Veronica, and many pairs of eyes, that for them, they turned their attention there.

Veronika, демостративно spit, turned away and went after гладышевым to the carriage of ST.

-Well, well, well! — continued shamelessly shout Alla, still hanging on the one hand on Жориной neck. — Now we are proud! See you! Look at her! What is it you, Hippo, with his wife in the different cars you eat?! She won in the tenth, in the Suite, and you're with me, in the thirteenth! Or can't afford?! Or do not want to together?! Or you came to me, my iris?! Not forgotten, then, old friend?! Not change, it means that for a wife!

He dropped it with himself, shook like a pear. "Ославила bitch, thought George. — Would now Roger, this insolent, either muzzle, Yes witnesses too much.

-So, comrade solutions·! — choking back in anger, he turned to her. — Stop to misbehave in the workplace! It is your responsibility to check tickets and run into the carriage of passengers! Be kind to this and do not do unnecessary performance!

Oh, what a serious! — deliberately nasal voice said Alla. — Comrade Explorer! Perform his duties! And as I was pulling in a compartment on the way to Moscow and back, and even without a ticket — there was a comrade Explorer, there are already "Allochka, deary, berry, flower! ugh.

Alla spat at his feet, and completed its so great.

"Come on, let's hurry it up! — she shouted at the passengers, standing at the entrance to the car. "Well, come with tickets, Yes fast: all aboard!

Passengers fussing, steel grab bags and suitcases, look for tickets. Mourners also like awoke, took leave with them. One Zhora aloof stood in the midst of this оживившейся in time after shout Alla crowd and did not know what to do now: Veronica saw everything trip to Moscow was a spoiled, not having had time to even begin.

"Maybe to go to another day?" thought Zhora...

Whatever gets you? Come on in, "comrade passenger" already in a soothing tone turned to him Alla when he stood alone near the car.

-Why did you do it? asked her powerless frustrated voice Zhora. — Why?

The young woman took his ticket:

-Oh, really! Thirteen! Destiny! It's not me, it's destiny, how did! It measles, and I don't! I am a girl freestyle, language from me, in General, does, as pomelo works, only manage! Come on, come on in!

Closing her eyes, Zhora climbed the ladder in the vestibule of the car, just the ladder scaffold. In his head, something unimaginable happened: all went wrong, if someone wanted to make her a mixer and knead it his own brains, adding a good portion of shit.

He went to his compartment. With the bottom shelf stared at him three pair of watchful eyes.

"They saw everything! he thought. — What a horror! How much will now rumors! Ославила, ославила, bitch!"

His place was top: he had ordered the ticket Гладышеву, that didn't bother him.

George, what буркнув "Good evening!", immediately climbed up on the top shelf, threw his head shelves diplomat, lay down and there calmed down, lay low like a mouse. Perhaps, the first time for a long long time, he didn't want to hear it and to see him, and he wouldn't make a sound, that it was impossible to stop, sounds of life of his body. Long ago he had not experienced such humiliation.

So, lying prone on the незастеленном mattress, and then he slept, being in complete and derogatory embarrassment.

However, Alla never thought ооставлять him alone.

He woke up in pain. Someone squeezed his left ankle sides with two fingers, nails which, long and sharp, deep and painful dug into his flesh.

George raised his head. The compartment was dark, but ддверь in-lit corridor was opened, and there stood Alla.

"What else? he hissed спросоня, wanted to use curse words and even give her a kick in the ass, for which he was not too lazy to even get off the shelves.

"Comrade passenger"we неззастелененых beds prohibited to sleep! — said Alla, buy lingerie, застилайте and then sleep!

Cursing himself, George reached into his pocket, but Alla stopped his hand:

-Okay, слазь! 'mon, I'll tea treat.

Her voice was friendly, welcoming and even inviting, and George didn't wait, when it will be hysterical notes, and she threw him in the night another scandal. He was not long in coming, and outraged groaning down.

They were in her compartment.

Zhora had a presentiment that tea is just a pretext, and because I was not surprised when, barely closed the door, she began to undress.

-Could not buy a ticket, is what she said.

-I don't know that you're going to go, " he replied soothingly.

