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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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He wanted to force myself to think that it was Veronica, but then EA realized that the idea is absurd in свяком case, based on what he knew about her. Why would she need to dig in his things?

Somebody knocked in the door. This sound broke the silence of his room, and he perked up.

"Who's there? — own voice seemed to him too loud.

Behind the door was not answered.

"Maybe it is Veronica back? he thought. "does she? It is not походже... However, it can be a waiter. The tray, see, come... have I been so long I thought?"

He went to the door and paused, opened it.

Stood by the door кастелянша.

-You are asked to go down! she said and walked away.

-Who? "he asked.

I don't know the administrator called and said that you went down. Something urgent.

"Strange," thought Dima, but still went to the Elevator.

-Who called me? — he turned to администраторше, which, as always, writing something, low bending over the table.

"But here, at the entrance there are, not looking up, she threw her hand towards the mirrored door of the lobby.

There were two men in long black cloaks with gloomy faces.

"Lord, who is it?" scared Dima toward them.

-What do you need? he asked, feeling him twist my hands.

Chapter 13. (014).

There was another burst of tommygun fire: short and dry. They heard a moan. George crept quickly working elbows and cursing himself for the high. Wet grass. Splashes dew fell on his face, and his collar up to his elbows were wet, but he took no notice of it, clutching a saving gun, which was all hope. As well, he had managed to pick it up!

Zhora the first time regretted that not slim and not натренерованный physically person. Now, in the most decisive minutes, this greatly hindered. He suddenly thought that creep is pretty slow, though roll to the side, and even better, move dashes.

Moan is not coming from his head. He was still in his ear: "Who got shot, "Nail" or "Фиксу"? Probably, "Фиксу". Apparently, he tried to resist. And maybe got them both? It was the same two lines, two. But the first was clearly in my direction. First launched I..."

Came the third turn. She was heard somewhere very near, he even thought that over his head.

George rolled to the side, in some наоплненую cold water hole and stood, holding up his hand with a gun and brings the sounds of trying to define what happens.

"Now расправяться with them and will seek me, " he decided. — Well, свиньия ввам so easy to дамся!"

He pulled затворпистолета, trying not шумать. However, extractor pushed cartridge, which was дослан in the trunk before (he did not know that gun is ready to fire), and the loud хлюпком fell in a puddle. Жоре thought this treacherous sound was heard far away.

"The hippopotamus! Where are you, hippopotamus!" — Жоре seemed that someone is calling. Then he decided that it just can't be, but he was summoned again.

"Jora! Come Out, Zhora! You're alive?!" this time except that it was called by the name, it seemed to him that he hears the voice of the "Fixes".

"Means "Fix" is alive, thought George. — Who are they for so many shot? Probably, the bushes were scouring, I tried to shoot. And now they want to lure using the "Fixes". Well, not anymore, folks! I'd be a fool! Nothing would come of it!"

Just in case he raised himself on his elbow, lie autumn night in a cold puddle had no pleasure. The bushes were high and because he did not удалоось see. It again called. This time he clearly discerned that was calling him "Fix", but his voice went away, went away, and because George got out of puddles on a small knoll and dared to rise up on all fours and lean over the bushes.

Five minute walk, on the other side of the glade, there were machines. They stood with dim lights in the cabin faint yellow light shone landing lights. Right and left it was dark. Several times against the background of cars passed shadows of human figures, however, how many are they and who are disassemble it was absolutely impossible.

George lost his bearings. Not immediately, he was able to determine the place, where a few minutes ago, "taxi driver" припирал him to a tree, but when bearings, he found that the third tree, which was tied Nail empty.

"The hippopotamus! Jora! You're alive?! Answer! I signed, Jora!" again shouted "Fix."

"Oh, a new argument in the course went! he thought with a jeer. — But I don't buy: no fool! Look at you, what have invented them all signed! No, guys, I not caught with chaff! How could "Fix", which barely on his feet, put them all? Is that him shot?! But then what?!.."

A vague guess lit up his mind.

"However, thought George. He decided to trust your instincts, which today has already proved him his innocence, and now she told him that it's there: "Fix" their laid — Zhora remembered QC he picked up the bag with weapons in the car Park. — if so, then "Fix" well done, and if not..."

Just in case he took the gun at the ready position, bending left elbow to shoulder: "And if not, then I'll show them!"

He went to the meadow, pausing at each tree and the second, another waiting.

