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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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"Yes, " nodded the taxi driver. — I can offer "Cosmos". There luxurious hotel, quietly, calmly. Room — upper class, restaurants, bars, casino. To the airport "Sheremetyevo" location, and to the city ring road MKAD near...

"Very well, " broke in George, " go ahead and get it!

In the hotel he scored two single rooms, presenting himself as the brother of the bride who decided to spend his honeymoon with the groom in Moscow.

Things Veronica and Gladysheva taken to the rooms. Their Zhora left in a taxi, saying the wife that the circumstances of the case will live separately for security purposes.

Then they all went down to the restaurant for lunch after the road.

-All up to his room, take a shower after the road, change your clothes, go somewhere. I do not wait. Perhaps in the evening come — Zhora, rising due to the dining room table, trying to kiss her before leaving a wife, but Veronica without saying goodbye, defiantly stood up, turned and quickly walked to the Elevator.

After a while, Gladyshev followed her, буркнув "soon!", but Hippo brought him back, caught the hand and shoved two stacks of money:

-The thinner you, and this is conveyed to my wife. Don't mix them up! However, I know that you are an honest fellow, 't fail. Because of this, and take you with me! For Veronica look out, nobody close to it, do not let the act correctly... Well, everything, " he clapped him on the shoulder and first turned to leave.

Sitting in a taxi, George said to the driver:

"Now let us in "Metropol"hotel!

-Well you live, boss, " involuntarily taxi driver.

-None of your business! "said George. — Spin the wheel, I'll pay money for it.

In the evening all on the same machine Zhora again drove to the "Space".

My upstairs? "he inquired of администраторши.

-What is yours? in turn, she asked him with a challenge in her voice. — Here are all equal, "your-our" no.

-Young, which I day settled.

-A young! Now, let's see... Yeah...

Jora gave her tea and asked to order the room to the "bride" from the restaurant champagne, pineapples and "something light".

Having received a generous tip администраторша smiled and changed in the person. Now it Zhora read: "I am your forever!"

He very much wanted to reconcile with Veronica, make her forget all the old resentment. He thought promise solemnly, starting tonight, to lead a new life, which would be arranged it in all matters.

Rising up on her floor, he gently knocked on the number of Veronica.

She opened not immediately and showed that he felt when no joy.

"You can be? he asked, through the power of the smile.

-Very surprising that you all came, " she said, still посторонившись doors and thereby allowing the log.

-Why? he asked, entering the room.

-Because I generally forgot when you I paid attention at such a time since we got married.

-Yes, Yes, " he agreed, shaking his head. — But I promise to reform.

-Straighten up? I already it seems to be heard, and waved my hand Veronica and went in.

He shook off the shoes and followed.

-What did you hear?

-Your promises.

He walked up behind her and put his arm around his shoulders and put his palms.

Her shoulders were fragile and delicate. Under his fingers felt fine collarbone, which was flowing smooth, elastic skin of a young woman. He lowered his palms below diving under the dress, elastic, bloodshot, slightly rounded Breasts, which seemed to be oozing life, filled it with excess as ripe clusters of grapes. His fingers fumbled nipples, which from his touch began to swell oneself, like rosebuds, and the Breasts became firm and sharp, ready to touch the lips of the man or the baby.

Veronica, you're charming! he said an enthusiastic whispered, and kissed her neck.

-Thank you for this.

She stood there and waited.

Oh how much he would give anything to be in this moment passionate seducer, but the previous night burned out all his passion, and now he was devastated. Besides seducer driven by curiosity, which, art, many, many women, not long ago was. Rather, there it was, but it was направленым on the search for something new, and he suddenly afraid that Veronica so quickly tired of him.

...Two months ago he has experienced quite different feelings. It was not for him, and how many times it for different reasons and in different conditions, offered her proximity, this proposal whenever rejected, sometimes easy, sometimes unexpectedly strongly and firmly.

He flattered that she deceive ourselves nor his position or his condition, which with appetite hungry sharks watched a lot of his friends are women. He lost his head because he did not know how to gain power over it.

Until he heard rumors that Veronika meets a cadet or cadets, but he would not even admit the thought that someone could seduce her, if it failed to do him потратившему on this set of capabilities. Moreover, it was not under силукакому there student or students, who mostly do not have the money to just look into the restaurant, and, leaving the city, they ошивались and cheap beer, pub and eatery, where was present worthy of their level audience.

