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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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It then calculates the amount of jewelry, which drew the clothes of a foreigner and ran to report to the boss.

Came fat, bloated head of the customs post.

-You have to pass all of this in storage in the customs warehouse, " he muttered, something munching.

"Why not?" the young man said

-Exceeded the marginal rate of the sum on import of jewelry natural person.

-But it's my clothes, was indignant foreigner — I always dress! You want to leave me naked?

-Then pay the state duty on the import of precious stones. But it will cost you a lot of money!

The young man immediately pulled out my Visa card and handed таможеннице without any comments.

Later двадцатт five minutes long white limousine, which is in Moscow on the fingers of one could count, took him to the front of the hotel "Cosmos".

Is not the best hotel for such a guest, as you warned his chauffeur, saying goodbye.

"I know, " replied the young man and went to the rotating четырехлопатсным door.

Администраторша knew him not, yet it is twelve years since she saw him for the last time. It only made the instinctive gesture, as if closed from the dazzling rays: a young man full sparkled with diamonds, like an alien from another world. But knew it, he was hardly more than a month in her life since she last time on film in the visual memory of a young man.

-You room? — she asked, with a professional speed to recover from the shock.

-Yes, I please, " he wrote on a piece of numbers and filed администраторше.

-What do you need that room? 'she returned. — I can offer you a luxury apartment.

"Nothing, thank you, nostalgia.

Администраторша, understanding nothing, quickly executed the documents and filed a young person keys:


"Thanks, " he replied and headed to the Elevator.

"Here it is the one room in which he lived Dmitry Gladyshev month and a half ago, " thought the young man, going into a familiar number.

Room was cleaned empty and buried, like any other hotel room. There was such impression, that it is empty since the Foundation of the hotel, and it has never lived.

"I wonder where Veronica?" — asked himself a young man.

He walked in number to the window, looked down from the ninth floor and returned to the familiar couch, then wearily sat down on him, with hands, and only now feeling the worn for the last time.

"Why did I come back? — променлькнула in his head by a stray thought. Perhaps that is my next mistake is to return to the message and try to correct it."

"I wonder where Veronica, " he thought further, " the room is so empty, as if't live here two hundred years. Buried all to стирильности. Even the spirit of the guests left. But it's the room, I could not be mistaken. And Veronica should even be here."

Twelve years ago he called her from the street phone. She was in the room.

"You still went? he wanted to know.

"No, " she replied, " I told you I didn't want you to hear more.

-But why you have not left home? "he asked.

In response, the receiver began beeping. The greater this number is not answered, often he called. And now, twelve years later, when he returned, he penetrated into the room, where we should live Veronica, but it was completely empty.

The young man picked up the phone, standing on the bedside table the couch and dialed the hotel administrator.

-Yes I will listen to you.

-Tell me, Veronica Бегетова, she must live in this room, which I now took.

Is six hundred and sixty sixth? Well, if you passed, so there is no one living. He single, right?

"Yes, " said the young man. — But what about the girls. Veronica...

-No, I do not know the kind, ' said администраторша, not let him finish.

-Gladyshev, Dmitry Gladyshev...

He moved out a month and a half ago... Kinsman that whether or namesake? What is he to you?

"No, thank you, happy New year to you, " the young man hung up.

He stood up and walked to the window again rooms.

The capital was preparing to celebrate the year of 1999.

Through the snowy haze, which swerved Moscow, shone here and there a thousand lights huge megalopolis, the same as always, strange and cold. It was a real jungle, in which the abyss was easier than in the forest.

The young man leaned against the cold glass of the window on the other side of which that were fluttering, and streamed fast, picked up by a sudden impulse, snowflakes. It seemed to him that Moscow also leaning against the window glass on the other hand, looks at him. But he was still making this huge metropolis in the jungle which dissolve the man whom he wanted to see all the world, people for the sake of which he returned to the неустроенную life, throwing his provided more than enough of existence, man, by which he missed almost every day, when alone, all these twelve years.

"Where are you, Veronica?" "came in the twilight of his lonely voice.


End. To be continued...

"Hell Minister @ Tor"

Hyper Roman

Book three

"The long road to nowhere"

Irkutsk, 1993-1994

Chapter 1.