Apparently, the crackle of twigs under his feet, drew attention.

"George, where are you? again came to his ears of the deaf, the darkness, the voice of "Fixes", he дадже thought that this time he sounds more joyfully. — George, is that you? You're alive?! Where are you?! Come out soon, one of these goats! The others I have finished!"

"And where "the Nail", "Fix"? — filed finally, Zhora his voice.

-Behemoth, you as always with his repertoire! I know you don't suffer from negligence! Here it is.

George noticed now lonely shadow, двигающуюс on the meadow.

-"Nail"is that you?!

-I! I! "replied lonely shadow

-Go turn on the lights! Give more light to me you see.

-Behemoth, you're already went nuts! — laughed "Fix." — Get out, where are you? Enough already cat-and-mouse play!

"I didn't ask! "Jora. — "Nail", do as I say!

In the bright eager Farah Zhora discerned the figure of the "Fixes"that he would not be confused with any other. Beside him, on her knees, stood another shadow, which he kept, bull.

-Whom do you think, "Fix"? "asked George, coming from the forest to the glade and the approaching shadows in the light of the headlights.

-Who would you have thought?! — with a bloodthirsty enthusiasm he said. The Gad that five minutes ago over you издевлся.

Zhora approached them with pleasure and took a recent offender for Chub, lifted his, threw his head back, trying to discern in the darkness, barely расеиваемом headlights eyes of the prisoner. His face was impossible to learn. It changed from fear to unrecognizability. The fact that until recently emphasized the impudence and insolence nature now or dissolved in the darkness of night, or looked pitiful and not caused nothing but rage and hatred.

Zhora ducked to better see the fear in running the eyes of "taxi driver," recently сверкавших from a sadistic pleasure. Quite unexpectedly hunter прпевратился in prey, and his sacrifice suddenly took over and now she држала it in their paws.

-Well, shit, turned to him with a barely suppressed jeer jubilant soul winner, " what do you say?

Taxi driver was silent, frightened staring at him, and, if something like a Jackal, now was like a ROE deer quivering with animal fear waiting for deciding their fate, the fate of production.

"Cat got your tongue? he отмашь hit "taxi driver" on the face of revolvers, and not waiting for an answer.

He fell down as if dead. The helplessness of the victim's always in his defiance of brutal яростьрасправляющегося with her, but with special force, if it just was a master of the situation. George jumped to a "taxi driver" and proceeded to that had the power to kick his feet, иступленно, in delirium something приговаривя. When the fury was replaced by fatigue, he noticed that the same is engaged in and "Fix", and "Nail" stands by and watches.

George looked at his feet. Taxi driver was also unmoved.

-Dead or what? he asked "Fixes".

I don't know, " shrugged the.

-It seems overdone, " concluded George. "Well, put him in the car.

"Fix" scratched his head, then waved to the "Nail":

"Well, подсоби. I have long worked as a loader.

They отволокли lifeless body on the other edge of the clearing there, where there were three "Volga", put it on the back seat of one of the cars.

And with those two, what are we doing? — shook his head "Nail". His face was gloomy. Everything that happened and now, when the verse was not caused his approval.

-Come on, перекурим, then decide wearily Behemoth waved his hand.

They sat down and started to have lit up, sitting in the cabin taxi: George driving on the right — "Nail"and "Fix" on the back seat.

It is great we gave them a light, " he began првым, sweet and deeply inhaled. In the twilight began to Shine his Golden crown, framed with a smile.

-How do you manage that? surprised Zhora.

-I machines picked up.

-I knew that.

"Yes, and then запазуху hid him, here pretended to be drunk, and when he saw that the time, then grabbed a gun and put them like smoke. The same I — pigeons!

"Fix" suddenly convulsed by a nasty, hysterical laugh, which Jora somehow just shrugged. He still wasn't feeling great. Of course, without a doubt, the "Fix" was just a lad. If not he, then they would have already come to an end, — he knew that. But ve same Zhora could not share the joy that had seized his companion. It was нездоровя, unnatural joy.

"Fix," laughed for a long time, until George suddenly said:

-"Fix", enough to neigh! You people killed.

This phrase вырвлась had a gradually, by chance. He himself did not expect that to say this.

Leva "Tooth" it is not at first understood that he was referring to his boss, but then when it came to him, turned his smile on all thirty-two teeth, changed tense grin anger and confusion:

-I'm not caught up with the Hippo...

