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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Actually inside Dima has plagued hundreds of sharp, burning like hooks. They would have hanged him on the spot and slowly соверщали his torture clutching at its very soul. If she let him, he could not bear it and he ran aimlessly, but he stood and together with all the other looked at the red coffin with black stripes, was hoisted on the pedestal. From the grave was only waxen face of the deceased. In fact, after some time it must really begin to melt under the action of furnace heat and... carry unbearable carry, carry, so that even powerful pump, pulling vapours from the VST the pipe stinking smoke of a furnace, failed completely, and in the ceremonial hall of the air had sickening taste even now, when the furnace stand idle waiting for the next portion of the work.

"As for today, there have already been burned corpses? thought Dima. — And what for to wait until the person becomes a corpse? To accelerate the process can not wait until the person dies. Take, for example, and at the same time with the dead burn all those present at his funeral. In the German concentration camps and did: burned people alive who have not managed to poison gases".

Dima is presented as it is pushed into a trolley and wheeled into the mouth of the crematorium ovens, where the hot breath of the monster comes out of hell crave flesh, nasty flame. It rests feet in the door leaf. And it continues to shove in there. And it's hot, hot! It intolerably hot, he's hurt. The flame burns it. The skin of his hissing and popping. But more than this horrible pain, it hurt, his hatred, his thirst for revenge! Who gave the right of these people to burn it?! Who?! And he answers your question: no one. Gave no rights to these brazen людишкам cause him pain and suffering, to interfere with his life! No one gave them the right to destroy its unique organism, this miracle mechanism, this amazing creation, not they created! Therefore, they deserve punishment! And requisitions of unbearable pain, it is transformed from a victim in hangman, the avenger, and изловчившись sticks his head in the microwave one of his губителей. He hears the rattle of his hair, as he was shouting, but soon suffocated by scorching flames, as cracking and popping the skin on his head and the pain, Dima feels joy satisfied revenge and killed himself with a smile on his face. Greedy flames devours him alive...

Someone several times nudged him in the side under rib. It was Veronica:

-Wake up, Gladyshev, " she said, almost indifferently, without contempt, but without the participation. "Actually, why should it despise me? he thought. — Participate in the hallucinations of my soul it could not". — Go will say goodbye.

Veronica went somewhere, and Dima to realize that the final minute of the ceremony, when all had to come and bid farewell to the deceased. Then it together with the coffin and put on a small tape of the conveyor, which will take away it in the microwave... How terrible it is, as it is creepy! thought Dima, and again has just started. — What is an abomination!"

He also went to the grave and stood at the end of a queue to a headboard, where everyone comes to cold dead man's forehead and said some words. Dima noticed that almost no one wept, and such that were killed, moaning or fell unconscious was not. Apparently, was stinking, dismal, gloomy atmosphere of the building, and before the enormity of oppression and places, and the forthcoming actions of the body, no one was able to give vent to his feelings. He himself was a strong feeling that now die from this мазохистскоготранса, and remained in his soul all this time, lasted until the funeral. He even wanted to now and, if not that, then at least to поттерять consciousness, and get away from here in the form of the insensible body.

It was his turn to be at the bedside. It was the likeness of torture: watch the waxen face of the murdered thee person, and kiss him then in the forehead. He's from last forces stood their half a minute, but felt that he could not kiss killed under pain of death, and walked away to become numb legs.

A few minutes later two of the porter came to the sepulcher and moved it onto a conveyor belt. One of them pressed the button and coffin disappear распахнувшимися on секундустворками furnace doors.

-Why you do not want to bury him a Christian life? — Dima asked Veronica. — Read the burial service over it, as expected, in the Church, bury the body of the earth. Go you and me, you are not Communists...

Veronica looked at Gladysheva, as an idiot, then said:

But not Christians, too. Besides, it is Moscow, I don't know anyone here.

-But look how many relatives and friends came to say goodbye to him! Could be some договориься...