Vacation flying fast as one day. No, not because he was cheerful and carefree. From some memories of him my hair stood on end and his heart was bleeding.

Everything in my life was going worse could not be. Strikes one by one shook my soul within one month, one little accident month, events which seemed to suffice for all my life...

Now I was standing at the station with two huge suitcases and waited for the train. There was one, because walk me now there was no one.

All that happened not fit fully in the head. Maybe because I do not has yet to his surprise. Sometimes tears choked me, and I couldn't hold back the lump in his throat, so that they, flammable, not broke forth.

Sharp to the piercing pain in the heart of the loneliness I felt, standing on the platform. From such a sense of people often start drinking and become complete drunkards. I now felt the same need, and, although in a suitcase, huge as an elephant, булькали two bottles of bitter, I restrained myself and was only waiting for the time when I can sit in a train compartment, try there, finally, and lose themselves in a drunken stupor.

So far nothing else could, as soon as the smoke, and I смолил cigarettes one after another to a stupor, up trembling in hands and dizziness, when suddenly everything floats, it seems that the fall, in the head of cast iron ringing with emptiness, and the light's already burned and decayed from the hot, burning cigarette smoke and do not hurt, aching, dull and sluggish.

The language and spun the word "damned". Damn summer! Damn August! He spoiled everything in my life! Blow after blow, and between them a short respite, in which they failed to move away from the shocks.

And people around me busy. Stood early autumn, and the station was full of people going nowhere and why.

I was standing with two huge suitcases, such absurd on the background of my loneliness. Usually such suitcases escorted into the "dangerous" road Pai-boys with puffy pink cheeks from wealthy families that surround them its numerous attention: father, mother, grandparents, sisters, brothers, and they are the center of attention — proud of themselves and for themselves. I side looked very ridiculous and lost. I have not watched, and I, choking lump sobs in her throat, on the whole обособившийся, separated from me, indifferent to me the world, wanted only one thing — to get drunk. Wanted, and I had not experienced the joy of anticipation and even didn't rush to be expected. But it still came.

Companions were caught me strange, elderly almost a man and a woman of forty. They animatedly talking, and I decided that this was, apparently, work colleagues or good good friends. Most likely, it was the first because of their talk, I realized that all they are going to Moscow on business.

We hardly housed in a compartment. The neighbors things was little, but my two huge suitcases spoil the whole case. They did not want to be invisible and taken a lot of trouble to my companions, until I finally joke goblet] third then not put one of them under the bottom shelf, and the other up.

Men about something chatting, joking with a woman, but I couldn't understand what they laugh. The only thing I understood: enjoy now will be difficult because, based on conversations, my neighbors were some very large heads. "Educate begin", — angrily I thought, and went out into the corridor, went to the vestibule and wanted to smoke, but in the throat запершило, and I realized: обкурился.

The train has not had time to depart from the platform, and all passengers have already fled, sat on the coupe and now stared at the window, knocked on the glass, shouting something in farewell, — the platform was the side of the children were doing all sorts of nonsense, and their shrieks came in to me.

Say goodbye to me was not with anyone, and I stood in the corridor. Try as I give arguments in favor of this fact, the bitterness of this not убавлялась. While I was driving far, but in the end, when, if I had someone by now departing, who would meet. And even return't like it, and it was the blade across the heart from feeling that the whole world was like just a loose end.

The train started. I survived those grave minutes, and at heart a little better, exactly so that you could go in a compartment.

Men interrupted the conversation with the lady, and one of them asked:

-What. No one sees? Forgot something, or you're not local?

"Bitch, I thought to myself, " what soul you climb?" — answered him, waving a hand at all:

-Ah, — whether indifferently, or offended, but, in any case, it is not clear, and the old man had his hunting on questions anymore.

He wanted to continue the interrupted conversation, smiled even, but apparently forgot what he said, or not found the strength to continue the conversation and only sighed deeply. His companion also hesitated. And woman, изобразившая to наигранного Frank attention, found itself in an awkward position.

