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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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"You young for a married individual look. Don't lie lie?

-No. Well, as it happens at all it happens in different ways, right then?

"Actually, Yes, " said the chauffeur. — M was won buddy in sixteen married fourteen-year. And the child was already, can you imagine? And how it came about?! His parents to visit with him, along with her parents arrived. Well, there I do not know that schA problems arose among them, only boy I had nowhere to put to sleep. And they did not think of anything else better and took him along with it to put as little children. I don't know where these parents then heads were, and what they themselves thought, only those fellows in the same night схлопотали child. So he had to marry. Ha — ha — ha. So, I agree — anything can happen. Okay, you where?

-Hotel "Kosmos".

-Eka far you got to hurt! Maybe you better for a taxi? I had not close light on my wagon shove. Huh?!

-Well, please! pleaded Gladyshev, whole body leaning to the chauffeur. — I have no money even.

-How is it not? — surprised the driver.

"There! No! Me to the hospital in an unconscious state brought clothes taken away and do not give in.

"You don't happen to do with the crazy whether rise, and? Sounds a lot like!


-And what clothes you not give?

I don't know it happened. Listen, well run.

-Wow — run! — nodded driver. Somewhere around here — I would gladly. And for me that way and a hook. You I imagine it?

"Listen!" Well, be a human! Help! You one hope.

The driver stopped a few minutes long and silently looked at the Gladysheva, as if examining it from head to toe, then pressed the accelerator, adding turns jerk moved.

-Well, so be it, " he said. "Looks like a man you're not that bad. Now the work completed yet, water is used up and take you.

About three o'clock came they to the porch of the chic "Cosmos". Noticing his chic showcases, looking upwards, where in the darkness drowned upper floors of the building, the driver for the farewell words replied:

-Wow! Looks like you're crazy chic, since in this edifice is live! Okay, let.

Watering the car moved away, and Gladyshev, holding floors robes, rushed to the entrance, отблескивающему тонировнными glasses.

Receptionist saw him, влетевшего in the chic lobby замусоленном portrait, she thought, probably devils that, because not recognized him as a longtime tenant hotels and threw herself between them, loudly shouted:

-Young man! Where are you heading?! Young man!! Stop!!! Wait, you say!!! I now call the police!

She caught up with him already at the ladder, he realised that the Elevator eat nothing to do and rushed up there, and caught her arm, imperiously, how can Russian women, dressed even in the most sophisticated and элегенантный toilet. To:

-Hey, stop!!!

She pulled Gladysheva themselves. It launched.

-Are you not recognize me?" there was not a breath, " he shot back.

From surprise to администраторши speechless. She stood up, still staring wide-eyed.

My room is there anybody in there? asked Gladyshev. He was very excited and he had no time to go into the explanation, although the situation demanded. — In my room anybody there?

The meaning of the repeated question, apparently, got to her, and she nodded his head affirmatively, unable to utter a word in surprise.

Gladyshev rushed up the stairs. On the third floor, order out of breath, he rang the Elevator. It seemed to him that speed cab slowed to a crawl. He was in a hurry and didn't understand what speed he has nowhere. Is it could be something to fix, something предоттвратить this haste?

Veronica long not open. Когад his door finally opened, he barged, panting and almost отпихнув it aside.

-What's wrong with you?! — Veronica rubbed her sleepy eyes. "How do you come in this form? Where are you, in General, been all this time?!

No answer, still breathing hard, he walked into the room and powerless collapsed in a chair. She sat opposite him on the edge of the bed and began to wait for a response. When she tired of his silence, she eagerly and impatiently asked:

-Will you tell me, finally, what all this means?

Gladyshev looked at her apologetically, drew breath, scored more air into the lungs and said, mumbling every word:

-I think I killed Jora...

-What?! his words tore Veronica. She flew to him and knelt beside the chair on her knees, sitting on the floor. — What?!

-I don't know — Gladyshev took your fingers on the forehead, then his face in his hands. — I don't know. Perhaps, I never killed him. But I fired and hit him in the stomach... or chest...

-Why? Why did you do that?! Donkey! — Veronica moaned from grief.

