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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Through the broken window in the cabin of a tractor ora issued in their favour short burst: after the third cartridge machine chattered empty gate — out from the opposite side of the wing, jumped on the hood of the limo and extruded through the windshield vanished into the beauty of a limousine.

Pulsating languages again flaring flame already started to get here, licking polystyrol lining, made under the cork tree. Inside the huge car was only two people: the driver apparently stunned, dropped his head on his chest and some man in the rear seats. He stunned, shocked gazed around, not knowing what to do, and twitched nervously, jumped from right to left, not even noticing that beauty in his fortress on wheels, miserable now, compressed and threatening is about to explode, slipped someone else.

"Come along. I'll save you!!! cried George, проотянув hand.

The man suddenly stood dumbfounded looked at Jora, apparently, not understanding how, why and where he came from.

-Hand! Hand, rather!!! — "shouted George, grasping, reaching fingers to the lapel of his coat.

People guessed what was required of him and gave him his пухловатую, soft palm. Gripping her, Zhora noticed that, despite the fullness of his hands is much harder and rougher.

-Come on, come on! Hurry up!!! he cried, holding out the next man in the raincoat through some smashed partition on the back of the front seat.

Bottom heard something wrong, suspicious, fearful sounds, and George felt in my gut that will run for three or four seconds, and the flames get to fuel tubes, and then the machine is either goes up or flashes like a candle.

Надпываясь, panting from the effort and sweat, George pulled this man in the raincoat not of the mercy and compassion. With great pleasure that he would have thrown it and tried to escape. But for two circumstances did not let him.

First, whoever it was, but without it there in the street Zhora would be helpless and doomed because the operatives were already too close, and slip away from them seemed no possibility. With him he would be on a horse, because he could cover himself, and to use it as a shield, substituting the barrel of the gun to his chin.

Secondly, it could be that the man whom he last forces pulled behind itself, was thus Bondi Bohm — Толстуниным for the sake of which he had to start all this mess. He could not lose the prey.

As soon as they were on the ground in the meter from the car, as he flashed a torch.

George noticed a few pairs but in the lumen under "Кировцем". They were his enemies. Beside himself, he jumped up on his hands, рывкрм pulled заа up a limp body, placing it in front of him, and, загородившись them as a shield, shouted in a voice:

-Stand!!! I'll kill him! Not fit!!!

For persuasiveness he put the barrel of the gun under her chin saved and dragged him along, away from the burning car. The persecutors were not behind him, holding on to some distance.

When the distance to the burning limousine seemed safe, he stopped and demanded:

-A car to me! Alive!!!

"Let him have the car, " confirmed the captured man in a raincoat a completely calm voice.

Surrounding him, the policemen began to speak, but George remarked that those who were standing at the side, quietly, trying not to pay attention to themselves and pretending to confer with his back, back began to move towards him furtively, fine pitch feet.

-Stand! "he shouted, frightened by this observation. "Back! Ago, bastards!!! A car to me! Always somebody focus — I'll shoot him! he shook the hostage, like a pear.

Tried to approach him policemen returned to its former place.

Жоре was scary. Stay in such a situation was all the more dangerous. He was afraid that someone, especially a clever and sophisticated shooting will try to put a bullet in him somewhere in the head, to slay outright, and thus save his boss. This circumstance forced him especially great stretch of attention and follow all the movements among encircled his policemen, it is easier just to shoot it was in the head from somewhere on the side, left or right. This occupation tired competitive. In addition they had to firmly hold the captured and machine, припртый barrel to his chin.

"Oh, if only they knew that I had no cartridge", with fear, but with some strange, неосознаной, quiet, subdued thought happily Zhora. However, this idea has added him nervous trembling, and he was now trying to get rid of it.

The silence and the tension was oppressive, and to somehow disperse, reset from their shoulders the weight, he shouted to himself, not realising that:

-In my hand лимонка, defense grenade! If after two minutes don't have a car, I will blow up themselves, this плащастого goat and all of you! Nobody move! Nobody move away, the cops smelly! Allow one to run for the car! The rest of you stay here. All! All the bastards, will blow up with me!

Of course, no grenade in his hand, and there was not a single cartridge in the machine. But his words still worked: after a minute, as to the sidewalk parked police cars.

