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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-And deftly we all tweaked?! We because you played Gladyshev, ha ha ha, you know, played!

Behemoth jumps up from the couch and begins to приплясывать around Gladysheva on one then the other leg, saying: "have chop fool the four fists!" someone тоеще, the one who is choking him back, said, whispering in his ear: "Gladyshev. Gladyshev. What do you say to God? You have nothing to say! Beware, because you're a sinner, and your quest of God will lead you to Hell. You're a liar, a thief and a прелюбодейник, you stole the wife cheated husband and совращал his woman! Don't you may be forgiven? No! Can't! Fear, a publican, your hour's come!"

Гладышеву wanted to see who's there, behind him, tells him these fearful words, but saw only dancing around himself Hippo, Yes Veronika, заливающуюся laughing on the sofa and дрыгающую bare feet, so that a very good view of all the shameless places:

'We have played the Gladyshev! Ha — ha — ha!!! You're caught! You are now with us, with me and with the Hippopotamus, and won't get away! We firmly hold you in his hand and drag behind us there where we are going themselves in Hell.

Suddenly the door of the room began to knock. "Open up, open to us. We also want!" — heard her voices. Behemoth, crying: "Now, now!" — jumped to the door. When he opened the door wide, and the room began to fill some people known and unknown to him. Were visible among them "Fix", and "Rusty"and the guy who came Veronica in the restaurant on the day of birth of a Hippopotamus. Their faces drifted here and there in the crowd, floods the entire room. Behemoth wanted their friends and acquaintances and carefully рассаживал them on the couch next to Nude Veronica. Some refused and had to be persuaded. Barely sofa filled with people, as a photographer right in the crowd blinded them to flash, and then the Hippo ousted сфотографировавшихся and invited other sit next to his wife.

Suddenly one who strangled Gladysheva released him and stepped into the middle of the room. He was dressed all in black, but Гладышеву could not see him because of the crowd immediately surrounded him tight ring.

-Are we all here?! he asked, holding up his hand in a black glove over their heads, and then this whole farce and hubbub silent and stopped.

-Everything, — was heard on all sides.

"Come on, then! — shouted душивший Gladysheva.

-Wait, where to go?! Where am I?! "yelled Gladyshev.

-We in the lift! he replied, "Fix."

-And now let's get down! — jumped on the other hand Behemoth.

-Where to go down?! 't understand Gladyshev.

"Come on, comrades! again shouted душивший it.

Now he stood on the podium, and it was clearly seen. It was a tall cylinder, чрный coat old-and Bolshevik red bow on his chest. His face was not visible, but with all of the parties heard a friendly, frantic cry crowd of several thousand people. — Les-e-e-e-nor-in! Zig hi!!! Laziness-and-in! Zig hi!!!

-Where to go?! — what was the force yelled Gladyshev, trying to shout loud and беснующуюся crowd.

-To Hell! In Hell!!! "someone said next.

-No. No! Noooo!!! "yelled than ever Gladyshev. — I don't want to! Don't want to! Do not want!!!

But the man in the black coat with a red ribbon on his chest, descended from the platform, walked over to the switch and turned off the light.

In the same second Gladyshev felt solid ground is slipping from under his feet. All around dived into the darkness, came in some wild, indescribable movement, grasping it. He felt that falls rapidly with the rest into some bottomless abyss, standing around screams and squeals.

"No, no! No!!!" he continued to yell on the fly.

Suddenly some drops of dew, cool and invigorating lay on his forehead. Гладышеву thought that the decline stopped, and around the break of dawn. "Am I in Hell?" he thought, and opened his eyes. It turned out that he was again in the same room, but no one except the Hippopotamus and Veronica no, and Hippo pouring water on it, picking it out of a glass in her mouth and прыская at him.

-Woke up, dearie, " he heard his words. — Come on, come on. Performance is just the beginning!

Chapter 31. (06). [31 ?] 06 -> 08 -> 02

They уркылись in the ruins of a six-storey house prepared, apparently, on the demolition.

-It is necessary to wait here a moment, " said George.

Breathless and вымотавшийся Gladyshev said nothing to him and found the strength to покивать according to the head.

George sat down not lower window of the entrance, of разломанной frames which were вышиблены almost all of the glass, took off his Shoe and began to examine the injured foot, from which the blood pouring. His face is reflected pain. His fingers clasped above the ankle foot and pressed it so, probably, wishing to stop bleeding, that they became white.

