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07.07.2021 — 07.07.2021
Когда Баффи брошена в таинственный портал еще более таинственным демоном она оказывается перебрасываемой из одной реальности в другую. Истребительница должна найти свое измерению по дороге столкнувшись со своими чувствами к Фэйт.
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"Can I call you later?" Joe asked nervously.

"No, I'm kind of busy today."

"Oh, ok I just thought..." Joe dropped her gaze to the floor in disappointment. She had finally met someone she could see herself having a future with, but there was something that held her back.

"But if you're at the shack...maybe about midday."

"I think I can swing that," Joe said her face brightening

"I'd better go before your girl wakes up. What was her name again?"

"Buffy. I know it's kinda strange but..."

"No, at first I thought it was weird but now...I kind of like it," Joyce beamed as she gave Joe one last quick kiss before creeping down the stairs and past the slumbering slayer and set out for the vineyards.

Joe sighed as she watched the svelte figure of Joyce wander off into the morning sun from her window, and rather than torture herself further, she simply went downstairs for some much needed coffee. She grabbed her mug and strolled out to the back of the bar letting Archie out to relieve himself.

As the aroma of the sainted bean surrounded her, Joe sighed deeply and watched her loving hound frolic in the morning dew and leaned back on an empty beer keg. She rubbed her eyes and felt something new. Was it hope? Was it lust? Was it...love? She couldn't be sure anymore.

This was going to be a very long and very hot summer.

"Morning", came the chipper greeting of Buffy who hadn't even bothered to change her clothes from the previous night and so still held the smell of beer and illegal substances.

"Heya, B. Why are you so happy?"

"Well, I don't mean to toot my own horn or anything...but I'm pretty sure Joyce hooked up last night with the right person."


"Yep, I think it's all going to work out for her."

"Yeah, I hope it does," Joe said with a faraway expression on her face, "Say, Buffy, can you watch Archie for a minute? Make sure he doesn't go into the long grass 'cos the snakes won't be too happy at this time of day."

"Sure, no problemo...oh by the way, I've been meaning to ask you, what's Joe short for? Joanna or Josephine?" Buffy asked as it was the question that had kept her up half the night. She didn't know why, but it was just one those unresolved issues that nags at you until it traverses into the territory of frustration.

"Heh, neither actually. Don't laugh...but it's Jonquil."


"Yeah, I know it's stupid."

"No, it's not that...but I know that name from somewhere."

"It's a flower. A narcissi, either white or yellow," the brunette shrugged and went back inside with the box of wine that weighed her down.

Buffy's mind circled for a while as her grey matter shifted into gear with her pondering.

'Jonquil? Wait, that was the name of the flowers that Mom always insisted on having around the house. Every week she would get a new bunch to put in vases in all the rooms. I remember when I asked her about them she just got a little teary eyed and said that she loved jonquil. Wait! I can remember Mom talking about Joe in the valley, but I just thought it was a euphemism for something icky...OH....MY....GOD!!! No, she couldn't have meant...no...I mean they did dance the other night...and they did look at each other kind of....HOLY SHIT!! How could I be so stupid....Joe and ...Mom? But last night...I thought Mom and Dad got together? What happened?'

"Joe!" the slayer yelled and ran around to the side of the bar to confront the brunette.

As she turned the corner, she was enveloped in a bright green light as the portal once more re-opened and drew the blonde girl in as she screamed and flailed about with her mind now running with a thousand unanswered questions.

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Chapter: 3: Save Me

Author: beaweah

Rated: PG-13

Everything was spinning and spinning. That green light inside the portal made Buffy close her eyes. She felt dizzy, her stomach wasn't very happy with those trips. And then, everything suddenly stopped. The light, the weird noise, everything around her froze for a second. As nothing happened, things came back to normal. Buffy opened her eyes and tried to adjust to daylight. She blinked a couple of times and began focusing on the new scenario.

A disgusting smell hit her. Buffy couldn't believe where she was.

"Oh, c'mon. Couldn't I land anywhere else? Of course not." She complained while removing some garbage from her clothes. "I had to land in a crappy trash can. This is great, just great!"

The blonde slayer jumped out and tried to regain some of her dignity. But her dignity went down again when a lady approached her:

"Oh, please, rummaging about in the garbage? Find a job! Here", handing her a couple of dollars. "Don't waste them! Buy some food, but don't waste it in drugs or alcohol, you hear me?"

"Ma'am, it's not what you..."

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Just buy some food."

"But -"

"And take a shower, for Christ sake!"