-I didn't mean... I dont like, you know... somehow it just happened accidentally. He told me to put the gun on the fuse. I became his place, and he fired a shot. I even understand't managed to do anything. And then, when he saw the Zhora already slipping down, and his clothes blurry stain of blood.

-A-a-a! — Veronica lay down on the floor and begin to cry. "Idiot! Who are you, in General, has entrusted weapons! You're a dunce! You treat him, as it should be, don't know how to even! Ah!

Gladyshev wanted to comfort her, but didn't know how to do it. He watched as she beats in hysterics, listened to her curse and wondered: is she so loved him so much, to so kill? But no, he couldn't wouldn't believe it! He knew her too well to believe her tears! However, knew? Maybe she's in my heart it was something human... But how can you betray the man, hate him, while he is alive, and then kill it when it is already impossible to return... maybe money. Money. Of course, money. Who will now provide her luxurious life which she had hungered and which sought to which it had already become accustomed? Only Hippo could afford such luxury, and she apparently understands it perfectly. From and its bitter tears. However, how could he know. Someone else's soul, as it is known, — the darkness.

-Calm down, don't cry, please! he said to her. — I don't know what became of him, he might be alive. I may be only injured him. I was in a hurry to be with you look for it.

Veronica even cried for a long time. When she calmed down, she asked him:

-Why are you in this damn robe? Where are your clothes?

-I ended up in hospital. Right on the street lost consciousness.

-Слюнтяй! with hatred through his teeth процедила it. — Change your clothes! Went to seek him! Idiot! No wonder, Gladyshev, I always called you by name. Now I made sure that the other treatment you deserve!

The whole day they spent on the search for the ill-fated house and when they found him, finally convinced that the staircase was empty. On the floor there, where there was a misfortune, there are only brown spot and вычерченная chalk figure contours of the person.

Chapter 33. (02) 06 -> 08 -> 02)

There comes a time когад to fix something already impossible. Onon inevitably comes when life ends. It is best to understand this once before mortals bier person you once knew or with whom he lived next lately. The brevity and the futility of life appear suddenly, with a special, striking clarity, clarity and unambiguous directness. And, seeing as pointless, not when expected, and because I broke someone else's life, you start to think about her, as brittle and prone to hundreds of dangers on all sides, and you realize that seemingly unshakeable сегодняшее things tomorrow becomes the cause of self-destruction, and make plans for the future, defining itself as make our own way in this world, — mere trifle, and deceit itself.

Thought about it Gladyshev, standing next to Veronica, смолкнувшей, WAN-looking wrapped in mourning attire, приглушившим all her lovely charm. He suddenly действительносделалось scared, now or at some, very little time, he may as well die. Did somebody promised him that he live still not that a couple of years, and at least a couple of months or days. Yes, even hours. The death was very near, and it seemed to him that in this building is everywhere with her, and she is waiting just a moment bite him and sink her with his cold teeth.

Bemoaning his impressionability, he was berating himself for coming here. Who is he? Is it necessarily to be present when the deceased last and give him the honours?

From all нерадостных thoughts was badly. I had a headache. Want to get away, somewhere in the sun, on a glade in the middle of the forest, to around've been green and breathed life.

The dream of its likely frantic attempts of his soul to escape from reality, тяготившей mortal anguish, broke down, because he remembered the accident that on a court yard already the summer. "As gloomy die in the autumn", he thought and wondered myself if it was possible to choose, would rather die, but never came up with: in any season die was bad.

Disposal silence, полоснув his nerves and forcing herself from thinking, was playing loudly, sadly, heartbreakingly organ music, filling high arches and ceilings of the hall, decorated in red and black, nasty tone, some nervous tension, delivering, forcing all present except, perhaps, the workers of the institution, who ruled here and the papers, and music, and the farewell speech on behalf of the relatives, and even microwave — main instrument and the instrument for which it existed building, and which, judging from the expression on their faces, lean and indifferent, all this order, to the premises, tired: ahead ббыл a whole working day, and for the doors of the waiting queue hearses, is to survive the terrible, dark hour, when eerily like only one to get this nightmare is over.

"Very similar to the registry office, — not without relief thought Gladyshev, when the music finally stopped. — The same callousness and bitter". Had reached him clear thought that he would not like to someday he's buried. It was all too disgusting to his soul. Let it better buried in a common grave for the homeless and vagrants than that.