A curse. — he said through clenched teeth.

"How I wish it was all just a dream and nothing more," thought Gladyshev, his eyes closed.

-Now I would have put a bandage, — came to him a voice of a Hippopotamus.

Testing constantly ккакую fault before him, Gladyshev felt an inner urge to рвнуть his shirt to make her bandages, but George was ahead of his thoughts.

"No, " he stopped his hand. — How are we ever going to get? Our first COP тормознет. Now something else to think of.

-What can you do?

"Well, you're smart. Think Gladyshev, think.

Gladyshev sat down on the steps at the front of the Behemoth and tried to concentrate, but in my head and climbed completely different thoughts.

Platform below, where one could see the broken doors of the apartments, gaped their dead failures, the cat sitting, gray with dark stripes, tiger coloring. He watched the two strange people, who visited this покинувшее housing.

House, apparently deserted recently, it has not managed to flood the rats this autumn in Moscow are countless, frightening many. Otherwise the cat was'll be sorry. However, it was for him ahead: soon nasty rodents проведают, пронюхают that the building was emptied, and their flocks, rising higher and higher, from the cellars of sewage tunnels, flooded all floors, all rooms, devouring all that are able to digest their insatiable and unpretentious stomachs.

The cat climbed the ladder, climbed the fence, railing and began to RUB up against the leg Gladysheva. He stroked it, пререложив in the left hand gun, shining вороненными sides. The cat purred gently.

Seeing the animal, Hippo said Гладышеву, whether in jest or in earnest:

-Shoot it.

He was still working with the wounded leg. Blood slowly dripped with heels, and on the floor already formed a small, but terrifying, disturbing the soul of his views, brown-red puddle. The blood absorbed in a porous cement, like a sponge.

-Why? asked Gladyshev, continuing to stroke the cat. His voice did not sound any emotion.

He is so tired that you might be angry, nor be troubled, nor even fear or pity. All these feelings were born somewhere in the depths of his soul, but could not rise to the surface and manifest as something externally. Gladyshev only felt they копошаться somewhere deep inside him, vague and dreamlike. If he could wonder now, then certainly he was astonished to what he does not pity Hippo. Only the blood dripping rare drops from the foot Zhora, Yes Lusatia, which was formed from it on the cement floor, were able to somehow disturb and trouble him. Gladyshev he could not even give the report itself, whether held his soul completely, or it is out of control of his consciousness and отлетелва away from the emaciated body, not to get infected to avoid anguish of his matter.

-Застрели cat, say, with a larger share of the wicked fury in his voice repeated the Behemoth.

-But why?! — finally lazily ворочавшиеся in the depth of his feelings began to Wake up.

-To not suffered.

-And he is not suffering! — Gladyshev tried to protect animal and, as if to make sure of accuracy of his words, and looked him in the eye.

-Well, then I will shoot the thing.

Gladyshev looked at the Behemoth. His face was distorted with anger. Dima understood that evoke sympathy or возвать to reason Zhora not succeed. We had to come up with something more practical:

"Listen, George, why make a noise? Do you want your shot has attracted the attention of anybody?

"Right, " agreed the Hippo, wincing. — Sorry, that is not глушака... let him in here, and I boshku now turn aside.

"You bastard!" Realized how animal life to destroy!" thought Gladyshev and objected:

"What, do nothing more?! Surrendered to thee this cat! Let it live.

To make it more convincing, he pulled the cat above the stairs. The offended and disgusted meowed.

-Ooh, jinx! — shook his fist hippopotamus cat. "okay, we need to somehow get out of here. What would rewind the leg?

Behemoth began to look around, looked at himself, then took a close look Gladysheva.

"You Mike?

-And what?

-Take off, tear to shreds stripes that, as a bandage to bind.

Until Gladyshev was taking off my shirt and t-shirt, Zhora continued to sit on the window, shaking bleeding foot that flies, слетевшиеся the smell of blood, yet fell into hibernation, could not sit down on the wound.

"Son of a gun! thought Hippo, watching Гладышевым. — A pity, that now I can not get with it, as it should be. Oh, if I had not been wounded and could do without his help. Well, anything, I'll make him wash кровавыит tears. He cannot escape punishment!"

He got out his Browning and became what осмтаривать him, looking at Gladysheva. The fact was not known that the bickering about the cat was just a game, just a bluff, a screen that covered the true cause of reminders about the weapon. In reality, the victim had to become self Gladyshev. And not what someone might hear the sound of shooting stopped Hippo. Just now Gladyshev was really he needs.

