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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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"Take them off completely! "he ordered, feeling spreads bliss, dissolving in every cell of his body, at the sight of a Nude female buttocks, obediently exhibited in his расоряжение from under the clothes.

A few seconds later, he had already mastered it, but soon felt that things were going badly. Pushing her on the bed, Zhora said:

No, I do not want to.

-And how? — with submissive bewilderment " the woman asked, having got him his bitch eyes.

-I want you I want.

-But how?

-You don't know? — by her face, it was obvious that she does not know. — Vodka?

-Vodka?.. In the refrigerator for half the bottle.

He brought vodka and a glass, poured her:


-Can't! We need something to eat.

Pei! — ordered her to George, pointing to DL the persuasiveness of the knee.

Apparently she had recovered herself, that is not at the bar with her partner and, давась морщясь, drank half a glass, like water, SIPS, then coughed. Zhora poured her another glass. Little breathless, she drank it.

-Well, what? he asked, looking into her посоловевшие eyes.

"Nothing, " she replied, piano nodded her head from side to side.

"Too far," thought George, impatiently watching shy and meek fright in his eyes, replaced by a haze of indifference. Wish it would quickly begin to wane, and he was about to pull the pants, suddenly the woman herself had drawn him to her and made with BEM disgusting art of possession.

Having experienced weak satisfaction mixed with disgust to the drunken woman shamelessly collapsed in полураздетом, распутном form on the bed, and with a bitter feeling that they used without special desire, although he brewed all this mess, George thought, apparently, vet nature all women are the same. He was so upset that I almost forgot why I came here, however, remembered and made her get dressed, released pudding and children from the bathroom.

Once free, and beholding her daughter in such a state, grandmother ran to him, with indignation squeezing the small, dry Cams:

"Are you here to do?! What you're all doing?!

-Granny — stopped her Zhora stretched out his hand. — Yelling at me don't! My promise remains valid!

He nodded to children, and then the machine gun lying next to a drunken woman.

Grandma зыркнула on the machine, something смекнула and ran to him. Zhora with a smile, watching her actions.

-Come on, go to the bathroom! "old woman, armed and sending machine on the bully.

-You're smarter could think of nothing? he asked, and not шевельнувшись. — In the toilet, for example?

Marsh, who said! — indignantly retorted the old woman, menacing rocking machine.

-Do you even know how to shoot? smiling, asked George, with all his views showing absolute calm. — Look, not застрелись.

-I know, — seriously said Granny. — Hands up, bandit! Who said hands up! Marsh in the bathroom!

-Do not go! if капризничая, mimicked her Zhora.

-Well, hold on, бандюга! grandma pulled the trigger hook size.

Heard the metallic click, but shot followed. "Decisive Granny — said George. — And can shoot". He took from inside his pistol silencer.

"Well, Granny, the performance is over! — commented George, navorachivaya onto the barrel. — There was no ammunition. And shoot you actually know how. Well, the next time you have, perhaps, something will succeed. Next time, but only if you behave obediently, okay?

With these words he fired in a flower-pot hanging on the wall. Dispersed, clay has done more noise than the shot.

-And here cartridges are! said George, taking immediately обмякшей, WAN-looking grandmother machine. And therefore we must obey me!

-Take everything and go away! — responded with anger and frustration grandmother. — Where is the — know.

"I didn't this come — Zhora made a gesture of spreading hands, meant "alas".

-But why? To my Valya here is doing? — outrage grandmother again began to gain momentum.

Softly-softly. Valya your she wanted to. Listen нажралась. But I don't need it it. So, along the way. And now we will do what I need, what I had come for. Now you, Granny, go to your neighbor and under any pretext: matches are over, anything else will you come to his apartment and see whether it somebody. Then come back and tell me. Understood?

Grandma shook her head.

And remember: just that — all your выкормышей ухлопаю. A word to him or полслова. Is it clear to you?

He sent the grandma to Mark Illich оставшисьслушать behind the door. We could hear as she went in, and after about five minutes left. "Still unreliable: suddenly she предпредит, and he, before I get there, call to whom it is necessary?.. Well, no, this time I stay here I will not!"

Grandma back, slamming the door, said, if заговорщица and not taken:

-One it is. As there is one!

-And don't mean it?

"No, darling. Here is your cross — grandmother crossed herself.

-When he called you somewhere?

-No, come on. 't call.

-Well, look, don't let God, not the way he threatened her finger.

Grandma suddenly smiled playfully.

