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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-Верняк — agreed to "Fix", by moving it to a friend in the shoulder, and started lying next "taxi driver". — Hey. Get up! What sprawled!

He pulled a taxi driver by the sleeve and put it near you. It seemed that he just asleep, but already now it is visible started to exude the bruises and scratches, which he acquired from George and his buddy-buddy. He softly moaned. Nose he had a blood drenched instantly, as soon as he was in a sitting position, all his clothes.

-And he really soon окочурится? — exclaimed "Fix", looking from the bottom somewhere in the nostrils of the battered. You see, as кровяка whips. Guess we did something cool smashed.

"I think it лупасить, " nodded Zhora, then turned to "Nail". "Listen, you have possession of the car?

"No, " he shook his head.

-A car can drive?

"Well, " shrugged the "Nail", — slightly better than average. And what?

-Yes, nothing. Simply be, probably, to you for a third wheel to sit down, or burn the car here, and sorry.

-Well, okay, I'll try, — with the consent blinked a Nail.

-Yes, try it as well, but we need through the post of GAI to go. Need to travel with confidence. I have leva right there, so you need to think about what to do with you, then George looked again at the beaten to death a prisoner and shook his head. — Why are we so hurried.

"Fix" demonstratively unclenched his fingers which held the sleeve of taxi driver, and the insensitively flopped back on the seat, still hitting her cheek against the door of the salon.

-Yes, apparently he has not's going to head off, " said George.

-We will finish? readily asked "Fix" and raised his Uzi higher, demonstrating a willingness to pay without delay to the prisoner, was of no use.

-Yes, probably nodded Zhora.

-Why only dragged him into a car?! — outraged with the offence of "Nail".

-And how do we find the Bondi Boma? — suddenly remembered "Fix."

-Do you think that we need to look for him? — a raised eyebrow Zhora.

-I think I need to talk with him, especially after today.

He may know nothing, " replied George. — Little did we have common enemies, which we had never heard. Although, I must check it out. Maybe that is its people.

Zhora his eyes straying to the back seat and started thinking of staying in this position still for a few minutes.

-If this guy очухался, " said a dialogue Nail — we would lot of things could learn.

"Yes, shook his head Zhora, — if. Still, Leva, we gave surpluses. It was not necessary so hard to beat.

Leva agreed выкатив lips in a whistle, as if going to whistle.

Suddenly George shook Hisself as if from a dream, shrugged, throwing off the stupor and accurately revived.

-Well, кончаем it, Yes go to sleep? he asked completely different, fresh and more lively voice.

Succumbing to his influence, cheered and "Fix." He moved the bolt, "Uzi", again raised the sleeve of taxi driver free hand and put it up to his temple, barrel of the gun going to pull the trigger.

"Not here! — George winced. — Why забрызгивать brains and beauty of the machine to which we will use?!

"Fix," opened the door, pushed foot from the interior of the body taxi driver and got out after him, threw over her shoulder:

-Nail help.

"Nail" reached the street. They dragged twenty meters lifeless body, and then suddenly Жоре thought that this guy should be left alive, and he turned to yell and reverse it, but just at this moment there was a short line.

When they left from the glade, two fire already were burnt down, but the third is still only inflamed and gained strength. George, who led the first car, there was the sense that they three were swapped with these фраерками-"taxi drivers"and that they themselves had already finished off on the clearing and burned. "In essence, what our differences? he thought, but to develop this idea prevented fatigue and an unpleasant feeling that fell through it now every time he recollected the details of events on the glade. They spun in front of him, like annoying flies, and he didn't know where they go. Now be a big war. Unless, of course, Bondi know what happened... And he learns. Maybe not immediately, and because I have the time. It should be used, and to hurry to get out of here восвоясие".

"Nail" was the last car. Zhora and then, and looked and looked in the rearview mirror on his вихляющую, bad a running machine. Most Zhora was afraid that they would stop some post of traffic police or militia. Especially this may have been due to "Nail". "Taxi drivers so don't travel, thought George. — You can imagine that drove there in boob a little bit drunk, and it's only a Nail.

Just in case, right on the seat lying ready Uzi with передернутым gate. The second was the "Fixes"going for him. They agreed that if there is — just pop off, and then go and after an hour meeting at the Kiev railway station.

