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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Spellbound so challenging style, Dima could not take his eyes from барменши until its not called companion. She gently pushed him in the shoulder and gave him a wide and shallow with a glass of sparkling liquid, similar in appearance to the champagne.

"Come, that if, meet, she suggested to him.

'OK, ' agreed Dima, hardly opening the eyes from барменши.

-Call me Rita, she said, and gripped him on the bench.

-And me Dima, " he replied.

Drained his glass, Dima felt quickly gaining intoxication. Hot lips Rita touched his face...

Chapter 16. (16).

His stunned by a close shot. However, before deaf, he still managed to distinguish shouts and noises downstairs.

Nothing having to even really think he made a desperate somersault forward and rolled half-side down stairs whether it is valid so cleverly that never hurt, or not feeling pain because of nervousness.

My ears rang. Her head went around. In the eyes bleed vague contours of the surrounding. Above him was some grey obscure spot. Жое was clear that it was one of those who shot that it is the enemy. He lay on his back again twisted like a snake, despite his plump build, and pulled the trigger hook size in advance взведенного machine. Sound of shooting came as if from somewhere far away, from another world. Grey spot disappeared, fallen down somewhere.

George stood up, leaning on the wall. He still could not see well. 've swam before his eyes. In my head was blood.

George thought, not wounded. Pain is not felt, but he knew that there are circumstances where you don't feel anything. He felt himself in some places, but he did not understand hurt or not.

Grey spot was now on the bottom. George raised his machine, but some sixth sense felt that shoot is not necessary. Spot quickly approached and clearer. Zhora discerned "Фиксу". Rather, he guessed that this "Fix". At this moment he rubbed his eyes and he can see better. "Fix pulled his arm. He started for him upstairs. Under the feet of them with a rustle and the rustle of the scattered sheets dossier on Bondi Boma. Zhora рнаклонился and on the move caught, caught a half-hundred pages, laying together, shoved them in his bosom.

Flee it becomes difficult, he began to choke. "Fix" puffed ahead, тащя his hand. They ran past the apartments Brand Ilyich. The door it was in a half-open state, so that was visible part of the poorly lit corridor. It was empty, but Zhora hardly resist the temptation to put in there long. "We must keep ammunition", he thought.

They run up on the floor above. From below came the friendly clatter of a dozen pairs of legs pursuers.

This was the last floor of a house. Exit to the attic there was such entrances called deaf. However, due to the whim of architects, long time ago who built this building, the floor was located on the migration corridor, stretching right up right and left. Left too ran several people.

Zhora and "Fix" they ran кориддору left. After them there were some shots of guns. Jora обсыпало wood chip, брызнувшей meet, in the face of the jamb of the door, who landed the bullet. Some more with vomiting air hissing and присвистом swept somewhere nearby, but Жоре once was even scared, it was necessary to leave from the chase.

"Fix"running a little ahead, on the left, on the move turned and, having made several steps, jumping forward a back, snarled in response to shots burst of machine gun fire.

Appeared ahead Playground is on the last floor next door. Here the corridor ended. From the bottom, too, fled with guns at the ready a few people, but they have not yet seen them, Jora and "Фиксу".

More shots rang out from the corridor. Those on a stairway, a gallop alive, and when they were on the intercommunication site and just noticed persecuted, Zhora opened fire on them.

Several pursuers immediately fell dead. Some of them managed to duck and hide behind the white marble railing.

Jora gave turn below. Pieces точеного, licked once caring, diligent hands of masters of stone flies together with the sparks, and dust from handrails and pot-bellied barrels support in all directions. Platform being wrapped in a white cloud.

Immediately, without hesitation, Zhora suffered a fire on the approaching along the corridor, not omitting the trigger until it ran out of cartridges. "Fix," shot back the same.

Behind them, a lock clicked, and the door through which ran a corridor, a slightly opened. The gap seemed half of the eyes with a curious pale blue, pale eye. Zhora and "Fix" mechanically turned around.

In this time between the wall with several bullets. They all flashed a door , but one hit in this curious eye. In the twinkling of an eye, at its place there was whitish-bloody, развороченное spot. Jora shuddered at the брезгливого disgust, and "Fix", without hesitating a second, with full force hit by the door with his foot.

