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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Somewhere out there in front, was the inevitable upshot of all this dissolute history, and this is not done for myself.

Gladyshev knew Hippo well enough to imagine what will he dared to invade his intimate relations, and, especially, instruct his horn. He did not want to come before him in that light. He knew that one and the rnu would believe even this first — it was so unbelievable and ridiculous. The Gladysheva was not the character to beat the other men's wives. On the contrary, if he had a wife, would not have been, perhaps, this week, to his horn small and not lengthened. But then there happened, happened incredible, and he who had beat was the one who always had to leave his broken.

-Wines want, " said Veronica.

Gladyshev turned on the lamp and looked closely at her face.

-That you're hatched, as the first time I saw? asked Veronica. I have never heard of that? I want wine. Call me, please, in the restaurant. Let them bring in the room. I have money.

"I have one.

Veronica unkindly grinned, she was well-known source Гладышевских income:

-That, Behemoth gave?

Not give. I myself have him..he wanted to say "requested".

"Well, then order the wine.

"It's too late. Hardly the restaurant still has anybody.

-Well, call me — the tone of voice of the girls became заигрывающим, and he understood that we should move on to the offensive.

Hey, why are you his, the word "husband" was in his throat, why his... call the Hippopotamus. He is not the friend of the campaign, and the legal husband.

-Oh-Oh-Oh — Veronika nasty grimaced — teach me into his head. You look!

-No, not a lecture. Just me and you, except by name call. I you never his name never heard, even after what happened between us.

-Oh dear, what is that between us this happened? Yes you know how many I had this happened? Burdock you — that's who. And, in General, Gladyshev, not your business to teach me, and especially about my wife.

The words "my husband," she highlighted by saying their different tone, so sarcastic that Gladysheva argh turned, and made the grimace.

-Why are you so беспутная, Veronica? — he asked quietly, but she heard his question.

"What makes me be путной? Life in me, no good. Yes and no "no good" I and бедовая. You understand?

With difficulty. However. Whatever you called — the essence of something one.

-All right, enough of me to teach Gladyshev! Tired!

-What did you not tired?! now he tried to give the last word, making it almost on syllables, to mimic her in the turn, but it is not affected in the slightest.

-Gladyshev! — Veronica responded after a pause. — Where my wine, Gladyshev?

-Why do you want wine?

Veronica exactly broke out. Indignation jolted her on the bed. She threw up her hands. — Етит your Maman! What is this выгибоны Gladyshev?! We can say very soul! You know, oak your head that a woman wants to wine. What else do you need to know?! A woman wants to drink — what else do you need to become green snot, which is now limp on the edge of the sofa, and a real man, who fulfills the desire of a woman in order to get its location, and benevolence.

-All you know! — поддал her Gladyshev.

-Yes, I know. But right now I want to drink! Listen, Yes, after all, how many you ask for-you can?!

-Drink vodka?"

'Do you have vodka?


-Why did they ask? Got to be kidding me, Gladyshev got to be kidding me a donkey with счьим потрохом! You me now you get one, I am now заведусь — he is not happy shalt! 't believe me?!

-Believe, I believe! — Gladyshev broke down and laughed.

-All my favor you, consider, have lost, as, however, and should be — this is nothing surprising for such a fool as you are.

She paused, but barely Gladyshev opened his mouth to answer her attacks and that protect their dignity as she muttered again.

-If I Gladyshev, five minutes will not be kneeling on a silver tray crystal glass of wine I don't know what you'll do. Believe me: I'm not kidding. And can you not smile. All. The time has gone.

She took from the table small hand-made watch, "gold" and looked at their dial, and then back at Gladysheva:

-Why you sitting?

-perhaps, with the silver tray and crystal wine glasses will be a big snag, " he replied.

-Perhaps, " she agreed. — Well, you can without it, although it is desirable: have you got a money. But a glass..can a glass of wine. And left for three minutes and thirty seconds — not so much.

She held out her hand to the table, opened a drawer, took out a small handbag-"cosmetics", pulled out марникюрный set and started a small nail file edit nails.

-I can imagine какми pleasure I, — she glanced at her watch, — after three minutes, ten seconds расцарапаю you all face.

-Face, straightened her Gladyshev, hurt his lifting up more convincing index finger.

