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This Is How It Goes

19.02.2021 — 19.02.2021
A re-imagination of Season 3. Баффи и Фэйт должны столкнуться с демонами, вампирами, бывшими парнями, и Мэром мечтающим о мировом господстве, пытаясь понять друг друга. Кто сказал что жизнь истребительницы в средней школе легкая?
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"Angel?" she whispered, a tentative hope in her voice.

Suddenly he snapped his mouth shut and let out a furious growl, his face abruptly inhuman. He began moving violently, hysterically, lunging forward towards Buffy with hungry yellow eyes. The chains smashed together threateningly.

Buffy scrambled to her feet and ran out of his mansion, legs pumping frenetically. She ran through the cemetery, vaulting over headstones, barely registering where she was. She kept hearing echoes of his frantic snarling, seeing his face devoid of humanity and softness. Buffy ran until all she could hear was the thumping of blood in her temples, the shallow breaths she was taking, the rhythmic pounding of her feet hitting the ground. She stopped finally, bending over and gasping. Sat back on her feet and inhaled deeply. She realized that she wanted to hit something. Hard.

She stood up, took out her stake, and began walking through the cemetery, all of her senses vividly attuned. She was hunting, and felt a fierce satisfaction in realizing that this was what being a Slayer was truly about. Buffy was a predator, simply and utterly. She wanted to get back to some serious roots.

A hand suddenly descended on her shoulder and she spun around instinctively with a sharp left hook.

"Jesus, B!" Faith said angrily from the ground, rubbing her jaw.

Buffy stared at her, feeling a surge of exultation. She walked forward, grabbed Faith's hand and hauled her up.

"We're going hunting, Faith," she said simply.

Faith looked at her closely, glanced down at where their hands were still clasped. "Why I'm here," she said shortly.

Buffy let her hand fall and started walking forward, her face hard. Faith caught up to her and looked at her sideways.

"So, not that I'm complainin', `cause this is fifty times better than librarian Slayer, but why're you suddenly channeling Rambo?" she asked seriously.

Buffy glared at her. "You told me to let go. I'm letting go and you're coming with me."

Faith looked uncertain. "Okay," she said slowly. "Just figured you'd take a little more persuading."

"Faith, I'm just ... I'm tired of everything being so complicated. I want it simple, and that's your catchphrase. So, help me do this right," Buffy said, her voice breaking slightly.

Faith caught the tremor and narrowed her eyes, but nodded. They started walking, scanning the graveyard. Buffy felt the prickling up her spine and for the first time embraced it. She and Faith looked at each other, the same fierce eagerness in their eyes, and began moving swiftly to the source. They came to a mausoleum, one of the windows broken, slightly muffled voices and lights inside.

"Careful!" one of the voices yelled anxiously. "You break that and you can personally tell him."

"Or, we could do it for you," Buffy said, stepping into the doorway. "Slayers come off as so much more responsible, you know?"

The vampires exchanged nervous glances. "Uh, could we maybe do this outside?" one of them asked hopefully.

Faith raised her eyebrow. "`Cause there are wicked dangerous objects in here that your boss needs for something, I'm thinking, not along the lines of building an orphanage?" She looked at Buffy, smirking. "Well, certainly wouldn't wanna put a damper on those plans."

One of the vampires growled. "Ask Lenny over there what our boss does to vamps who fail him." He pointed to one of them. "Lenny's the one without the liver, by the way."

Faith and Buffy cringed. "Good to see such loyalty in the troops," Buffy said, and punched the lead vampire in the face.

She wanted to cry at how good it felt, how viciously clear everything was when she was fighting. Her body was vibrating, her hands and feet moving without any useless emotion, without any thought of what waited in that mansion. Buffy staked her first vampire without breaking stride, dispatched the next one within seconds and flung her stake into the last one, who looked frankly relieved that this would be his only punishment.

She walked over and picked up the stake from the ground just as Faith finished her own. They looked at each other from across the mausoleum, separated only by several feet. Faith licked her lips and Buffy felt something inside her snap. She closed the distance between them in two long strides and roughly grabbed the back of Faith's head, bringing it down to hers. Their mouths, tongues, and lips collided and Buffy felt all the energy rush to the pounding ache between her legs. Faith's hands went to Buffy's hips, grabbing them desperately and pushing their bodies closer together.