-No! I don't need it! Let ordinary car! With whipped rooms and tinted Windows! Come on!!! Alive!!! Another five minutes!

After some time, police drove the black "Volga" without numbers with mirror-smoked glass.

So, now all depart to the right from me! — ordered Zhora policemen. — But no further ten steps to a case of what you all with me smashed to pieces!

Militiamen obeyed him.

-Machine! The handcuffs. Alive!!!

One of the policemen put in "Volga" handcuffs and machine.

Show me that charged! demanded Zhora. And three store! Бверку driver to leave open!

Knocking fear teeth and feeling like a beating heart, and the heart is in your mouth, he held hostage to the car, впихнул it through the driver's seat.

-And now I have someone shoot! said Zhora and crooked a finger.

The policemen pushed one and the timidly went to the car, and kept looking back.

George took Kalashnikov, checked the full store, gave queue up, and, having got the car, turned to the guy standing in front of him, trembling with fear: "Bend over, my son!" — then put the Uzi to his forehead. Policeman broke. George pulled the trigger hook size. They heard a blank metallic click.

Policemen stood обомлевшие and I could see their faces emerges guess.

Chao, boys! — хахнул hand Zhora and then pretend that throws a grenade, shouted. "Lie down!"

Chapter 20. (019).

Policemen all fell to the ground.

-Want to live? asked quietly Zhora who was standing before him operatives, which still could not come to himself, blinking frequently eyes and trying to understand what happened to him.

Then Zhora finger to his lips, indicating that we should not make a noise, and instead of the window threw it on the ground, "Uzi", noting that звку came out entirely another, but how to say, fear has big eyes.

Combed the tires on the asphalt, "Volga" jerked from the place of the stress гудя motor and uttering "прогоревшим" silenced nasty gurgling, rich sound.

Already on the move Zhora, laying a steep turn on turn, I pulled the hands of his captive cold, Shine handcuffed and put it in his pocket prudently left little key.

-And your children love you, " remarked George his servitude companion. — Or afraid. Most likely the second.

"Why not?" — he said.

-Well, the key from the handcuffs left. See? So afraid that you will return and будетевправлять their brains for what they gave you handcuffs without keys. Savvy! In their place I would not have thought, wouldn't think of, probably about it.

George laughed heartily. His prisoner made unhappy grimace of disgust.

-And why should they think that I'm not coming back, actually? he asked, after a moment.

"But you were in the hands of such a terrible person like me! "replied George, with undisguised irony.

Hostage looked at him, slowly turning his head, as though he saw for the first time, then raised his eyebrows, his eyes grew wide.

"What are you looking at, as owl?! — поинтересовлся Zhora.

-Yes here, try to see a terrible person.

-And what?

"Nothing, see nothing but an ordinary criminal.

-Really? — Zhora in turn made factitiously surprised grin.

"Yes, " nodded the prisoner, as though with regret with pursed lips. — By the way, I counted how many you clocked. I do not know what flaws you have in the past, but for what you done now, I think you almost have lasted up to the "towers". But I will do my best to you guys.

-You самоуверены? surprised Zhora.

-Yes. But not cocky, I am sure.

-But in what?

-That long you here now spend on a trip not succeed.

-With you?

-And me, without me what's the difference? But be prepared for long your thread does not curl.

-Really? Very interesting! Why?

Hostage said nothing.

"Incidentally, I have already prepared for the meeting — Zhora look nodded at the man that lay in his lap machine.

Hostage in a cloak followed his glance, but just grunted and then added:

-The second time your things will not pass. Keep this in mind. Your position is hopeless. My advice to you: застрелитесь better immediately because in the prison сгноят alive.

-Really? — with feigned a smile asked George.

-Yes, believe me, juicy причмокнул lips to his prisoner. — Your death there will be a truly hellish.

Zhora still held in her hands, but he longed to show their cards. But now was not the time. He wanted to Bondi BOM (Zhora was almost absolutely sure that it is he himself рскрыл its trump cards, taking it for an ordinary recidivist, only by chance who met him on the road. Then would he could not get out.

-So you offer to let you go and get myself? 'he asked, dragging gas, when the "Volga" jumped out to a broad Avenue.