"Never mind, " and waved my hand in his side, as if dismissed him from назойлитвой flies, Veronica, " the point is not changed, and, by the way, don't rush is still not enough. It's exactly three minutes.

Gladyshev grunting. The old grandfather, reluctantly got up from the couch and went to the telephone.

-But you forced me to it threats, " he warned, — bear this in mind.

He picked up the phone, dialed the phone number of the hotel restaurant.

— girl, you be so kind to accept an order in the room and as soon as possible. A bottle of wine and he looked at Veronica: she watched his every word, without raising his eyes from his face — and two crystal glasses, if you can... I know that much more expensive, the words "much more expensive," he deliberately singled out and said louder, but Veronica already looked down and dreams орудовала manicure nail file. — Come on, girl, and as soon as possible.

He hung up the phone and not her breath, she said:

-You had to have a husband таконго ass, as I am to the plow was possible. On Жоре much not попашешь, if, in General, his harness it.

-None of your business, Gladyshev, and not лукавь: you much lazier. You make so it would have been ten times did. And, besides, you nasty, why not ordered a silver tray?

-Forget it, " I lied Gladyshev and then lowered his eyes.

-Who are you lie taught? — Veronica shook her head. — I forgot, because he would not. And, incidentally, remained only two minutes and thirty seconds, Twenty-eight, Twenty-four — I don't think the waiter would be so quick to comply. Why, you even dessert wine is not ordered, and it means that you are a miser and hardly give him a good tip.

"I never guessed! — tried to defend himself Gladyshev.

-OK, enough whining, — dismissed him Veronica. What about the husband, Gladyshev, exclusively wrong. I have always been of the husband. And I've always lived so куак live now.

-What it means: always was and always lived? her words brought him in bewilderment.

-And exactly what it means. Of course, I can't say with certainty, but I think — and this happens quite often that I lived before. I don't know how long ago this was, and the word "long" here, in General, it is not appropriate: a hundred years ago it was also a long time and is not available now, like a thousand... Well, it was in the days of chivalry, anyway, so I remembered. My husband was a rich and illustrious family. We lived somewhere in the South of France, not in the very North of Italy. And he went on a crusade to the East, putting on my hips chastity belt...

-What is that?

-Oh! You don't знваешь?!

-How do I know...

I thought Gladyshev, that if you are a well-read man, you should know. Well, it's a thing, made of iron, like пантолонов that... well, isn't allows жернщине change her husband during his absence. Well, in General, it prevents do it...

What Veronica do not dare to pronounce, it is perfectly portrayed hands. Gladyshev admired its skilled gestures. They even a few incited him.

"But you went in the toilet? he already had that structure in the form of armor on women's thighs but curiosity led him to ask this question.

-I don't remember exactly, but it was provided for this and this allowed me to somehow come in contact with a man. I don't remember exactly what I did for this, but to me it was very good.

-And your husband?

The husband? He left and never returned. Only several years later came the news of his death. In my vague memory, sometimes similar to sleep, I see that I decided to get rid of that ill-fated iron armor and in the attempts to him was stabbed to death some creepy tool serving for stabbing iron.

-Maybe it's just your imagination? Imagination plus passion novels, based on sexual motivations and маструбации?

-The fact Gladyshev, that I did not read romances and, moreover, such a perverted content. Unfortunately or whatever else, it's my past life.

-The transmigration of souls?

-Yes. But most likely, the immortality of the soul. Isn't talked about this вспе wisest prophets and great philosophers? Socrates, for example.

-About this. But how do you know?

-Well, right! Where would we! — Veronica offended curled her lip, but immediately found, glanced at the clock, she said. — so, your time is up!

With these words she got up out of bed, threw nail Polish on the table beside the bed and headed for the Гладышеву.

He сперв and not realized what happened, but the first scratch from a nail Veronica forced him to recover.

She threw herself at him Cat. — just perfected, if specially, nails trying расцарапать, laying hold of his face, but from the second outburst he already ducked.

-You чегшо, Veronica?! You what?! he asked, stepping back, dodging and slapping her hands.

"I told you, finally, that you will regret if no wine!

"But I ordered!

-I don't care " time's up!

It has landed him in the corner of the room, working hands splayed and bent fingers so fast that the wind whistled from their movement. However, at the very moment when Veronica second time managed to полоснуть his cheek with nails, leaving a serious, deep and bloody trail, he dodged юркнув down and bent over and slipped under her hand and ran into the bathroom.

