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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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Trump said with light hope:

— But there is a grenade launcher, can this work?

The boy-President squealed:

— How to say it, but the chances are more than simple bullets.

Female mob boss has put a large sum on an alien guest, though he knew he could not win, but that teenagers, and even males can celebrate with such fighters, is not believed. The Deputy chief of the space police barked:

— Don't kill immediately, but first shoot the arms, legs, head.

Bulletproof glass was going down, but Medusa had a chance to reply.

— It's easy not to die!

Glass capable of holding one hundred and twenty fifth hyperliteral caliber gun was very tight.

A full-sounding horn sounded, announcing the beginning of the battle.

Squids at once came into motion, opening fire, from machine guns aiming at the feet of teenage Putin and trump. The presidential boys jumped back abruptly, hiding behind boulders. Trump whispered:

"I give you my word, comrade Washington, as it were, it was not tight, I will not ask for mercy.

Me neither. Glory To Peter The Great! — Putin put a queue in the head of not especially hiding Terror. He hit from both machines, falling asleep box liners. The bullet cut off a tuft of hair at the red boy, and the crazy hot cartridge got to Putin's pink cheek.

That's sick! -The President-the boy swore.

Now the fight began to wear agile character. In contact with squid was in pain, too, and they are not particularly climbed under the lead-uranium downpour. Small bullets or uranium core is twice as dense as lead and incomparably harder. This adolescents-presidents had to choose shelter box was able to break through.

Vladimir Putin, being a professional, several times caught on a shot of creatures that inexorably approached. However, they did prohibit the boy-President of the collarbone. With difficulty holding back tears Putin quickly crawled away, fortunately the wound was through and did not have to pull the bullet. Then the boy President threw a stone, causing the monster to retreat.

Trump was also wounded, he was postello the flesh of his left hand that hampered sight. The boy-President tried to bypass enemies and to catch them on the grenade launcher. He threw the tin, and when Horror opened fire, he poked in and fired. The grenade flew fast, but the creature managed to deflect, though was split the pieces. The terror squeaked, then howled like a siren, apparently feeling pain. With fury, he's old, forgotten shows that were going to torture teenagers, put out of the "phalanx". Trump managed to quickly crawl away, but one of the fragments stung painfully in the bare child's heel, and the other scratched the calf. The boy-President, despite the flour, found the strength to joke:

— I like it when they tickle.

Now squid have become to shoot much more often. Young gladiators answered, and fell, but it only angered their pursuers. I had to constantly crawl away, turn around, shoot. The boy-the President of Russia, wounded in the arm, then in the leg. His speed had slowed down. However, Satanov he finally managed to entice Terror and put a grenade almost in the mouth. He choked it visibly crushed, for a few minutes the monster was out of action, licking wounds. The horror moved to a temporary defense, the audience went wild cries:

— Freshen up! What are you doing with the suckers! Finish them!

Even it is difficult to expect such cruelty from such a beautiful girls.

But sounded and other voices, beauties-warriors.

Hit the jellyfish! Tear the slugs! Show that you people are better than alien freaks.

Inside the aquarium was not heard, but the boys, the presidents saw the gestures and open their mouths and despite the wounds began to dominate the game.

The horror received several bursts, and then barely left the grenade released by trump, saved not small for jellyfish speed and ability to slip. Guys provodilis, Terror, quickly recovering, crawled, also shooting. The boy-the President of Russia was too emboldened and got a bullet in the stomach. Shrieking, brave Putin fell, crouching like a worm:

— Donald trump, I think I was killed.

— In the stomach is not fatal, I'll wrap you up in order not to bleed to death.

The boy-the President of the United States crawled up to him, the blood was beating from two places — the stomach and back, again pierced through not too large body. Tearing from a few large pieces from your jumpsuit trump has tied up fighting each other. And though by age, he suited his younger brothers, the boy-President belonged to Putin as to the eldest, or at least his twin.

Horror already fully recovered and jellyfish have gone in cohesive offensive.

