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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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I almost fell from my chair. The old man again and again continued to impress me своимим рассказками.

-Something I did not notice me interested in, and especially you, I actually saw the first time today, " I said.

But that does not mean that I am for you do not watch. That is the art of observation, to the object of the observation't even notice it. But still, it is true, I have been watching you, watching the Guinea pig, sorry for comparison, but it is quite apt. I will not say how much time it продолжжалось, but believe me that quite a long time. I need you. First, when I started to look, I visited doubt, but then my knowledge of this idea more and more. I began observation of you not accidentally. Why and how I found you? Let it be my little secret. Well?

-Yes, but why do you still need?

-I said that this will be my little secret. I have had need of, and I did it. And today we met with you only because it is the time that is called glow. The time has come when I became necessary to direct contact with you, and I did all that he was held today. You have no idea how it was subtle game. It is a pity that no one will be able to evaluate it on its merits. Although, — he waved his hand, " I do not need this.

He hesitated for a moment, then said seriously, старчески sigh:

-I did a great, great job, but it was necessary to me. Imagine, I even had to split you today with your best friend. Do not believe?! But it happened, and that's a fact.

-True. Indeed, today I quarrelled with him. But how have you managed it?

-I told you: the finest game will of a case, " said the old man in a low voice.

-But will the case anyone does not obey, as I understand.

-Your knowledge, again I say to you, worthless and are approximate. The case will quite easy to manage, knowing the laws to which it is subject, and skillfully using them. Every man has a Destiny. Another thing is that some believe in it, others not. Now, the case is in the tideway of the human destiny, and not out of him, as the water can't leave the banks of the river. Imagine that everything that is happening around you and with you, starting with a certain period in your life, was due to a control mentality and psychology surrounding you. You went to this day for a very long time. You pushed in the path, you were turned on her, though sometimes only slight deviations, but all day today after some efforts of my consciousness and will неминеумо delineated in your life.

-Yes, but you just recently, only that, they said they just watched me, and now I already know from you that you ruled my mind, and not only mine, but those who one way or another influenced me, who was friends with me or could not tolerate me, who dealt with me...

I was not myself again, for the umpteenth time, for this crazy evening. A world of seemingly firmly устоявший in me, now stick in my mind, ready to tip over and capsize and waiting only to the last drop, which will overflow the Cup. It was a feeling that I'm about to go crazy.

-No, I have not deceived you. Until some time I really watched you. But at some moment you had to actively intervene in your destiny, because you began to leave aside float away from the line by which you should go to held a meeting today.

-But you do not even поинтересовалис.ь if I wanted this meeting!

-Still, we too unequal conditions, so I asked your opinion of that.

-Well, tell me, at least, from what date you are actively uchavstvuete in my fate? Can I at least know it?! — I protested.

-Unfortunately, I can't tell you that. Very sorry, but I can't, I impartially ответтил old man. I will just say that there's nothing complicated. Need only time to put you in different situations and to substitute a certain subjective material.

-Yes that you let yourself be,after all? — I jumped up from the chair, рассвирепев from his arrogant harangues. — Respond immediately, why you did it and what is the purpose of pursuing? Who gave you the right to hold me experiments, though over a Guinea pig?! I should know what are the steps in my life I done consciously, and which — under your influence! Answer me immediately!

I stood in the midst of the furious darkness and looked at the old fellow, who never changes. My view not brought him nor tremble, neither excited nor in bewilderment. And no other feelings will not reflect on his face. There came to me a sharp, piercing, сверлящая brains thought that most likely the interlocutor of my crazy maniac, заманивший his next victim in the cleverly placed network. He was feeble, this old man, but I've heard many times that of madmen in the minutes of the attack appear from nowhere remarkable strength, and SPE can then deal with not even a man, but to fill up the adult bull.

