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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Coming up in involuntary fright and confusion closer, Gladyshev realized that it was Veronica.

-Are you?! — only and could ask it, releasing from hand towel.

Chapter 10. (07) -> 013.

Another's misfortune't touch you no heart, no soul, no mind. 't touch дотех until it becomes your trouble.

This is what happened with him. It is hard to imagine how much suffering and long meditations suddenly, immediately hit on the head Жоре, as soon as the first doubting wife roots and gave a small seedlings.

He already had many problems, and it would be great not to think on this a bit. Moreover, Zhora considered himself to those who stand on similar caviling. He believed that his situation, the financial independence and security achieved before married, should protect him completely from the suspicions and jealousy, which had ruined the lives of so many people.

In addition, he trusted to Veronica. She was from a poor family, and in gratitude to him was to beware of hasty acts — so it seemed Жоре.

During медовонго months he was almost constantly with her. Around them always spun so many friends and acquaintances, as were enough to not be bored. But since moving to Moscow, everything changed. Here he waited for a dangerous and serious work, if so you could name the adventure that had to start to return the lost status.

Gladysheva he took with itself, just in case, did not really knowing why. This is a harmless, gently. Infantile boy from his campaign gave the impression вполен loyal person. Several times having to deal with them and talking constantly to all sorts of abstract topics, Zhora made him aware that he is not capable not only cause someone hurt, but to defend itself.

To put it more bluntly, always generous to waste Behemoth this time продешевил. He lacked the courage to admit to myself that Gladyshev, this quiet and pensive, this man is not of this world, took him to Moscow as a bodyguard, follower and companion pastime for Veronica. He wanted to Gladyshev looked in his eyes, as a court philosopher, whom he bring, from the fact that no place to put money, whether from boredom, whether from vanity, and because he did not notice that in Moscow there has arrived quite unprepared for serious бборьбы with Moscow tycoons, which led to the threads of the disappeared wealth.

But little by little it became something clearer and smoother. Links with their lose and when I felt it was quite hard, called to help more of its people. They rolled in his black Mercedes, which also lacked him recently, and he became engrossed in the "work", and forget everything else, including about Veronika. It was like a game of chance, where at stake are not just millions, but also the lives of people, including his own. He perfectly understood, and because, not to show the enemy weak link, location Veronica перселился their guys in another part of Moscow, leaving watch over her Gladysheva. Him about this he said nothing, not even hinted, believing that Gladyshev not leave his wife alone, but will it something more intimate than flirting and friendship in her pranks and adventures.

Two or three times after Zhora had called to him from the hotel. It was rather late, and he was hoping to catch her in the room, but again cruelly deceived then and left with nothing. The most recent Zhora rose still on the ninth floor. It seemed to him that the door of the room Gladysheva sounds muted, muffled whisper and even being cautious shuffling footsteps.

In the lobby администраторша confirmed that the keys of both rooms had taken, but George did not rise. Sitting behind the wheel of a Mercedes, all the way only think about what it could mean.

"Than they knots, confused? — This idea is hurt and deeply stung him in his heart. — I also their поубиваю! God forbid!"

He read a lot of books related to women's betrayal, but if they were to him before, not more than entertainment, and now their stories began to acquire a more profound and tragic meaning.

"What, then, all of my efforts?! Why should I risk my life?! If it turns out that the whore, I couldn't bear it, thought George, not noticing that the accelerator вжат his foot out, and the car speeds through the night to the prospectus as wind, overtaking and fly past the other cars rapid boom. "Not if I know about this, first I have to toughen it. And Gladyshev?! Well even if this dopey just broke and did not want to participate in its похолждениях! Then let believes that he was lucky. But if only he confused, he'll be sorry!"

From the rush of fury Zhora hit ногй on the accelerator pedal, but it now rested against the polik. Then, in order to bring down the stress and give разрячдку his nerves, he put the brakes on, feeling with them creak from the boiling anger of his teeth. Мчавшийся behind "Zhiguli" barely managed to avoid crash, юркнув in the neighboring row.

"Bitch!!!" he thought, again giving gas.

In the rearview mirror flashed red, blue and green lights. Apparently, post GAI not miss the sight of his rabid antics. Жоре had to move away from the chase.