The woman turned and went away grumbling. The blonde was not only dirty now, but also upset.

"Peachy. Things keep getting worse. People used to think I'm a freak. I think I miss those wonderful days. Now they also think I'm a beggar. And a drunkard. And a junkie. And I don't know where I am or why I'm here!"

She stopped and looked around. Not too far she saw the tower of a very famous building.

"Oh, no, no way! New York! I've never been in New York before! For once, it could be fun!"

Buffy's mood changed. She thought this trip could be at least interesting. And the dimension seemed to be like hers. Nothing seemed to be out of place, everything seemed normal. The slayer began walking. She had no idea where she was heading to, but any place could be good.

After a couple of minutes, her stomach started rumbling, so Buffy decided to go to that nice cafeteria on the other side of the street. She could have breakfast and use the toilet to freshening up.

The alarm clock rang. Sunrays entered through the window making her long dark hair look a little lighter. She pulled her arm from under the blanket and smashed the clock. The alarm stopped. Tru hid her head under the pillow, but her cell phone started buzzing. She had nightshift the day before and it was a busy one. The brunette needed to rest some more. Her cell phone kept ringing, so she reluctantly took it and pressed the green button.

"You better tell me the world is ending or I'm gonna hate you forever," she said before yawning.

"Feeling grumpy this morning, honey?" The friendly voice of her best friend sounded in the other end.

"Morning, Linds. Sorry, bad shift yesterday night. And lately I'm not sleeping very well," Tru apologized.

"It's ok, sweetie. I was just worried. I've been waiting for you like an hour. I wanted to check if you were all right."

"Waiting for me? Where? When? Why?" Tru was confused.

"We were going to have breakfast today, remember? No, obviously, you don't remember," Lindsay laughed. She wasn't upset.

"Damn! I totally forgot it. Sorry, Linds, I'm so sorry. God, my life is a mess lately. What can I do to make you forgive this crappy friend I am?"

"Well, I haven't had breakfast yet. I'm still in the cafeteria. You could always pass by and we could have some quality time, you know? We haven't really talked much lately, and I miss my best friend," she pouted.

"Awww, babe, I miss you too. After the med test, everything will be the same again. I promise." Tru smiled. "Ok, gimme...20minutes and I'll be there!" she said while jumping off the bed.

"Make it in 15 or you'll pay the bill," the blonde said before hanging up.

Tru smiled and ran to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and dressed as fast as she could. After drying her hair with a towel and brushing her curls, she took a last look in the mirror before grabbing her purse and leaving.

She wasn't far, so she arrived at the cafeteria five minutes later. Tru opened the door and went inside. There, she looked for her friend, who was sitting in their favorite corner of the place. When Lindsay looked at her, she waved and smiled.


"I did it in...17!"

"Sorry, you're still paying for breakfast today," the blonde bantered. Tru rolled her eyes.

"Ok, ok, I deserve it."

The waitress came to take the order.

"Good morning, ladies. Have you decided already?" she kindly asked. They had breakfast there many times, and that waitress always served them with a wide smile.

"I'm gonna stick with the usual, coffee and a french toast." Tru didn't even take a look at the menu.

"I admire your determination...Should I order pancakes? Or maybe toast? No, better the pancakes and...yeah, cappuccino."

Lindsay closed the menu. When the waitress turned, she stopped her.

"Oh, sorry, would you mind to bring me a raspberry muffin instead of pancakes?" She looked apologetically. The waitress smiled and took the new order, leaving the two friends alone.

"Tell me, how have you been?" Lindsay asked.

"Fine, I guess. Work has been tough lately and I spend most of my free time studying for the exam."

"Well, the test is next week, right? After it, you will have more time for me...and for rethinking some stuff, like you and Luc."

"Oh, damn, Luc...I don't wanna think about it. It's past history, Linds. I don't know, we've tried to avoid each other the last past weeks and, honestly, I don't miss him. I don't feel like dating him again."

"Well, if you're sure about it... I mean, you tried, but if you don't feel 'the sparks', what's the point? It's a shame, he's a decent guy, maybe the most decent guy you've dated. And he's hot!"

"Oook, it seems you are more interested in him than I am..." — They both laughed.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind if he made a move on me, you know? But just if you're really not interested."

"He's all yours. You're right, he's a good guy, we just don't match, I guess", Tru shrugged.

"Well, once you finish your test, we will go clubbing and we will find the right guy...or girl," the blonde wiggled her eyebrows.

