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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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From memories about this conversation Dima had a headache, and he grabbed and squeezed her hands. But the movie is his memory went on with relentless cruelty. He didn't want to watch it, but could not do anything.

-Tell me, my good man Gladyshev, what is your hope in my poor, useless life? She would pass all, without a trace, in poverty and deprivation. For the happiness we must fight! — not appeased Толстунин. — Do you hope that the world will change, Yes? Haha! Venerable asshole, Dostoevsky, it seems, said: "Beauty will save the world!" And the world is nothing to save him, because God wanted it, wanted it back then when it created. Even with the creation of the world his whole story was предизвестна God, is it clear to you, мальчишк?! And you're not корячься as not try, but if you are destined to a place in hell, you never get to heaven, even though the skin вылезь.

"You are wrong! "objected Dima. — Where a person can know that he was destined after death?!

-God knows! — raised with the fury of the index finger Толстунин. Beer foam flew from his mouth. He knows, and whether you are at least a thousand times a goody-goody, or as many times bastard and stuff, he will lead you through life at your place! Here!

Толстунин it drank beer, and then again, splashing foam, almost shouted at him, Dima, as if he was on the other side of the world:

-I know that God is everything long ago divided with the devil, and the best he already took to the Skies. Now on the earth were only his stepchildren, these doomed, who prepared for another fate: down!

-You lie, you lie! — Dima cried.

He jumped up, jumped out of his chair, like a disheveled, but a real Sparrow, wanting to kick in the jaw Толстунину, but before he could do this, found myself in the pool, capsized there not терявшими vigilance naked телохранительницами that before the decisive moment deftly dissolved in the total mass of drunken whores or were themselves them, but knew what to do and when.

On this memoirs Dima stopped. Apparently, his then deafened, or lost consciousness and woke up only now.

"But where Veronica?" with concern thought Dima, when a violent movie in his head went down. He went up to her room and ran into the girl nose to nose, when she closed the door behind him.

-Hi! — he said.

-Hi, — as if nothing had happened threw Veronica.

-Where are you?

-Walk. In the city. Not you wait for...

-And do you know where I was? surprised Dima.

-Well, Yes, when I rushed to look for you, I said duty администраторша that I am for you not worried, so we convey.

"What about you? — Dima felt in his soul creeps confusion, bordering with horror and amazement.

-I? And what I am. Went to her and lay down to sleep.

-And what are you thinking? Where was I?

It doesn't matter where you could be! I decided that you want needed a Hippo, and he will urgently taken. You know: in such cases, he бестактен obscenely.

Dima mechanically walked with Veronica, painfully wondering whether she should tell about what has happened. When they came down the Elevator down, he realized that not worth it. Apparently she really knew nothing, and he caught myself on thoughts that he did not know Kaak react Veronica its history.

-Where are you going to walk? he asked the girl, when they went out through the hall to the lobby of the hotel.

Do not know, " she shrugged.

At this point in its field of vision were posters on the information Board, and she went down.

-Скукота. One скукота, " said Veronika Гладышеву, when he came to the posters behind her.

"Let's go down here, " suggested Dima saw in the corner a small, hand-written ad, извещавшее that in Sokolniki group of independent artists held an exhibition-sale of his works.

Veronica grimaced.

-The brothers pulled? — she asked sarcastically.

-Aren't you interested? surprised Dima.

-Okay, Gladyshev, go — instead of answering the question she said. This time, let it be so, the initiative I yield to you.

The day was gloomy. Besides it was the middle of the week, and the people in transport was little. They довольнго quickly reached the falconers and, wandering a bit on a deserted Park, in one of his distant corners notice any congestion of people.

-Us seems to be back, " suggested Dima and enthusiastically pulled a Veronica.

-What is this bunch? 'she returned.

-This is exhibition: hangout on блатном jargon intelligentsia.

-Are you sure of that? — concerned about Veronica asked.

-Sure, sure.

-And, I think, there beating, " said the girl.

When they came closer toward them three миллиуионера really dragged two some fellows.

"You see? — with reproach noticed Veronica, as if Gladyshev was all my fault. "Do you see?

"Come on, " suggested Dima, fearing that their visit to the exhibition-party will fail.

Veronica paused an instant, wondered quickly after weighing in her lovely head all "for" and "against", and was followed by гладышевскому proposal. They entered into a dense crowd of people resembling a small lake in the wind.

