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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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With rear seat heard moaning. Policeman Zavialov began to come to himself.

"Well, chief, очухался? asked George.

Policeman tried to free himself, the whole body twitched, trying to pull out his hands out of the opening between the seats.

"You don't strive for this fight! They glued to the steering wheel, citizen of the head. You fail!

-Unlock the handcuffs, the brute! the procedure Zavyalov.

-Oh-Oh, don't so much emotion, citizen of the head. Me they will not be frightened. But annoy — you can, and then I'll settle you with you on the ass — fortunately, it got naked, and then and simple: shoot. 't believe me?

The policeman said nothing, straining her.

-Quiet, мусорская soul?! I you, мусорков, good to know. Right for you to shut up: in your situation it is best to be silent and listen, that you will tell. Well, that. Going to listen to?

The policeman again but said nothing. George was in a good mood. He was in shock and felt ka lucky she asks him.

"That's right: silence, they say, is a sign of consent. Smell him, COP?

The policeman was silent and only after a minute or two, asked:

-Put on my pants!

"Oh, " answered George, clicking his fingers — already more polite, but not quite politely. You forgot to say: please. Please — the magic word. You don't taught this in school?

The policeman fell silent again.

"One hundred and tenth, one hundred tenth". "Heart" is "the one hundred and tenth — " again resounded in the радиопередатчике.

"One hundred and tenth"listening! again поднялл microphone Zhora.

-Why do not arrive at the designated point?

-Repair the engine, " replied George.

-What's the problem, "one hundred tenth"?

"Nonsense, now I leave. I "hundred tenth", end of the connection.

George put the microphone and turned to his captive:

-Well, garbage, as I get to do your work? Huh?!

"Who are you? What do you need? "replied Zavyalov.

-Who am I? "asked George. "From this moment, I'm your twin. However, he turned on the ceiling landing lights in the cabin. — No, it seems to the build I much thicker you, feed you, garbage, a poorly. So then, from this moment on I am your companion. A kind of invisible spirit, that'll be beside you and control your every word and action, until he will not run out on Bondi Bohm and take it to hook size, either on a fly.

-I do not know of any Bondi Bohm, resents Zavyalov.

-Why, how do you know him? But you probably heard about such Толстунина Boris Borisovich?!

-Why, of course, heard! So what?

-And who is this guy?

Is a Deputy Minister of internal Affairs.

"Ah, that's it! Bird flying high!

I don't understand.

-You cannot have it, but to let you know just in case, Yes keep quiet: this is your Deputy and a Bondi Bohm, королль underworld entrusted into his hands of the state. How do you like that?

-Nonsense! You probably read detectives!

Detectives to do with it.

-And what then?

What was the Deputy Minister kidnapped me some property which according to the most conservative estimates drawn to several million dollars! Is it clear to you?! And I долден this property return it to the rightful owner, i.e. myself. Once I do, then immediately подамся back home and going to leave him and you.

-I think it won't be easy, " replied the policeman.

What, exactly?

-Yes all, unless it is true, starting from taking it, would you something to take away our Deputy Minister of internal Affairs — and ending with the to get back home and be left behind. I am afraid that retreat is unlikely to succeed, and already you from him, and he will hardly lag behind, even if you want to, until упечет behind bars.

-Well, we shall see! — in the heat of the moment said George, his hands clenched in a fit of rage.

-Look, — calmly confirmed Zavyalov. Now unzip me and donate clothes. I'm cold and need to go.

-Where you need to go? asked his Zhora.

-On the task. You know that I already called on the radio and seek, ask, why isn't yet in place. Untie, — intonation last words hung somewhere between the request and demand, rising above the first, but not short of the last, fell, broke on an uncertain note.

George paused, then turned with disdainfully sour smile:

Hey, listen to a COP, you're already mine. I are you going to do, and go on their case. But if you want to get the chance to help me. I you don't require. In any event. No more than you can. Choose: or to help me, or you cover.