Their movements became frantic. Gasps, whimpers, heavy breathing, hands sliding forcefully towards bare skin. Faith moved Buffy backwards and Buffy felt her ass hit a concrete slab in the mausoleum. She grasped Faith's arms and lifted herself up onto it, immediately pulling the other Slayer into her and locking her legs tightly around Faith's waist. Faith seized the lapels of Buffy's jacket and yanked it off her shoulders.

Faith maneuvered her hand into the tight space between their bodies, fumbling slightly with the buttons on Buffy's pants. There was a soft pop and Faith's fingers were suddenly sliding into Buffy's wetness, slipping over her clit and pushing inside of her. Buffy cried out loudly, unabashedly, arching her back and rolling her hips forward. Faith started moving in and out, and it wasn't gentle or slow. It was thrusting that made Buffy shiver and moan, that made all of the muscles in her body clench. Buffy's clit found Faith's palm and hips behind it each time she thrust in, and her body groaned with the intensity of it.

But she was aching for something more. Needed to touch, to take, just as much as she needed to be touched. While she could still control her limbs, Buffy's hands groped towards Faith's stomach, inelegantly unzipping the brunette's pants and slipping under her underwear. She followed the trembling of Faith's legs and her own fervid desires and didn't hold back, not hesitating in slipping fingers inside of her. Faith shuddered and widened her stance, giving Buffy more room even as they both leaned forward, mouths meeting roughly, deep groans vibrating through Buffy's entire body.

Buffy felt that unmistakable heat growing, fed by Faith's strong hands and the feeling of the other Slayer's warmth clenching around her fingers, and she shuddered as it expanded inside her. As Faith's fingers moved faster, deeper and she lowered her mouth to Buffy's neck and bit down, Buffy increased the pace as well, thrusting harder into her. The sheer quantity of sensations was overwhelming, dizzying. The air was swirling around her with a searing heat, a line of connection flowing between them. She looked at Faith and could see her own desire reflected, could see the start of that same inexorable climb in Faith's face.

"Faith," she said unevenly, her breathing growing ragged and shallow.

"Fuck," Faith whispered in response, and dropped her head onto Buffy's shoulder.

Buffy almost came at the sound of Faith's voice, so close to her ear and so saturated with helpless need. They were both moving at a frenetic, rough pace, curling up into each other and shivering at each thrust. Faith shifted her hand, pressed her thumb firmly down on Buffy's clit as she drove into her again, and Buffy was quite abruptly gone, her mind and body shattering. She climaxed with a broken cry, pushing into Faith once more and feeling the other Slayer follow her. They clutched at each other, buried deep inside one another, Buffy's legs wrapping around the brunette in a desperate hold.

Buffy slumped as it receded, gasping and shuddering in its aftermath. Her body felt like warm liquid, emotions and muscles loose. Sex is just the most amazing thing ever, she thought torpidly. She kept Faith close to her, reveling in the feel of the other girl's warm, lean body between her legs, still feeling the brunette's walls clenching around her fingers. Savoring how Faith was breathing into the dip between her neck and shoulder. Buffy inhaled vanilla, leather, and that uncharacteristically flowery smell.

She leaned back eventually, slowly slipping out of Faith's pants. Faith lifted her head up as well, looking at her. Buffy felt her chest constrict at the other Slayer's lips, red and full, at the dark eyes gazing back at her with a longing that resonated in her entire body. Buffy kept eye contact as she brought her own hand, the one she had just removed from Faith's underwear, to her mouth. Faith bit her lip, her expression growing darker as Buffy closed her lips in a deliberately slow motion over her fingers, gently sucking on them. She could taste Faith on them, could smell her as she breathed in, and the sensations were making her lightheaded. Faith inhaled through her teeth in a sharp hiss, the look in her eyes changing from satiated contentment to a deep, feral hunger. She watched her motions like she wanted to lick every inch of her.

Buffy leaned forward before Faith could fulfill that particular desire, her hands resting on the top of Faith's pants and reaching around to move over tight muscles just under the surface. They reached the hem of Faith's shirt and Buffy had a sudden, completely insane desire to tear it off of her. Squashed that urge firmly, and instead began to lift it slowly up. Faith raised her arms and Buffy slipped the shirt off, eyes moving involuntarily to the soft expanse of her chest and stomach.

God, she thought dazedly, and just stared at her. Eyes wandering over a firm, smooth stomach, over full breasts rising and falling, over the soft dip between hips that her leather pants barely covered. Buffy was shocked at the depth of her own want, of how agonizingly difficult it was for her not to lean her head forward and treat Faith's stomach like a popsicle. Or, never mind, she thought, and proceeded to do exactly that. She lowered her mouth to the other Slayer's abdomen, kissing softly, hands resting gently on her hips, and felt Faith shudder in response, her breath catching. When had this become not about sex? she thought confusedly. When did this become so gentle?