I was not mistaken in supposing that all sitting with me in the coupe have a close relationship to work, although they work in different places. One of my travel companions called Эпполит Апполонович and other Agafon Afanasievich, they introduced themselves. To view both of forty, and Эпполиту Апполоновичу — closer to fifty. My neighbor called Hellas, although to a beauty she was very far, and age of her farther into the sunset of his youth.

Based on conversations, these three knew each other, maybe even from childhood. The lady somehow wished to take the top shelf next to me, and the men were placed at the bottom. Each of them was on аккуратненькому abdomen, which was especially obvious, when they go to the toilet, and removing the "Troika", dressed in sport suits. A figure of a woman quite well preserved, although the aftermath years and a fascination with the flour. This was especially evident on the cheeks had drooped, and chin threatened to become triple and when she наклоняла head forward, divided in half deep складочкой, which was not very pleasant to watch.

Day quickly roll to the evening, and, перестукивая on joints wheels, train hurried him a sloppy ass.

My neighbors still for a long time chatting, and I sat, bored. Several times they tried to pry me talking, but I was bored, and I kept quiet.

Ellada, or as it is "allowed": "just Ella" — and went too dressed in tracksuit some ridiculous vinous-red, that it is surprising not to go. It reminded me of the crazy horse, выставившую off his rough, bony hips.

Soon these three sat down to supper, and (how wrong I was.) on the table a bottle of vodka. They invited me to the table.

I refused, because the whole day and only thought of how to pour the bitterness in his heart. Besides now we want.

On the table tomatoes, cucumbers, eggs, green onion, a piece of meat canned food Bank and boiled potatoes. Soon the money borrowed from conductors glasses swayed to the beat swing of trains bitter.

-Well, — raising the toast, said Эпполит Апполонович, — drink acquaintance.

-No-o-o! — immediately interrupted his Agafon Afanasievich. — We drink "elk": for living-elk to Spa elk to PI-elk and, excuse me, ladies, e...moose!

-Well, let's go for it, " agreed Эпполит.

I glanced at the "just Ella", but that's not even blushed and did not even took. "Old already, I'd think "b...damned", but cut off corners, Baba. The children might have grown up".

We were negated the glasses, and I, as always, drinking water, but only after some time to catch a breath bread, and then started to bite.

-Oh, and why don't запиваешь Vodice? surprised Agafon Afanasievich.

-I'm always so that the stomach does not spoil.

-The oddball you, small shook his head Afanasievich.

We drank another bottle of vodka, then another, adding snacks on the table, and finished off the last one that I had.

Outside the window is already quite завечерело. The dark-blue sky with pink clouds quickly became dark. We lit the bedside lamps, and glass shows our ghostly reflection. Talked even a little пьяненькие men climbed on the shelves. I walked out of the compartment, and, waiting until "just Ella" quirk climbs up, go to bed, and quench the light came, and got on my shelf.

I'm not drunk at all, but the heart has become easier, a little soul размякла from alcohol. Undressing under the blanket, I hung up the pants and shirt on the hanger and tried to examine in the light occasionally flashing lights outside the window, which makes the "just Ella". She lay against me, his head from the window and slept.

I leaned over on his elbow and began to stare into the darkness, suddenly starting to imagine, what if this woman turns me passion: did she'd go first? However, a little reflection on this topic, I decided that this would not happen, but some instinct told me and now lying motionless and making may view, sleeps, she's dying with desire. Most women, especially in adulthood, much похотливее men, but their desire to immorality is largely contained indecision and shyness inherent female nature, centuries-long habit to expect, not to offer, accumulated in the genes to overcome that, it is very difficult, and sometimes even impracticable. This innate barrier is a lot of hassle and difficulties "эмансипе" and prostitutes, especially at first.

Something pushed me to touch the woman's leg, although this could be a big scandal. Temptation researcher women, wishing to solid confirmations or refutation of their guesses. Pulling me on this long until I reluctantly agreed.

My midnight "research" could result in the most shameful way to me, but indeed I believe I was not mistaken. As I touched "just Ella" by the leg and pulled her ankle through the blanket as she raised her head as if and only waited for this. Apparently, we understand each other without words. I felt like me and she wanted me to. I pushed forward curiosity, a desire to once again make sure that women creature.

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