Теперькроме spectators and viewers, they became visible and grateful heroes of the occasion. Dima immediately became drunk from the atmosphere of this gathering, which smelled some forgotten полулегальщиной, harassment and persecution on the avant-garde artists. Here I felt the smell of silent protest, quiet riot, which are so pissed off by the authorities, because they are powerless before this, though, каажется can be several minutes destroy half the ball.

"Here she is, the strength of weakness of culture", with a heady inspiration thought Dima, mentally belonging to this host of "saints" мученников from power.

All this dull and partly by Moscow standards party made him such a strong impression of what produces view of the tram on a guy, first time having come from the rural hinterland to the city. Therefore at some time he lost sight of her, which was carried away, and disappeared among the crowd.

On the show, stretched from tree to tree on the ropes hung a hand-written poster: "...Here... исксство that offends (Lemon)".

Dima long tried to understand the meaning of this label, but could not thinking that you can understand, apparently, only to get acquainted with the art.

He squeezed through the dense crowd, surrounded one of the paintings. Next was sitting on a folding stool, apparently, the author of the picture and occasionally переругивался with the audience.

-Sell? — ask him.

"Yes, " nodded the artist — for dollars.

-For dollars?! Fuck you!..


To Dima's ears from somewhere came the foreign speech. Guessed German and English words.

The painting, which was Dima, shown were the following: a gray-white, animal forms, something resembling the outline of a female body, lavatory pan; over him like a flagpole, a sewer pipe, поржавевшая, without a ush tank, instead whether кртина, whether портретнебольшого size with the image of the tops of the Orthodox Church, Church, synagogue and mosque, squeezed next to each other on crooked, negligent inscription: "God is one".

The audience had a lively discussion about the picture. This Goulet полушепота, and then heard insulting words addressed to the author so дерхкого cloth.

Hardly Dima got out of a dense ring around the picture and moved to another, exactly the same , living and dry. His first impression was unclear, but, in General, his soul, the scorched the rejected candidate hop feel even more discomfort and discord with the body. He almost физичеси felt, as she breaks out, wanting to leave his mortal flesh in a cold loneliness. This gap was manifested, that Gladysheva had a feeling inside like him in the chest stuck a piece of the iceberg, though his heart was hurt by the ice of a needle, and it was painful. Blood would freeze, and to disperse it he would swear the latest матерными words.

"I think I'm going to die, he thought, Dima, feeling worse. — Why we all came here?"

He MCA could not understand why he suddenly felt so bad: whether so hard on him, and acted this picture, or his hangover, his alcohol (and maybe some other) poisoning entered a new phase. "Perhaps I really was poisoned? thought Dima, barely moving his fumble in your mind, like a naughty tongue. — After all, why it caused me... or rather, was seized..."

He mechanically making his way from one painting to another, ducking from a bunch of a handful of spectators, but the meaning галиматьи that before нимпредставала every time in the centre of this circle, slipped away, walked past him, because his mind was absorbed with the internal struggle in body and soul, which it has sought to keep in unity, and who desperately resisted, trying to take a run.

"Like you, must kill," вспллыли in his head the words Толстунина. And when they came to him, as he felt severe dizziness and nausea, legs gave out and he collapsed right on the tripod with the picture, dragging it behind him. Through подступающую the darkness with wide eyes he caught some kind of vague shadows movement around him. In his ears, just gurgling, heard alarmed voices of people around. He felt even as his body touched, as it does raise, or handle. But he showed no signs of life. He didn't want to show them. He was attacked by a great laziness, which is called death, and now enveloped not only the body but also your mind sticky webs real estate and thick wool deafness, переная him, like a babe in a cocoon.

He could think of could perceive their feelings and thoughts, could listen or stare, but he did not want either, nor the third. Soon he even I got lazy know that he can, and then, and another, and another and then in his head came utter darkness.

He came on the bench. Near him were some people. In the nose шибло sharp unbearable smell of ammonia.

Dima opened my eyes and saw a bearded man, who подпихивал his nose and transparent little bubble.

-I always carry it with you, — not without pride explained bearded others, turning his head to the right and to the left, as if hoping to find in someone's eyes, support and approval. — You see, he's getting better. It seems, he comes to himself.