Once he did dare to ask her: does she have a boyfriend. Veronica replied evasively that there was, but not anymore. Then he asked bluntly, is there among her friends cadets

The conversation took place during one of their joint visit to the restaurant. He liked to take her out, although it didn't promise him anything that he wanted.

Veronica then looked at him strangely, apparently, trying to guess what he Жоре, know, and then agreed that familiar cadet she has, but it's a business acquaintance. Zhora objected which cases may have had with these вояками-оборванцами, but Veronica replied that there are things in which the financial situation does not play any role.

Later, shortly before the wedding Veronica led on his birthday a oborvantsa in which Zhora instinct felt "курсача". This riled him, but he gave no sign, and decided that finds relations later, when they go to his apartment to watch a holographic video. However, "курсач" slipped away together with Veronica directly from the restaurant, and a week later he again saw her state of Veronica's not allowed to know anything: she lost her grandmother, and she was not healthy.

He didn cadet not seen... until the wedding, where he had the audacity to appear. Zhora then decided not to spoil the celebration, but he didn cadet not seen.

Zhora somehow to the bone hated the military. The notion it was the people of the third grade.

In the army, and he had to serve in the paratroopers brigade, together with поббоями "grandfathers", as an infant with his mother's milk, and absorbed the hatred. He hated all military, but spetsnaz all-тааки raised above ground of rats, which, in his opinion, to fight do not know and разлложились fully from the drill, showmanship and idleness.

In the city stood artillery school, and because he was shaking with hatred to tremble at the sight of молокососов in military uniform.

As a teenager, he wanted to beat each of them. And sometimes he participated in a skirmish, when "grasshoppers" too запруживали discos and starting the availability of the swing right there.

Only one day, fate has made a cadet. He was five minutes to graduate. Жоре then it took a man from the outside, not from the city. And cadet to do this came in the best way possible. Later, a stranger he was going to remove.

Fix, then brought him Охромова that was owed him a large sum of money — card debt. For the work of the debt promised простить.и even pay a little more. And Охромов agreed.

I remember Жоре then immediately didn't like the idea because I thought that cadet can hardly do anything sensible, but he agreed — time is running out. And George was not mistaken. When people Fixes brought Охромова and paper, which he took for the Hippo from the archive, then it turned out that they simply decided to cheat.

Охромову was destined to become a suicide bomber, but furious Hippo ordered to punish him for last. However, as it turned out, Охромов sucked into this affair of his companion, which had to be released with the world and even pay him a cautious Hippo feared lest the stranger is not left somewhere all, that can later bring him: Охромова pre-checked and found that it no one really search will not.

However, Охромов then, too, slipped away completely incomprehensible way, probably guessed уготовленной him "retribution". Behemoth couldn't find it. Охромова looking for in school, came to the military Prosecutor of Kyiv, but did not find any.

In the end, "dust-free work", then charged Охромову, Жоре had to do myself. He personally went down in the secret archive committed his people, deciding now is that since it is so, then we need to take everything that was there, instead of the little bit that allowed him to take the Beast.

Two nights in a row they took the paper and loaded them into a specially prepared for this container.

The case was complicated by the fact that the old man, who guarded the archive, окзал resistance and killed two of his guys. Infuriated by this Zhora the old man chained to the front door chains and tortured until he gave up the Ghost.

After George waited for a month then. Nobody bothered about the incident. The beast disappeared again, and George was hoping for a long time, if not forever. He soon realized that the loot belongs to him now, and spending, selling a part of this, played a wedding with Veronica and used the easy money for its full enjoyment.

Chapter 5. 3.

Avenue was completely empty. They stood here already broken half an hour, and by not passed a single machine that Moscow was unthinkable.

Suddenly вдалекпе seemed burning lights, and soon it soon became apparent that this trolleybus.

"What do we do? asked Gladyshev.

-And where it goes? — Veronica asked, поежившись from autumn coolness.

-How should I know. Where-нгибудь get there.

Trolleybus was approaching. They hurried to the bus stop, but he apparently is not going to turn upon her to move with all speed to the second page. In the corner of the window Gladyshev saw the sign "The depot".

