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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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President-hero Donald trump approached the camp of bandits. Those already celebrated a victory, drunk songs were heard. It was evident that the robbers were completely overlooked, some of them urinated directly on the tents. And one of the bandits even emptied on his senseless friend. Overall it looked a foul and not well.

President-hero Donald trump inspected the camp from a tree. Girls-elves but in really the center of the. They as always shackled settled down around a fire. Stretched out and fire tired, bare feet. Bandits approached or crept up to slaves, flirted, grabbed for bare feet. The elf girls screamed and kicked. From time to time the leaders yelled at their subordinates, driving them away from seductive bodies.

— Get out of here, you lousy bastards!

Robbers grumbled discontentedly, in and of itself to touch the smooth skin of the girl-elf a lot of fun, but if you have to do with beauty more serious. Men always want women, it is inherent nature, unbearable craving. One of these Horny actors off his trousers, rushed towards the girls. He managed to subdue one of the slaves, the poor slave let out a long moan. In the same second, a sharp hook pierced the rapist in the side. He roared and immediately received an arrow in his throat. The chieftain growled with threat:

— I told the prisoners not to touch. And you're like animals, throwing yourself at them. Next time, I'll nail my eyes to a tree.

— Eyes? The aide muttered in bewilderment.

Just one look. — The leader was not embarrassed. — And rusty nails on your hands and feet.

Here the truth Donald trump did not have time to digest what he saw... Emmanuel returned the us President to reality. However, it is also very similar to a fairy tale or fiction.

Now both presidents continued the fight in world war II. And it's very cascading, and the classic struggle.

Here is a beautiful Alenka fighting in the surrounded Ulyanovsk. Not alone, but with his team. Five girls in Lenin's Homeland. And it is fundamentally important to keep this city.

Alenka shoots at the Nazis. Firing on them. Mows enemies, and at the same time Peeps:

— Yes, famous for the anthem of my homeland!

And again a beauty shoot. And bare foot will throw the grenade. Singeing the Nazis. Girls fight desperately. And in the night, Alenka had a dream.

Like she's a rich girl. And so she went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. She has a big grief-her brother went blind. And the Gypsy woman told the girl that only pilgrimage can create a miracle. Only need to go barefoot and walk.

And the girl took off her shoes, and on the thirteenth of April she set out. The sun was shining, and in the forest still lay not melted snow. The girl was a lady, and it is not usual for her to walk barefoot. After a couple of miles her bare soles began to itch unbearably, and itch. But the girl had suffered, and only came upon the fresh spring grass. But and here was and chilly, and painful for. What was Gerda like? But at least it was more victorious.

However, dream Alenka appeared stupid. She once ran barefoot over the sharp stones and no inconvenience was experienced. On the contrary, barefoot feel much more agile and quicker than shoes.

Their five, even in the most severe frosts, were half-naked and barefoot. And thanks to the magic of them did not take cold. Girls progressed in battles. And grew as fighters with hurricane speed.

Warriors fought myself, shot a lot and killed... Bared himself with such shiny, pearly teeth — similar to a very beautiful sharks.

Annie firing at the Nazis, and singing to myself:

— For Holy Russia, for our Russia ... I fight and fight!

Then the girl winks, and rocks and such threatening her face.

Next shoots, Alla... Also very aptly and destroys the Nazis. The girl is cold-blooded and very pretty. And if the beats, specifically the peel and deadly!

And then as barefoot leg will take and throw a grenade at the enemy. And, will make it extremely destructive.

The red devil sang:

— Alla loves killing! That's Alla!

And winks at his partners. Of course, the red-haired devil is perfect in battle. Aggressive warrior-a real Pharaoh! Well, where aggression — Fritz no reason!

And then the fire is Mary-a warrior whose hair sparkle with gold leaf. Really the most beautiful of all colors. And the gold shines so tempting.

Shoots and Matryona. And bare feet and throwing a bunch of grenades, or explosive packages.

Beauties fight bravely ... nobody will stop Them, and nothing will win! And whistling to himself, blow bubbles of fire and very hot.

And fascist tanks explode. And shatter into very small pieces.

Matrona says with a grin of teeth:

— The girl loves to crush! Crazy girl!

And again, warriors in the attack. Such a fierce and faster than the Cobra!