With these words he came out and walked leisurely walk up standing in front of the machine where lay another of his prisoner, looked in the cabin, and listened. Inside was quiet, but just in case, tied up and his tie the hands between the seats in the same way as that of a policeman, and covered the mouth is thick gag of some stinking, smelling of gasoline and oil rags to that and won't want. Then he returned to the police car, got behind the wheel and asked in a tone not receiving the appeal:

-Now that you have decided to trash? Give you ten seconds.

He took out a pistol silencer, a deft movement навернул it on the muzzle of the revolver and put it up to his side in the area of the liver.

-You're not used to call me so. What I did wrong?

-Five seconds — Zhora clicked взводимым trigger. "Well?!

"The hell with you! Agree! 'll help you, " surrendered to the policeman. — But bear in mind that I helped you at gunpoint!

-Let the cares of the Prosecutor, I do not consider going! "Jora. — So, before you I'll loose it, listen to me carefully: we move out on your post. I do not need anything but your Deputy Minister of internal Affairs. If he comes, you help me to take it. If not — we disagree peacefully, and you're his boss say that I captured this калича, because of which the whole : to meet him. And hostage — my weighty argument for this. Well, you understand?


"Then I'll release. But I warn you: without tricks. Jokes on your part никких. As the saying goes: a step aside — trying to escape, shooting. See me.

Zhora unlocked the handcuffs on the hands of a policeman from the handcuffs on the steering wheel and forced перевалиться the front seat vacated for him driver's seat and buckled his two hands handcuffed to the steering wheel, as it once taught at special training in the army, that the enemy could not do anything except turn the steering wheel.

So they drove to the "Metropol", where George ran to my room. Already from the threshold it seemed to him that someone here managed, but he didn't stay too long, and, making sure no one is hiding in the bathroom and the toilet, no one is standing behind the curtain, leaning against the window, pulled out тайничка few spare magazines to your Uzi and quickly got back in the car. Charging machine and clicking the shutter, he said to a policeman:

"Well, come on, take me where you was told.

At this time on the radio again requested "the one hundred and tenth". George raised the microphone to his lips, and pistols to the side of the policeman, and the one making an effort, he said:

-Now I will be in place. I have accident happened!

-Forever you have any accidents happen! replied on the radio someone's voices. "Let's hurry it up! The operation had been a long time coming!

-Now this intersection — machine swung brakes — pressed to the side of the road.

-Stay here! — ordered Zhora.

"But I must check the machines and documents! "exclaimed the policeman.

"What, you live bored?! To sit around and not вякай! Do what I tell you. He whom you catch, already was caught.

We had to wait for a surprisingly long. From the opposite side of an intersection подъехало multiple machines. Ahead moved fussy police "Zhiguli" with lazily rotating flashing lights, and behind him were two long black limousine.

-Go, — warned the policeman.

-I see, " he said through clenched teeth Zhora. He suddenly felt a strong tension. Some inner feeling told him that he shall come into confrontation with a powerful and unknown to his power, and now, when this power was quite near, near his face him smell her lead, heavy, гнущим to the ground breathing. And as if to delay the decisive point of contact when you need the voltage across the will, causing move naughty, cotton hands and feet, move застудиневшие brains, overwhelming the torn out fear, George asked. — Why did you, what are they?

His voice slightly дрогнувший, issued an internal unrest and growing panic, which was increasingly difficult to control. He felt that the policeman caught these cowardly notes in his words, and for it not to much расхрабрился could decide that the situation is changing for the better for him, lifted up above the pistol and squeezed the trigger such a position, in which the slightest movement of your finger, the unforeseen push or involuntary nervous reaction could lead to fire. In the other hand, Zhora firmly grasped the handle of the gun положжив finger on the top handle.

-And who is yet to be, not as our Deputy Minister, comrade Толстунину? Who is in such a time of take a ride in the back streets of Moscow?

Barely slowing the opposite edge of the intersection, procession, headed by the police "Жигуленком", went straight through the intersection on a red light, stopping other machines and стреимтельно approaching.

-I would have to go out, to report, " said the policeman.

-Be enough! "said George. Don't you buck! The more you without pants!

Sharp movement down he pressed the lever of the chair, and fell back. Zhora surprisingly deftly and quickly for his girth rolled it back and was behind the policeman, пихнув foot seat back again in a vertical position.

-No, I actually need to go to report! — not rest policeman. Different..