Chapter 17. (17).

-And what, honey? Tea loose us now? — she asked.

-Let you go, let you go. Now only the neighbor go.

Is that it? — smile with бабкиного person was.

-And for what I need. Yes look, that he has not closed the door.

They went out together into the staircase, and George himself, standing on полэтажа above.

-Call me! "he commanded in a loud whisper. Tell me what bad daughter.

The old woman called. Жоора kept quiet. The door opened.

-Ilyich, подсоби yet! — asked the grandmother.

-What is it?! was indignant voice.

-Daughter of bad.

I already got today, Mikhailovna! That with her?!

-Yes don't know. Come, fell on the bed, lies down and does not move, nor lows, nor calves.

-So, a quick call you that?

-Yes it would be if the ambulance. But even better, if I would have a look?

-Yes I will, Mikhailovna, doctor?.. Well, okay, let's go, we'll see.

Mark Ilich appeared on the platform and went to the apartment of a neighbor. Improving the moment, Zhora fast, trying not to make noise, went down to his apartment and slipped in the door. Before he flew indignant exclamation Mark Ilyich:

-Yes it is you drunk, Mikhailovna! Are you making fun of me?!

George went into the room and took refuge for archival stand. After a minute granted the owner of the apartment, saying indignantly on the go and marveling at the impudence "свихнувшейся бабаки". He walked to the front of a computer and came across the muzzle of Жориного gun. Their eyes met. The Shine of a Brand Ilyich expressed terror. He wanted to move around to the side, but then went out from a direct blow to the jaw. This time Zhora spared not his fist and went to him with full force.

Stay in this apartment, it was dangerous. You cannot tell where danger. Whether it installed a listening device, or, even worse, camcorder watched everything happening in the room but Zhora already could see that they were prepared decent meeting on the exit from his apartment that morning. Rely on the fact that mark Ilich gave the alarm with the help of special computer code comprising, perhaps from one of the signal or sign, it was dangerous.

With his pistol silencer in the holster, and Uzi belt шттанов costume Brand Ilyich, Zhora took him under the arms and dragged him to the exit. At his request Mikhailovna made, turns winked remaining in the bottle of vodka, and George poured it into the throat of a Brand Ilyich "smell".

On the street mark Ilich began to come to himself, and from the side it seemed like a friend drags home from a party of his перебравшего, resisting and nonsense bearing buddy. On the way they met a police post with a patrol car, standing near an intersection. The sight of the policeman mark Ilich, a little окосевший, waved his arms and began to shout, trying to, apparently, to attract the attention of the employee of the protection order. The policeman responded, having, apparently, lunges Brand Ilyich for abusive drunk бредд address in militia.

-You fine?! — then he jumped up with a hurt expression on his face, playing veins on the cheeks.

For that, chief? "asked George, adjusting to the forced upon him by the rules of the game. — And that's this here?!

He pointed his finger in the belly Brand Ilyich and stumbled on metal machine under his suit, frightened полумал "Ouch!"

-Yes, here, for this here! — pointed his in the same place policeman and shook from the pain of зашибленным finger. — That he has a piece of iron for?!

-Machine — confessed Zhora. — Uzi.

-So, I'm just now you and Uzi, and for all the world as штрафану on the first number!

Mark Ilich shouted something, trying to poke a policeman in uniform.

-Yes, I'll now! — outraged guardians of the order Goths had to explode with anger.

"Don't! — предупредилл his Zhora. — With my father and I'll take care of himself! Now звездану his jaw, and he заткнеться all right." It happens to everyone?

He drew back.

"Don't! — policeman tried to stop him, but George has exaggerated and turn drove mark Ilich so that he could not keep him on his feet. Mark Ilich plopped back on the wet asphalt walk path. Machine treacherously jumped out of his belt and hit next.

-Well, you're already too! — policeman shook his head.

-My father, what I want with it, you do, " retorted Zhora.

-And still, you can draw, " said the policeman, apologetically. — Well, Oh well!.. Oh, what's this?!

He noticed вывалившийся machine.

'I told you, "COP", that is "Uzi", " replied George still amiably smiling, but then, переменившись in the face, drove to a policeman weighed a slap, that he fell unconscious into another Mark Ilyich side.

The people passing by, and turning to them, Zhora reassured the public:

Calmly, the citizens! It's the police! All his! It is our internal problem!

But passers-by and did not think to stop, slowly passing by, and only looking at a strange campaign.