Dima shook his head, sniffing from удущающего smell, who walked into the throat, and lungs. His eyes tears began to fall.

-Well, that's nice, " said puny owner of a beard, " now I can say that this young person is awake. Young man! Young man! — the bearded man shook ладышева shoulder and looked into his eyes, wanting to make sure that he understands it. — Do you feel better, young man?!

Dima according nodded оитрая tears, streams потекшие cheeks.

-How do you feel? We called you an ambulance.

Dima couldn't even speak, but shook his head negatively.

-I am a doctor, a young man, therefore, can speak to me like медикомсовершенно frankly and seriously. Tell me, did you have epilepsy?

-No, — finally Dima possessed the gift of speech.

-GM, then I would advise you to consult your doctor. And the sooner you do it, the better it will be for you, for your health. You should surveys...

Dima not listened to his captain. He felt now, as fainting, and, rebounding from the bench and pushed aside the crowd, headed for the exhibition under a poster about offends art, remembering that Veronica somewhere запропастилась in the crush.

He went to the most numerous group of people, assuming that it is likely that Veronica will be there. In the centre of this broad and crowded circle just начиналость strange action, which is one of the three artists were there, near the snow-white clean the toilet, announced as "instantly-sculpture and painting composition in the triune co-authorship.

Clicked cameras, зажужжали Keane and video cameras, and three of them started a полумистический, полупародийный dance around the toilet, something resembling simultaneously Striptease and ritual not the Indians, not that any папуассов. In the end they were naked, маструбируя caused himself erection and ejaculation in the toilet and then went over to the same queue diarrhea black and brown, yellow and brown котяхами, decorating the "layer cake" from above; then предлоили honourable audience showered all this money and, thus, to complete the composition.

Showered with money of all colors and shapes, forming a phantasmagoric rain. Other bills fell right into the toilet, уные scattered around it fallen petals of roses. When the last of the lonely bill finished their трепыхающийся flight, artists, sponsors loudly announced that the composition is completed.

All sides were heard unexpectedly loud and bold applause. Apparently, the audience has been really admire their calling, incredible courage, bordering on insanity. Dima noticed that in this circle of many foreigners. Two of them, объясняясь very bad Russian and good English and expressed their willingness and desire to buy this masterpiece. The deal immediately took place. Foreigners have posted a large sum, slammed the "painters" shake on it. The artists took them to the toilet and at parting with their offspring put on his white sides of their autographs, writing multi-coloured, thick markers each word: "Обвафлили", "Обосрали", "Thriller".

Those present began to disperse, flowing to other кучкам. Some boys-maloletki swooped, exactly sparrows scattered crumbs, got bills lying around the toilet on the ground, and then quickly sped away, as if they were not.

"I wonder how they will take and what they will do with that?" thought Dima.

Then he noticed her. She, too, watched all happening and now still stood still and looked thoughtfully and detachment on the toilet. He approached her.

-How disgusting! she said, noticing it. — Fe-e! Where have you been?

-Yes, here's close ответл Dima decided not to say anything about that. What just happened. — Great! ? he turned to the toilet, which were now only foreigners. "I, too, went on this pot! How do you think they will do with him?

-Vulgar! — dismissed him Veronica.

-You don't like?! But why was surprised Dima.

Here, there is nothing that I would be a little like it, wincing, admitted Veronica. — Indicates that this dirty, filthy-looking rubbish? What is the meaning of this adventure-sculpture? I spit want!..

-Nothing, it will pass, " he Dima. — I think that's — I presented here now, that went after them or with them there with pleasure, by the way!.. In General it is, this sculpture indicates that people all have the same structure, all go to the toilet, regardless of their social origin and situation, regardless of nationality and religion, which испооведают. Whether you're a General, a Minister or a simple rear, and the process of emptying the bowel is not fooled. He does anyone исклбчения, not looking on the social hierarchy. In this deeper meaning, which is difficult to understand. Last tramp, not knowing even the alphabet and, the more laws, maybe has more right to be happy than some uncle in high offices, suffering from constipation and геммороем, because of the scarcity of food in the tramps. However, works of art infinite number of meanings, and my explanation — just look at one of the semantic faces. Everyone sees and understands the creation of his, and this is its charm. Even under a different mood and state of mind, it will open another face.

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