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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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"I can't, " he admitted honestly.


-Because it's not mine. It's like a beautiful, bright trap for such moths like you.

-Damn you, fool! "said Veronica. — Man, I almost spoiled the mood! Why have we come here? You now гундел himself? You wanted to go and sit in a cozy restaurant! To have you done one?

One would I here goes — Глладышев потупил opinion.

"And where would you go?


-Why do you say then to me, that want to go to a restaurant?

"I warned you that the only dream about it.

-Well, now, now your dream come true! Why you spoil the blood themselves and others?

To their table the waiter came up, with all her views of expressing willingness to serve our new customers. In his hand was a silver tray and a large white cloth.

-May I take your order? he asked, after a pause.

-In, a knight, order deme dinner — gave Veronica menu across the little table, Гладышеву.

He stared into it, and from the hard work of the brain, зациклившейся and deadlocked on his forehead was sweating. He read назвния dishes, but couldn't figure out what it is. Words are not аасоциировались with images of how he strained his memory.

Pause embarrassing was delayed, and because Veronica took from him menu:

-First, two winter lettuce, картофелль fries, бефстроганоф, pickles, red dry bottle and a Cup of good, fresh beer.

The waiter wrote down the order and left.

Veronique back into Гладышеву, blew out the lamp and hissed:

-Gladyshev, if you don't перестанешьтормозить and spoil my mood, I don't know what you'll do. Do you understand me?

"I know, " he agreed.

-Well, now smile!

He smiled. Veronica newly lit lamp:

"There! You can even wider! Well done, " she chuckled. — Now I'll almost love! If you're going to be smart.

When the morning they last left the restaurant he was so drunk that barely stood on their feet. Staggering and support Wai each other they strolled along the street, confessing to each other in the most absurd things. If Gladyshev was sober, you would have noticed that Veronika all the time called him Dima. And if she knew that happens, you probably remember that Gladyshev can be chivalrous gentleman, especially when asks her to handle, to help her climb after falling again.

The next дернь they found themselves quite dirty, broken, with empty pockets. As they got to the hotel could not remember neither he nor she.

Veronica was upset, she took to Moscow the small closet, and now ruined most of my favorite things, and now she had nothing to even pay for the dry cleaning.

The Gladysheva head раскалывалась half a day so that he couldn't talk.

-Wow, we had fun yesterday!— and then, and she was Veronica.

"Yes, " agreed Dima — mix beer, vodka, wine and champagne is very dangerous.

-I even do not go down to the restaurant to have lunch! And money penny!

-You can just go cadoo anything for a walk! "replied Gladyshev.

-I have no money for a walk I can't. It is very boring. For me it's worse than sitting in a room.

"Okay, " Gladyshev. — We'll sit in the hotel, and then.

-What then? Come Hippo and give us money, Yes? — snapped Veronica.

-Yes! You said yesterday: "Don't think about the money!", I don't think. And as soon as I stopped to think about them, they strangely disappeared. And now I happen to think where to get them! I am in Moscow at the whim of Hippo, so he provides me livelihood. Now I had a really good time and the house if your husband is not decided what to drag me to Moscow.

-I told you how many times I will speak to you never called Behemoth my husband? Do you last Chinese warning!

Why China?


-What then?

"Then? Then you'll see! But only that you don't like it, I promise!

Come lunch time, and Veronika still пришолось discreet to wear my dress, which she took just so, just in case, firmly to himself, knowing that wear it she will not have. However, the dress was useful. It was warm, wool, cozy, but already out of fashion, angular and discreet, so put it on Veronica experienced mixed feelings: on the one hand, she was good in it, but she felt psychological discomfort from немодного, clumsy, angular and low-key.

She пожаловадась on this Гладышеву, but Dima only shrugged. He was quite sober and did not remember the gallantry, which yesterday the knob and pulled her out of the mud, as well ka and that she had called him Dima.

Dine in the restaurant they went down.

His costume was too heavily soiled, but he, as he could, brushed it with a brush, and now the case is examined himself and caught every sideways glance in his direction. It seemed to him that everyone can see what untidy and затрапезном as is his clothes.

-Yes, — Veronica too caught him an anxious glance and, apparently, have interpreted it correctly, now we had to work hard before we can go out and see anybody.

