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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Zhora зашмыгал and shuffled nose, pretending that he is itching.

"What is it? — the voice of taxi driver.

-Yes nose itches, " answered George, continuing to wrinkle your nose and led from side to side of the nostrils.

It is probably because he sniffed my fist? — laughed, "taxi driver".

I don't know, only itches very, " replied George, noting that the bandage slid up a little bit, and between her and щеким was a small slit, which, however, still nothing to be seen.

-Just how long have you чмыхать going?

-You can hand to scratch then will take place.

-Well, scratch. Only swoop — two seconds.

Armband back even more, and in a crack already could be something to see. He became visible hands with the clock.

-To sleep.? he asked a taxi driver. To go long or not?

-How much to go — not your business. Sleep sleep. I'll Wake. Since you don't doubt, — "taxi driver" nasty laughed.

"Moron, " thought with anger and disgust Zhora. — with what pleasure I'll strike you bullet personally, if you don подвернешься".

He threw back his head back and to taxi driver did not accuse him peeping in, noticed:

"Why are you headrests't there?

-What's your business? "snarled the other.

-As what?! Sleeping uncomfortable. Neck заламывается.

-Neck... You take care of her neck. Suddenly you head not сносиить.

"But-but, buddy. Now that's not your business, understand?! — for the first time for the interview Жорино indignation grew into action, and he pointed a "taxi driver" index finger in the shoulder. — Not забывайся, fryer, that I'll still inferior to them, as not cool! And you, the dog is lousy, and your groomsman шелудивые, all you get for that raised their hand on me!

"I understand you how to sing! — surprised the taxi driver. — Look at you as расхорохорился! Oh, how bolder!

-Yes, bolder. I ask again later on "swing"since the thieves became so ывстречать: twist, just garbage hands and beat? What is this shit?

-Sing, Nightingale, sing. I'll listen.

Жоре't like how to talk and how to apply. Here was something wrong. Anyway, it just never did and never dare to talk like some подметные шавки. And here was outright rudeness. Head to him, even crept into the sober thought, внушившая suspicion: a двезут them, in General, up to swing? Something one of them ruffled about the powers, to take on the road...

George felt a speeding up in his chest heart. He continued to ponder, leaning back in his chair and through the gap between the individual and the bandage watching the road: "really, where it is seen that the thief-in-law then in this way were beaten with a bandage on his face was carried on a "swing", as if sentenced to "bitch"? there is something wrong!"

-You are there not подглядываешь? — asked the taxi driver.

-Hey, you! 'retorted Zhora. — Заывязал eyes so breathe through the nose cannot be, and now kidding me?

-Okay, not dust!

-Stop, let персяду on the back seat. I want to lie down.

-Nothing! There is no time, and in the stream we go.

"Taxi driver" never deceived. They really "worked" in the flow of the third or fourth band broad Avenue. Жоре were visible red lights yellow flashing lights ahead of the running machines, glares of lights of traffic lights on a black, wet, shining like polished table, asphalt. However, more to see it, he could do nothing. So tell where they, in which district — Zhora could not.

-However, after a long silence, said George, " if now treat the thieves in the law, not just the meaning of being a thief in the law.

Taxi driver said nothing. Жоре thought he grunted. But he only seemed, and they couldn't count.

Zhora is not noticed, what time was it when they left the car Park. He just was not before. But without that, according to his calculations, it turned out that for an hour they circle in the capital streets and highway.

-Far away did climbed "swing," he said, trying to break nothing good сулившую silence, but the taxi driver, as the water in your mouth scored.

"Shut up-shut up, домолчишься!" "thought George. He felt, however, that his nerves on end, and he would not survive this torture silence.

"How far is it? "asked George.

Sit around and don't insist! And you wanted to sleep. Here and sleep!

-Want, перехотел...

At this time on both sides of the machine became dark and spacious. First Zhora not realized what happened, but the next minute guessed that they are somewhere in the direction Vnukovo. Yes it was the road to Vnukovo. He remembered her.

From this discovery badly sank into breast heart. He even wanted to съязвить: "Скаких do the "swing" spend in the airport," but stopped myself. Anyway, he still had a little hope потму that it is quite possible that the "swing" моглибыть assigned to Vnukovo, in the village or elsewhere outside the city. But hope this was so miserable and so illusive, as a solitary glimmer among the dead, cold ash. George was a good feeling, and it told him that heat.