Hardly this idea was born in my head, like a thousand evidence and arguments underpinning it, gathered into one, into something that is rapidly sweeping and growing like a snowball, which flashed into my brain and раздаваило my weight and everything. "Yes, " I thought, " most likely it's a madman with a особбенной, mannered, too florid delusions of persecution. For a long time he pursues his sacrifice, and, probably, it makes him a special treat. He learns about its smallest details, subtle touches of nature, biography, personality, and its relationships with friends and acquaintances. He, though заправской detective pursues her long, with confidence, that the victim will not денеться from him, notes, where she loves to spend time with friends, where her favorite places with whom they are usually in the campaign. And then, when there is such a time that the regular sacrifice can slip away, he finds a way, Kaak to meet her, how to get in contact. Now he had introduced himself to the same case."

I stood and these thoughts going through my head at the speed of lightning. And the old man was sitting as if nothing had happened. He looked at me with his small eyes with a sly squint, looked as if about to hypnotize.

"Screwed you nevertheless! I thought, feeling that now остолбенею. — In which case you can't even find a way out of this dark, dismal trap".

I thought he was speechless: so long continued his silence, but suddenly his mouth was opened and listened abnormally calm, indifferent to everything happening voice:

-I warned you that you are standing on the threshold of the great mysteries. I understand your condition. Be in your position a little scary, but it will pass, you'll see.

Said the old man did not reassure me. On the contrary, it only pushed me to a nervous breakdown, which increasingly louder in my mind, similar to snow, inexorably rushing downhill. I already poorly understood what was happening with me, around me, where I actually am. I was filled with a terrible, ugly choking, and I felt that another minute delay, delay another minute in this room, in this house, and I will suffocate completely. The feet are taken me somewhere in the darkness.

-I want out of here! I shouted in a voice, whether he wanted to frighten the old man, the master of the house, or encouraging himself.

"Wait a minute! Wait! — I heard this myself in pursuit. The old man moaned in his chair, wanting to get up. "Wait, where are you?! The mystery of this applies to your father!

His screams, несшиеся me after him, only added to the fear and awe in my soul. Breath, сперло in the chest. Was worse. It seemed to me that the old man's hands, like two black lightning overtake me in the dark, and I cannot get away from them matter how fast I ran.

I sprinted off strength.

Chapter 6.

The old man again tried to stop me with your shout, however, I've not listened to and such оббращения were completely useless. Absolutely not wondering where I run, I ran into the darkness, away from the table with red and black patterned bedspread, away from this maniac.

I wanted to get out of this gloomy house, immersed in darkness. In darkness I stumbled on some wall and smash painfully hit her forehead with such wildly force that his head from затрещала infernal pain, and I think she's about to fall apart.

I stopped and looked back feeling that I was losing underfoot support and съезжаю on the wall. Kerosene lamp floated in the darkness, coming close to me in an awful silence. I like jolted. Holding on with one hand разламывающуюся head, the second I chattered away in the darkness, touching the wall and moved along her to an unknown location. Here in the way I got a closet. My palm against his side, and from it , I barely touched, with a rustle , rumble and unimaginable rustle sprawled out on the floor, fell stack mounds some paper, creating a blockage on my путит. Trying to overcome it, I stepped foot on slippery paper. Leg put forward, went, stretching me in splits. I slipped, somersaulted in the air on his back and rode on paper heap, as the snow slope.

The old man was already lost me and sharilsya somewhere behind, but. hearing the noise raised me quickly соориентировался and went straight to me.

Ogonek керосинки was already so close, when I found the strength to get up and continue the flight.

This dumb terrible chase anyone could seem like a scene from a horror movie. The darkness of the strange house, silly стриака with керосинкой in his hand, рыщущий in the darkness, and I, poor, frightened boy, rushing in search of the way out of this nightmare, what happened in reality. Imagine yourself in my place. Only well imagine all this, and you feel like frost will pass on your back.

I silently, with a heavy сопением, which I казалоось, betrayed the old man, where I am, the way forward, feeling his hand wall in the dark, and the old man as silently haunted me, not behind a single step, but unable to catch up with me. I heard somewhere very near, behind shuffling his feet, his wheezing. It seemed that he was about to overtake me. But time passed by, it did not happen.

