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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Veronica let go Gladysheva. He went limp. She moved to егоо beds, and полоснула it with a predatory gaze.

-Well, now we'll see how it behaves in bed offended and scratched...

She threw the clothes on the floor and walked over to him снгова, took his зазапястье hands and pulled himself across the room. He reluctantly obeyed, even though at this point he wanted to hit her, hit and beat, beat, beat, until discharged rage, комкающая his soul, переворачивающая its like a cement mixer. However, he feared it even now, and couldn't step over the barrier of this fear is so to say aloud: "Bitch!"

This word you could hear in his head, depriving him of the ability to think, and if he could get her lips, her throat to pronounce that word the way he wanted to, with feeling, with the sharp anger, from which the soul would feel better. If he could get it! He could not only so, but he couldn't, he not only knew how to do, but also why it is necessary.

Veronica forced him to undress. As a protest, which could not resolve in action, Gladyshev began to slow, barely fingering, undoing the buttons.

-Faster! — shouted at him Veronica, which annoyed his slowness. — I ska-per-La: faster!!!

He wanted to answer something very annoying and unpleasant, but it has lost the ability to think, because his soul filled the whole two strange combined with feelings of fear and powerless rage.

-Faster! — Veronika made hand lightning movement, aimed a blow and, spreading its fingers like cat claws, полоснула from the top down.

Затрещала straining the fabric of the shirt.

-Take it off! "Veronica gloomily, unfastening his his pants. "I've always disliked!

This was too much. However, the indignation of his splashed out entirely in the wrong direction. Veronica behaved like a very skilful mistress. The energy of his anger, she sent in a different direction, оплела hands, carried away for a while falling on the bed, and in a moment he, excited and boiling passion, was in her power.

Then they have a long lay in bed, subdued Gladyshev together with a sense of dull resentment had experienced a sharp extraordinary satisfaction. Occasionally he turned the head to lying next to him is a young woman, eyes tracing her lovely neck, lips, eyes, которыыми it was impossible not to admire, and then, feeling the confusion and fear of her vague entity, which was concealed, exactly animal in a hole, beneath all of this charming appearance, thought to myself: "a Witch. Why, she's a witch."

For the first time he'd been so close with the woman, and as it turned out suddenly, felt it even more than all those complexes, which he had experienced at the time of his independent of loneliness. Only now it was not an external constraint. It moved inside him, now controlling all the promptings of his soul. Now without looking at the woman, he dared not, it would seem, even to think of something before he could meditate for hours on end. Her presence prevented him escape from external and focus навнутреннем the world, in his soul. When she wasn't there, nothing but anxiety, confusion and anxiety, he had not felt, and his неуспокоенная soul prevent him from practicing their favorite stuff. Are these his previous lessons, now and really seemed worthless and stupid thing that he killed so many of your precious time of their youth. His literary and pictorial attempts seemed to have something like blowing bubbles: their inflating, inflating, and they all burst and burst. Castles in the air — that's all, what could he create himself in this life. Now it seemed to him that it would be better, perhaps, was to spend a whole lot of time, which he spent at the table and easel closer and extensive communication with female gender. At least, it was a real life where nothing had to be thought of, in which all experiences, adventure and danger were real and influenced his own destiny, and not on the fate of his fictional, paper heroes. Endanger their life was easy and comfortable. Sit in the warmth of the apartment and invent, as they жрогнут night in the rain, die of horror and fear. So you can допридумываться the devil knows what! What prevents him to cut their heroes live at the pieces, and then resurrect, revive again, and again cut? Him-then it won't be nothing and nothing was ever made. Something really he превносил in their жизгь of his life, but it was so ridiculous and funny misere! And all the rest? Solid fiction and lies! No, I must admit, bitterly, that he was running all this time from real life, spending it on nobody's handwriting. Is it possible in this age to write something serious?!

He suddenly interrupted his thoughts and did навпопад asked lying peacefully side by side Veronica:

-It is interesting that feels husband, suddenly aware that he cuckold? You don't know?

She looked up at him slowly, as if tired, contempt turning the head towards him, and then, but made no answer, turned to the wall the whole body, putting him on the show naked narrow back, most mysteriously turning into a wide hips.

It was charming, that it was impossible to look away, and Gladyshev hardly continued:

-I think that first of all, it comes in such a frenzy that can sweep away everything in its path.