George picked up the machine and, putting on his shoulder Brand Ilyich, carried him to their car. Behind him tossed in the back seat and the policeman, pre-pinned his hands with him, and locked them in his own handcuffs.

After two quarters, Zhora подрулил to his "Mercedes", surprised, that for a day with him removed the wheel, tape recorder and not повыламывали door. Mark Ilich moved into the "Mercedes" Zhora with a policeman pulled his pants, ripped uniform and second handcuffs fastened the first to the handlebars, slipping his hand between the backs of the front seats up to shoulders.

"One hundred and tenth, one hundred tenth"! Answer! came over the intercom внутримашинного transmitter at the very time when George was about to leave the salon "Жигуленка".

"One hundred and tenth" listening to you! "replied the policeman Zhora.

"One hundred and tenth", follow the quarter seven дробьтри. Committed repeated the heinous attack on an apartment citizen Минкина brand Ilyich, the thirty and sixth year of birth. Address...

George looked back: not очухался whether the policeman, but he was still unconscious.

-... special signs: growth above the average, build — a lean, wrong...

"Who can it be worked out quickly?" thought George, involuntarily smoke a cigarette from the excitement.

-... citizen Minkin kidnapped by the gang. The purpose of the kidnapping is installed. Possible signs gangster...

George listened. Description of the appearance of the bandit coincided with his appearance in detail. He inhaled deeply and shook his head: "Yes, I stay there on extra half-hour, and I would be the cover!"

-...aggravating circumstances of the RAID: robbed and raped threatened пприменения weapons mistress of a neighboring apartment, Zaikina Valentina Рахмановна, the seventy-third year of birth...

"I do not бабусина work? thought George, продоллжая smoke. — And as anxious sounds summary! Much creep vet skin!"

-...the offender is in possession of weapons: pistol-machine, compact, an unloaded pistol with a silencer. There ammunition. The present location of the offender is unknown. "One hundred tenth", can you hear me?

-Excellent! — George somehow's spirits rose.

"One hundred and tenth", the command you to take the observation post in a quarter of seven fraction three at the crossroads number twenty-eight. Detain all suspicious characters, check the documents, to stop for inspection of motor vehicles. As you understood it? Welcome!

-Yeah, well, take a square двдцать seven fraction three, take intersection number twenty-eight! "Jora and already wanted to vylazit of the car, and suddenly ether intervened someone обеспокоеннфый voice:

-Zavialov, Zavyalov! Fucking leg! Zavyalov!

George hesitated, but then took the microphone in my hand.

-Zavialov, God damn it! — not asking someone.

-What are you?! — George did the tone of voice, as if "Завьялову" reluctant to talk.

-Zavialov, moron! Look me! Operation oversees himself Толстунин! Don't let me down! Once the service, as expected, bring!

"Who, Boris Borisovich? asked "Zavialov"-Zhora.

-It the most! Not подкачай at least this time!


But what's the matter with your voice? asked someone on the radio.

-That voice? pricked up his ears Zhora.

-Rough you have it some, if not yours.

-Ice cream ate too much, hoarse. Okay, I went!

George put the microphone and do not resist a присвистнуть: "so he got out, Bondi BOM!! This is why so many of the guns and no noise!" it was something to think about. If Bondi BOM himself would oversee the operation of its takeover, it is possible that he will bypass the zone of the cordon and check posts and then if he is, Zhora go instead of a policeman, then surely meet him face to face.

Жоре't want to guess what will happen next. Has this very opportunity, dropped out as the winning ticket, demanded to take risks. He managed to capture Brand Ilyich, apparently, personal archivist Bondi Boma. It was certainly good! Better yet would be to capture the Bondi Boma. Then would it никакнельзя was get out of the invoice payment: either lost their lives or give him Жоре, rightfully belonging to him.

Who is this Bondi BOM — still remained a mystery for Zhora. But one thing was clear that the man, who managed to conquer his power two hostile world and manage, and attuned to each other, like rabid dogs, should be a strong personality, capable of using these two millstones, rubbing each other, to erase in the sand, dust is not something that even the separate person, but a group of people who demonstrate disobedience, and therefore, it is obvious that to reach it not so simply and directly, as it was intended Zhora, make it impossible. Anyway, DV ferocious Sphinx: the police and the criminal world — guard the entrance into his abode. And certainly, neither will ever know the truth about their Chuck... if someone opens their eyes to the double game, some Толстунина Boris Borisovich.

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