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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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Donald trump hissed:

— War is war!

Something happened to the descendants of the Vikings and militant Saxons, they did not dare to pile all together, and continued to run. Maybe their numerical superiority dictated such tactics. Or the unwritten rules of the death game? The boy-President Donald trump has no one, not rushing, and began to catch up with the so-called leaders. Of course, such things, another ten soldiers of the crown, and even owning one or other undoubtedly could not please. But having lost five, no one for some reason did not rush into revenge. Apparently they realized, the Americans will not send to saving the U.S. from nuclear missiles to Russia tournament of a weakling.

Even if it's just a boy in the flesh, but having the experience of a hardened veteran of different centuries. And in the twentieth century, trump lived a lot and the twenty-first.

But now back to the President of the United States youth, the boy and habits.

And when Donald trump showed the children's language and they are annoyed even more inflated pace. But the heaviest breath told it all for a while. Where they really. But after all Vikings and Saxons, this comic parallel segment are strong and stubborn. They will lay down their bones, but they will not yield. For twenty-one years Sweden held out against the Russian troops of Peter the Great eventually forcing the peace Treaty not as a conquest but as a purchase. Exhausted Russian state, by reducing during the war, the population in the fifth part!

The boy-the President of the United States jumped, dodging the throw.

And this is when a woman gave birth to ten children per family!

What are healthy offspring — the success of any nation.

And Britain in General managed to win the only war with Russia, having occupied the most part of the Crimea. Strong were then the British, for the first time in a quarter of a Millennium, having managed to bite off from Russia part of the territory.

Trump was proud of this, thinking that now he too will take Russia and twist it into a RAM's horn.

The boy President slashed the fallen warrior, and the headless body fell to the stones. The others breathed even harder, trying to add a step.

But this time, Donald trump will wear them out. They're no match for him. GIMP-ka pooping contactless striker on practical equal speeds.

I remembered the intense firefight with snipers in Vietnam, where he managed to fight Donald trump. This is really a war of nerves. It's easier. And the enemy will come to its undoubted end.

So the boy-President of the United States kept in suspense their "bunnies" for four laps. Then they trivially had to knock down this savage pace to throw off the unbearable tension. It is necessary to calculate forces, God forbid, even a small break. Donald trump, being in shock, even threw a number, threw swords, did a somersault and caught again. Then again similar acrobatic reception repeated, having given out:

— Drive Fritz Yankees, will not help the experience! To hell go the banks — human meat!

Oh, how much in the boyish body of the young President of the United States of energy and wild power.

When the Duke de Decolonization's Cup of patience was filled to the brim, the chief commander shouted fiercely. :

— Yes fight you sons wet hare!

Although the men in it hardly reacted.

— Bloody battle! — Loudly shouted, almost breaking voice, the Prince.

Indeed, what a shame-to run away from the boy.

Donald trump smiled slyly:

— Finally there's a case!

What experience he has is so extensive that it is not confused, the enemies are much larger.

Panting, exhausted soldiers from among the normal guards stopped abruptly and briskly raised their weapons. Running after Donald trump nobles immediately cheered up: to fight the enemy even if the "Holy" (Yes it's a Saint, damn blond!)will certainly have to spend precious time. There's a dozen rushing at once is not the worst fighters. And then PromEstate a very long time, maybe even while not buried in the grave. But if "the imp" leaning again, will dig into stone. They added their vanity and self-esteem.

Let there be swiftness steeper and immediately disappointed growled: there was a double, brief clang of metal, and new victims of the sacred battle, pouring, fell, desperately writhing on the ground.

The boy President is very fast, and his reaction is better than Cobra's.

The first opponent experienced Donald trump put a simple kick in the groin. Trite, but effective. Sorry guys, can he then will multiply. But not so dramatic. Got however, and fortunately not the guy, the victim of "castration" years for fifty. Noble and the person, the family coat of arms with ruby roses. The second received an elbow in the jump on nose. Shelter a lot and seems to be knocked out... This is what the additional movement of the body means. And then attack the others.

You're fast as a mongoose. Your opponents can't keep up.