Suddenly my hand landed on the door jamb. I tried to push the closed door. She yielded, but with such a strange creaking like led in some kind of void. But I paid it no no attention, and only unconsciously, with inexplicable relief was glad that I found it. I opened the loops of her nasty creaked hurt rust — and, without a second, without any hesitation, stepped into it.

However,, "Oh, God!" in the same moment my joy was replaced by a cold horror, because my foot not yet found the threshold nothing to support and plunged into the dark abyss, into the unknown, into the void, into the darkness. My heart зашлось from fear, вспорхнуло, встрепенулось, like a bird small, юркнуло somewhere in the heel.

I fell somewhere down and feeling that fall, instinctively grasped hand the handle of the door, the second leg still standing on solid, caught the ledge of the threshold. This saved me from the instant the fall. However, the door is opening in the wider under the pressure of gravity of my body, увлевлекла me, and my body stretched, like a rope hanging over the void.

I might come back обпатно, but протребовалось would be an incredible effort of muscles of the abdomen, back and waist to pull open распахнувшуюся to the threshold of the door, I caught toes. It had to be an outstanding силачем, not like me anyway.

I tried to bend or stretch the muscles of the press and waist, but it was in vain. The only positive effect, which was reached me, just what has slowed the speed with which the open door. However, she continued inexorably opened wider and wider, and after a few moments, lopnuv as перетершаяся титева Luke, I hung on the door handle, dangling from side to side in the dark, above the black abyss.

Under the weight of my body door hinges desperately cheering and creaked moaned thousands of frets, passing from one to лругой. I almost physically felt their stress on the verge of collapse, felt as nails, holding them climb out of the tree. The door to the beginning when hang down, ready at any moment to break with its cargo of bis, breaking away from the jamb, but still stood, did not fall.

The fingers of my hands immediately sick from the wild, unusual for them to load, and I would have slipped from the unbearable pain, if not grasped the second guidance for another door the handle.

Отворяясь increasingly, the door brought me to rough cement wall, about which I would hit back, and stood in such a position. I felt from the dark bottomless emptiness beneath me a moist wind issued forth, замшелостью and coolness.

So, dangling in the dark, I experienced the most большео of about all the turmoil tonight. Нескуолько times cold, clammy shiver ran waves all over my body from the feet to the head and back, large drops of sweat covered my face, and I almost fainted from fright. Then suddenly it got hold of me such passivity and weakness, that I already wanted to uncouple fingers and fall down, but made a last-ditch effort to refrain from this, exacerbated by the fear of the unknown.

I barely managed обуявшим me cowardice, as here in the doorway gleam of light appeared first the dim, flickering tongue weak flame керосинки, and then barely lighted them the face of the old man, dazed, staring into the darkness.

He was staring down, obviously thinking that I plopped down there.

-AI-Yai-Yai! — burst from his chest, and it seemed to me that in breath sounds genuine regret and sympathy, as if he was sorry for me. At that moment, I wanted to respond to, he realized that I fell down and hang out here on the door, but something made me to beware.

The old man made a lamp forward, further from the door, to the extent allowed make it выттянутая hand, and my eyes introduced themselves barely visible in the darkness, stood out from the darkness, shining with moisture, осклизлые stones brickwork, well leaving down. At the top, just above the door there gleamed a small drops of cement grey ceiling. Below, as lacking the light of the kerosene lamp, was seen well from осклизлого stone, stretching away into the darkness.

The old man saw me hanging on the door, and all kept looking down, trying to guess something in the darkness, which barely dismissed the shimmering kerosene light. He listened to the воцарившеся silence, and I gasped and groans from the crazy pain, крутившей my fingers. Then he bent down, put his hands palm to his mouth and shouted into the darkness: "Hey-Ho, Agay-gay!"

Раскатистое echo echoey hit the ceiling over the door several times reflected from it and gone somewhere deep down. I thought beneath me no less than a dozen meters emptiness, separating me from the bottom of the well.

The old man waited, listening, you hear a response, and again shouted loudly cry: "Agay-gay!" But, naturally, there was no answer, and could not follow, because, превознемогая the pain in my fingers, I WISA here, close to him, in any полуторах metres.

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