Buffy moved her head up and met the other Slayer's mouth with a tender urgency. The kiss was soft at first, and then Buffy's hands slid up to cup Faith's breasts and it became about need, about tongues and open mouths and short gasps. Buffy felt Faith's hands travel to her already opened jeans and grasp them firmly, pulling them down. She leaned back, tilted her hips upwards, and Faith slid them off, hands trailing along thighs. After a slight hesitation, in which Buffy reflected on the prudence of being practically naked in a cemetery, Buffy's underwear followed a similar path, tossed casually to the floor.

Faith hesitated for a moment, raking her eyes hungrily over naked thighs and hips, and then she brought her mouth to Buffy's neck and collarbone. She began kissing her way down, lifting Buffy's shirt just enough to run her tongue gently across Buffy's stomach and make her shiver. Faith's head moved further down, and Buffy suddenly realized where this was heading.

"Faith," she said, and her voice echoed shakily in the mausoleum.

"Buffy," Faith said, and she raised her head to look at Buffy. She was smirking again, but it was more gentle than cocky.

"What, uh — what are you doing?"

Faith arched an eyebrow. "Do you need a diagram, B?"

"Um, no, probably not. I just — this is kinda new," Buffy said uncertainly.

Faith smiled and said in a dark, husky voice, "Embrace change, princess."

Buffy opened her mouth to feebly protest some more, but froze as Faith kneeled and lowered her head back down. Her mouth moved over Buffy's hips, the inside of shaking thighs, coming agonizingly close to where all of Buffy's blood was rushing. Faith's head moved a little lower and suddenly her mouth was in places that mouths had not previously been. Buffy's cry was a complete shock to herself, ripped out of her as Faith's tongue slid from low to high and back again in one glorious stroke. Buffy's hips rolled forward, her hands tangled in Faith's hair, and she whimpered weakly. Her legs were shuddering uncontrollably. With her mouth still occupied, Faith slid her hands to Buffy's thighs and placed them over her shoulders.

As Faith's tongue began to focus on certain areas, moving in a slow, circular pattern, Buffy discovered that one, she needed both hands to support herself and frantically grasped the slab behind her, and two, she relinquished control over her voice in certain situations.

"Holy shit," she managed to gasp.

Buffy was almost embarrassed at the level of moaning issuing from her mouth. Her fingernails scraped the concrete chunk behind her as she tilted her head back and let out a deep, resounding groan. And, quite abruptly, Faith moved one of her hands and fingers joined the symphony that was progressing between Buffy's legs, and she opened her mouth in a noiseless cry.

Her entire body was shuddering as waves of sensations rolled over her. Hips surging uncontrollably, moving with the rhythms of Faith's mouth and strong hands. Stomach muscles fluttering, one hand moving to tangle itself in Faith's hair and grip sharply. Buffy found herself at the edge of a deep precipice in a ridiculously short time. Faith closed her lips around her clit, sucking gently on it, and Buffy gasped, hips bucking. Faith's fingers were thrusting rhythmically, moving in and out and making Buffy moan with the agonizing pleasure of it.

All she could feel was the other Slayer, her vision, her sense of surroundings utterly focused on what Faith was doing. Faith's mouth and hands suddenly began to move quicker, harder, and Buffy felt her second orgasm begin with the force of a slow-moving freight train. On fire. With little fiery tendrils stretching into each limb and transforming her skeleton into warm, gelatinous goo ... Buffy was never very good at metaphors.

She went rigid, her eyes tightly shut, and it tore through her almost painfully slow. As it reached its apogee, Buffy wouldn't have been able to say where she was, what she was doing, who she was. If someone had asked her to introduce herself, she would have been able to respond with an intelligently squeaked "Walnut?" and then would have had to go collapse somewhere. Which is exactly what happened (except for the walnut part), as she rode it out and felt her bones liquefy.

Buffy opened her eyes and realized she was on her back in the mausoleum. Faith was standing over her, Buffy's legs wrapped weakly around her, watching her with an amused smile. After several moments of recovery, Buffy propped herself up on her elbows and stared at the other Slayer in shock.

"What the jesus?" Buffy said shakily. "Where the rug-munching hell did you learn to do that?"

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