One was hit immediately with two feet from the boy-President in the body. The armor caved in, because of the mouth vyprygnuvshy a blood clot and the other was stunned banal stroke of the sword, blunt with curved horns of the helmet. Yes, Donald trump, though in the body of a child, but very cool! And the next opponent was in the chin with a steel handle. Well knocks out if you get to the point. The rest rushed at the boy-the President of the United States.

It seems that a pack of bears attacked the brave wolf.

But Donald trump calculated everything correctly, they will get tired and exhausted. And movement of the wrong reaction and wrong. So much to run in armor, the soldiers are very strong physically, but accustomed to all the same to the horse fight is not possible. Only at the expense of strong-willed qualities they also kept. Well done.

The boy-President, however, is not covered and half-naked, but due to the phenomenal reaction, easily leaves.

Donald trump, as if talking to someone, said, like a juvenile Socrates:

— Insanely heroesthe soldiers, does not commit the stupidity — the stupidity that makes the commander, sending soldiers to a place where heroism is insane!

Enemies try to cheer themselves up with heart-rending shouts and a bull roar.

But you can't fool your muscles. And the men were moving now, like sleepy flies, interfering with each other. In addition tactics of blows with their feet, for European Nations unaccustomed. It is not developed systems of protection, it is like the Chinese alphabet.

And that you will take — they also didn't hear about single combats!

A quick and always fresh boy Donald trump uses it. Then the show began to show: kick, swords, knee, elbow, at a crazy speed. Even the alphabet-beating babies in armor. Ten powerful men remained lying, writhing, as if thrown out by the surf creepers, on the surfaces of the lists, where running up the girls and boys, they immediately had a simple medical care. And someone did not have to, the soul flew to heaven. Or in hell whom already as lucky. For some reason, Donald Trump remembered the famous smash hit Vysotsky, he's even an American, but a big fan of listening to Russian songs-your soul aspired up! Born again with a dream...

But if you lived like a pig, you'll stay a pig!

But he ran into Donald trump and the second dozen rabid cockroaches with swords instead of jaws. Of these, only some are titled persons, three under their leadership other, almost had a coherent and formed by the rules of resistance. They made an attempt to stand in a single line and tried, despite the fatigue to move as quickly as possible and more. Not giving the attacker the boy-President to shredit them to cover the stadium.

The fighters here are experienced, much larger than a half-naked, tanned boy-President in shackles, and noticeably downed feet.

But Donald trump flew so that he did not even let them line up, the first two fell for a simple trick, parrying a wave in the head, got smashing into the body.

Donald trump in the twentieth century practiced fencing, and he is no stranger.

And armor and ribs crunch. And punched pechenochki fountain spurted blood.

It fell on the rocks, and it hissed like acid.

Then the ruthless, bare heel of the boy was found the next temple the Baron de Murasaki. The boy President slipped between the knights like a hamster in a hole, and the elbows and jaws once, twice. In computer games, in a variety of martial arts taught even a slight blow to the end of the chin, from the right point of the tip to the left side is able to turn off the most resistant fighter.

Well, just because you look like a boy doesn't mean you're a sucker.

Five more remain, but Hello not even think to stop. Eternal youth, turns somersaults, stand on his hands and feet in the muzzle at me.

Bones and skin burst, blood splashes.

Beautiful, even Jackie Chan couldn't do better. By the way one of the blades nicked all the bare edges. It's nothing. So even more will be the boy-Prince. Pick up swords and foot, but would not maim himself. The more you warm up, the more power you have. Side, and the strong, bare foot in the neck last count... Damn it, the wolf's son got into the press of the boy-athlete with a dagger, Donald trump on his stomach were drops of blood.

Certainly unpleasant, but strong muscles did not miss the edge.

The young President of the United States says:

— War, unlike chess, can not do without victims, and a chess game unlike war without result!

The boy President shook off the crumpled drops of sweat mixed with the scarlet liquid.

Such a small thing all these wounds that have stopped bleeding when they rushed four. Swords flashed, the first two fighters parried mechanically, and the blades turned and flattened into the carotid arteries.

Donald trump grinned like a tiger cub who had caught an antelope for the first time.

