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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Not waiting for an answer, the old man disappeared through the door, disappearing in the dark and I was alone again in the darkness over the abyss. Not a single sound I gave myself over this time, and now continued to hang on the door.

Now I started thinking how to get out of here. Sloppy door already rather slack and has warped, and I feared lest she never wavered from its hinges, burdened by my weight. Besides the pain in my fingers had increased with every minute, and I чувствоввал that would last me for a long time. Ill перенапрягшийся from the incredible efforts of the stomach, was stiff back. Metal door handles all глуюже crashed into the meat, put pressure on the bones of the limbs. I felt like my fingers lose their power and ability to hold the weight my body. Yet a little while, and I had to inevitably break down.

Has anyone tried anything hanging on the fingers, and not on the palm, should easily understand all my feelings from such a pleasant position in which I found myself. And who hasn't tried it, let them try and suffer all прелесьб unbearable, sharp, усиливющеся pain, which eventually become so shrill and unbearable that it is easier to close his fingers and fall down, than to hang. In another situation, I would not done such a focus in a million, would suggest someone to me and now I'm hanging with good ten minutes, and the fear of height spurred my weakening the will, forced to continue to hang далльше probably surprised that I, what is so long to them and not fall, then we would fly down, but I was not surprised and generally thought only of how I get out of this situation. I knew that in such situations it is necessary to quickly and coolly search пупуть to salvation, and not to panic.

At first me still it seemed that my situation is hopeless, and the only way out — to fall down, and there, быдь that will be. I hanged by the wall and nothing could reach the door sill. But then I came up with a simple and brilliant idea.

I WISA as already said. Near the wall, and if he could push off as it should legs, I would, probably, has informed in an arc to the threshold the door even in the condition in which she was. And there already were mere trifles. Indeed, there are no hopeless situations, and often salvation lies in the seemingly неблаговидном circumstance provisions.

Had to act cautiously, slowly, not making any sharp movements. So I gently and slowly, despite the severe pain muscles of the abdomen, raised his right leg, and bent her knee, примостил sole of my Shoe on a slippery surface of the masonry, and then making sure that my leg will not go on mucus covering the wall somewhere to the side, gently, but with the power of leverage. Desperately заскрипев, dilapidated door bore me, describing an arc and slowly closing, to save the threshold. But then I still poorly tested, whether the resistance of the rusty hinges from the big overloads was too high, but she stopped somewhere in the middle. Now I floundered in the empty space, not having возможностидостать nor to the wall or to the threshold.

I couldn't hang, fingers completely numb, and it began to ache and the arms themselves. Feeling that's about to tear away, I am desperate rant on the door beneathbbut the number ofbACE, and under the influence of my recent efforts of my счстью leaned toward the doorway. You may not believe me, speak, that behold, they all say so: "fortunately". But it is in cases happened, otherwise, I know that now, I come to an end, dreamed Khan, as they say in some areas.

Yes, the door creaking slightly moved to the side of the threshold, but now I felt that I'll get to the door jamb foot. The last effort of will I forced myself do this and pull the door to the doorway in the wall. When I almost got out of there, somewhere down in a dark pit something hit and лязгнуло with metallic echo. Glancing down, I saw a weak flickering light, barely пробивавшийся through the darkness. Looking closer, I realized that it was a paraffin stove old man. Its light was somewhere below, and beside him in the darkness it was impossible to see anything. Suddenly a bright orange flash lit up the well, and there, on the bottom or at the bottom of it to be in a blaze, жирнокоптя thick black smoke rising up well curly clubs, pine torch emerged as if from the middle ages.

Чадящее flame red, shining orange bursts danced, запульсировало at the bottom in dick, hypnotic dance from which it was impossible to tear his eyes away. Glares it struck the damp walls of the well its light, giving them red-brown tint. Out of the darkness fluoresce bricks, covered with slime, заблестевшей, заигравшей light.

Not immediately, blinded by the light suddenly appeared torch, I discerned at the bottom of a small door from which looked out to see the old man. Now I saw that the well's deep, and my body just hang at a height of fifteen meters in the place where the old man opened lower iron door. But, on closer examination, I found that under the door for another three-meter continues down the wall.

