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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Gladyshev wanted to argue, but its high interlocutor still, under the back, out of his Cabinet. Balk sense was not, moreover, that Dima guessed that he show character especially not allow it, and if he зартачится will reappear "kind"-fellows, who famously twist of the hand.

He was hoping that the whole of this strange spectacle that is more of a misunderstanding end soon. Though everything was strange to the extreme. He never realized that so appealed, and why he was here, and where will know his name.

They went into an inner yard of the building and stood in the front entrance, marble and bronze. After a couple of minutes to the entrance drove up the long black limousine, similar to the one which was brought here Dima.

-Ask, — invited him inside the car owner's office. The driver threw open a door in front of them salon.

This time tinted Windows were down, and he could actually feel the cool night air washes the car and rushes into the room, and see the night streets of the huge city.

The owner of the office sat down next to him in the rear cabin of the limousine. Machine, grinding her wheels abruptly turned around, and described a semicircle on the inner yard of the building and drove up to the gate, which immediately opened. Red eye светофорапод ceiling arches changed to green. The vehicle was rolled out on a Moscow street.

-Okay, let's get something very different, friendly, said the owner of the office, put her arms around his shoulder.

Dima with a baffling dumb question on his face turned to him and found that thick his interlocutor melted into a пухлощекой , good-natured to taste придури smile. It was so unexpected and uncalled for, that involuntarily he replied:

-Let's — though nothing was going to speak.

-My name — to Гладышеву reached пухлопалая hand. — Толстунин Boris Borisovich.

-Very nice, " he reluctantly hand Dima. — And me... however, if you know the name, why nna know and name with a patronymic.

-You are right, Mr. Gladyshev.

-It is strange that I still like to call by name.

-Well, well, let'll call you by your name, Dima.

-Then it is better to Dmitry. We are, after all, not friends from the gazebo, I always keep a safe distance from strangers, especially of such rank as you.

Толстунин stopped, turned away, looking at the lights on the night streets, window shopping and cafes. Gladyshev turned to his window, which was engulfed in a whirlwind in the cool night air. Even now, when the streets were empty, and полловина and factories are not working, чувтствовался the smell of burning still some stuff. Sometimes in beauty врывалось suddenly a stench like along the street were not at home, and very often multi-storey toilets and cesspits, of which no long emptied.

-That frown, Dmitry? Not like Moscow air? "very Толстунин.

-You guessed, Boris Borisovich. In your position, the insight is a very useful quality.

-In Ukraine, the air, podi, cleaner?

I don't know. Not had the happiness to travel at night on the city streets. Perhaps I would find the same thing. Besides, we radiation. Chernobyl поддувает.

-Here, too, brings so much should not be upset.

-I'm not in the slightest.

-Can, raise the window?

"No, thank you. To me this is fun enough, when I was to you. I'm better this way.

Gladyshev again turned back to the window, this time first. He felt a few more confident.

-In your speech felt amazing mannerisms, continued the conversation Толстунин. — When I listen to you, I have the impression that I was talking Gogol or Shevchenko — I call these writers, because they have to be more close to you in spirit, however I am pleased to recall Pushkin or Tolstoy.

-I don't understand.

-We ourselves sometimes do not understand. You actually, Dmitry, can we at least one iota imagine that was the reason that you sit beside me, not in her room with a married прелестницей?

I think, mannerisms you do not hold, but the right word, I have no idea why this is, then suddenly you are me interested.

And you wonder why?

-Surprised?! I think our whole life in this country runs in the framework of violence. It is even above the law, which, in some way, represent you, Boris Borisovich. So what I wonder? In our society surprised, angry, indignant, or something or another to Express their disagreement with the power — it is useless, because it means making references to the law. But the power has long appropriated him and now turns to them as he wants.

-Wise, wise, quietly applauded Толстунин.

-The main thing is true.

Such smart people, like you, Dmitry, must be destroyed. Or isolate.

Gladyshev looked at Толстунина, their eyes met, but Dima is nothing to read in these немигающих, as if drawn on a face, eyes.

Толстунин himself breaking the silence:

joke Dmitry, a joke. Although, is a reasonably. As did Pushkin: the fairy tale is a lie, but it hint?