"You first, " said Veronica.

-Why should I? — Gladyshev pretended to be surprised. — I generally say, not translating, so to speak, in a specific person.

-Don't play dumb, Gladyshev! suddenly she turned sharply, jerk threw the blanket on the floor was before their feet. — Get up! Lying here, stand up, say!!!

Already calmed down traces of nails on the cheeks and chin again hurt from this exclamation, so that he involuntarily obeyed, almost fell down headlong from the bed.

"Get dressed! Go for a walk, — Veronica pulled from the bed to the floor, his pants down, buckle in the back like a cat and a high raised his pelvis.

He again help admiring her figure, her movements. Watching her was just as if he was only a meter away from the graceful and deadly tigress. Maybe somewhere in her soul she was not only despised them, but hated him in General, but Gladyshev былл powerless against her graceful female nature, that attracted him to her, and, if no hands, eyes he did not cease to лабзать her body.

"A cat! Wild cat!" 'he thought to himself.

Veronica threw his trousers and asked:

"What you got up in his tracks? Hurry up!

-But I have no shirt! You broke!

-Put on a sweater.

-How? On a naked body?! He scratchy!

"Nothing, suffer! Buy I'll shirt in the nearest store. Фирмовую, of course, not to promise and not'm going to buy, but you would do.

She went out of the hotel. Moving away from the entrance to the car, standing at the Parking site, Gladyshev lifted his head up, looking at shining in the rays of the sun machinery building, frowned and smiled as the boy.

"What?" asked, going up to him, Veronica. She got up close and looked up.

-I? Nothing. So simply. The mood is good.

-Excuse me, Gladyshev, that you and I nails scratched — they went to the prospectus. — Something came over me that... Well, you know how crappy mood, and here you are under the arm itself. That's all it was.

-All right, — he waved his hand, or rejecting, or accepting her apology. sometimes it happens only my face. Come Hippo, увидиит my face. What then?

-Well, I didn't want to! — she ran forward, blocking his way.

-However, the fact that in the face! Okay. Hopefully they will cost.

She apparently liked that Gladyshev plays up to her. This is, probably, feel it's a big solidarity. After all lovers доолжны be solidary. In solidarity against all the others, and, primarily, against обманываемого husband. It is noticeably more cheerful, and even began to bounce on the go, from pleasure, Kaak little girl.

Having caught the fact that the relationship between them теплеют, he also became the поприветливее her and even dared to joke:

-What are you распрыгалась like a little?

Veronica smiled even wider and manifested:

"I was a little girl, and sat on the couch. Sofa diamond one — let's мнне rubles".

She broke into laughter, and smote Gladysheva up to depth of soul so fast, rapid and abrupt change in her. he wanted to tell her the good words that could come to him in the head, do something nice for her, even give flowers. He felt a surge of poetic mood, which filled him with a warm, hot air balloon, squaring his ruffled thoroughly for it is a bad time body, pouring a member of some of bustling with life force, which would seem to never come back to him. He certainly wanted to sing, to declare his poems and fly. He wanted to soar above the earth, and was very sorry that you cannot do this actually.

"Where are we now? he asked Veronica.

-Probably, in the centre. I want to take a walk along the red square, walk to the Kremlin. I like there. Then we'll see. Besides, I promised you buy a shirt.

-Well, then we have to metro, he took her hand and felt that she likes it. — Ran for the bus.

-May be, on foot? — stubborn girl.

-No, it's too long. We will be there to do when it gets dark? Ran! Here is a bus!

She gave in to him, and after a couple of minutes later, they were walking down экскалатору.

"Square Ногина!" — as always, clearly, impartially, once formally announced the speaker the speakers in the car. They went out, and soon lined with iron heels shoes Veronica цокали and tapped on the pavement of the pavement of red square.

-Great! Veronica stopped and sighed deeply, full Breasts cool air. — Not a forest, of course, but...

Гладышеву Moscow seemed tonight extraordinarily beautiful. He admired the Kremlin, the domes of the nearby churches and cathedrals. All around was миловзору and never wanted this day to pass.