Reaching a depth of quarters, he stopped and for a long time tried to come in themselves. Today's night was decisive, and for the matter was not братьс in this form. But the black thoughts never went out of my head, and then George decided to go somewhere, skip two hundred grams of something good. Time he still had.

Moscow, all the same. Scared of the huge city. It is these stone jungle, in the depths of which do not even live, and прсмыкаются, crawling like worms in a huge rubbish heap, millions of people. Visiting people in the best case, only know the Central part of the city, and only those places where the railway stations, and very good, if you have an idea of ксак and how much is a ride to the airport.

Zhora could also ппричислить themselves to кагорте, if not visited Moscow in the past have often than they, and not to travel and to покуралесить here for a few days. But he knew this огрогмный city not so well that as soon as he wanted to unwind, figure out which way to go.

Away from the centre now it was unsafe. It made trouble, especially if the traffic cops spotted his foreign-room, which he either too lazy to just did not want to change, believing that it's too much and it doesn't. But often he tried to remember the location of some bar or restaurant somewhere in the vicinity of yourself — this occupation only useless absorbed fraction of the time that he still possessed.

Finally, spit on all and decided: "let it be!", he started the engine and drove off. From the nearest phone booth in which survived and not one cut the tube, he called in номерк "Fix". In the receiver he heard the words, who told him that Loew-Tooth slightly drunk. The phone could be heard coming from the depths of the room, the cries and shrieks of the women's. Zhora estimated. Who is there now can веслиться: Gvozdev, who came by his вызовуяя, Vitya-"Hose", Levin friend, who did not have him in Moscow, and not only in Moscow, but which brought the idiot "Fix", Angela, also Фиксина idea, which he brought, probably, as an exit скретарши". However, women's voices heard clearly more than one.

"Well gambol guys! — unexpected озлоблнием thought George. — Come home — надобудет break off a little "Fix" horns, and he too asked a bastard! Already believes, probably, itself Tinker with me, boy! Well, nothing!.."

"Hello! he growled into the receiver lion bass, voice Fixes" he immediately disappeared, vanished, stiffened somewhere at the other end of the wire, and from t CSOs sounds of chaos in his room were heard more clearly. — You that there падла, quite insolent!"

"Quiet! Shut up!" "came a muffled, tense voice whisper "Fixes". Squeals and cries stopped immediately.

-Leva — already more calmly continued George, he was pleased that the "Fix" it still afraid. "Have you arranged the booze? Yes?!

"No, George, no! We so simply, with the girls sitting, became frightened justify that.

-With the girls so, " nodded George: "Oh, I am sorry that I now can't see your brazen faces, or I would not resist a couple of times to move it!"

Instead it with a sense of punched his fist in a tin of a telephone booth:

-That tat you falling? — with false concern, through which pushed notes reverent fear, point ересовался "Fix."

"I'm fine!" And here you are, I hear a little drunk. Whether not so?

"Fix" wanted something забормотать in his defense, but he didn't let him open his mouth:

-I warned you, the brute to you, and drops in the mouth did not take without my permission! We here not head to beat arrived! You understand it, a donkey?! You understand that we are here on showdown?!

"Fix" something bleated unintelligible, and Жоре it became clear that to this oaf if something comes far too late.

"Whom I took his aides?! With whom to have to work!" — Zhora hurt bit your finger. Bitterness, саднившая his heart began to outgrow the pain.

-In General, a freak. Give you half an hour for the time that you gave yourself and all other senses, collected personal belongings and sat in the "Old Arbat" all together somewhere at a corner table. And so were all as glass.

Jora gave up, with the force dropped the receiver on to its cradle the device. Telephone offended flailed metal in silence immersed in darkness and hibernation yard. He came out of the booth and огладел rare bright window, behind which was still life. "Hid in holes, pigs, thought Behemoth got into the car. — Well, nothing. It even better. The main thing is that all failed, and I have had enough of this damn Moscow. Here me something obviously unlucky".

MCP he thought about it, as the forthcoming entirely took possession of them already. Excitement, doubt, fear, now he felt. Even the feelings that broke over his heart a few minutes ago, could not be compared with this. Ahead, there was nothing except risk. Of course, it was justification: in whatever was to return the lost, but even it could not guarantee anything.