And two other with their feet in one thing most sensual place. Not aesthetically pleasing, but effective due to lack of blocking skills.

It's going well, and you're full of inspiration.

Five more opponents. All of them seem terminator boy Donald Trump sleepy flies. What is the wrestling move "the crab" "krutilka" and there are a lot, small soldiers piled. And finishing jump to the heaviest fighter on the back of the head. The one falling out the other. Nice work boys!


The boy President of the United States slapped his bare foot on a pool of blood.

They can't get up on the count of twenty!

Donald trump, swinging his embossed torso and jingling chains, sang:

— The impossible, possible know for sure!

During this time a Baker's dozen of the most hardy of warriors slipped by a stone thrown from a catapult clashes and took off at a gallop forward almost a half-circle. Had Donald Trump, quickly moving to catch a dozen trained soldiers. But not to rest from the fight even better. The muscles warmed up, the cut disappeared right into the gait of the fighting stallion. That's it, they're tired, and be it in the mud. Muscular, half-naked, sweaty boy Donald breaks in, and screws, like a corkscrew, spinning on a sock, the benefit of a marble slab slides perfectly, and immediately without lowering his leg, a piece of iron four in the head.

Like a corkscrew, a deadly ferment.

Well, let one still managed to hit the dagger in the chest. The skin broke through, stuck in the muscles. You pick up this dagger with your bare fingers and throw it like a boomerang. Two throats slit. Blood spills out. Two more decimated by the sword, and the rest of the handle( how many you can kill!). To that you will not sew diplomas. But here fight without receding.

Dripping with muscular bodies the young boys-President blood. Trickles shoot over the cast relief.

Donald trump roars with a leopard and again punches the attackers. As they say, the wife fear her husband, and her husband angel!

He Russian Vityaz — a favorite of the gods!

But in this case aunt death let afraid nephew life! The boy-President liked throw their not on-humanely flexible fingers legs daggers. He turned again, pulling jerks of enemies, another opponent defeated.

Becoming younger, only added kid-terminator-President mobility.

True, he had to defeat the evil old woman with the scythe, and she was already defeated. Now the main thing to bypass the swords of destruction. In war there are no half-friends and foes. There is only on a hundred percent their and others'. Many partners-allies and even more enemies.

The boy-President sat down in a horizontal twine and immediately stood up.

You can go a whole round, you can beat the competition, you can round the capital in a business transaction, but you can not succeed when rounded belly, and became a flat savvy! There is no have adversary deliberate tactics. Here a dozen men decided to throw Darts at it, and six made an attempt, will point back to back. I think the tricky trap, if he wished to attack them.

The boy-President caught the dart and hurled himself bare toes, baby feet, striking the gun. The fighter with the punched stomach collapsed, choking with blood.

Donald trump smiled and began to sing, because it is his competition, is decisive for the future of America, where the time goes the gaps and incomprehensible to anyone quirks or hronobiologi;

Golden ears-Niva,

As the wave of rustling lips in the wind...

We'll fill glasses with playful,

Let champagne gushing river!

Our Motherland is a generous America,

Where autumn cover Golden,

No, believe homeland without Bank,

Apples ripe nectar bulk!

And in winter the wonderful snow silver,

Under skates crystal lakes!

Until what tasty bread our fragrant,

While the Russian sabre blade is sharp!

Each leaf has an emerald thread,

Each kidney is sparkling with coral...

Nightingales pouring a wonderful song,

And on the field as velvet halt.

Diamonds of dewdrops on travushka,

Dandelion burns like a star!

You're Right glorious Fatherland,

To the glory of the eternal, live forever!

The world is beautiful though sometimes and grins,

And sometimes cruel fate,

But the USA beauty,

All the guests we opened the door!

Donald trump was hit by a sword three Darts, and two jumped up, picked up the naked legs and hurled it at the gunman of the knights, and swords struck on trying to get knights. The ribs came with a sword, but just four were on the head, and two more Darts struck right in the eye. One in right and other in left. The boy-President fell on the covered six, while continuing to sing;

Scientist bomb cleverly invented,

What did he think of the nominee's head?

After all, without morality and a wise — ass,

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