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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-Yes, there is something in this. If you think of serious, true.

"Well, sweetheart. Yet handle позолоти, I tell you that I have now.

Gladyshev wanted to stop her, but caught himself on the fact that in the words of the Gypsies is something that incomprehensibly intrigued, interested him. He only managed to make the first move and stopped, then anxiously looked at his watch, and I thought it was too late, and soon metro stops walking, and buses will go quite rare, and it will have to get to the hotel by walking, the path is not very close.

-Now you have two guys there, one legal, other third party, — spoke again Gypsy, but will still Prince, the dark Prince, and he decides your fate. Wealth you have, but it is passed by thee, and скооро is gone, and these two, two your guy, they too will go.

-Leave? — almost scared said Veronika and looked at Gladysheva, as if afraid that he had left. — When will go?

-I tell you about now while I'm. Means will go away very soon. And wealth also goes with one of them, but you do not worry: all is equal to you it was no good.

-And now what?" How much forward to say, for a day, a week, a month.

-Before the New year, dear. Before the New year. Meet him going. The poor will be.

-Yes, but only two months, — thinking aloud, said Veronika and frowned. — Don't mean it?!

"What are you, sweetheart! Why would I lie? You I gave the money to know the truth. Why would I lie to you will? You lie — to listen sweet. You're lying to more money Dali. You to me is well paid. Gypsy grateful to you. Why Gypsy lie, if it gave a lot of money?!

-Okay! — stopped her трескотню Veronica. — Say what will be.

-Yes don't listen to her, Veronica! — once again intervened in Gladyshev, noting that the stop in their side, sent a group of some fellows, judging by their loud talk and несдержанному laughter, feel themselves masters of the dark outlying quarters of the capital. Hey, listen to what I say, time is already a lot! Come on, it's too late.

He order afraid, only to imagine that they come closer and begin to harass, provoking a fight.

"Now one guy seems to "go away", he thought.

Gypsy intercepted his opinion and, if guessing thoughts, answered:

Guy! Stand still, they will pass you by. From me step back evil you will.

-Why did you take?! — outraged Gladyshev before had come to know, that Gypsy guessed what he was thinking.

With that she took, " she said. If not so, as I said, just give all the money that psychic took.

Gladyshev calmed down a bit, still not able to relieve fear and anxiety. And all continued to observe a noisy and dangerous campaign coming in their direction.

Fear gripped his consciousness, he began paralysis of thought, and he couldn't even come up with something suitable for the case when trouble occurs.

-Turn away from them! — almost ordered, raising his voice, Gypsy. — Behave like this before, and it will be all right.

He obeyed her and how it was scary, turned away, although on the back walked cold, large goose bumps, and tried to listen to the word Gypsy, which meanwhile, took her by both hands, compared palm, something showed, leading them rough, brown forefinger explaining something and расказывала. Instead, however, he continued to hear the approaching clatter behind, drunken voice and horse neighing, and, as he tried, he couldn't bring himself to get rid of this. He felt better only when, passing quite nearby, somewhere behind his back, the campaign began to move away, and he realized then that the danger has passed. It was like a miracle, especially now that said the Gypsy, and they possessed the minute burst of awe in front of her.

"But where are we going to leave? thought immediately Gladyshev. — Well, I'm okay. A Hippo? Where he can escape from Veronica? After all, he is her husband! Разведуться?"

-Go, — Veronica pulled him by the sleeve and drew thinking.

-What? "he wondered. — So quickly?

's all, " she nodded his head. — How long?

"At a quarter to the hour of the night, " he replied. — Let's bus. Metro is not there, and on foot-it is far.

They went out into the deserted stop. Out of nowhere, was it rains again and again.

-Well, only us and not enough, — he glanced at the sky, said Veronica.

He grabbed her gaze to the other side of the Avenue, where there were stalls. Gypsy near them was not. It seemed to him that he knows what she is thinking.

"Huh, you see what the snapper! Time, and already its gone! As the wind carried away!

-You talking about? if awaking, Veronica asked.

-How to whom?! About the Gypsy! By the way, what's it to you back there said, and then... I listened, and he certainly was ashamed to confess that he was dying from fear.

-I don't want to talk about it, waved Veronica.

-Well, that's right! — readily agreed Gladyshev. — She has lied about the job just you with three boxes, and now you brains yourself сушишь, experience. Throw all that out of my head! It is really not clear — her all the lies of the need to with you more money shake! That's still not enough: for your money and himself before the headache bring!