And if you push, it will not seem enough. And crush with the Hells enthusiasm.

Girls, of course, realistically from of higher society. And pressed Fritz capital.

And even the superior forces — warrior monsters win!

Trump also claims to Emmanuel:

Such warriors do not happen!

Girl-Queen is logical answered:

— And in the real history of the German warriors did not exist! Gerda's tank crew is fantastic!

Trump rigidly noticed:

— I created them... And without any women dumb and live to fight!

Girl-Queen with this agreed to:

— Really weird... but we're still gonna win! And women in particular will dominate.

War chick on the rolled track. The Swedes, Finns, Germans came to Arkhangelsk, and stopped on the outskirts of the city. Quite an achievement.

The fascists also approached Kazan. Too at the threshold there were ancient cities. And indeed it is difficult to cope with the Nazis, when they are commanded by trump himself. And Donald is a capable politician, maybe not as lucky as Putin. Well, for some reason, Vladimir Putin did not rush neither the Communists nor the Apple, nor the liberal democratic party is also the party offended.

And in General, even NTV is not really ran over.

And on trump rushed all and Sundry. And almost all the media were criticized. Both Republican and democratic. And Putin only channel NTV, and how sluggish and clumsy. Trump somewhat resembled Nicholas II causing a strange antipathy in many. Although the king was kind and gentle. Trump, on the contrary, is tougher, but somehow everyone at once turned against him. Could Putin himself to stand stand up to him all the disaffected one front?

But here's how it happened... Putin met no opposition from the opposition. At least not seriously. And terrible the Communists are not even trying to give battle. Zyuganov was generally the man who was afraid of the risk. In the United States... really ancient democracy, and the President is not so afraid. And the media are used to not having their tongues cut off. On this Putin to carry out the will at all Stalin repressions were not necessary. But it might be Stalin, it was unnecessary!

Trump won. His troops were already approaching Ufa. And happy. It is good to be in Hitler's place — do not interfere with your own people. Although, of course, trump himself provoked opposition against himself. And intelligence agencies bullied, and in love to Putin explained. The latter, of course, should not have been done. It is unlikely that the intelligence officer to buy flattery. But you yourself find yourself in an awkward situation — praise the main enemy of America.

Donald regretted it later. In fact, that does not want the US, all Putin does not like. And Assad, and Maduro, and Libya, and Ukraine, and North Korea. All contradictions. Well, trump lost in Syria? So what? Russians began to threaten even more impudently. Here is and think about it, who then chief enemy!

In short, trump is now Putin avenged for his humiliation, and wanted to break it to the end.


Here, German troops had surrounded Kazan. And thus find themselves in the rear of Moscow, threatening to cut the Soviet Union into two parts. Of course, this is a threatening situation. And it's hard to prevent a disaster. Simultaneously the Germans, with Swedes, Finns, and other mercenaries went around and Arkhangelsk, approaching Vologda. There was a movement of tentacles dangerous Empire of the Third Reich.

Putin in Stalin's body a lot of fuss and jumped, but could not find the optimal solution. And it didn't work that way.

It's like you're a burnt hare caught in a flood of light. And it's understandable that you're literally getting screwed.

And trump presses very confidently... and his girls are not worse. How will discole with Gertrude and eve span. The and at all blockage. : To perform all those girls in bikinis posbivat and take pictures. And against them can not resist. The real ladies of death.

Trump roars like this:

— There will be a hurricane of death! Will Russian-shame and shame!

The Germans and hired part moving and breaking the front of the Soviet troops. And there's no stopping them.

Except that Alenka and her bare feet and take the grenade leaves, and the Nazis drew in General flight. And those who are brave, it is trivial to die. And a girl in a bikini sing me:

— Nobody's gonna stop us! No one can defeat us! Russian wolves are fighting the enemy! Russian wolves-glory to heroes!

And again, bare feet beauties threw the lethal grenade which swept the Nazis.

Red Alla also accurately shot, and mowed down opponents. And then as will throw a destructive package of explosives. And Hitlerites from it all the same that a club on brains.

Alla sang with enthusiasm:

— Famous Soviet land! And our red family!

Here, too, and Mary took it and threw the bare stem a deadly grenade. And knocked out mass of the Nazis. It's so good that you can admire it for months.