The chain, which she kept howled, as the bass string and with the "meat" flew out of the casing. Killed the old woman, truncated door, fell back in the dyed with blood and brains floor. George jumped over her body and leaped into the room to the right, away from the corridor. "Fix" ran into the flat and slammed the door. As soon as he bounced from it, as several bullets in her body.

In the room sitting at the table was a small child of five or six. He anxiously stared at the two strangers, with автоматамми in the hands, and from fear to speak with his big, wide open mouth.

Men rushed to the balcony. The doors were.

Balcony was small, such that it was impossible as it should turn around, with a homemade крышицей, прилепленной to the eaves.

"Fix," shook his support balcony canopy. She staggered.

-Well, what we climb? he asked George.

The answer was clear by itself. We had no choice: either to climb up, risking quick, or wait until ворвуться pursuers and shoot them here, on the balcony.

George was the first. It was against his habit. Usually he always sent "to check the road" his assistants, and then put it himself, and from the outside it might look like a bold move. But actually, Zhora was afraid to remain. "Fix" was easier and quicker, so if he come first, and the old design has stood him, осталсь would unknown, could have then to use that same path and Zhora, more fat, heavy and clumsy.

Homemade construction, assuming the severity of Жориного body, moaned, and she sang on вспе Lada, leaned over the side, but not destroyed. "Fix" has placed its bottom, pushed the hand, and Zhora, beside himself, jumped on the roof, натерпевшись a lot of fear for these few moments when it seemed that he now will collapse along with all this nonsense down, but fearing the real thing here, on the roof.

"Fix" Les followed. Balcony canopy creaked under him, накреняясь more and more towards. He asked Jora to give him a hand to help out, but George was not in a condition even шевельнутьсмя, only starting to recover from the crisis, and распласталсяпо tin roof lining, as crushed by the toad.

As if from afar, from the bottom of the apartment, which they had just left, heard the shots. "Fix" already climbed the рубероидную крышицу canopy, and he could only attain handrails, grab them, and, already feeling a reliable support in his hands, suddenly jump over them and be near the Hippopotamus, when suddenly something there scary cracked, and he vanished along with all this unreliable design, повалившейся down.

Jora was shaking a major tremor. We had to leave, but he was lying, dulled, and looking at the place where it's just missing his buddy. It seemed to him that so he is already half an hour, but actually it took no more than a minute. He chudilis vote on the balcony, which have now been relaxed, as if the pursuers, satisfied with the results of his pursuit, seeing about the cancelled from the roof "Фиксу", now standing there and probably smoked, discussing the details of the incident and sharing with each other their experiences.

He was lying, and he did not want anything except sleep. He wanted to fall asleep right now, immediately and доспаться until such a time when it all go away like a bad, bad dream. However eyes opposed to his will, refused to obey and continued to look down, where most recently "Fix" sought his assistance.

Suddenly he увидилось that the head of the "Fixes" peeked over the cornice that he looks at him and widely smiling happily.

"Leo, no need to me to play! — asked George, but head continued to smile. — Leva...

Here he discerned the features of the face of the head, and found that it was not "Fix", and someone from the persecutors stared at him with злорадной smile. Fearing Zhora gathered his last strength and зашкрябал hands and feet on the roof, but he did not move. From the side it was probably like a cockroach, обожравшегося poison and now vainly trying to escape his death, and therefore head over арнизом laughed.

-He's here, guys! Send him take it! she said when addressing someone at the bottom, and disappeared.

Zhora again felt an acute attack of mortal danger. Animal fear born with this feeling, made his escape. He stood up and staggered away down the slope of the roof to the manhole to the attic, somehow got inside and huddled there, already badly that thinking in the corner, under the flooring of the roof, down to the ledge where barely able to squeeze, then, as a sleepwalker, producing машинальные motion with his hands, shut yourself some rags and some debris scattered about, and, burying yourself in this stinking heap, fell into hibernation, exactly insect larva, which has prepared for the winter.

Thick black veil of sleep separated him from the external world in which nothing was interested and didn't care, through it hardly made ends meet and reach his consciousness sounds relatives steps, by echoing clatter tin roof, the sounds of the voices ransacking about in search of his people. When he awoke, it was already evening.