Veronica looked around the гладдышева eyes, which easily could read: "be Silent in General, poor fellow!" — and turned away

Not ten minutes, as an employee of the crematorium passed in the hall of pig-iron urn with the ashes of the deceased, and all went behind him on the adjacent to the crematorium cemetery, where everything was ready for burial: the earth was seated small cube склепик of concrete. Was put into the ballot box behind her flew farewell bouquets of flowers. When the last of the нихупал, describing lonely arc in the air and covering the lid of the urn work, which brought the urn have pulled over the crypt on top of a small marble slab carved with her gold facsimile Zhora Бегетова and dates of life.

-I wouldn't like to be buried, — I said Dima Veronica.

"Don't worry, Gladyshev, " she said. — You are buried, as visiting the Jackal — be sure.

Dima sighed, realizing that at the wrong time joined the conversation.

The widow began to approach the present, to Express the last time his condolences on the loss, before the separate to go to the hotels where they were staying.

-Why you didn't want to take the urn with the ashes home? surprised Dima.

"I see you have increased talkativeness today, " said Veronica. — Well, so be it, I'll answer. And I hope it's your last question for today. I think he will rest more pleasant in the capital, where he was killed, than lie in the land, which runs on his killer-app.

She gave a final glance at tombstone and walked away, to the entrance of the cemetery. Dima went after her, because I didn't know what to do now. It was clear that we should go home: if before him in Moscow there was nothing to do, now even more so.

He walked slowly, but at the exit from the cemetery they Veronica yet passed. She stopped him with a gesture.

-We leave out: I need the money, ' said the young woman. "Besides, I'm not going to thee contain, as did George. So, Gladyshev, the hotel can even not to come back... But no, take their belongings, and then get. Thou me more not интеречсуешь, however, was not interested in ever. I hope that tomorrow our paths never cross my little идиотик. Honestly, Gladyshev, I expected CBO you just what you want, but not so the pigs you men had to strip immediately and husband, and livelihoods. Whom I now need? I now don't cry just because wept tears in these last night! Pig! You made me an orphan, left моегоо child without a father.

-What kind of a child? surprised Dima.

-Someone who starts when a man and woman sleep together.

-You will have a child?! — guessed and was delighted to Dima.

-Yes, unfortunately, " said Veronica. — But, thank God, that is not from you, Gladyshev.

She turned and went away briskly, цокая metal heels on the pavement, and he in confusion and disarray stood his ground, following her gaze, and only then ran after him.

By the evening he appeared on the street with all her simple Luggage. He had no money even for a train ticket to go home. We had to somehow earn. Where to find money, and while settle somewhere for the night, to not put in jail cops.

Late at night, намотавшись in Moscow, he found one of the most cheap hotels, what is popularly known as "клоповниками", and barely scraped money to pay for a night in the iron beds, on the bare mattress and an empty pillow without underwear.

In the morning Dima woke up from a terrible feeling of being tickled. He opened his eyes and saw that on the face of негоо sitting something vile. Feeling the wave of disgust overwhelmed by it to the brim, he immediately wiped it on the floor and saw огросмного spider"сенокосца" with long legs-паутинками. On the floor, the ceiling, on the walls, as удалосьрассмотреть dime in the first morning light, their swarm кишело. Except spiders коммната was full of flies and cockroaches.

But Диминогоо scrub that yesterday he was weary, threw it under the bed, gone, just mysteriously disappeared. Dima went to had nothing to complain about, but no one listened.

Is a flophouse, " they told him, he barely made it clear that they were gone, things need to hide under itself: under the pillow under the mattress, under the blanket. Under the mattress is better not to put — ass over the net.

"But what shall I do now? — Dima asked.

-Look, — answered, " perhaps find something. Is that not carry away, hide under a neighboring bed, and then, only in the afternoon already, failing and then all. Seek to find.

Maybe call the police? — very timidly asked Dima.

-No, — answered, " they are here on such trifles are not shown. Except that if a fight drunk or kill someone.

And often people are killed here?

-Yeah once a week for sure.

Dima was quite bad. He had a keen sense of loneliness, a hundred KRA increasing realization of our own poverty. Now the soul he did not have a penny, and if yesterday could sell at least half the price of those books that were lying in its your bag, then today he stole it.