He waved his hand, but the driver shook his head and motioned ahead. Then Gladyshev rushed him to intercept.

Водительнажал on the brakes, but when I noticed that Gladyshev left side, again, added gas.

Using the fact that the trolleybus quite strongly slowed down, Gladyshev ran next door and when he overtook him, and took two big jump and, seizing the dangling ropes hung on them.

Стрельнув blue тскрой, arc away from the wires. Motor stopped howling and trolley bus stopped, take another few meters. Gladyshev at first ran away, and then almost running, stumbling, behind him, hanging on the reins.

When the trolley bus stopped, Gladyshev let go of the reins, rising to his feet. Arc soared up, one gets on pin wire, and the other flew straight up, swaying from side to side.

From the cab, jumped out mad and scared driver with white as chalk face:

"What do you want, do nothing?

-I you asked to stop. You would not. Had to.

-I'll show you himself! You're my запомнищшь as the trolleybuses rush!

In the hands of the drivers there gleamed вороненный Prut mount. Gladyshev stepped back:

'Well, uncle, calm down! — close Veronica. — Well, can подвезешь?!

Except to the nearest patrol cars or police station, " he said, clapping his helpless hands. — And your friend will свидетем how you trolleybuses бросаешься.

-Chief! "Gladyshev. "You see her friend all продрогла. I also because it stopped you. Though believe, though Nghe believe, half an hour stand, no cars are not passed. You first.

— Well, and what now? Can't you see: the depot? That, don't know how to read?

-But, пожаллуйста, chief, run!

-What do I taxi?

-So what to do? After all, no one machine?

Veronica walked closer. Noticing that it really'm cold, driver relented:

"Okay, where are you?

-Yes we go there, where more fun! In the restaurant some...

"Well, really!

-And what?

-Yes it did not wheelbarrow, and trolleybuses. He, by wire drives, but not where they want!

-Well, Yes, we'll take a closer look and we ourselves over there on foot reach.

-You bottle, climbed back into the cab driver.

-I think he'll kill you now, " said Veronica. — I never thought that you could to do it!

They traveled to Moscow in an empty and cold bus, скакавшем from line to line, with arrows on the arrow until finally braked at a crossroads.

-Now it is a little walk, turn to the right, there'll see in the cellar restaurant.

Gladyshev gave водиле money, and they went in this direction and soon found themselves in front of the entrance in the basement under the neon "restaurant — Bar".

In the locker room, they left their outer clothing and Gladyshev задержвался of mirrors, shook off the soiled pants and settling his hair. Veronica went to the ladies room.

To the right was a glass door in the restaurant. To the left is the entrance to the bar.

-First in the restaurant, and then to the bar-see " Veronica.

Hall of the restaurant was small and intimate. People were almost no видн, many people cannot afford were local rates.

Veronica and Gladyshev stopped in the doorway of the restaurant in расстеранности, curiously looking around the room.

Small tidy tables, covered with red-white, embroidered tablecloths. In the centre on each low reading lamp under the pink-and-yellow silk cap-shade. Four wooden chairs with carved backs.

To the appeared a waiter came up incredibly widely smiling. It was felt that clients do not indulge this institution.

Расспыаясь in любезностях, waiter escorted them to the liked Вероникпе table, courtesy pushed chairs, first with her and then him, and like a magician, extracts from nowhere menu imprinted , with a Golden border on the edge of a sheet of paper.

When he went away, leaving them for the study of dishes and snacks, Veronica sighed as she looked around, then with a smile said:

"I like it here.

Her face glowed with pleasure.

"Yes, " said Dima, rarely you can get into such a pleasant place. Only now, how much it would cost pleasure.

-Do not spoil it I mood slightly bent down over him Veronica. — I want to relax and unwind, and not to count money. They far I have!

-Well, I won't — but it continued to be a concern that everything here is very expensive, so it has nothing to мтог relax, to feel completely comfortable and well.

-What do you ерзаешь, as the needles? "resumed Veronica. — You, with your views you're sampling I ve mood! Last time, I say unto thee away from his thoughts about money. I know that they are crawling with you in it, as the worms! Look better here as cute as good here! Can't you enjoy it?

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