-What else?! Declare a reprimand?! Ha!

-Otherwise they suspect that something is wrong.

Machines, patrol and limousines, stopped at the opposite side of the road.

-Better tell him how much he's protection? asked George.

"How should I know?

Of the patrol and sentinel "Жигуленка" and released two policemen. Another one in plain clothes emerged from the first machine. All they headed across the street to their car.

-Drop head on the steering wheel! — ordered Zhora, опустившисьниже, but without removing the gun from Boca policeman. "I tell you: урониголову on the wheel! Quickly!!! 't pretend sick, bad, — anything — but your one word too much, and you're dead! I have nothing to lose!

Chapter 18. (021).

When she fell asleep, he read. At the pocket money that gave them her husband (he even wondered послпеднее врпемя so called Бегетова Jora, "Hippopotamus"), he had bought from a street vendor three books, choosing almost at random.

Books cost dearly, he had to pay for them in almost half of the sum which was in his arms, and he was free to dispose of their accommodation and meals in the hotel was paid for a long time ahead, and he never occurred to keep the money, to postpone them for a rainy day when there is no will to live and nothing to eat.

Dima Gladyshev not used to make such purchases, which was able to deprive him of the right half of his condition, and he went already twenty paces from the tray, he doubted the correctness and would have had to go back and demand the money back, returning книготорговцу his product, but quailed. Indecision, находившая at him in the most responsible moments and paralyses every time his will, and this time made him go forward until, finally, he did not accept the purchase (and most likely with his indecision and not continued to move further along the street, the more consciously and purposefully.

This happened with him when they arrived in Moscow. This time drifted away now as if it has been not a few weeks, but a few centuries, and there are only these three books, by accident, in his life with the capital's streets.

Oh, how he was now grateful whim, the foreknowledge that заставитло him choose these books, though, perhaps, he choose other, gratitude, it would not be lower because euphoria night vigil reading itself aggravated his feelings, his ability to perceive, and he MCA dissolved in the images so that fully отрешался from the world around him fully поглощался literature, not knowing morning fatigue and deadly desire to sleep after бессоной night. It was awesome condition of his soul, окзавшейся suddenly in a totally different atmosphere.

The soul of him wanting to stay awake both day and night, and invigorated body feverish freshness, bordering on painful drive. She took the body into submission, wanting to get as much experience, and only absolutely изнуренное such non-human activity, the body переставвло obey and отклеивалось from the soul, falling into deep as the stupor of death of a dream, without moving, without images, without groans and even without breathing. Typically, this would happen every three nights. Then Dima really slept without breathing, and it was amazing, but surprisingly there was no one Veronica every time conscientiously сопела near, not even noticing that side, it is lifeless body.

But the wonder was not to чему.какая difference, as a man sleeps: breathes whether he is or is not breathing, is there a heartbeat or not? The main thing that in the morning he wakes up. And what wonder, then, perhaps, more than deserves литаргический dream in which asleep conducts months and even years before waking up. He dream, to all outward seeming death, and differs from it only by the fact that organic body not претрпевает irreversible changes and not begins to deteriorate, and a man promises to Wake up. When? Unknown.

Conducting reading two nights in a row, on the third night, rarely, fourth, Dima fell into литаргический микросон. He surprised couldn't because I was not in a condition to know this, and thought of his dream вполен normal and fully healthy (though who will take argue that dream литаргический less healthy than the ordinary).

When he was asleep, waiting until Veronica asleep included настодльную lamp, put the bed on the stool, and read excitedly, while Windows was quite light. Then he would Wake her.

By a strange coincidence whether or not less strange whim, to a certain mystical coincidence that he credited in life because of their suspicious and smart, diligent and careful observation, подмечающей the smallest details in the logic of emergence of unrelated explicitly events, he chose the book that impressed him the strongest impression. Each of them spoke of her, and together they отмутузили his mind, so that after he closed the last page of the last of them, having finished reading them, almost vowed to himself bathed undeterred tears and сдержиывая rushing out the screams and sobs, why creepy and мазохистски nice to puke throat lump accumulated in it, невышедшегонаружу sound that more will absolutely not be read.

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