They proceeded Central part of Moscow and down, as she had promised, Vernik bought him in one of the shops shirt, the way I liked it. In General, something happened, happened for a change, and the mood for the rest of the day she was wonderful

In the evening they were on the Old Arbat, where as has always been crowded. Burned pink lights, illuminating everything around unusual, ghostly some light that made the surroundings as if эфимерным, fabulous, ready to dissolve suddenly in a pink smoke пробуждаемого sleep at any moment. Under these lights going off line and теряющимися in a distant haze infinite continuation of the street, толклась разношертсная idle audience on both sides of the street, and sometimes right in the middle, sat artists with their paintings, some artisans with all kinds of dolls and other crafts arts. Some guys in some places traded military ammunition, form and attributes. Then, there were people, some show some theatrical performances, other declared poems, others read some works. Everywhere heard the rattling of coins and the rustling of paper money, falling in the sprawling on the pavement hats. Everybody threw acting as he could and as he wanted. Nobody asked and not begging. No one refused. There reigned an atmosphere of a quiet everyday holiday, which could plunge any of the bustle of the city and фешенебельности New Arbat and hit here in самоорганизовавшийся daily carnival, who was the Director, there was no script, no critics, and only the panelists and the audience, giving and taking. Direct consumption culture without any intermediaries, is not permitted, but until запрещаемое.

Everything was mixed up, перетасовано with each other, as the cards in the deck and tightly Packed. Each square meter of the Old Arbat was boiling some of his life, bore some their meaning. All the action of the street was tightly Packed выстыпающими, hawkers and the public, nothing not wasted in vain.

After a couple of steps it was impossible to predict what will look, who will be there, a singer with a guitar, leaning to the wall before the put on the ground with a frown, sitting behind the crates, which arranged the whole army of dolls and wooden articles, unhappy, tired for a day seller. There were also some people with wads of leaflets, collected around of itself crowds of people. Here and there flashed миллиционеры with clubs and even guns. They whistled in their whistles, someone fished, someone made, somebody led by the arms, in General, made in this jubilee, confusion and turmoil some variety and the spirit presence of the order, as if inviting that the government does not sleep, no matter what. All was monotonous, dull noise, in which it was difficult to catch some distant sound and you can hear only one who was near.

It was an unusual, surprising and at its cozy. Hence not want to leave, despite the tiredness.

Mouth Agape from the desire of all immediately see Veronica desperately twisted his head to the right and to the left. It ввнимание attracted huge dolls, some pictures, the poet reading ditties about the Collegium the rang out suddenly very close foreign speech and some Japanese телеаппаратурой exonerating all of this boiling bunch of people.

Courageous Armenians that had a lot of the middle of the street impromptu photo studios with vintage cars, motorcycles, huge bottles of champagne and incredible size плющевым слоно and camel, enticed, literally pulled them to himself through the partition of the chain, took some pictures, got quite a tidy sum of money and, smiling broadly, promised a week to send excellent color photographs, almost forgetting, however, to write their address.

Blinded by his dedicated flash units, Veronica long was then, rubbing his eyes with his fists, and, in the end, stated that, apparently, аррмян their inflated. From this assumption they're both fun to laugh and laughed for a long time. Gladyshev thought it very much laughter and fun for the day — usually, it's not good. What alarming feeling about a minute later, in his heart, but he shook it, broke with anxiety, not to interfere with the fun to ourselves, nor his companion. He liked that Veronica such a good mood. Lately it rarely able to see this happy, and after the arrival in Moscow, such was never, so he caught every glance, every smile, trying to have sunk down in his heart, deeply.

It seemed to him that she still loves him, but it was necessary to remember about the Hippo, a strange boy that once, on the day of birth of Hippo, her future husband, she appeared in the restaurant as it is a magical feeling of happiness in knowing that you love pretty woman, a little потухало, moreover, this consciousness became some ghostly, misleading, incorrect. Even the fact that it divides the love between her and her husband, prevented turn this consciousness to the size, which give wings, and it was felt that it is still something that этокакой surrogate the pure and passionate love he deserved in his poetry and dreams.

"Apparently, the meaning of life is that man will never be able to achieve what you want, something always interferes with the child's mother. And hardly there is at least one nor million, which was given to experience the love, hope that sunk from early youth in his soul. The older a person becomes, the more it sucks abyss of depravity, the неразборчивее and алчнее he becomes in relations with others, whether women, men, and the нечистоплотнее themselves become these relations," mused to himself, Gladyshev, watching forgotten in happiness and fun Veronica.

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