However, they are lucky. At the entrance to the city traffic police post was as empty as would've died. On the street stood patrol machine, and the crew appeared to be asleep somewhere inside sentinel павильончика, thinking that in this night the cars on the road a little, and there is no need to overwork.

Once you are in Moscow, George sighed with relief. Now it was just to pick up from the Parking lot of your "mercy" and determine somewhere these machines.

We had to find out where the color of the body. This seemingly simple task looked great danger now: without a doubt Bondi controlled if not all, then most of repair workshops, both public and clandestine, and he certainly would have known that somewhere entered repainting three "taxo".

George took to the curb and put the brakes on. Behind him stopped and two other cars. "Nail" and "Fix" came up to him.

"What shall we do? — asked George.

They were silent, preferring to take his initiative.

Suddenly in my head George matured surprisingly simple and saving solution: "So Peter is that he gets!"

-Go to the product.


-The commodity station.


-We will ship cars to Peter. We will order the carriage. Send them "Nail". He there подновит, paint and sell.

"Why not here? — surprised the "Fix."

-It's dangerous here. At Bondi Bohm surely bound. As to Peter, I think he has not reached yet. There his office.

Leva "Tooth" thoughtful but after a minute answered with a sigh:

-"Nail", you say? Is it worth? The start of the game. We need people.

-Stands, " nodded Zhora.

Chapter 14. 015.

It took another two days, everything was still quiet. Gvozdev left behind sent to Peter machines. In a lime accompanying proved that the machines are designed for one of the local taxis.

Prudence and caution, which Behemoth was always distinguished and, thanks to whom, perhaps, lived still forced him to change his "Mercedes". He already began to think, to sell it and for greater security, buy some "Volvo" or "Japanese", but attachment to a beautiful and comfortable car, crossed his arms and legs.

They were alone with "Фиксой". Returning after that fateful night, he unexpectedly for myself beat Левиного friend, "Rafter man", and ordered him to get home. Vitya поспешнео retreated, taking with him and Анжеллу, which loudly screamed during that whole time, while hippopotamus beat "Hose".

Now they sit opposite each other in the deep armchairs, and George thought about what Leva this time not stood up for his friend. They looked at each other and silently smoked. The soul was disgusting. Gvozdev left. They were alone.

Two days they showed no nose from "Metropolja", which occupied a good rooms. On the third day Zhora suddenly said, slamming himself on the knee

-Let, the time to act. Time is money.

Leva elevated with pillows заспанное face.

-Maybe we should wait until the "Nail" will return?

-No! — Zhora confidently shook his head. — I am confident that we are already looking for.

-Do you think?

You would think чтоты — no. First, apparently caught the three. Then guess what happened... anyway, hurry up.

-But what can we do together?

-If you think well, much. On our side — the suddenness and unexpectedness of action. Now we don't do anything, and they do. They are looking for us. And time is on their side. As soon as we start to act, the time will be on our side. Remember: our goal is to take back what we got for yourself, and that was stolen from us by the Moscow bastards.

"Do you still hope to bring it back? in the voice of "Fixes" felt apathy and fatigue.

-Yes, I hope so, " George went into a rage. He leaned toward the interlocutor, putting большшое effort to break away from the back and get out of a drowning man, a deep armchair. And not распускай nurse! Remember, either we get back what we lost, or none of us in any case, you and I leave here, still alive.

-I pass! — shook his head "Fix"

-No, you don't pass, home, not pass! — Zhora ran up to him, put her on his knee and took my chin.

-I signed up to it?! — outraged "Fix", pushing away from your face his hand.


-Wow... I in this case took only, to help you have, so to say, a friendly aid, and you...

"What are you?! — George shook his breast.

-Let go! demanded Leva, pulling his hands behind his запастья.

Zhora unclenched his fingers and slumped down on the floor. He felt that exists in the state in which women usually begins hysterics.

-I can no longer, " he said wearily.

-I, too, complained in response Leva, with the palm of the hand over the forehead.

-You know, Lev, I have the feeling that everything around me keeps on a thin wire, and should this thread burst, as all around me повалится, fly somewhere down and deceive зва.

