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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Is not a Uzi, but sieve of you will do now!

-Well. Okay! The hell with you!.. Толстунин Boris Borisovich, if anything.

-No, I don't want! "said George.

-What do you need?

-I need to hear: Bondi BPO. Right?!

Zhora is not seen, but felt the Толстунина weak and trembling at the knees. George realized that it was him, but it was important for him to hear this recognition from him.

-I need Bondi BOM, and him only. If I'm wrong, you're going to die right now. But I hope that not mistaken.

Was followed by a prolonged pause.

-Count to three, — said, finally, George, summing up the finger to trigger hook. — Once, twice...

"The hell with you! You're right! — pitched over the prisoner.

-Right? — not appeased Zhora. — To shoot you here like a dog, or...

-Yes, I Bondi BPO. I — Bondi BOM!!!! — разошедшись, Толстунин proud struck his chest so that звякнули handcuffed, chained to his wrist.

-Very good! Then alive in a Mercedes! Quickly!!! — George opened the door, but before Bondi BOM villages in the beauty of his car, locked handcuffs on his hands. About the gag he decided that embed it is not necessary.

Now, when Bondi BOM was sitting in his car, you can get on to mark Ilyich and "Volga". He planted полураздетого man the front seat and before the shoot him, thought that he might be a lot of things to tell not only about Толстунина, but many others, such as Толстунин who do not even suspect that they are somewhere in a small Moscow apartment usual, stored and accumulated large file, which can always be used as the sudden, unexpected and therefore particularly insidious weapons. He could still many Combe harm or help harm. Perhaps, he himself, Жоре would need his help, maybe he could tell him anything mind blowing.

But he Zhora, was not eager to foreign secrets, and not some altruist to worry about the other. He needs only to revert back what he lost, and in this case you can now do without Brand Ilyich.

Zhora translated the fuse on a single machine, and cold-bloodedly shot at close range, putting the automatic gun to the head. It threw it to the side, as if the old man's broken neck. Maybe she really broke from многопудового impact of the bullet, and gases. Glass salon became blond-Matt.

In the trunk of the car stood petrol. Zhora splashed a few times in the beauty of the "Volga", then shed on earth жорожку and, after trotting a "Mercedes", set fire to it lighter.

Rising like a fiery fence flame ran on the track car, and after a moment of that стояля, grasped his languages. When they had driven a little while, behind the blast, and in the back they had lit a flash, leaving ahead of their own shadows, the Bay of interior of the vehicle despondent blood-red light.

To meet them, flew two torn wild sirens and брызгающие вокругразноцветными lights lighthouses police cars.

"In time disappeared", — sighed with relief Zhora.

"It happens to me something strange, he thought, driving, and unconsciously looking for Bondi Bohm. — Just killed a man, and I have not moved a muscle, no one nerve. I'm not even sorry for him! And I don't каяюсь in very deed, as I don't committed a crime, and so did something mediocre, like crushed beetle".

He tried to force myself to be frightened the crimes committed, but could not do it. George couldn't even be surprised by this discovery. All his thoughts occupied only what Bondi BOM now in his hands. And all else is not that important.

-Why was he killed? — lazily moving his tongue, as if asleep, asked Толстунин.

-Instead of you — Zhora again noticed that inside him nothing moved,nothing has trembled even though it was not about the murder of a person, and any trifle, at least amounting to little things.

Poor man! moaned Толстунин.

-I did not think that you are capable of sentimentality! Very surprising!

What is that amazing?! You have, no reason, no reason at all killed innocent — I'm more than sure in this person my eyes...

-On your eyes, apparently rarely kill people, — George askew ухмыдбнулся. "But you know how many they killed at your command?!

-What you are referring to?! Who Are You?!!

-I? I — Hippo, Bondi.

"Ah, that's it!

-Yes. And I just recently tried to sew, shot in the forest, as the Vnukovo to go along with my guys, obviously, at your disposal. And I'm going to swing, which, as it turned out, were held the day before. What does it all mean? Game without rules? Take that, who robbed?

Bondi Bohm said nothing and only strongly sniffed.

-You are not bad settled here! Incidentally, on a swing know that the king of thieves in the law — one of the leaders of мусоровки, which for us hunts?

-Know and approve of.

Even so?! Strangely. I don't believe it. Because Bondi BOM may at any момень betray any of them, if he pleases. Isn't there? As, for example, he gave a Hippo and using мусоровни gave him a real hunt. I knew nothing about this pleasant combination.