From behind I heard her indignant cry and depth of naked stop on a carpet floor.

"I wonder how it looks? thought Gladyshev. — Naked woman running for you across the room, and with fury, scratch your face in!"

At a bend in the corridor, not to skidded on линолиуме, he stopped, and hand Veronica caught him up, leaving traces of burning on the back. He sprinted again, in two jumps was in the bathroom and closed the door on the latch.

Heard Veronica swears loudly in the corridor of the room and takes desperate attempts to break into the bathroom. Under her остервенелыми head up the door finely trembles, but Gladyshev, carefully examining constipation, decided чтооткрыть its not succeed and, turning to the mirror, examined рангы on his face. They were similar to the marks of the claws of any large predator, полоснувшего it by the skin. He turned and looked in the mirror at the back. It flowed three streams of blood, сочившиеся of long scratches.

Listen, well, you and give! he said, outraged. — You did to mess! And only joking m you don't know how!

Cursing stopped outside the door. Veronica stopped beating down and pull the handle. Some time it was not heard, then she said:

-Open, hear! Open, telling you!

-Wow: open the door! he said, outraged. "You look better, you pricked your claws...

In the room there came a knock.

-Gladyshev, us knock, go open up! — a voice was heard Veronica through the door.

-And you're not going to scratch? "he asked.

However, her voice sounded conciliatory, and therefore could not question it.

He unlocked the door and went out into the hallway.

Veronica quickly обевалась in depth Mr. EPA, sofa. A quick glance, she цыкнула:

"Well, come on, come on!

He went to the door, and click the lock, opened it, he saw a crack of a waiter from the restaurant with a tray in her hands.

-Your order, " said he.

"One moment, " asked him to Dima and they threw Bathrobe, opened the door. — Go through.

-Now you will pay or later?

-Then, — said Dima was, but Veronica already handed the waiter bill.

-No change is necessary, " she said.

The waiter glanced at bill, whistled, almost as surprised and at the same time with contempt looked at Dima and more without uttering a word, he left, slamming the door.

-Why did you do it? in an offended tone, Dima asked.

-Then, — said Veronika by his eyes on the tray, — нихрусталя, nor silver — nothing of what I asked for.

-Well, here I am! You heard: I requested that brought...

-Bad, then asked, " sighed Veronica. — Why jester I'm with you contacted Gladyshev! You рохля! Even heard on the phone, that this is not a respectable person, and neither fish nor meat.

Dima fell silent. Hurtful words Veronica, her act and disdainful glance waiter hurt touched him to the quick. He did not at once he noticed that not able to do anything, chastised himself for it a thousand times, but note Veronica хлестнуло and scorched his heart. He lost any mood.

-Well, pour the champagne , what are you? "it Veronika.

"You know, I'd rather not, courage, said Dima.

Offended, she guessed it. — Well, anything, you will take place. And remember, Gladyshev, you're not the person who I will ask for forgiveness, and resentment which I could sympathize.

She got up and went out.

"Where are you? he asked after him, though without redneck clear.

-To my room, " she said over his shoulder and slammed the door.

Dima lay down on the couch and stared at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. His thoughts went grim running the eternal circle, which seemed бынавсегда was outlined for them. At the end of their run usually born some sad image and poetic lines, and then he took the pen and paper. Rarely happened that he wanted to draw something, but it would require more терпенияи крпотливости, and because изобразительствовать he took even more rarely, only in moments of strong emotional outburst. His heart was sad, and he resolved постихоплетствовать, sketch on paper couple of verses, which would punish yourself again for his perfect impracticality of this incomprehensible, complex and немилосердной life.

Feeling bodily relaxation, close to the неожиланной fatigue, he hardly rose from the couch and looked around the room in search of a folder with the paper.

He once again drew the attention that the room is it someone made a mess. No, he did not take away their things, but he knew, as he lay. Now everything seemed the same but subtle touch of a stranger Rui was present here, as if left on all the seal of his intervention. It was not his mess.

It then suddenly it was like we were hit by electricity. Poetic mood, this мендалевая bitterness with a taste of melancholy, at once gone somewhere, and it seems that he протрезвев, once again looked around. His sensitive nature fired still under the yoke of the charms of communication with Veronica, woke up and felt the danger posed by all this, someone else's mess. Someone was here and rummaging in his things.

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