And then the girl also picked up and slapped. And also very lethal projectile. And tweeted:

— For Holy Russia and the red flag!

And again as you begin to shoot. And then the bare feet of the girl-hero launched a box of explosives! And so it dolbanet that and it seemed to nobody a little.

Here is probably the skeleton would be enough! Such here is girls-terminators and Komsomol. But still a feeling that Russia is living out the last months.

Donald trump noticed with a smile:

I'm capable of anything! And all can win! So will Russia's nuclear weapons be eliminated?

Girl-Queen reminded:

There's China. Also the strongest Empire! I hope you haven't forgotten that.

Donald trump slammed his fist on his nose:

— Yeah! It slipped my mind! Of course, it is necessary to take away nuclear weapons from China!

Emmanuel winked at the boy-President and proposed:

— Can you take another test?

Donald nodded.:

— Of course!

Emmanuel scrolled with her bare feet around her axis. And the landscape around her changed.

And then trump, the President of the United States was in another place and time.

Here he is the warrior President with very modern weapons, a cruel cynical world, the Russian nineties. And he needs to save captured ruthless terrorists and murderers girlfriend Emmanuel. The girl is the Queen, who is older than him, but very nice.

Although the boy-President and had no idea where to look for it, but decided to rely on flair, and suddenly bring. To save ammo there was no point, he was constantly resupplied due to the militants.

After a long burst from the machine gun, the boy-President rushed along the wall to where he had last seen Emmanuel, slipped past the opening, and pressed his back against the wall again. Judging by the fact that collapsed at least a couple of bodies, he again missed the target.

— Piss off, tear up the boy from America! — Roared fighters.

At least two dozen bandits burst into the yard, but having come across inexorably exact fire of the boy-President, and having lost a half killed, they hid behind metal shutters and began to water with lead. Like a child's game, whole streams of bullets scattered, a pair of them tangentially landed in Kevlar, knocking down the terminator boy trump and almost breaking his ribs, leaving large bruises. To reduce the probability of hitting the boy-President has fallen on his stomach and began to roll like a beetle. He gave short bursts, which required a lot of skill and self-control. Almost all fighters had armor, just not who fought and light, so shoot in the chest was useless, we had to choose head or feet, and it is very difficult, especially when you're in motion, and you poured a heavy fire. Meanwhile, the bandits became more and more, judging from the remarks among them were many of the Arabs, met and Western mercenaries. Well that trump is the little boy may, for a corpse to hide and is moving deftly like a cat. Bandits fall one after another, but run out more and more terrorists. Gradually, Donald trump was pressed, the boy received several small but very painful wounds. Instinct told the boy-President that it is necessary to change the landscape of the battle. Squinting his eyes, he noticed the shelter — the entrance to the basement.

The boy-President pereselilsya, continuing to fire, then like a worm crawls across the concrete gutter, there was safer. The entrance to the basement was covered with a patterned grate, but it was not very tight, and it was managed to knock it out, however, only on the third attempt with his feet. Just in case trump threw down a grenade. As it turned out not in vain, followed heart-rending cries and of. Then the little boy jumped down the President. He ran past the crumpled bodies, four gunmen were killed and the other five wounded. The appearance of the boy-imp caught them by surprise, shoot a gun had only one and of course past, and for a second Donald trump mowed them down in a queue. Then he picked up the grenades and moved on, taking, judging by the emblem of the Japanese flashlight. Illuminating the room, he saw a warehouse of boxes and barrels of fine drinks. Part of the bottles of cognac and expensive wines have been broken in the explosion, so there was a heavy dense smell of alcohol although alcoholic it would have seemed a divine aroma.

Underfoot unpleasantly squished, crunched, though the boots equipped with thorns reconnaissance could not be scratched on the glass. In addition to a rich liquor and a solid stockpile of supplies here, nothing of value was not.

— Dream gluttons, scalpel! — Donald trump said with cunning. Long to stand here, the reason could not fly up fighters and to shower with grenades. He chose to immediately go into away, avoiding the barrels crossed diagonally, in praticola not wide, hardly available adult doorway in the concrete wall. In time, the hole flew a generous Goodies, crashing explosion, and the rattle of broken barrels. Then he saw a marble railing with ornate Cheetah-shaped banisters leading to the floor above.

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