-I have your jokes, Boris Borisovich throat to stand. You had told me, why do you...

"No hurry, Dmitry, do not hurry. You better I guess the riddle. Отгадаешь?

-Guess the riddle, solve the question of who shoots the heel gets in the nose. Yes?

-Yes, something like that. What is ЦэКа?

-ЦэКа? Probably, the Central Committee.

"Oh, no, no guessing. That's exactly what стреляеш in heel — get in the nose. ЦэКа is a valuable picture, you know? Now, you're a valuable picture. And so am I.

Толстунин with indecent, boorish развязанностью laughed. He behaved like a man standing on the top of the power pyramid and not only feels his power, but uses it without restrictions. To him no one to fear, and he had forgotten how to be ashamed of, because so long ago lost conscience.

Dima watched as he laughs and with deep aversion to this man, suddenly thought that if he now wanted to pull the excess seed, he without any confusion and delay would masturbate right here in the car, not noticing his presence any attention.

Meanwhile laughter Толстунина exhausted, and he spoke again:

-You're a poet, Dmitry? Such поэтишко, Yes?

-Well, Yes, something like that.

"Well, think of poems rhyme "cattle — people".

Dima перекорежило, jumped up in the soul.

-That, bad rhyme? surprised Толстунин.

-No, Boris Borisovich. Rhyme something good. Only here the words are strange.

-In my opinion — the best words. I'm sorry now, not a poet, and that he himself wrote a poem. Me and cards in one place to put the couple in stanza.

-Yes, it's not difficult, Boris Borisovich!


-Yes. Just try.

Толстунин wrinkled his forehead, portraying the effort of thought. Suddenly his face brightened:

-Ah. Invented. People are cattle. Cattle are the nation. Well?

-Pull... with beer.

-Well, and you?

-I will not such mucks do shook his head Dima.

-You see! threatened finger Толстунин. — And I have to do: work in me.

-What is your job?

-The state shall defend.

-From whom?

-From the beasts — and from the peoples. However it is one and the same. We all the same, the Ministry of internal Affairs. If it was any other Ministry, I would have protected it from someone else.

Dima didn't answer him anything, because I don't know what you can talk to him, but Толстунин not appeased. He changed the topic.

"You, I know it perfectly, wrote a novel, doesn't it?

-Well, — said reluctantly Dima, again having been surprised осведомленност interlocutor.

-And you are having difficulties with the publication?

"Yes, " nodded his head Dima. And very large.

-Yes, Russian novels are born painfully then, with nerves, but, sometimes with blood. I'm afraid that your will generally be stillborn.

-Why is this?

-I have основния think so, ' smiling mysteriously, said Толстунин. — Of course, nothing wrong in it, almost there. But something alarming. In him is in you. He reveals some of your thoughts that you don't speak up right, but mean. But you only try the forces. Let you break out, to get recognition — what will happen? We have enough, and the current number of dissidents. And your vile negligence of state authorities gives grounds to fear in будщем get in your face one more enemy power.

-The authorities to whom? What power?

Does it matter which one? That power is always power. And like you, go and went against the authorities at all times. Besides, don't you think that all the metamorphoses of power in our country: the monarchy — кипитализм — socialism — has not affected the essence of its structure. Changed in all cases, the ruling caste, but the share of haves and haves not remained on the same level, as a hundred years ago.

Now that seems to be the idea of communism discredited itself, but this did not prevent the Olympus of power, with all the metamorphoses of the external attributes of the ruling clan, остатьчся layer обогащающихся as well as with other social systems, as before. And this tip will always fight to the likes of you, because they are always against it, no matter how called operation.

The state is the enemy of their society, — it has long been known, and like you — its dangerous opponents. Part of the company under any social structure always outside the law, that comes up with the state. Like you, outside the law always, though, perhaps, sometimes, and not in public. And guarding the internal interests of the state we stand — the Ministry of internal Affairs. That's why I took you personally, as the rising enemy power. Strong enemy, I must admit. You can be proud of.

Толстунин sighed deeply.

"Thank you, " nodded Dima. And your words that are very difficult to learn, to me, however, realized that it was you stand on the path of my novel, and do not give him the right of way?

"Quite right, Mr. Gladyshev!

Dima was shocked by this news, and could not большесказать.