Who would dare to get here? Shoot here the whole time — except that evening, the police will come, carefully stand aside and listen, listen, and leave for home.

-Поторапливйся! throwing a Hippo Гладышеву.

-Listen to what you talking to me? — Gladyshev made questioning eyes.

-How are you to talk? — Behemoth could not conceal his irritation.

He had no clear plan to murder Gladysheva, otherwise he is eager to be immediately implemented. He had merely the feeling of hatred, оскорбленности, рождавшее desire to kill, to erase in a powder.

At this moment Hippo noticed that breaking off her t-shirt to shreds, Gladyshev continues to keep a gun in your hand, it is quite absurd, for the handle, and keeps it not because of fears to be without weapons, and because I forgot about it at all, mechanically. Fuse gun was removed, and, before you send the "Browning" the ладышева, he said to him:

-Put the gun on the fuse, you moron!

Gladyshev looked at him, as if waking, not understanding, that from it achieves. Only that he was thinking of something else entirely.

"Here is a cat. Almost лишиься life, but never knew about this. Sitting there quietly вылизывается. So, probably we, people, do not know anything about the movement of the higher spheres, can't touch their lives. We do not know what God wants, not what he wants, and how he lives. The structure of the heavens, by what laws, — to us it is not available, as now not available, it was the cat that happened between two people who are in dispute solved a very important question for him: to live or not to live. What awaits us in the future? Today the day is over? Perhaps, somewhere up there, in the heavenly office is solved a question now about me or about the Hippo, and go the same dispute: kill or not to kill, and if you kill whom: Gladysheva or a Hippopotamus. Maybe now someone just as cruelly and unjustly wants to take one of their lives, wants to without any reason, just like that. And someone big, kind and unknown, so do not give him do it."

-Put the gun on the fuse heard Gladyshev through their thoughts. It spoke to him Behemoth.

He dumbfounded looked in my hand, just saw for the first time in her arms, then he looked at the Hippo. It seemed to him that the Hippo aim at the cat, all the same decided to kill him. He did not even dare to think that Behemoth wants to shoot him тне noticed that black eye Dula looks somewhat lower him in the head.

"Don't, " he said.

Then Gladyshev translated lever fuse on the red dot. At this moment there was a deafening roar of the shot. Gladyshev dropped the gun, he couldn't even figure out what had happened. Shot all the same", — in his mind.

He looked up at the Hippopotamus and saw that he settles, fall from the window sill. His chest blur the crimson stain, проступающее through the fabric of the shirt. "What happened? asked yourself the question Gladyshev. — Was shot, but who shot?"

Suddenly he guessed that was shot from his pistol. This conjecture appalled him. He had never shot a man, moreover, to get to him and kill him. The murder of even simple flies gave him unimaginable torments of conscience. When he had to slap a cockroach or spider, he then suffered for days. But here... People. He hit the man, the husband of his mistress, his mistress.

"He can полумать that I shot him because of Veronica, — flashed in my mind Gladysheva. — But this is not so! It was an accident!"

Suddenly he realized that he killed a man he killed. The horror of the second wave of icy, wild fear came to him, reaching the very depths of съежившейся fright soul in their language, similar to thousands of all splitting blades, отскабливающими her upper protecting the shell and stick into the delicate essence.

Обезумившими terrible eyes he looked like a writhing on the floor Behemoth.

Puddle of blood, that little puddle of blood that troubled, troubled his soul was now in a puddle, great huge, terrible mess. It felt like someone, very generous to someone else's blood splashed on the floor the whole bucket, and then there fell Behemoth. Now he performed while lying on the back, a macabre dance, is fascinating for its horror.

For a moment it seemed to him that the Hippo looked at him, and Gladyshev was unable to control myself not to say softly at first and then louder:

-I do not want. I don't want to! I don't want to!!!

Echo загуляло on empty, abandoned building. This led Gladysheva in the movement, and he himself did not know why-down and ran outside.

There was not a soul. Yard, пребыывающий in Podunk, was deserted. Passers-by, apparently. Pass this place, and the house was away from the busy streets.

"Hey, someone!!! — shouted that had the power Gladyshev and ran away.

To Zhora flew this despairing cry. "Screams, screams, you bastard," thought George. He felt a terrible pain in the whole body, and it was making him squirm. Seizures and convulsions have to whip him like a whip.

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