She seems to be agreed, nodded her head, but then suddenly said:

-You say it all right, Gladyshev, only you have too much to say.

She again unpleasantly struck him. He wanted to remind her that no further, as today, permitted to call themselves by name, and wish it was, but did not dare.

Now rejoined the number of the bus, that they waited so long, they went up into an empty almost beauty and wearily plыhnulis ' next to the seat.

-Закомпостируй card, and then pushed him in the side Veronica.

He wanted to keep silent hurt, but he could not restrain himself:

-So in fact the second hour of the night, the last bus which controllers. We then pass two stops.

-Закомпастируй coupons, only more persistently said Veronica. — Are you a beggar?

He reluctantly got up and went to the компостеру and, piercing them tickets, thought: "Driver now looks in the mirror and, probably, thinks: "fool! Coupons компостирует!"

However, at the next stop entered the lounge, two women and checked the tickets from the few passengers. Гладышеву nothing left to do but only to wonder such unprecedented coincidence and look at her like right next to him sits a witch, which is already open all the secrets of the future.

-That means, to communicate with a Gypsy! "he joked when kontrolersha gave him a torn coupon.

Veronica only looked at him with tired and indifferent, as often watched and earlier, to this wonderful day, which, unfortunately, and this is now clearly ended. Together with him into oblivion sailed her good mood and her smile, her shining from happiness eyes. She now was the same as before, and she did not want to call him by name. And it is painfully recalled, torturing his memory, pulling out of her black whirlpool escaped moments of happiness, exactly when it occurred to her reverse the change.

"Gypsy! Of course, Gypsy! It's her fault that it happened, that it again became sad and distant from me. Cursed by the witch! Snakes." — with anger he wondered, sometimes glancing towards his companion.

They entered the hall of the hotel. Porter lazily stood aside and did not meet them, because Gladyshev never gave a tip, — he just had nothing to give, and he knew that in vain will only расшаркиваться. They came up to the bar админстраторши, which is already leaning on his elbow, began to nod, and asked the room key. A minute before the front waiter came up from the hotel restaurant, and гладышеву thought that the woman gives them the same keys just received from him. He was surprised and wanted to ask what was wrong, but I thought that probably he fatigue. Besides Veronica, which also fatigue face was not, pulled him away from the front, to the Elevator, not giving stay on for the extra second.

"Listen, Gladyshev, why you live, can you tell me? she asked him near the Elevator.

It seemed to him that the girl was already sleeping on the move, but he thought a little, and answered quite seriously:

-Can. I'm waiting for the second coming.

-Who is it? The second coming of whom? has not understood it.

-Christ, of course.

-A-a-a! you mean you're a believer, Yes? Veronica has already undertaken for a particular manner to mock him on any occasion, but he tried not to get angry at her for it.

-I? Yes.

"What did you tell him when he comes? You're a sinner, Gladyshev, you are such a sinner as I am, as Hippo, as all the others! Do you think that Christ just be glad that you waited, Yes?! Do you think he would?!

She laughed exactly drunk. Гладышеву was uncomfortable that she spoke so loudly about the unseen, and could hear other people. He involuntarily looked round. But администраторша already asleep, resting her head on the Desk, and bathroom was too far away to hear their conversation.

-Shut up, Veronica, calm down! — he tried to reason with her, but she still long to grab unknown.

You know.. you know, that I said Gypsy? — finally through laughter could speak girl. You know what she said to me?!

-What? "he asked. — I don't know. What?

She suddenly stopped laughing, her face grew serious.

-The truth, " she said, and giggled again, зашлась laughter, just insane.

It was not the laughter of joy and happiness, чтовырывался of her Breasts day. So people laugh, which opens something, why they suddenly come into despair and understand that they have no chance to make amends and change in their fate. The laughter always sounds a bit scary and незаразительно.

Wing lift opened. Gladyshev stuffed гогочущую insane laughter Veronica in his cabin, and clicked on the ninth floor. Here she calmed down, straightened up, looked at him intently.

-Do you expect the second coming of Christ to tell him how you lost myself with me, Yes? Tell me how you got me совращал, me, wife, having a living man! Yes? About this he going to tell?!