Lev listened to and, with pursed lips, according to nodded, listening to his отокровениям not the false серьезнростью and hidden irony, not really understanding and concern. However Жоре wanted was the second, and so he continued in the same vein. However, interrupted him in mid-sentence, "the Detective asked:

Hey, who is this the Bondi BOM?

Question caught Jora to catch. In the first minute he could do that хмыкнуть:

-Hmm, who.... In fact, anyone?

Question resulted in the discovery — in essence they don't know whom they are dealing. George remembered, as in the beginning, as soon as I arrived in Moscow, inquired and tried to get information from an informant, who obviously knew and could выложиить the lowdown этолго the notorious Bondi Boma. His name was mark Ilich, and Жоа know where he lives.

That's why I say that we should act. Should also at least know акем we started the war.

"Indeed, " agreed Leva, but what do you suggest?

-Is here to take one little man: knows all things, including about this very Bondi Boma. I already put him to visit, but he's rubbing me over half an hour some bullshit, and then asked for is to bring in his budget a tidy sum of money and currency.


-And now I think the time has come to pay him a second visit. Only now we will act with other methods.

After half an hour Leva already rolled up on it, Жорином "Mercedes". At the sight of his beautiful and grandiose machine he could not help grinning the entire width of the mouth. "Fix" also greeted him златозубой smile.

-Go, — said George, leaning to the window. "Let me, I sit behind the wheel.

-I trudge with your machine — confessed "Fix." He rolled on the right seat and made a summary. — Still, in "Merce" there is something fascinating.

George nodded his head in approval and gave gas, got off with a space, so that there was a creak on the asphalt Hughes gone wheel that's raised from the ground liquid clouds of dust.

They crossed the Central part of Moscow and went to one of the houses in the area Savyolovsky railway station.

-Leave лайбу here, " said George. — It will be safer. Hence we pass two streets.

-And if there was an ambush? — afraid of Leva.

'I think not, but if that...

George pulled out of a bag Uzi pointedly tossed it in his hand.

-So, we agree: check the porch, the surrounding area. Then I call this старикану by phone from a nearby booth. You're standing, listening at the door. If you hear that he is talking to me, then delicately взламываешь door. When I hear your voice in the handset, you will go way up. Agree?

Leva agreed, but then not noticed:

Hey, you, Hippo, still smart!

-Why is this?

-Yes, because under my bullets expose, and the going back! And suddenly there was an ambush?

-You have a machine. Or you need something?

-I would like, so we went together.

-Together? And if we graze on the street and laid at the entrance, as конареек in a cage? You thought about that?

-Actually, no.

-Now, then, as I thought. If I see that sort of thing, it'll distract them, and you heard the shooting, go through the attic. Meet at the "Mercedes"

"I was difficult to believe that they stalked us on the street, " said the "Fix."

-In this case as well, was difficult to believe me that they организовли ambushed in his apartment. And, perhaps both, or even a third, then, so we don't expect, because we don't know who we're dealing with. Understood? So, you rotten this Bazaar throw about the first and второгою. You go first, I cover your rear. You're a provider of front — everything is like in the army, all. As in war.

"Okay, be it as you wish.

At the house of old man they were divided. Looking around and seeing nothing suspicious, George went to the pay phone, and "Fix", stressing once again the room кввартиры, galloped up the access stairs leaps and bounds jumps.

"Hello, this is mark Ilich? — a minute later George started talking on the phone, very delighted to ensure that the owner of the apartment house. "Caught, goldfish, ' he thought to himself. — With what we're begin!". Is you old friend worried. I would like you to look... Well, when — when... Today. Yes, could now... about?.. Speak louder, I can't hear anything... louder, louder!.. Yes, even louder!.. So here it is.

After five minutes of this senseless conversations on the other end, there was some confusion, and soon the familiar voice said to him:

"Get up, I took it.

George dropped the receiver on to its cradle and rubbing her from the pleasure of hands, almost ran to the entrance.

'Well, mark Ilich? he asked, coming through the open door of the apartment and притворив her. — I promised you go.

Mark Ilich sitting in the middle of the room on a chair, with hands tied behind their backs and stuck in the mouth gag, and watched him a frightened look. About myself Zhora noted that his eyes are now very similar to those that had survived the taxi driver on the glade. "All the people are so similar in fear, he thought.

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