"Who will protect? he thought. -People are almost always do not know the true will of the deceased, and if they are, they do not see reasons then perform it. Nobody thinks that comes his turn to, or thinks отогда him to be still. The world is full of atheists".

Gladyshev very afraid that it is not отпоют in the Church in the Orthodox tradition, невеслом process of parting with the world, it was perhaps the only bright moment, giving hope. But to do this present times was costly, very troublesome, and, most importantly, not very safe — Communist secret service has closely followed functions of the cult of the population, and if the старухам, Yes dead bring any claims could not, younger people still hoping somehow to live, many risked and therefore did their best to evade the connection with the Church, seeing the request of the deceased perform the Orthodox rite only a strange whim, a tribute to fashion, псевдоприверженность to the old, already obsolete long ago its century of traditions. Many of them, fussing year after year, died before had time to think about his soul and its salvation rid of the atheistic, greedy-insatiable intoxication.

Gladyshev knew that the burial of the deceased is not simply give him homage too heavy and difficult, requiring the all-night vigil in which atheists saw only causing stiffness. It was the efforts of all who prayed for him, to help his soul ascend into Heaven, having overcome encountered on this path publicans-Zastava, which was the more than as being the most sinful passed earthly life, and each could be the last on the way up to God and hurl it down into Hell, to Hell. The more praying sincerely from our heart pronounced in the night in a single noble desire words of the prayer, the easier it was the way up to Heaven. And if the soul be left alone, not knowing what the struggle is waiting for her exit from the body, then what could it be?

The thought him were terrified. He almost physically felt, as the soul of Hippo rises above the body of the deceased and her snatch from all sides demons sent from hell. It even wince.

"God forbid!" pleaded himself Dima.

-What's wrong with you?! angrily asked Veronica turned towards him. — You that, Gladyshev, and now can't stand still for five minutes?!"

Civil funeral ceremony came to an end. Church no one ordered. Approaching the last minute farewell with the body of the deceased.

"With the soul nobody not going to say goodbye, thought to himself, Dima. — To say goodbye to the soul, you must work hard! With the body much easier to say goodbye, and if you're not so annoying nasal voice even and pleasant! God, what a terrible death!"

Suddenly it is as if struck by lightning. He remembered who killed Jora, and sharp pain прострелила through him. "How could I forget?! — Dima was horrified. — It is I killed him, I am! If not I, then none of this would not have existed today! How could I?!"

He unwittingly caught myself thinking that unbearable wants to escape, to run. As you can kill a man and now stand next to his wife and to see how his body prepared to be burned alive?! Am I normal if I can afford now to do?! I must confess, repent of this foul deed and прсить for himself mercy, and not to stand now, as the graven image, and not put a good face on a bad game, playing a good man! Killer! How could you?! How can you?!"

Dima cautiously looked at Veronica. He felt that he is not himself, and she asks him about it. But the girl stood with her head turned, and stared at one point in space, somewhere past the coffin of her husband.

"I wonder what she was thinking? — having calmed down, I asked myself : Dima. — Whether she knows who killed him? Guess whether the murderer, albeit unintentional, but still a killer, standing behind her? And if she wants to generally know who killed him and how this all happened?"

Veronica again turned and left her with a look full of tears. He was short, but like пригвождающий, and Dima his frightened. Her eyes seemed to say: "Why did you kill him?"

Dima drew back from her, and suddenly remembered that Veronica knows everything, that he himself about everything she said. It scared him even stronger: "She can give me!"

Dima something had gone wrong. He felt this, but could not realize that this is happening to him. His thought feverishly рработала, but entangled herself, уязала and was lost in his swollen member, юлила in one place, tripped over something insignificant bite its own tail, and raved in a word, nothing useful to do. His soul is crushed by heavy burden страшнонго crime, performed a wild and terrible dance like tango, and from that on the face of Dima and then it appeared momentary grimaces, bottomless emptiness in the absence of emotions and suddenly terrible.

If somebody looked at the moment the Гладышевва, familiar its just not immediately be learned and unfamiliar likely would think that in the hall of the crematorium somehow snuck a crazy person.

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