"Are you going to remind me that story all my life? We were in our freshman year of college, I guess I was just trying new things!" Tru tried not to look at her friend's eyes, the table suddenly seemed very interesting to her.

"Honey, if you think I'm buying it, you're so wrong. Smoking a joint is trying new things. Dating a woman for nine month? Sorry but it's a whole different story." Lindsay looked sympathetic. "But it's ok, yunno? Nobody is judging you. Well, yes, maybe you're the one judging. It happened, and you're not the first or the last person on earth to realize that maybe, just maybe, you could swing both ways."

"Damn, Linds! I.don't.swing.both.ways. She meant nothing to me." She finally looked at her eyes. When Lindsay raised her left brow, Tru lowered her head again. "Ok, maybe she meant something."

Lindsay's brow remained raised. The brunette sighed.

"Ok, who am I trying to kid? She meant EVERYTHING!" Lindsay smiled. "But it finished and now it's past history."

The waitress arrived with their breakfast. While she served the coffee, Tru saw a scruffy blonde entering. The waiter gave the new costumer an unpleasant look but she didn't seem to care. After ordering enough food to feed an army, she went directly to the restroom. When the waitress left the table, they began eating.

"Linds, don't be so obvious, ok? There's a blonde chick in the restroom. I need you to see her." Tru whispered.

"Is she hot? Are you asking me for approval?"

The brunette rolled her eyes.

"Could you please shut up? Just do it."

"Ok, ok, but I don't get it. One minute ago you were freaking out because I mentioned your once-upon-a-time lesbian-affair, and now you're spying on blonde women? By the way, you have a soft spot for blondes, right? Oh, I am blonde...OH! Now I get what your looks mean, you cannot resist me!" — Lindsay couldn't help it.

"Sure, I check you out every Friday. Lindsay, please, could you stop making fun of me? `Cause you are kidding, aren't you?" When Lindsay burst into laughter, Tru relaxed a bit. "Of course you are. Look, the toilet door is opening!"

When the mysterious blonde stepped out the restroom, Lindsay couldn't believe it.

"Holy Mother of God. She's Effy!"

"Shh! Don't shout or she'll hear you! I don't think she's Effy, but she's pretty similar, right?"

"Are you sure? I mean, she looks kinda different. Last time I saw her was like four years ago. She looks older maybe, but...Oh, I don't know, you knew her better than me...in a biblical sense."

"You're not going to stop, are you? Funny thing, we were talking about Effy and suddenly she, or someone like her, appears out of nowhere."

Tru couldn't stop staring at the blonde woman, trying to figure out if she was Effy or just a pure coincidence.

"Maybe it's a sign. You should go and talk to her." Lindsay said and took a sip of her cappuccino.

"Are you crazy?"

Lindsay munched a bite of her muffin when suddenly made a disgusting face. "Actually, I'm not crazy. Right now I'm pissed. There's a hair in my muffin. I think I lost my appetite."

"Ewww. Definitely, you had to order the pancakes. Look, she's going!"

The blonde had finished her breakfast and went to the bar to pay the bill. After a minute, she went out.

"Damn, Tru, you lost your chance! Aren't you gonna follow her?"

Tru looked at her horrified. "Seriously, what's wrong with you today? Do you want me to stalk the poor girl? Not gonna happen. At least not today, 'cause I have to go to the morgue. Davis wants me there in..." She looked at her watch "...thirty minutes. We're going to review some old cases and he is going to help me with my test. So...I gotta go. We could have breakfast tomorrow again. This time I promise I won't forget."

"Tomorrow morning? Yeah, I don't have any plan. Same time, same place?"

Tru paid the bill and they went out.

"Sounds perfect" The brunette smiled.

"And maybe tomorrow that chick is here again!" Lindsay winked.

"Damn, you're really something. Take care, sweetie." She gave her friend a tender kiss on the cheek.

She turned and began walking. Her cell phone buzzed in her pocket.

"Hey, Har."

"Morning, Tru. How's my favourite beautiful sister today?"

"Don't tell me, you want to ask me for something..."

"How dare you to think..." Tru didn't let him finish


"What? Can't I be nice to my sister?"

"Harrison, I'm on my way to the morgue. Tell me what's the what."

"Ok, busted. Do you mind if I meet you in the morgue?"

"Sure. I'll be there."

"Perfect. Later!"

He hung up. Tru was afraid he was in trouble. Again.

After a couple of minutes, she arrived at the morgue, where Davis was already working. He was so absorbed in some files he didn't even hear her arrive.

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