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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Zhora painfully biting his finger to come down, but it did not help. Think about anything, there was no opportunity. In my head swirled only the thoughts of his wife's infidelity. Yes, with whom? With those who, as he very often it seemed there was not only a male habit and attraction to the opposite sex, but even men's bodies, who seemed to him боязливее and смирнее lamb and safer ant underfoot.

Now it is painfully painted in the imagination of their sex scenes, and it worked very poorly, or not go at all, and Жоре eagerness to see them. And then get to do IT all on his eyes. What he could not imagine them together, it was even more painful that he knew that they both were.

Zhora not find a place. Time passed mockingly slowly, as if testing his patience and подзуживая, подхлестывая insulted his dignity, not knowing measures its оплеванности and you want to quickly find out how deep it is in deep shit. Any semblance of thoughts left him, leaving him alone with viscous, excruciating pain in the chest, where the heart is. This pain stung glasses and his soul, and every second of this expectation was filled with suffering, tolerate that just barely have enough forces.

He wanted to destroy everything, to break those stupid sheets, break the bed and chairs, dissolve the Pooh or wool — what it was in the thick mattress, break, in the end, the glass of the window and throw out everything that was here, in this room, down from the ninth floor. And so he wanted to do it, but it сдерживлся unknown from what reasons. Maybe because he didn't want a scandal, which would have granted the things that he so carefully disguised, though gusts riot most difficult to the logic of the mind and its far-reaching plans, on the contrary, these plans often are breaking the ruthless attacks of anger, рвущими all logical chain and smashing everything fragile, speculative construction, but coming across their path, may be because of not wanting to appear before the personnel of the hotel, the people who should be aware of all the collisions relationship guests as possible and in a bad way, disgraced and humiliated, and thereby lose their face ridicule ruthless crowd, which would hardly ever breaks out at least a spark of compassion, this bunch of fellows, stirring somewhere down there in the everyday swamp, looking заискивающим, лизоблюдствующим look at anyone who has power, money and position to dispose of them, or потокать, be indulgent to him, or on the contrary: trample and drive them as deem fit, but ready at the same time, trample, take away bit by bit, use their sharp teeth and not leave in the next second anything from yesterday's their idol, today fallen into their puddle, but may be due to a deeper struggle of feelings, emotions and common sense, творящейся in these minutes it and inaccessible to any, even a very fastidious and skillful, the subtlest penetration in his густоверть, ежемгновенно выплескивающую a thousand contradictory, microscopic, взаимоуничтожающихся and developing with each other in more distinct and strong motives.

Zhora fumbled in his pocket for a pack of cigarettes, took out a match and lit a cigarette. If wanting to hurt sheet avenge her, as if she was guilty, he put a burning match to her and tried to set fire to. White cloth immediately smoked, had turned black, a black spot became rapidly unravel, before the flames. But George foot, and satin had subsided only выжженое spot, leaky in the center, left.

George stood up. His eyes caught a big and beautiful выключательна wall. A rage made him with Wei force лупануть on it with his fist. Pieces, fragments of bright plastic with a crash emitted in all directions.

Zhora caught myself thinking that loses control and forced calm, cool of the awakening in him the beast. He went to the loggia, облокатился on the balcony railing and took a deep breath together with cigarette smoke breath of fresh air, suddenly discovering that it is very nice. However, the opening of this brought a sense of luscious bitterness, which immediately changed to a gust of hopeless despair and ощещением meaninglessness of all his deeds and all the events that occurred and are occurring with him now, his whole life in General.

"What's the difference what she actually asleep?" thought Zhora and tried to calm down, comforted by that thought. He recalled that he had many women. But here in his thoughts again crept awareness, he changed the женва, and not some girl. It was something. This meant that it not only does not love, but even do not respect, not fear that his dignity, to his honor just spit and even, perhaps, so maliciously trying to humiliate him. He thought maliciously. This word again brought his balance, made всбеситься and powerless, иступленной rage crushed in his hand a burning cigarette, without feeling any pain. Another pain, sticky and slow, like resin, iron Hoop covered, squeezed his heart, засвербила in the stomach, twisting his insides, forced blood boil and pour in the head.

George felt his became hot, stuffy as flamed his nalivshiesya crimson пунцом cheeks like a lump stuck in the throat, making it difficult to breathe. It seemed to him that someone or something is choking him. Of course, it was a starched, stiff collar white shirt and stupid strict tie — signs of good taste and high etiquette, in which he tried to put every evening.