As far as I can see I разссмотрел that the door protected from below serving well semicircular grille of metal rods, and below, on the bottom there is a teeming movement. Something wet, поблескивающее mucus move there. It seemed to me that I hear the splash of water, emanating from there.

Suddenly a door at the bottom became with the clang of the closing, torch, who had flickered, disappeared in the well again dark and silence. It happened, as I immediately jumped to his feet from the floor on which he lay, watching and again moved in the darkness, he knew not where. Feeling his hands walls, I soon came across the threshold of a door. Taught by bitter experience, I'm not stepped on immediately as last time, although it was opened and crouched down and felt, is there behind this door solid support. My fingers felt dyed or lacquered the surface of the wooden floor, and then, rising, I stepped over the threshold.

Moving carefully, and fearing to hurt something in the dark and make the most noise, which might throw my location, I suddenly stumbled across some shelves, densely crowded with books. I went along, and found that during the first стоиттакой same second, then a third and fourth. Between the shelves were made narrow passages. One would think that he was in a room of some library. It was amazing, because I don't expect to find in this house something like this. Shelves stood side by side in rows. Them there was much, much, more than a dozen, and all of them were forced ккакими the books and folders most разннобразных sizes.

Passing всегоэтого, I finally got to the deaf wall and saw that it was impossible to go further. Does not remain anything else how to go back. To come back. Hardly this thought occurred to me, as I started to shiver. But there was nothing to do. From this room there was no other way. I feared that, making my way back, I get around to the old man. And so it happened.

As I left the room in which the lost between bookshelves seeing that the corridor in which I stood, swaying side to side to me moving light of the paraffin lamp, the kerosene lamp, which was in the hands of the old man.

Like пришпоренный impatient horse rider, I rushed away from this horrible little spark without seeing the road, something dropping and tilting on its way. Several times hurt hurt and I almost crashed to the death the rail on a concrete staircase leading down somewhere. I rolled her head over heels and sprawled on the floor in full growth, even before they get scared. Standing up, I thought, that, perhaps, exactly убьюсь, if I run away and further. "Actually, what the hell I escaping from some несчатсного geezer?" — dумалось me suddenly. Fear vanished. And I treasurership, began to go up the stairs.

Old man I saw when almost upstairs. Light of his lamp was almost near my face. I looked carefully and saw his face, distorted with suffering and pain. In all its States, ссутулившейся figure was felt fatigue and weariness., and the hair white, becoming gray.

The master of the house did not expect that всвтретиться with me, and stumbled on me by the stairs, whole body shuddered and jumped even ago.

-I never seem to get through tonight, " he said, " I'm so scared by his actions.

He sighed heavily, and I said, not feeling absolutely fear with me completely still a few minutes ago:

-I was scared so much more.

-But what? — the old man was surprised. — What are you so scared and why so desperately rushed to flee?

I got confused:

-In fact I myself I can't say that with me happened. Suddenly scared and all. What's happening!

-It happens, it happens, " the old man agreed reluctantly. — I don't know what miracle you ever stayed alive. In this house the many dangers...

He turned and wandered away and I followed behind, feeling secure once again, stumbling in the dark about scattered by me during the flight of the items.

We walked past the door leading into the well, where I nearly hit. Apparently, " the old man said, when surprised, as I was alive. In the dim light керосинки its open doorway seemed to like me разинутый mouth of a dead man.

Finally, breaking the paper roll, hosted by me, we went back to the same room where only half an hour ago peacefully sat and drank coffee.

The old man offered me to sit down. His voice was cracked and tired, similar to the previous, that recently. I was amazed how hard hit by the incident of the this old man. He really was to old, more he was друвним, dense elder. Now it was well visible, and I again was surprised that had scared him, the old and the weak.

"Sit down, repeated his offer elder.

I obeyed him and sat on his chair, where he had sat before his stupid flee. The old man sat down as before, in front of me. He leaned back in his chair, clearly resting against wrapped.