They have not talked.

"The monster, " finally he said Dima slowly and quietly, apparently, making for some kind of opening.

-Not much jerked his chin Толстунин.

-The state is a monster, " said Dima, his eyes opened wide. — As I had not understood.

Толстунин just laughed in response.

-I am glad your insight! The state is power, power is the people who have it. And these people want to live and not just to live, and live well, and, strangely enough, but to make them well, all the rest, those who have not the power should be worse and much worse, you know? Lords of the better they feel, the higher they rose to the pyramid of wealth inequality over the people they ruled. If a person is rich and has no power, it is, at least, strange. Not true? Opposite...

-Yes, absently agreed Gladyshev, knitting his brow, and about something thinking.

Limousine, they were slowed down and turned off the wide Avenue on the narrow street.

Only now Dima noticed that they quite a long drive around the city and are now probably in some kind of the opposite end of the capital. His sad thoughts themselves vanished пожранные concern.

"Where are you they brought me? — with fright, however, and with a curiosity he asked Толстунина.

-Now you will see, " replied Boris Borisovich.

The driver quickly jumped out of the car and obligingly opened the door to the cabin in front of his boss. The grunting, got out of the car and waved him out Gladysheva. He подчиинился.

Entrance of the building, which they arrived, a closed yard-caret, inside which they were, seemed to Dima acquaintances. "I do not go there if we went back, left it?" — flashed in his mind guess. He wanted to look more closely, but Толстунн took him in the staircase, marble and bronze.

They passed several corridors, accompanied by two tough guys probably guards. Dima suddenly decided that they take him to the torture, and he was afraid. But here are the guards opened to the NMI next door, and he gasped in amazement.

The room they entered together with Толстуниным, was a huge pool saunas, a special, Regal elegance and splendour. White and pink marble, gilding plaster moulding, bronze railings.

Above the pool and steam was rising, and it's like a mermaid and ghosts floated, walked, and streamed by naked women. They were so many that Dima's breath away from simultaneously seized with excitement and embarrassment.

Толстунин stretched his arms to the neckties. Dima also felt подступившую cry. At this time, were approached by four totally naked women and help them to undress. Dima involuntarily their chiselled shapes and tanned, with brassy, skin and felt the excitement. From this it has become even more embarrassing. But women continued their work, and one of them, when приспустила his pants and found vigorously standing member, looked into his face with a hopeful, joyful, playful smile that promised him everything.

-Well, like, Mr. Gladyshev? asked Толстунин when their clothes somewhere carried away. His eyes fell on Dima's loins, and he involuntarily looked amazed. — Oh! I see you have everything in order. That is the meaning of the youth! And I need a special masseuse to achieve such a good erection. What can you do? — he regretted to spread his hands.

"Where are we? asked Dima.

He, too, lowered his gaze to the genitals, Толстунина and saw a small, сморщившийся like a dead mouse segment. He almost completely hid in black curly hair and like a frightened hare from under the bushes stuck out from there with only his nose. "Pretty funny to see such a small economy in such a huge body!" involuntarily thought Dima, and he could hardly keep прыснуть laughing. Only the enduring mental reminder of who he is dealing with, helped him to hold back.

Is гульбарий, сексодром, differently — so we call each other, — answered Толстунин. "Come in.

Dima again looked round the sauna, and now noticed that except naked women, there is also a lot of naked men. Postal none of them was alone, many made love with women, some two or three. These were everywhere: on the benches, on the marble floor, in the pool. The sight of this mass, reckless landfill seemed Dima disgusting. He wanted to say it Толстунину, but dragged him into swimming pool, two women, who were stripped. Instead, stood next to him that which улыббалась him while undressing. She took his hand and led me around the pool.

"You're here, probably the first time? — she asked.

"Yes, " nodded Dima, uncomfortable. Why don't you ask who I am?

-We have here is not accepted. Mere mortals here still do not fall.

The woman led him to the bar in the far corner of the saunas, which was not visible from the entrance of thick vapor, and ordered two cocktail барменше, which was rather unintelligible swimsuit: he covered some parts of her body, but it is not those who closes the usual female bathing suit — they were, on the contrary, emphasized excitingly bared and downright conspicuous, framed by brilliant, fiery color cloth.

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