-Will remember honour among thieves? — with the call asked Bondi BPO.

-I know what you mean. But not Wali with a sick head on healthy. I have nothing bad chaps did. And here you are... Take, at least, that you wished himself укокошить Hippo. Isn "on a swing know about this? I'm not saying that you robbed him, while he rested on the югах. Raven Raven eyes not pick out, isn't it? So someone from the two of us — white crow.

Bondi BOM glanced at him, as if the answer was clear. George noticed this:

-I with his garbage city travel...

-You, in General, a guy in a foreign city and in someone else's game. What you've taken, never could belong to you. This is foreign extraction, and protected her Old man, too thief-in-law, whom thou brutally killed. The old man guarding the obshchak, and I don't think the "seesaw" condemn me for what I ordered you cum. By the way, almost all in the know. And if someone infringes on обшак, besides deprive life of its брательника, I think, nobody will scream that it was removed.

Zhora not expect such a turn of conversation. In one moment of a Prosecutor he became a defendant.

-So, it was a common Fund? his brain feverishly sought justification, at least in their own eyes. Zhora even slowed down the movement of the machine. But I didn't know. What is the common Fund: paintings, books, manuscripts, icons... common Fund is money...

-The money invested, including. It was necessary to protect our spoils from inflation. It's me, using his connections in the Ministry and safety Committee, bought the most important and securities from the archives of the KGB and interior Ministry, best manuscripts, books, paintings and icons from the vaults спецхранов state security and customs control. And all this I did, not to some clever Hippo, пронюхав that next door is such a treasure, and that you can take it with bare hands, picked up, and brushed the gang Yes Yeshe having performed the assault. Of course, he deserves death. And I'm sure no one will be angry, to the contrary, it only approves, knowing that I made you — hunting, " Bondi BOM gleefully frowned. — I think. What if you "on the swings, then you tear up would be to shreds, although it is not accepted. So I decided to elect for you more merciful and easy death. But you would not take it.

-The hunting itself hunter was in the clutches of the beast, " laughed George.

-Vain хихикаешь! 'retorted Bondi BPO. — You're still a corpse!

-I warned you! — hand Zhora lay down on the forearm "Kalashnik".

And I said, "five minutes". Простол you were guilty twice: in front of the gang, and before the state.

-Both presented in your face?!

-But what is wrong? I control both spheres, and therefore, I stand and, therefore, stand above them both. But you прогадаешь, if you want to portray me sell the mafia high-ranking official. I'm a mafia, its top management, внедрившаяся in hostile structure. Is it a bad thing?

-Who knows? — George grinned.

-Those who need to know.

-I did not know, for example.

"Then you didn't really need to know. Besides, as far as I remember, you very seldom visited on our "swing", and, frankly, many do not even know forgot that there is such a Behemoth.

-But I had to know at least where is общаг and what it represents. Its share I listed you regularly, nothing was pinching.

-If you need help, you would have got it. But too dangerous to know for all, where is the cash. By the way, she wasn't the only one, but the biggest.

"But if I knew it was a common Fund, and not got on a rampage! "exclaimed George.

-Do you somebody said even a word?! Would sit in their Sumy and further, taxied would the local crowd — you would finger nobody touched. But you're no: went to Moscow for disassembly! Who are you asking? You brewed this porridge is that now it does not get out. And even I you отмазать I can not.

-Could send ksivu or person to warn me. I would not use.

-We did not have time. No time! You have done everything so quickly. Such a hurried from you no one expected...

Some time Zhora answered him nothing. Something not kleilos in all these explanations.

-Maybe you intentionally provoked me to remove? — he said at last.

-What's the point?

-He saw that I was too dangerous.

-Too dangerous?! Ha — ha — ha! — Bondi BOM laughed out loud. — Don't make me laugh! For me, there's too dangerous people nor thieves, nor in мусоровне. I control everyone.

"That's maybe why you decided to provoke me and take away. Noticing that I was leaving from under your control and going to exist, forming his own family?

Bondi BOM was silent.

-What did you answer?!

"Perhaps, " agreed Толстунин. — But only: may be. However, what is the difference? You're already signed own tower, killing the old man. By the way, who was that miserable?

"Didn't you guess?

Imagine: no.

-The one you have been looking for: mark p..

-Minkin?! — started Bondi BPO.

-It the most.