Предчувствеи its not deceive. He understood it, when he saw ahead of the other two "Volga", folding the track on the left, on просесок. They fell behind them, but now caught up again.

Moscow has remained far away to the right, behind the bare forest now, through the collapse of which occasionally silvery lines were now very distant lights.

The way which they turned, did not promise anything good. Ahead, there was a dense forest of darkness. No lights.

Machine strongly закачало on ухабамразбитого overtaken by bad weather and сякотью statues. The headlights of the case is extracted out of the darkness взмученные ahead reaching machines puddles and раскисшие gauge, red dimensions, and the glare of the front machines, tightly подступившие with both storn to the road trunks of trees.

"How the hell on kulichiki driven", — thought George. He tried this semi-joking thought to relieve закравшееся soul in anxiety, but nothing happened. Something told him that something was wrong, and he was going over in my head all possible outcomes of this adventure, deliberately bypassing if pitfalls in a frail and fragile vessel, the bad and horrible of them, those who most of all, probably, now came nearer to reality.

The first "Volga" turned to the right, and its arc lights полоснули on the birch grove, окружившему not very large clearing. For it turned the other, then the third, where he sat Zhora. As far as he could see from under the bandages, сползшей on the forehead, there was a blind darkness.

"Where have they brought us, dogs?! — George and he felt his excitement blood from his lip. "Maybe they got the dugout what? However, there. They are not militants. They are ordinary capital bandits, those in the forest never to go — there is nothing more for them to do! How is it I never guessed!"

He would have laughed, if I weren't so afraid. Most of his gloomy prognoses that he drove all the way away, it seems. Started to come true.

"However, what could I do?! They have so cleverly took in turn..."

These were his last sober thoughts. In this second someone is rapidly opened the door, grabbed him by the collar and dragged her out of the car, drove something heavy on the head. The blow was moving, or with intent to casually, and so he lost consciousness, but only for some time goes deaf and blind. In the eyes on a dark background заплавали colored spots and ring in the ears sold like bells.

When George came to himself, the first thing he felt that someone was pulling at his shoulder. Spins it was lying on something inclined, rough and hard, most likely, on a tree trunk.

-come on, come on, очухивайся, — came to his ears.

George opened his eyes with difficulty. His head was buzzing, as copper Chan, разламывалась pain. Bandage over his eyes. George looked around the room. To the right of it, too, apparently, a good пришибленные, were "Fix" and "Nail".

"Oh, very well, " before Zhora was the most "taxi driver", which "took" him in the Parking lot.

-Guys, who are you? — managed a Zhora, feeling that his strength had not yet returned to him.

-But I do not speak, goat, what do you think, if we were cops, — "taxi driver lifted his chin gunpoint.

-Of course not. But for goat ' answer.

-The answer is, not only you. After five minutes you nobody and nothing will never be the answer, you know?

-You me, фраерок, to "understand" don't take. Antlers will you then leave. You me, better say, who are you and whence came to beat me and to me like that? from the indignation forces George increased.

-What is this?

"Uncle, I kingpin...

No, uncle, at once interrupted him : taxi driver, lifting her chin cold barrel of a still higher than the previous. — "Swing" decided to take away this title and slap together with your сосунками.

Taxi driver jerked his head toward the "Nail" and "Fixes". Zhora beveled there eyes and saw that the "Fix" worth it, hanging on a tree, and shakes tilted forward your head like a " drunk and "Nail" already knit for birch заломанные back the hands of two other bull-"taxi driver".

-What are the "swing"? That had to be today, and that I was going? — forced out through flattened gun jaw Zhora.

-Rode, Yes not reached. Yesterday they finished.

-Why me?

Apparently not seen fit to call.

-Is it done?! For what is it?!

-'ll see what for. We are little people, but honest. We promise you — we perform.

-I want to talk to your boss, mark! I need Bondi! I want to speak! — gun still hurt speak Жоре.

-What next! See what a fool!

-It's all a trick! There was no "swing"! No one held me cum! — taxi driver free hand squeezed Жоре throat, and these words he was only able to просипеть. — Goats smelly! Let's release! You all tuned! Not're concerned right!