They both undressed and sat on the bottom shelf of a little five minute walk from each other. In the compartment through the crack between the door and the floor got the cool air, and George felt that зябнет and covered with goose bumps, large crawl.

I really would not hurt anything to drink, " he told her, dropping my eyes on his hands, bristling armour bumps.

-That cold?" — surprised Alla.


-Do you want me you tea treat you?

-Yeah. Without sugar and welding, " he agreed. — Do you have?

Alla knew it for tea.

-There are, and how! The road is a necessary thing, she stood up from the shelf, opened the door, went, as was, naked, into the corridor, came to the emergency coupe.

George looked out into the corridor. It was empty. But here at the far end, appeared grandmother, coming apparently from the toilet. Hardly feet, grab bars and staggering from pitching the car, she went down the hall.

In this time of standby coupe jumped in the buff, a conductor with a bottle of vodka.

Seeing her grandmother withdrew and stood still, almost открещиваясь, exactly in front of her was himself the Antichrist. Alla, too, saw her and said:

-Cho stared, Granny? Al't you see that I ябуся!

"Foldable happened" — George grinned.

Chapter 4. (0221).

In Moscow the train arrived without delay, at ten in the morning. Alla woke him up in advance and went through the car, and calling loudly after the usual:

-So, the citizens! Rise, rise! Moscow! Go!..

This time she was dressed.

Zhora still for a minute or two sweet потягивался under the bed sheet and blanket. He would even take a NAP.

Although the night was sleepless, he was pleased and experienced great pleasure.

From the corridor of the car voices:

A daughter of tea?"

-What I am to you, daughter? — resented in response Alla somewhere very close. — What you tea?! Moscow already! Moscow!

Alla went to the coupe and asked him:

-Why you lie? Get up, get dressed, now Kofu you will drink.

Zhora stuck his legs out from under the warm blankets and put them back. Under the blanket, it seemed to him even cosier and warmer than before. The air in the car was in the morning is fresh, cool.

"Listen, there's no frost, by chance? — familiarly he asked Alla.

-Now look, she said, and clave to slightly запотевшему window nose.— Yeah, sort of. Hmm, four days ago I was travelling — it was warm. Okay, enough of my teeth talk! Come on up, come on! Come now.

"That woman?" he wondered again in a row and reluctantly climbed from under the blanket, looking around in search of his underwear. Ежась from autumn coolness, he started to dress.

Alla leant out into the corridor

-So! Citizens of passengers! Moscow! Moscow! Quickly rent lingerie! Take tickets who need!

In the coupe had someone's kinda person. Alla enforced by the curious on to the corridor:

"Come in, that has risen? Guy naked't seen that?

Kinda the face disappeared, and Alla continued to groan:

-We rent linen, linen rent! Citizens of passengers, hand over the underwear! — shouted she chanted, and in its Russian pronunciation закрадывалась melodiousness of the Ukrainian language (even Alla was from somewhere in the Kursk region, but has long lived in Ukraine).

"Now I, too, кацапка vociferous!" thought George, pulling socks.

When he donned the suit, the process of linen is already over, and Alla poured two glasses of titanium hot water for coffee.

-Wash? she asked over her shoulder.

-You can, " he replied, and stepped out into the corridor.

At the far end of the toilet crowded turn with towels, soap holders, razors, combs, tubes, toothbrushes.

Alla set it on the table glasses of boiling water in the metal Cup holders, threw them in one spoon of instant coffee and a few pieces of sugar.

"Come, I will toilet open, " she said to him.

She opened the toilet near the duty coupe, блистевший dazzling purity, and even with the hot water in the tap.

"Hey, there, too, right? asked George about toilet in the opposite end of the corridor.

Alla скептичеси explicitly grimaced:

-What then? Okay, you're here умывайся, I'm going to close, pushing all sorts.

From the corridor came the sound and from behind the door came the voice of Alla: "This toilet is not working! So what that you passengers? And I don't want to! Because I do not want to! Yes complain! Anyone you want! But I am your faces to remember! And then see what happens! Aha!"

Zhora slowly washed under this abuse, brushed his teeth, then lowered his pants and wash your swollen and посиневший member.