It looked now funny and stupid. He imagined every evening, walking in a simple, elegant suit, pretending to be an aristocrat and a representative of the estate of something haves and which may, but this time his wife falls somewhere in a hotel room on the other end of this idiot of a huge city in bed with some renegade and a loser and given him, regardless of any decency, marital duty and, in General, whatever it more.

"Lord, should it be something Holy! pleaded George, I caught myself thinking that refers to what was always confusion myth to influence the suckers. This detracted him, put on his knees, and George even shook his head to get rid of the religious attack, which began to take possession of his thoughts suddenly. — No, there is no God! This clearly. I know there is no God..."

He tried to recall or re-found any evidence to prove his beliefs, but his efforts were fruitless. He only discovered that it appears to be more obvious and clear, колгда do not think about it specifically. "In вяком case, we are taught, " he decided at last, — and because I know it quite sure... why do I, in fact, about God. What God here?! I changed the wife and I have brains some empty thoughts. This top of the stupidity of what only you can imagine! God, God! What the heck! This creature humiliated me, расстоптала my dignity, and mingled it with dirt! This cat Horny cat!.. Creature!.. Дорвалась to the garbage can and eats with her, хлебает like a pig!!!"

It hard and rough swore at his wife, feeling together with the energy splashed out on her heart mud comes ккое black relief, satisfied future revenge dressing, which he had satisfied. He will find a good, original way to take revenge on her. Revenge it will be terrible! And yet... he unfinished bastard who dared to tempt camping or seduce — it is not important — his wife,mixed with mud, the mud from which he came out, he will make his life hell, but before the show this хлюпику and блудливому трусишке, should do and are true men, who never sleeps with the wives of their comrades, using with all cowardly meanness of their absence!

Before George came a knock on the door. Apparently knocked for a long time, because now just who drummed or foot. He went into the hall, opened the door.

On the threshold stood a waiter from the restaurant with a tray — Zhora had quite forgotten that he asked to send him to his room администраторшу.

-Champagne glasses and a light dinner, as you ordered, " said the waiter.

-Well, put it on the table in the room. The waiter walked in the room and, having put a bottle, wine glasses and a plate of sandwiches on the glass surface, a small table, with interest and curiosity glanced furtively chaos surrounding them. His eyes slipping away from George and a little confused. But he immediately found and to prevent excessive любопытствоприслуги, said:

And yet, please, candles, flowers, chocolates and cognac "Napoleon", the most expensive and the best. Not взддумайте shove me any shit! You clearly!

"One moment, it will be done! "replied the waiter, drooping in the кивке head.

"And be quick.

George shoved in a small pocket of lapel of his white suit a few notes at the tip and already after him, looking out into the corridor and shouted:

-Yes, and cigarettes! Good cigarettes!

When the waiter returned he was not let him in the room and took it all ordered right on the doorstep, throwing for the service with a large bill. Which mechanically rolled into a ball. Then he put the candlestick in the middle of the table, next to put in water with roses, carefully placed the other devices so that the table had a festive, elegant look, took several steps, admired his work, then come back to it again, extinguished the light in the room and looked, how it will look in the dark. It turned out pretty cute, but Zhora still something straightened, then looked at everything from the outside.

He suddenly found that it woke up artist. It was nice to know. Moreover, it was impossible not to notice that all out pretty cute, and maybe it would be worth to come to grips with this, but George thought that he made it to small and hardly could take place in his life is more serious than a hobby.

But he wanted now to somebody admired his work to anyone did compliment him, wringing her hands, said that his obvious talent. However, he recollected himself, and with the pain and realized that this would be a nobody, because this table covered with such care is not waiting for love goodbye or coming at least pretty and desirable friend whose opinion, rose, sweet aura for the soul, and to much different from this. It should serve as a decoration of the stage, the scenery, beautiful and bright in that ominous spectacle of revenge, who now, as only come to those who absolutely does not expect to see him here, played out in this room on the ninth floor of the hotel, which will become an arena for the release of his eerie black passion, his thirst to get over, get even with those two, who have dared to trample his personal dignity, defile his family hearth, Yes just надсмеятьсянад him over all that he does, for the sake of what came here and now runs the risk of not less more and own life. And here it is: In thee!", for all the efforts he had to achieve wealth and position your family, for those dangers that now he was putting his life, all of it paid him in full and grateful.