In this moment to Zhora realized that his hands are free and without case dangle on both sides of the body. He was not sure that now cope with "taxi driver", but nothing else could. The corner of his eye he could see that the "Nail" already floundering bound to the birch tree, and the other two "taxi drivers" направляютмя to "Fix", which has still not come to himself and stands and shakes his head.

-Come on, don't swear! You're a goat! "hissed threateningly, "taxi driver". — Now we're going to take you all, and see who's the goat!

'Listen, you bastard! What have you got there, the place is not sewed, time such a thing.

-We have this tradition: all порешенных ending on the birch glade. Some замуровывает in the basins of cement, and then let me on the bottom to feed the fish. But it is not interesting. Tomorrow Bondi BOM personally come to look at the execution of a sentence. But for the "Basterds" I'm finally now personally pick in dundel...

George raised his free hand and with fury, plunged a large пальзы eyes "taxi driver". He yelled and hit the elbows of his hands and, dropping the gun, grabbed his face, and shrank back.

Жоре thought he heard the burst apples eye. He swiftly bent down for the gun. In this moment right came the automatic turn. "I shoot!" — flashed through his mind, and he rolled to the side and fell face down on the cold ground.

Chapter 12. (05).

"The whole world's gone crazy!" thought Gladyshev, looking down from the loggia of the ninth floor. His hand, as if the pendulum swung a condom, наполенный his sperm. It was the first исполльзованный condom in his life, and he looked at him, not without surprise, and even some confusion.

"It would have to perpetuate it first! hardly this thought flashed in his mind, as fingers themselves relaxed for a moment, firing a rubber membrane, and when closed again twice stronger than ever, — it was too late: she slipped between them and flew down piquant "bombs". — May in fact someone's head to get. However let. After all, I can now fly footprint and also to fall on someone's head: did in this case I will be "ashamed"?"

-What are you doing there? — came to him a voice Veronica.

-Stand, he perked up like застуканный by surprise, remembering her presence.

"Come here, " asked his young woman. She called him from still hot from the passion of the bed.

-I do not want, — he suddenly felt some revulsion towards his guest.

"Oh my God, just think, that would be a simple friend and a witness at her wedding, and today I'm her lover! As all this is disgusting!" he even shook his head in gripped his disgust.

"Why not?! — voice Veronica changed and became resentful and at the same time threatening.

I don't know. I want to stand. Hot, hot.

He lied, because it was pretty cool, and his body began to зябнуть.

-Then shut the door to the balcony. I'm cold.

He had to obey. Not knowing what is more, love or hatred, and feels for her, he did not могоставаться indifferent and not реагировть at her words, as he wanted.

"Interestingly, the condom hit someone on the head or falls on the ground," thought Gladyshev, feeling that wants to smoke like never before before.

Looking into the room, he called her, feeling somehow strong embarrassment and putting an incredible effort, not to falter after ккаждого words:

-Why, Veronica, cigarettes not captured?

-On the nightstand look — softly, as if reluctantly responded out of the dark girl.

"Like everything was a bad business! — Gladyshev frowned, taking advantage of the fact that his face is not visible. — The whole world is falling down, on devils. And I'm with him and all together, and now for sure: there".

He lived as if in a stupor of this incidental love rampage, the more hideous that all of this had ever happened to him and his young wife of his, if not best friend, then it is without a doubt the landlord and Chuck. Would this woman with the hand with which he himself would be met, he himself would be interested in her in his person, himself invited to achieve, that she should come, he would have achieved her success — it would not be so painful, and maybe he even experienced then the joy of the beast over the defeated prey.

But now, the guilt, the feeling of absolute meanness пришибло him to the ground, as the rain beats down to the asphalt autumn leaves. He felt nasty, filthy type, забравшимся back well studied and familiar path to a good neighbor, who knew him, and with a forward course quite often and amicably.

If the random woman was married or would have been much older than him and had children to him and then it was more than unpleasant, but what happened to him тепероь, left him in such a trance, in such a shock. From which now he had to get away soon.

It was a complication, muddy, no good and disgusting complication of something awful and unpleasant. Previously, he looked into the future right, not lowering her head, or rather, not looking at all, because it was in a Union with himself, with his "I", in the present. Now the future looks to be a dark spot, and there is not something that look scared, but it was impossible and eye lift.

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