Wanted to cry, but everything was so gloomy and implausible that I could not believe that such things could really happen. Dima went to her bed exhausted and sat down on it, forgetting about lost things about swarming around the hordes of different insects. Dream heavy and необоримый fell on him, and he decided that he needed a NAP even if for a bed that's already purchased, because tomorrow sleep on the bed unlikely to have, and this is, perhaps, the last pleasure which he has not yet been taken away.

His heavy eyelids closed, and he was again falling asleep. His hand crawling spider-сенокосец, and Dima dreamt that his skin crawling loathsome insect, and all ковруг teeming with the same filthy insects. He suffered and groaned in his sleep, and this time the other guests rooming house already woke up and began to wander in search of a piece of bread and money, that tonight that you would come back and переночавать here.


31 December 1998, on the stairs of the landed at Sheremetyevo-2 "Boeing" on москвовскую earth stepped strange man.

On the form he was thirty, however, if someone of those who knew him before, was present at this, they would could hardly conceal his surprise. This man was a very good sign. Anyone who has seen him before very surprised, because his face is almost not changed, and he greatly resembled the young man, which was before, only the hair on his head with an early kind of gray.

For a moment, coming out of the plane, he stayed on top of its platform and looked around, breathing in the frosty Moscow air as if to miss him for a long his absence. The gangway was rocking from side to side, Recalling its infidelity as a support. The young man stood, as if hesitated a second, different, and having taken a decision, and went his way.

-All the best! he asked casually to the flight attendant waved passengers.

-Good buy! Happy New Year! — stewardess replied colored.

-Oh! Yeh! Happy New Year! "he said the young man, and I thought to myself: "New year I should meet at home!" — though his real home was still more than seven hundred kilometers. However, upon returning from China, where he spent the last twelve years, he really felt at home.

When the young man was not for the weather umbrella-cane yellow-коричнового color with the ivory handle inlaid with (who would know that he is real!) пятидесятикаратным diamond, a small case of crocodile leather with a handle of саламандрового tree, also with small diamonds, and shoes of the same crocodile leather with platinum buckles with diamond dust. The bright, silvery-grey wool suit was накинуто thin coat of camel wool. Buttons on the suit and coat well as small diamonds sparkled.

Pogranichnik long incredulously studied passport American citizen. Sparkling, dazzling view of an alien born in the Ukraine, was confused about it endlessly. To the same date of birth, specified in пасорте, refused to be true.

-Gladyishev Dmytriy Alexandrovich?


-How old are you?

Question introduced a young man in confusion.

-Can speak Russian with me, " he said to the border guard.

-Well, how old are you? again addressed him in the border guard. — On the passport you seventeen, in appearance — not less than twenty-five.

"Sorry, " confused young man, — a photo in the passport meet my appearance?

-Well, Yes, " agreed the border guard.

-Then what's the matter? — the young man was beginning to feel angry.

-But you were born in Ukraine!

-So what?

-The purpose of your visit — the border guard thought a lot before ask this question.

-Visit relatives.

Actually he came to seek спасеня from his universal loneliness, which contracted for a long time. It seemed to him that he got them out here somewhere in this time. No, exactly at this time. And his return from the prosperous world in which it was in this miserable world he left behind more than ten years ago, was associated only with this. He did not yet know how he rid of this scourge, which suddenly discovered in his soul, but was firmly confident that get rid of this obsession you can only back. Although they say: twice into the same river, thou shalt not come.

Following it, Охромов not expressed very sorry, he аообще had not expressed any sadness: moor has done his duty, the moor can go. The only thing that he said at parting: "to come back — you know what to do. But you have only six months."

-You are not afraid to go in Moscow? — asked the border guard, all the same decided to stop stupid harassment returning documents.

"No, " answered the young man, picked up the case and headed for customs clearance.

Customs officers also kept it for a long time, what he never expected. It is generally assumed that after just half an hour after arrival, will be at a hotel. They forced him to declare umbrella, diplomat, shoes, buttons on a suit and coat, as containing precious stones, warned that even if lost at least one button with a coat or suit, he is in big trouble relating to smuggling.

-Why are you вырядились? Lord, you're walking a jewellery shop. The guards you need to attach to twenty people to everywhere escort, " cried the pretty таможенница thirty years.

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