-Let me постираю your things, offered her Dima without any enthusiasm, in fact, wash him didn't want

-Well, no, Dudka! "Veronica. — There is needed everywhere dry clean only, and you're their own hands only испаскудишь. They even watering once again impossible. And I have them in the dirt.

The hotel restaurant is not обладалтем comfort, which they ннаслаждались last night. Carried despite the pale pink curtains on huge, too light boxes, he was emasculated, gave казенщиной, and, if not deep armchairs at low polished table and nothing would differ from the dining room or cafe.

They ate well, Hippo guessed pay their table for the month ahead — again stood in the room.

-How boring, " said Veronica. — Wish he came."

-Better to say, wish we had the money.

-Not here, but I corrected it, Veronica, and, in General, you yourself, Gladyshev, too familiarly lead. If I let you something, it does not mean that I'm letting you all. And so I forbid you to afflict on any subject. Do not forget, please. Hippo pay you a salary. He gives it to me as much as he thinks fit as I think fit. And you your money should work it out, understand?

What way?

"You can't make a face, Gladyshev. You have to work off the money to fulfill my whims and desires, firstly, and secondly, not to stick their nose in their Affairs. Now get outta here.

She run him out of his room, and he went upstairs to the ninth floor.

Going into the room, he sat down on the couch and stretched his legs, scattered hands, now trying to figure out how to dispose of the received so unexpectedly freedom. Having made up nothing, he rolled over on his side, подкатившись to the edge of the sofa, pulled out from under him diplomat, opened it and began to examine its contents, amused by the fright as he is preparing to leave Moscow, which was prepared themselves for the journey. Among other unnecessary things in the diplomat lay boiler packet of tea and Bank with lump sugar, half-dry sausages, вспотевшая in a sack, which began to dry out a quarter of a loaf of bread.

He wanted to throw it all at once, but he was sorry he did not dare, and another long lay so near the edge of the couch, turning useless things and products.

"You must go to Moscow, just preparing to underground activity, with здевкой thought to himself, Dima, and then said aloud, to make it seem more frustrating. — How dare you!" "And anyway, what a moron. he thought to himself. "You fool, which is small. If it had not been болвном, he would not allow dispose of them, as a pawn, gave the driver to take me to Moscow. Yeah who you touch it? Nobody said that you had to go? What is called Behemoth? Little did what he said. And if he wanted you to leaped off the cliff or jumped into the fire? Would you do this?! Idiot, no, you натосящий moron. Well, you would say this Behemoth that can't go or just took and got down to the station. But no, you came like obedient sheep, as dumb sheep that dutifully goes to the slaughter, did not dare to contradict the owner!"

He took the diplomat all things. At the bottom lay a folder with his unfinished manuscript, on which he was going to work in Moscow, now he could only laugh at the stupid plans, which he built himself in the near future, надедясь that in Moscow he will have as much free time as the house.

Dima took a folder in his hands. From it darted out something white, spinning a little, like a falling leaf and went down on the floor, having flown under the sofa.

Dima reached for the white petal fingers caught it and held it up to the eyes. It was a visiting card of the publishing house.

How could he forget?! Also at the Moscow such an important thing, which, perhaps, will transform all of his fate.

Димак rapidly jumped up and exited leaped across the room. Then he ran, grabbed a handful of clothes, a mirror and hurriedly began to dress.

"As well, that I'm with her in the nick of time quarrelled, happily he thought to himself. — No, of course I would not, perhaps subconsciously, that we quarreled. But it can be very useful. I need now freedom!"

He принарядился as on date, again brushed his clothes, the most dirty place even wasted, rubbing the wet brush, and, not waiting until clothing высожнет, нвакинул on top of his балоневую jacket and ran out of the room, rapidly помчавшись to the Elevator.

, His face was inspired hope.

Chapter 6. (01) (3 or 5).

Every man given a tool, which, according to the Scripture, to use as you can воздержаннее and less. And every woman is given something to which this tool is intended and also, if we turn again to the Scripture, in the singular.