-No, not about it, shook his head Gladyshev. — I have something to say to him. Yes this is not important. But for the fact that we had with you, I will ask God for forgiveness. And you ask, only sincerely repentant. He will forgive, you'll see.

-How! I see it! Yes all of this... I do not believe that Christ will come. Why is he still has not come. What prevented BO-GU down to earth?

-Why? — calmly asked Gladyshev.

"Why what? Why should he were ever to go down?

-At the last judgment, so calmly replied Gladyshev. "When the time comes, and God will become absolutely clear who is who, then he will come to judge those who live and those who died, the Bible said so.

-How smart you are, directly, as a priest, you say.

They got out and walked along the empty corridor.

"Well, and how he will judge the dead?

-He will cause them to rise from Hell.

-Why only from Hell? What Heaven?

-Those who are in Paradise, I think, got away from the judgement day.

-And those who are in Hell?

-I think, that Christ will bring some, but others, as it follows from the Scriptures, together with the Devil and his servants plunge the Hell of Fire for all eternity.

-To me it is something not quite comes, Veronica shook her head several times. -Where do you know all this?

-I read the Bible the Apocalypse.

-Yeah, that's it! Oh, and when will this judgment?

-I think that in the next year.

-Next year?

-Yes, next year. Expires the second Millennium.

-So what?

Gladyshev wanted to reply, but opening the door of the room, stopped, and exactly swallowed language.

From the darkness of the hallway rooms at him глянуло twisted face of a Hippopotamus, lighted falling from the corridor light.

-Well, — he said so cunningly that Gladyshev shrunk under, and wanted to, but couldn't dumbstruck finally, draw back. — Here are some of our dove came! Come, come, dear newlyweds! I am very glad!

He made an inviting gesture, stepping aside, but Гладышеву wanted, on the contrary, flee away. All his lofty thoughts somewhere vanished in an instant, and at the head remained ringing emptiness, which was immediately filled the animal horror. He forced Gladysheva rush to their heels, but he resisted every всехсил, realizing that he could not leave her to be devoured by one spouse, and that, if he all guessed — and he seems really all guessed he must meet with her.

"Fear not them which kill the body, but fear him who can kill the soul", — reminded him of the sermon on the mount. "Lord, forgive me, a sinner! Forgive my soul, a sinner, Lord, save! he pleaded, feeling that live the last minute and we must have time to turn to God, to try to attract his attention. — In the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen!"

These words suddenly gave his spirit to some firmness and готовностьступить meet retribution.

"If he kills me now, it will be well deserved, said to himself Gladyshev and stepped forward, passing by a Hippo. — Only God could forgive me for my sin!.."

He received тычек in the back with something hard and rough. From this blow Gladyshev flew forward, losing his balance, and stretched out the middle of the room, near the coffee table, on which stood a bottle of champagne, a few devices, wine glasses, plates with some food. Back Svelo so that he felt that he could no longer breathe, that can neither breathe nor breathe out, or even call for help. It was an awful feeling. He was gasping for breath, his hands, as if clinging to the elusive life, grabbing for the rolled out across the floor carpet, вонзались in its pile and collecting it in the folds.

He rolled on the floor, unable to even turn over in pain, but no one came to help, even to sympathize with his state of pity for him and participation in his agony at least alleviate them. He knew that it was now just a nobody.

Light if слепились covered by a stiff, steel Hoop. It seemed that an eternity had passed after the impact, that it is impossible to live so long without breathing, but actually it took no more than a couple of minutes. It came from somewhere far terrible voice Hippo:

-Oh, and you come in, bitch!

Suddenly the light grew dark in the eyes of Gladysheva. He decided that the Hippo turned off the light. He wanted to ask him why he занимаетсятакими nonsense, when you want to help a person get over it, because in the dark nothing will be seen.

In the dark suddenly I heard some laughter, wild, comparable sharp. He stood up and began to fumble around with his hands. Someone take advantage of the darkness, напрыгнул him from behind and squeezed his throat. He tried to throw a scoundrel, but he firmly grabbed and strongly beating around the Bush, eluded his hands. Then Gladyshev shouted, but his cry resulted in a dismal groan. But this time turn on the light, and it became evident that squeal Hippo together with Veronica. She sits on the couch completely naked, but he шекочет and her and himself the похрюкивает, just a pig. Through the wild, comparable sharp laughter Veronica, отбрыкиваясь hands and feet from the pressing spouse, shouts, Гладышеву:

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