He took charge of that game, where you can lose life, and has started already to the most crucial part of it. Draw back was nowhere to go, otherwise violate the logic of the previous life: he became, then, is nothing that ьыло for him is tantamount to смертти. And behind, and in front of was death, let diverse, but still equivalent. Behind was death through a shame ahead through risk, and the first he preferred the second, because before taking the first, he would have to erase the still and spitting in his address, and the second is promised only a bullet.

Zhora taxied to the prospect and slowly drove the car to the center of Moscow. "And, anyway, it's a very big city — Moscow", — it occurred to him somehow, and she shivered as a chill.

At the door of the Old Arbat met him, porters, преградивший way:

-Sorry, but we, unfortunately, have not, two and we will be closed very soon.

In other least once Zhora put it in his pocket a few bills, and it worked perfectly, but now he wasn't in the mood to lubricate a t o porter. He felt himself on a horse rushing at full speed to the edge of the abyss. He could not yet know udastsja whether jump over the chasm, but was ready, if not succeed in dragging him into the abyss as many people as possible. And so he reached into the inside pocket of his costume was buttoned up holster.

Porters waited, apparently, see crust some identification, but instead in front of his face appeared gun in the focus of посмотревшее him with his fathomless eyes.

"Uncle, I have you here will put and go on!

Hand porter, преграждавшая way, weakened and fell at all. Passing in the hall, George shoved his gun back and warned him:

Don't you вызвть cops! In the hall, my kids, and if I do not, then they will cover you in two accounts: only рыпнись!

With these words, he went to the cloakroom, passed his coat and went up into the room.

"Fix," and the company has already si Delhi here in full. They occupied a table for four. Zhora зыркнул on the table. There was a bottle of vodka, and some wine. However, although the bottles and were откупорены, glasses were still dry.

George approached the table. "Fix" noticed it at the entrance and watched across the room, then bent down closer to the table, and whispered something , and Анжелла stood up and yielded place.

-Thank you, baby, " he snapped at her, smiled slightly, climbed for the wallet, counted out the money. Are you on a wheelbarrow, and can go in the rooms: we have today would be terribly difficult night.

He looked out at the audience and turned again to Анжелле, which has already скорчить sour grimace:

-However, can take with you and Vitya, — Zhora squinted his eye on "Rafters". The "hose", I do not need. Spend the lady in the hotel.

Victor began to rise slowly, but "Fix" stopped him, putting her hand over his.

Zhora never accepted this silent protest, moreover, that was extremely angry at Levu.

The"hose", I said that I do not need.

"Fix" squeezed Витину hand lying on the table so that the white knuckles on his fingers. "Rafters" and froze, полупривстав.

-Leva — addressed Zhora to "Fix", — he will leave. Shouldn't attract attention of the public, you hear?!

"Fix," hesitated, unwilling to give up. His knuckles turn white stronger, and Vitino face contorted in pain.

Zhora wanted to say, "now I'll shoot!" — but he changed his mind: who knows what could happen next, but in any case, this meant the end to the "Fixes" were hidden away three small-size Uzi — however, to yield to "Fix" it just wasn't going: the inflexible, and went to him to get away with his hands today's disgusting behavior. He leaned back in спирнку chair and was silent for a moment, watching as he landed on its former place, then again leaned to him and said to him:

-"Rafters", because there will shoot you ever see it? Leva wants you went under the bullet next to him, but you see, you did have long, you first зацепят. Also I know that you don't love such activities, where shot! And if you go with us, I'll give you a machine, and, if necessary, make him shoot. Do you understand?

It was obvious as he turned pale. He jerked, trying to pull my hand at "Fixes", but he clutched it tightly as cancer.

"Leo, let him go, " said George. — See: he doesn't want to go with us.

-Not want, Victor? asked "Fix"to see whether he lost this fight.

Victor shook his head dejectedly.

-Well, and go up hence, the "Hose"! he dropped his hand.

Victor rose up, and went with Анжеллой to the exit.

-I won't forget! — hissed through clenched teeth "Fix."

George took it upon your address, although it knew that the words were addressed to him. However, in this situation required, just had to show yourself as clever than I was.

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