-I'm not caught up with the Hippo...

-Well, I mean, that cannot be so glad to find, since it happened.

-How come?

-Well, that had to pee.

Zhora all their gut почувствовл that it suffered a "not in the steppe", and it was quite a sentimentality.

-You that, with oak collapsed? — grimaced, "Fix."

"Well, it's I, " quipped Zhora.

They had an unpleasant pause, which relaxed the Nail again and asked:

-So what do we do with those two?

Both, and George, and Leva "Tooth" looked at him as though we saw for the first time.

-What to do with them? asked "Fix."

-The place-it is labeled, it would be necessary to remove them.

-Then and this, too, — "Fix" nodded lying next to him, "taxi driver".

-It's not all clear, " said George. — But those need to pour gasoline and burn.

"Nail" disagreeably winced, "Fix" dissatisfied mouth twitched at that.

One I do not see. You can, of course, would be to throw them somewhere in a city, on the way back, but the posts of police, traffic police. Why do we bother? Today, I think, are fairly... Or is it?!

-Yes, enough, " agreed "Tooth and Nail" in one voice.

"I think we are. Wherefore, let's not going to create unnecessary problems themselves. Those two drenched with gasoline and burned.

-As this? — "Fix" elbowed taxi driver.

-This will solve апосля, depending on its працездатности, — George thought for a moment,frowning, and added. — By the way, we, probably, will be useful.

-Why is that? — surprised the "Fix."

-Well, at least to ward off these cars in a safe place.

-Do you think that they need to leave.

Zhora pointedly smiled.

"You see. If I was коцап, I'd burned. If I was a khokhol, I like them a "сховав". But because I did it, and neither this, but a mixture of коцапа with the front of the head — the result is a Jew, that I sell.

-It is too dangerous shook his head who was silent until now "Nail"

"Yes, she says, " confirmed "Fix."

-Not more than today's evening walk, " replied George. "Besides, we have now is pretty tight with money. So let it be even small compensation for the vulnerability, which the Lord Moscow thieves have done in our pocket, do you?

"Fix" thought. The facial expression of "Nail" it was obvious that he wasn't going to Express their opinion, knowing that the hippopotamus is unlikely to listen to him.

-Well, do as you know.

-What are you waiting for, my friends, " tapped them on the shoulder Zhora. — Looking for cans, заметаем traces, but first tie-ka this colt, Yes tighter, so that he could not очухался and not begin to kick.

After a few minutes, at the far end of the glade, blazed two чадящих funeral fire, licking their heavy, lazy, rising up and away, подпрыгивающими languages of darkness over me. Splashes of them reflected on the white trunks of embracing glade birches, on the glass and automobile bodies, and three pairs of eyes entranced and detachment from the things watched this devil's night pandemonium fire, devouring human bodies, more recently, the former human beings who did not want and did not think even die, but that suddenly, unexpectedly, just as it always happens, were killed and now turned into fire and dense and resinous smoke and ash into nothing, into the dust, which is already tomorrow рассеиться on the world without a trace.

-But now could голреть now, probably we, " said George, broke silence, воцарившуюся in the car.

-Yes, catching agreed : "Nail" and frantically shrugged, apparently, in the shoes of those two.

-However well, enough of that, winced "Fix."

Wind increasingly gaining strength as nightfall, turned in their direction, and carried Chad and the stench from the fires in their direction.

-Close the window! — закашляля Zhora. Fu, as stinks.

-As chicken, which обшмаливают at the stake, noticed a "Fix." It seemed that the memories about the chicken raised his spirits.

Zhora desperately завращал handle lifting of glass, — at first he was desperately looking for the button электроподъемника, forgetting that he's not in a "Mercedes".

The back seat of the taxi driver was showing signs of life, heard some moans and gurgling.

Tough guy, " remarked George, nodding his head, turned around.

-A strong, Yes like already not alive, — noticed "Fix." — We отметелили that seems поотбивали all of liver, spleen. The corpse.

-Living dead, raised up index finger for giving weight to its refinement Zhora. Is someone there seems to be a play таккая is, whether that: "the Living corpse". In any case, it is necessary to revive her, to wipe the blood from his face, wash — we now come in handy, and then we шлепнем.

Жоре sometimes the most scary was listening to the cynicism that вырыался him , but he couldn't do anything about it.

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