-A-a-a! — exactly the beast roared Толстунин. He wanted to grab their head, but the handcuffs prevented him to do it, and he closed his face with hands.

-That, important bird? — gloatingly asked George. — Judging from me there убивли: Yes. But you're not despair: he is dead. I did blow his brains out. By the way, could he tell me about you a lot, was a great dossier on Bondi Boma. Sorry. I lost it in a shootout with your dogs. If that hadn't happened, he perhaps would have stayed alive. Anyway, I nna was going to go back there, if I have not prevented to leave... Yes, mark Petrovich knew of many and knew a lot. It's a pity that I had to decide the upshot of dipping his stead. I suspect that it would be more useful to me than you. The only thing he didn't know, so this may be where is stolen, obshchak, as was now. However, I did not ask: does not guessed.

бондиБом not раегировал on Жорину tirade. Her face with her hands, articulated hoops handcuffs, he had screamed, moaned, whined, making some indistinct sounds and swung from side to side.

-You're a corpse, Behemoth! You're dead meat! finally managed to dismantle Жоре his words through the tears.

Suddenly Толстунин straightened up and Cat., скрючив fingers, grabbed the person Жоре:

-Die, you bastard!

Zhora hit the elbow of his hands and gave a fist in his head, then hit again and again.

Chapter 21. 6 (5 -> 6).

The next day, when the sun was already high, Dima woke up with a sore head and hardly продрал eyes. He couldn't understand what had happened to him, was all this really the case or only dreamed in a nightmare. By their state of health he could say only what is truly yesterday drank a lot, and seems to be raced.

Misty veil spread eyes. Dima hardly seen, but having taken a look around yourself, realized that lies in the room.

Veronica was nowhere to be seen, he called her, softly at first, then louder. No one replied.

Feeling his broken excessive dose of alcohol body moans, groans and aches, all its members, Dima struggled with Ottomans, and walked off in the sink.

"Sinks ничальник and sponges commander", — he remembered the line from the Moidodyrнs" and crawled under the cold shower to come down.

Now all that happened that night time in his memory, like a faint, vague negative. On the table beside his bed lay a large piece of paper with rough edges, and it felt-tip pen were written by two huge letters "criminal code".

"Yes — Yes — Yes — I was horrified Dima. He felt his legs подкшиваются, and sat down on the edge of the sofa. — Yes, Yes, Yes, " he grabbed his head. The events of this night stood out even more clearly in his head, fresh ice cold showers. But is stronger and more convincing than in shower, affected him this piece of paper with two bright red letters. — So, I was not a dream!"

He remembered yesterday, drunk and tired of women, разморенный alcohol and hot-air saunas, he sat next to Толстуниным and barely Lina and comradely hug, ground up with nonsense that now he has hair shame and fear became erect.

-And I, too, is versed in the Affairs of the sky, piano and развязанно waving his hand Толстунин. — I know some of the Bible. Proverbs напрример. Of the prodigal son, for example, or of the workers in the grape garden. So I say to you, откровененно, I prefer to be the prodigal son, who will one day return home to the Father than that, the other, who was with him. Strangely enough, but the prodigal son the Father loves more than a humble and submissive. And I want to be the employee in the garden, who worked worse than any, received from the owner, along with others.

-You have a distorted concept of God! — Dima cried.

-On the contrary, my concept is not available deeply for you. You барахтаешься on the surface, boy, not knowing the meaning. And it, in fact. That everything is allowed and is never too late to turn back to God. I prefer to do it in the last day in the life...

-How do you know when you die? "said Dima. — Because you can die before you have time to stop and repent, for example, now! Besides soul! It corrupts under the tyranny of the passions, and all the less space the desire to come to the Lord. Here indeed, even now you are left with only wish to come back, but it is possible that soon will disappear and it.

-And you, really, is not stupid, huh?! "Толстунин. He hurt patted wet palm Диминому shoulder. — But I think I'll know when I will die.

Christ said. That you can't serve two masters at the same time: mammon and God, pushed his hand Dima. — For one shalt thou serve, and to another to administer. One will love, and the other hated.

-Yes you're right priest! "exclaimed Толстунин. — Now I know why that bastard dragging you with me: he wants to save his thieves ' душенку. Ha — ha — ha. Behold thou rascal!

-Who are you? Dime when it seemed that in these words the key to solving the mystery of his acquaintance with Толстуниным, but he just waved him away, as nuisance and loudly asked for a cold beer.

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