At first he did not understand even what happened to him where he is, but gradually restoring the morning events, separated surrealism dream from quite like them reality, all the more choking from the stench of garbage, who himself buried, and thanks to which, perhaps, he was saved, he was horrified around произшедшему.

Having got out of a pile of junk and treasurership, he descended from the attic stairs in the door, listened, waited, cautiously looked around. All was quiet. House, or sleepy, or extinct, did not give his life a rustle and a sound, just like a day ago, when they "Фиксой" come here, to visit a Brand Ilyich.

Having walked through the hall to the next door and down the floor below, Zhora was again in front of his apartment. The door has already been repaired and stood in his place, as if nothing had happened.

Zhora rang in the apartment next door. Minutes later otttuda in a narrow chink peeked low black-eyed Granny. Not long thinking, Zhora pushed a gun barrel in the crack in the door иприставил his forehead woman. Everything happened so quickly that she had nothing really think.

-Open it, Granny, door and without tricks. Not what I told you now birdhouse lambasted, " he said menacingly through clenched teeth.

Cartridges in the machine, but George was not going to shoot, believing that produced the effect will be quite enough.

Action "startle" really worked. The door swung open, and George entered the hallway of the apartment.

-My dear, I f nothing! — запричитала old woman.

Quietly, grandma! — Zhora put her mouth with your hand. — Close хавальник and no longer разивай. I'm not going to Rob.

He led her further into the room and there only removed from the face of his hand. "Lucky me today grannies," thought George.

In a room on the floor playing two children, a girl and a boy. They were still quite small, probably just learned to walk and something to speak, and because of the arrival of an unknown uncle did not reacted, only looked in his direction, and again engaged in their business. However, in the corner, on the bed sat a young woman, apparently, their mother. Seeing a stranger with a gun, she округлила eyes and opened her mouth to scream with fright, but George had glimpsed her reaction, went to her and clamped her mouth before first broke the sound of the cry, then slightly, so she only felt the pain had hit her head on the wall and warned:

"Do be quiet, you fool! Close your mittens! Calm down! Hear OLT you little one complaint is considered, that the children you have had!

For persuasiveness he sent to their side of the machine. The children looked at them and again turned away, went into the game.

A woman, apparently realized that they want of her, and she, according to nodded her head, staring at Jora, frightened eyes.

"Try to be as it is now will be given!" — flashed George underlying idea.

Looking at these frightened, wide-open women's eyes, he felt excited, but resisted in itself нечаянную lust.

Noticing that she calmed down, Zhora let her go.

-Rings, money, gold in the Bureau drawer! — patter " she blurted out. — Only do not kill us, пожжалуйста. We in the police claim will not.

-You fool! — прокоментировала grandmother standing before silently.

-Granny! Bathroom is? — asked George.

"Yes, " replied the old woman with uncertainty in his voice. — And for what?

-Take the kids in the bath! "said George.

The underlying desire to appease failed, and he felt it swell more and more. Humility with which he watched the woman only подстегивала passion. George felt that it was prepared on the ve.

-Oh, my dear, you this is what удумал? — worried grandmother, smelling bad.

-I said, take the kids in the bath! — further enhancing the voice repeated, Zhora. "Or are you spending?

Even looking in her direction, he made a sharp movement of the machine, as if turning it. Grandma hurried up, took the children and went into the bathroom. George rose followed and closed them there on the latch. Through the door, I could hear the children cried, and my grandmother began to calm down.

He came into the room. The woman looked at him, not looking up. Internal instinct told him that this will not be violence, that it will extravagant adventure with a man who was in the machine. This has been talked about her eyes.

-So, you say: gold and money in the chest? — he asked.

-Yes, — according she nodded his head, not taking her eyes.

-The police will not claim?

"Yes, " she nodded again.

He approached her:

-And do not kill us?

"Yes, " she said very quietly and obediently.

He was already on edge. Passion was in full swing. Excitation exactly brought him strength.

-Take off your skirt, clearly, powerfully, without embarrassment he said.

Willingness and ingenuity women were above his expectations. Maybe she was извращенка and also lighted up desire to, as he may be able to read in his eyes the desire to possess it and defeated my pride and honour to avoid violence and save lives: and their children, but only she immediately rose, lifted her skirt bending over him and приспустила panties.

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