Yes, fear at this moment again, as had happened. Now I just sat opposite his companion curiously waiting for what would happen next. The old man, learn to read other people's thoughts, вправебыл count my behavior shaped mockery of themselves. But, apparently, he also decided to mock me, only the other way, namely, задолбать stupid questions.

-So what are you hurry, young man? he asked again, frowning.

-I not ran, and decided to leave, just decided to leave, " I said.

-GM, but in a way you of the guests did not go, you will agree, perhaps?

-Hmm... Perhaps.

Old man perked up slightly, sensing, apparently, that he had found a clue to the conversation.

-You see, — said he, — you see, the consequences of non-observance of rules of etiquette? Needed to stand, сказаьб that you wish me to leave, and I would have you spent. I can assure you, the young man, by the way, that you almost погиби due to hasty action. You were on the verge of death, and I, frankly speaking, I cannot understand at all, what a miracle you survived. You see, you almost died, young you people.

-I like that about this guess, " I said.

"I warned you that you are standing on the threshold of the great mysteries. In such cases, you should be more in control of yourself. Any, even the smallest mystery when she's going to open up, to tickle nerves, well, all the more if the big mystery. Here it is hold on, and the urge to run!

The old man was talking, apparently, a good mood came back to him. He said витиеватую speech about the great benefits of politeness. In some places he even smiled, and then suddenly, as it is good, abruptly stopped and bent over to me, pushing on the edge of the Desk and asked заговорщическим in a whisper, as if afraid that someone is listening:

-So you want to be devoted in secret?

I was taken aback.

Chapter 7.

I want or not?" I repeated about SEB question the old man, not feeling quite никкиъ desires.

But let learn why I needed you посвещать in this your secret? Why me? I asked him, hoping that his answer will help me to make a choice.

-The reasons for this are many, " said the master of the house, — but the most important is the game the higher forces. It stipulates почеум you will be entrusted this mystery.

I looked the old men raised up указателльный finger, дрожавший in a twinkling lamps, and said,

-Know I don't believe in the existence of the supernatural. In my life there was nothing that proves the existence of God or the devil. And those whom I trust, not had to deal with such manifestations. So your words to me малоубедительны. In any case although I no matter mastered the material, but undertake to prove to you from the point of view of the Marxist-Leninist philosophy, as well as the materialist dialectics...

The old man sour winced and interrupted me with a gesture of his hand:

-Don't do it, boy. Do not recall here neither about Lenin, Marx, the more. I know all this. I'll tell you only one thing, after which you умолкнешь, ' cause you can't anything I say. Yes, these two have broken a lot of copies, to prove the existence of God, or as they called world of ideas — the purest nonsense. Let it be so. But all their proofs are no more than hype. Yes, Yes deceptions. While reasoning they affect only one side of the coin, pretending, or indeed not realizing that there is also the flip side of it. Yes, they say that there is no God. But find anywhere these figures reasoning about the Devil. Alas, your the search will be in vain. The devil is not affected at all. What is it? Why? Maybe they were afraid to talk about it or kept silent about this, so you can easily and simply to explain everything in terms of their very limited worldview? Or maybe they were just his obedient servants? After all, they created a world of very great service to the Evil. How strengthened its positions in the world with his victory! By the way, some Wake from this hellish sleep there a little less a dozen years ago. There has been, but immediately, with no time to come to fruition, сникло after some time. Then monuments of these "leaders and thinkers" threw bottles with petrol and set on fire. In those days, they were cursing, and all publicly repented. So long followed the belief, called Marxism-Leninism. And now... and now everything is back to the old channel, to normal, everything returned to the truth, which is simple but obvious: the Devil reigns on this earth. He was let go of the reins, but then he pulled them again. That's all. All opponents leaned out into the light, as he mowed them подчастую, and this warming, which seemed to many irreversible onset of spring and the return of peace to live according to the laws of God, soon ended, easy and unexpected, and повылазившие it was spring flowers were killed and fall under the onslaught returned cold. Everything returned to normal. Oh, Russia has always been a country in which the Evil one to live in freedom. Because this country is the constellation of Aquarius, satellites which the black cat and the number thirteen. I might be able to рассказатьтебе, but we have too little time to do it.

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