When he came out, Alla still усмиряла passengers, something shouting, swearing and waving in front of their faces empty bottle from them drunk the night of vodka. Passengers retreat under the onslaught.

He called her. She turned around, went quickly, and the key of the closed toilet:

-All финит a La комедьон! Расходись!

Passengers aside: the battle for second toilet ended with a victory of the conductor.

When they were alone, he sipping her strong coffee, said to her as a compliment:

-If ever I suddenly someone ask me to show him a real live Bolshevik, I tell him: "Bolshevik show (but I большевичку me to show you there!" You исчезай didn't die, okay?

"All right, " laughed Alla and sat on his lap. "You're not angry at me for yesterday?

He paused for a moment, and then said:

-If and angry, not as bad as yesterday!

When George came out on the platform of the Kiev station, where fussed passengers, greeters and носльщики suddenly felt happy. From yesterday's upset did not remain also a trace.

Veronica and Gladyshev stood on the platform with suitcases and waiting for him.

Zhora caught porter, beating his triple the price of some old ladies, and together with the trophy went to him.

Veronica демностративно turned away. Гладышел muttered, "Good morning."

Zhora was in an excellent mood. Metropolitan air intoxicated his premonition of luck, and he decided that nobody will mess up today it a good mood. He silently pointed to a porter on the suitcases, and when he put them on the truck, went measured and walked beside him.

Porter all accelerated, and George sought to keep up with him, so soon he had to flee. From the side it should have been funny, and his good mood somewhere in the air.

Veronica and Gladyshev caught up with him already at the taxi stop, where stood a huge queue.

Taxis drove rarely, and the queue was moving slowly.

Next there was a multitude of "empty", taxis available, but rarely up to them, because their owners ломли triple price against the established government of the tariff.

Zhora was not going to lose precious time, invitingly waved his hand, and, a moment later, one of the eternally empty "wheelbarrows" taxied out and reached his suitcases.

Agreed on the price, Zhora villages ahead, speaking to the taxi driver : "at The hotel!", turned around and took a couple, Veronica and Gladysheva, усевшихся in the back seat.

-And you are nice to look together, " he remarked, not jokingly, not ironically referring to Veronica.

-Thank you, quietly, cracking voice said Veronica. "You, too yesterday looked good with that thing around his neck.

"But, but! Why оскоорбления? "exclaimed George.

-Yes to the fact that at least now, when you have a wife, could settle down. Sufficient for our honeymoon, and you acted like last паскудник!

-Well, again, insults!

-You'd better tell me who it is?!

-Who?! — pretended not to understand, George.

-Last night thy neck, hang? — angrily said Veronica.

-Ah, this! The conductor. Alla name. My former Friend...

-The former? The former! What is she thy neck, rushed, as a native?

She greetings. She all on the neck is thrown.

-To whom is it all?

-Yes to all!

"Are you meet her yet? — offended her sponge young wife.

-No, of course not! As you can! Yes she's my first time in six months saw. Because, probably, and обрадывалась!

-Yes, so happy that me in your presence began to insult it, and you quietly listened to.

-Not easy, why, I just know that she greetings!

"Does that mean you can insult me! Never! And you'll listen to it!

-Well, why not...

-All, I don't want to talk to you, " Veronica turned toward the window.

Zhora digress from нприятной conversation, all the overwrought turned to the driver and asked:

"Chief, you're us, strictly speaking, are you taking?

-How much? In hotel.

-But in what? Something we long drive!

"You didn't say which.

-Yes, and you and glad to spin the wheel! Not a penny will get on top of what the agreed understood! And now we can at least until tomorrow to carry!

-But for such money can be up tomorrow! apologetically answered drove.

-Well, well! What would you advise? also softened Zhora.

-In Central — not immediately advise you to stop.

"Why not?"

-There are many people and expensive!

-A lot of people in good and expensive hotel is nice!

-Well, then go to "Russia" or "Metropol", — agreed the driver.

-And on the edge of a good hotel? — Zhora thought Veronica with Гладышевым will be better accommodated in a remote area, but good hotel, and he himself sit somewhere in the middle it will be safer for her.

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