It will not help you. I have a tenacious grip. And the one who is so boldly entered against me will be destroyed with one or the other.

-What is it with one or the other? — George felt that now his prisoner utter something important, but he only smiled mysteriously.

-I'm not going to before you report on, the more that I believe that talking with five minutes to the dead.

They just once came to an intersection not far from which he left his "Mercedes". George took over and gave the brakes. Screaming and painful, machine quickly sweat еряла speed, started throwing ahead of its passengers, and frozen in place.

George felt that he began to take the nerves, because instead continue to do your work, it stopped, and now and grabbed her Breasts their hostage, Yes shook him so violently and furiously that the eyes popping out of his head in surprise, his head, ranging wrong with the body, it would seem that could break away from the body. When he was thoroughly exhausted and tired to shake, then asked:

And if I were you, bastard, right now I shoot you out of this machine? And if I have five minutes to the corpse, you can make three! he wagged a finger in front of his face. And bear in mind: another joke! Another joke, or at least some careless word, and I will do what I promised!

Zhora оотшвырнул his подневольника back, and that, this time, apparently, струхнув is not a joke, huddled in a chair. George felt the inner satisfaction of this, though not large, but the first and, now, he was obviously not the last victory. "So, it can be broken!" 'he thought to himself.

At the crossroads stood guard. More recently, it was empty. It certainly охотилсиь for him. Zhora passed back and toured the crossroads courtyards. Егопленник sat, not daring to say a word, occasionally mowing look at the machine, lying George on his knees gun at his side.

In five minutes, "Volga" stopped in front of a "Mercedes", at the back seat where somebody was busy. In slightly припотевших Windows flashed a shadow of a man.

George looked around. Around was not a single soul. Between the seats lay a piece of dirty, oily rags, which he has closed, erecting a gag, the mouth of the prisoner, in spite of the fact that he desperately resisted and frowned from the vile mouth feel. Zhora just couldn't help myself, моморщился, presenting this smelly piece of fabric in his throat.

The street was still quiet. George opened the back door of the Mercedes and took out a очнувшегося and came to himself Brand Ilyich and immediately, without waiting for him to come round and see what happens again his his, this time mercilessly dropping heavy "Kalashnik".

The body of the Brand Ilyich goes limp and collapsed right in the dirt next to the machine. George pulled out his скалдной knife, slashed the rope and began to unwind, took off the Mark Ilyich jacket and pants, then, after a moment, shirt, leaving him in a t-shirt and funny, such preposterous shorts flowers, a large chamomile. Clothing the poor got wet as well as her boss.

George pulled from the front seat of the "Volga" second his captive and poked him in the hands wet things, then undid the one castle, handcuffed and ordered him knocked from under the counter barrel of the gun:

-Change your clothes, vividly!

The first could not understand what was going on, but the tone of the order was not tolerate opposition. Zhora still pulled the gag from his mouth, опассаясь nature and motives of the smell.

"I give you five minutes, the dog, and you're standing in this suit. If not, I shoot. I don't have any extra minute to you рассусоливать. And I warn you: the no nonsense. One careless or sudden movement, and I shoot!

-But it wet! "replied was a man in a raincoat, but immediately broke off and began to dress hurriedly.

He had tight. It was good to see how unpleasant to him to undress, in such a dreary weather, and then pull the wet shirt, pants and a jacket.

-Where to put your clothes? — very drooping voice asked the prisoner, who lost his cloak.

-Everything in the "Volga", " replied George.

-What all wet! Clothes small... who's down there?

George said nothing. He made переоблачиться this man that feared lest his pants or лакцкане jacket was not some прередатчика-direction by which they could detect. True, he could be in some other place, for example, in my underwear or even stuck in the anus, but Zhora not regretted a while ago, not too lazy to himself, not forcing undress to the end. It was very cool, and he wanted to end it all. It suddenly started to torment famine, and now it seemed that there was a bigger problem, which could take possession now his desires aspirations.

-Quicker, quicker, all the clothes in the "Volga". So now I need to hear from you in plain words, who are you. But Hey, without equivocation. Your life depends on this! So, introduce yourself.

-Why?! "exclaimed the prisoner.

For persuasiveness Zhora moved the bolt machine:

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