Wife, who only a month ago, pronouncing the words of the oath of fidelity to her husband during the painting in the registry Office, barely ended honeymoon, already betrayed him with a poor poet, who, besides, so far as he knew, before the spirit could not bear.

He dreams flew into a rage. He wanted to disperse the room, this decorated solemnly and festively buffet, and already now begin to act. He longed to bring to bear, in the case Tu twisted, взвинченную to failure spring of rage, which was supposed to trigger all the fists smash his great wrongs. He was barely enough strength to hold back. He jumped onto a balcony and lit a waiter brought "Havana". Glancing down, loggia was just to the side of the door, he noticed at the bottom of going to the entrance of the couple and thought, easily recognizing the girl Veronica: "Here they are, doves! Finally, I waited for!"

The thought that minute retribution close, he experienced the sweet feelings, threw down недокуренную cigar, walked into the room, turned off the light and lit candles.

"Come, come quickly!" — with a bloodthirsty pleasure said George, rubbing his hands.

Then he remembered that he forgot to return the administrator of the hotel room key.

Chapter 26. (09). 010 -> 09

"You did that, that you love one person, and going to bed completely different and even doing a very big way, although he whom you love is very near? And you come back from the unloved person and love again, to which not even dare to approach. Feeling overwhelmed with the desire you again, you again doing a long way to sleep with the unloved person and to give him my longing and passion. And all of that, that thou shouldest be afraid just подойт to the beloved and to tell him all over. Happened with you?

Gladyshev shook his head and looked estranged on Veronika, marching near.

-As happened with me, " she chanted, almost mysteriously.

I don't know, I think you're capable of and buggy, " said Gladyshev

"Really?! — with joyful readiness said Veronica and her brow spiked naive and funny.

He only nodded his head, making a significant grimace. Veronica thick smiled.

-Oh, look, a Gypsy! — she jumped pointed forward finger. — Look, why is she here?! the time is already past. Let us go to it. let it погадает.

-I don't like Tsyganok, — shook his head Gladyshev. — I do not.

-Well and good. You will think! Myself coming, Veronica took his hand and ran to the Gypsy. — Listen, tell your fortune me?

-Позолоти, sweetheart, a pen — the whole truth tell readily returned the other, taking in their hands dirty, dark, as it seemed from outside Гладышеву, her white thin with long, graceful fingers the knob. — What was, what is, what will be is all you say, my dear.

Veronica pulled from his pocket purse with money. Gladyshev stepped aside, and then he stepped closer: Gypsy толклась on-lit place of закрывавшихся stalls. One could only guess and wonder who and why she waited here at this late hour. Really hoping for a client on the outskirts of Мосвкы, and even at such a time.

Veronica, maybe go? he asked the girl.

-Oh, wait you! — she waved her.

"Listen, dear, " came to him and Gypsy. — Let beauty fate learn. I don't take expensive. Do not bother me. Do you want to hear, " stop and listen. Don't want to step back, wait on the sidelines.

Gladyshev said nothing, pursed his lips and bit them to acute pain.

I'll also then fortune, — as if to reassure him, added Gypsy and looked down at the palm of Veronica.

"Now will make a fool, thought to himself bitterly Gladyshev, but then figured that, in General, there's nothing wrong with that. — All right, stand, I will listen".

He, in General, slightly believed in гаданье, but at the same time, and doubted his claims, considered somewhere in the depths of the soul, that Gypsy money ready наврать with three boxes, only to have more lure.

Gypsy squinted, Veronica put her hand closer to my eyes and shook her suddenly, with a sympathetic причмокивая, head.

"Well, sweetheart let's come closer to the light, to me it is better to line your see — she looked into the face of Veronica. — First of all there was to say. So, so, see poverty, disease see. Now, sweetheart. Lived thou poverty, disease you had a serious illness, and she will come back. This terrible disease, and it can save no cure, and the only good man that is a sacrifice for your sake. The love you had, and now this illness through a failed love. The man you loved or went somewhere very far and strongly with you quarrelled, or died, but most likely, that he left, because he came to you, or something very much reminded about itself one day after. And yet you guys were, and one of them was near you, others fell away. And some unpleasant secret lies in your heart, and you nobody can tell. So, sweetheart. Telling the truth.

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