However, often, men and women do not know the Scripture, or try not to remember in the required time, allowing myself for the weakness and revealing the inability to resist sin, напирающему sweet lust, and while the tool and what he предназнгачается, are given only for procreation and pleasure felt in the process of their connection, is the only application designed to stimulate this God-honoring process, often all стаивться upside down. The desire to experience pleasure, and evading their responsibilities of parents, out of most people's first and only place, thereby giving rise to many evils. Children increasingly appear as random, Yes and undesirable consequence.

Man has forgotten to create the biggest miracle to give life to another person, exchanging it on Mercantile interest to the fact that considers the Creator, should not hold his attention and be the object of his lust, rolling in passion.

And there is one who is interested in this self-abasement men, blinded by carnal lust, passion and разнузданностью that prevent the emergence of children requiring some to what restraint and, if not decency, the orderliness of their relationship. Probably поэтомуве lecherous ladies hate children: strangers, but especially his own. They openly interfere till the old age.

Behemoth was tormented. Lying near the cold, бесстрастрной wife, he knew not what to do, couldn't sleep, for I don't want to sleep, and was, moreover, сильнго excited as events of the past day and a recent, only that occurred quarrel with Veronica, who now, as it seemed to him, slept with his face to the wall. In addition, no matter what, he wanted to women, but for how long he could not achieve vicinity of Veronica, which after the wedding and honeymoon, проведнного on the black sea coast, there was a dramatic change: it's cooled off of him so quickly and сосвсем unexpectedly. He was not understand the reason of such discord between them, and because he threatened him with their uncertainty.

On the one hand, Veronica, as argued by George, could really скурвиться and while he was distracted Affairs, went to the side somewhere and found there the satisfaction of his passion.

But he very much wanted to believe that by believing so, he completely заюлуждается.

And yet, hardly this thought took possession of his mind, his whole being was filled with the клокочущим rabies, растляющим it from the inside, like molten lead, and then he felt he could not breathe.

On the other hand, female psychology, without any logic, it is quite allowed such unexpected turns of unbridled desire to complete seclusion, successive like clear and overcast weather. Besides, Veronica could get pregnant, although they have taken all precautions, which had only been possible and appropriate, to prevent this from happening: he or she is not eager to get children. However, Hippo knew that забеременвшая woman loses all interest towards the man, and rarely with which this happens. Хапрактер own wife remained for him is still a complete mystery that was quite natural, because as people have lived together for much longer, so little ahead deep into the knowledge of each other.

And yet, despite the resentment, which stuck нарывающей the thorn in his soul, he wanted with Veronica was the second, and hoped not mistaken.

However, could be not that and not another. It is possible that the reason was not in it, and in it. Maybe entangled with his risky сулящим return his lost condition, without which Hippo become a nobody, he became less attentive and affectionate with her.

Realizing this, the Behemoth like a hurried time, although it has been even slower, and my mind was whirling in the unknown future, where, as he wanted to believe, it will be possible very soon cut out half-month respite, deviate from their Affairs and concerns and will devote our whole being only wife.

"And suddenly it and then appears passion? — scared he, quite unexpectedly for itself. Maybe she doesn't have to. Maybe she накступила frigidity? Maybe something happened to her temperament? Or she is actually pregnant? Then why keep silent?"

He turned to Veronica, lying back on him, clung to her body, with lust and admiration before a sharp, переливющимися small in more rounded forms of its magnificent shapes, поласкал palm of her smooth as silk, pleasant to the touch, elastic, fragrant skin.

"Asleep or not? he thought. — May be, pretends to be? In fact, lies, hiding and waiting for me, finally, I will guess caress her?"

He raised himself on his elbow, looked her in the face and started to kiss her already with all the tenderness and passion with trepidation felt in the neck, but Veronica aside and muttered a dream, took her hand moved to his thin, fragile плечиком, giving, apparently, understand that he left behind.

"Asleep", — decided to Hippo, going down on the pillow, and at the same moment felt resentment fills it all, without a trace.

It was small, but unpleasant fiasco, moreover as this lasted for a week. For the Hippo, accustomed to a very easy victories over жернщинами, it was doubly painful. For him it was нгастоящий stroke, which is still only promised to collapse on his mind fully, but has already made itself felt.

"Bitch!" — swore to спебя Behemoth.

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