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Почему Америка воюет

08.02.2023 — 08.02.2023
Исследование, посвященное военной пропаганде в США
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Sorenson, Theodore C. Papers.

Thompson, James C. Papers.

Library of Congress. Manuscript Division, Washington, DC

Clapper, Raymond. Papers.

Cortelyou, George B. Papers.

Creel, George. Papers.

Davis, Elmer. Papers.

MacLeish, Archibald. Papers.

Root, Elihu. Papers.

Storey, Moorfield. Papers.

Sweetser, Arthur. Papers.

Taft, Robert A. Papers.

Taft, William Howard. Papers.

Tumulty, Joseph. Papers.

National Archives and Records Administration, Archives II, College Park, Maryland

Record Group 44 Office of Government Reports

Record Group 59 Department of State

Record Group 63 Committee on Public Information

Record Group 111 Office of the Chief Signal Officer

Record Group 208 Office of War Information

Record Group 330 Secretary of Defense

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, New York

Roosevelt, Franklin. Papers.

Official File

Presidential Secretary Files

Winant, John. Papers.

Harry S. Truman Library, Independence, Missouri

Elsey, George. Papers.

Moullette, John. Papers.

Nash, Philleo. Papers.

Quirk, James T. Papers.

Ross, Charles. Papers.

Truman, Harry S. Papers.

Official File

Staff Member and Office Files

Jackson, Charles W. Files

Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

Chappelle, Dickey. Papers.

Hall, Wilson. Papers.

Опубликованные первоисточники

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Газеты и журналы

Atlantic Monthly

Chicago Daily News

Christian Science Monitor



International Herald Tribune


Los Angeles Times

McClure’s Magazine

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


National Journal

New Republic


New York Herald Tribune

New York Review of Books

New York Times

New Yorker



Rolling Stone

Saturday Evening Post


USA Today

U.S. News and World Report

Wall Street Journal

Washington Post


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