The fire became very dense, then the grenade launcher rumbled. Trump received a couple of tangential wounds, the shard almost broke the shoulder blade. Here the boy-the President has noticed that is weakening, a return shot from a grenade launcher was not accurate, he's not even sure whether they managed to catch the Terror. Here he was shot in the leg, but still not in the flesh and smashing bone.

Trump fell down, convulsive moans sounded from his throat. The boxes were already burning, the boy-the us President burned his hand and dropped the machine gun, burned the belts. Trump jumped to arms, but almost straight hit, a bullet for the one, pierced him in the chest. The boy-President fell, consciousness was clouded, he could not hold a weapon. Squid, seeing his helpless condition, came close. Trump tried to crawl away, then the bayonet through the foot with a knife, pinning the boy-President to the box.

Then began a methodical beating, the monsters are shot in the limbs, broken bones, and then hit on the wounds. The boy President passed out a couple of times, but they were blowing in his face with corrosive gases, and he came to himself again. Tramp was covered in sweat and blood. Hall rampaged and demanded:

— Unscrew the head, and put it on a stake!

Finally the Terror and Horror brought the guns to the temple President-teenager.

— Remember our kindness, asshole. They said.

As you know on the eve of death, a person can remember everything, so trump remembered that he has a spell that will turn a simple boy President into a superhero animated series. Thank you to his daughter Ivanka, though still almost a girl, but a strong witch. Trump has read and barely managed to pronounce the last sound, like a sharp blow to the queue. The bullets hit the whiskey and shattered the skull.

— It's over, the winners can get their winnings. — Announced a very beautiful and carnivorous girl-the Manager of the games.

The hall was buzzing, it was obvious that I had won quite a bit. Nobody noticed that the bright child's head, the Ladder suddenly recovered-as if someone rewound the film. The wounds on the boy President disappeared at once, and he smashed into their gelatinous faces with all his might.

Jellyfish bounced, but trump was quicker, flying up, he grabbed the Horror of the tentacles and with incredible force threw it on the electric grid. The creation of alien aggression lit up like a light bulb, it was seen as the spark of nerve nodes from the passage of current, as convulsively twitch limbs.

— What "shrimp" not like, as you fry! -The boy-President pricked.

Then trump rushed to Terror:

— Justice requires you to get a discharge.

The next throw was even stronger, the creature stuck.

Kid President made the nose, then pulled a face space. His words were transmitted through microphones, and the noise of the battle was perfectly audible:

— Do not hurry to bury us, we are in the ring bloody to take, the enemies we will violently beat, turning them into corpses and trash! — With power finished Superman and the President as a teenager.

Then he jumped up to the still hanging bodies, they were reflexively reduced, but could not get off the grid. The boy President took two grenade launchers, put the last charges in them and fired at point-blank range, hitting the very center.

The bodies of the squid under the influence of electricity changed the parameters, and they scattered into pieces, like ice from hitting the asphalt.

— Creatures without humanity, mournful wearing a crown, time is over in eternity. The terrible end came. — The boy trump showed shiny teeth.

Him as everyone applauded, even those who are big losers — the world loves winners. The cheering hall raged, many stood up. Even the Deputy chief of the Gestapo was kind.:

— Hey, this guy should be in the team or the bulldog on the front. It would all Sarapulov killed!

Only one lady mafia boss moaned softly, she lost a very large sum, and because of cowardice and disbelief missed even more profit. There was something to grieve about. Even flashed a thought, not shoot whether? But then she threw it away, not the last manna lost.

The terminator girl hissed.:

— That's what these kids mean when they contact you, there are some trouble, it is necessary to ask the big boss to be sent on another job site. To the same prostitutes, it is much more pleasant, than shouting and not predictable human children. Although they seem to have a lot of years!

When she finished, the lady mafia Boss turned her gaze to the arena. Trump came to Putin, he came to himself, and silently looked at the boy-the President of the United States. Despite the fact that the President of Russia was silent, trump understood what efforts he should not moan with such a severe wound.

The boy-the President of the United States said:

— What do you want to say, my brave friend?

Then, Putin could not resist:

— Finish me off or give me anaesthetic! Very painfully.

— I'll give you a kiss. The boy President leaned over and whispered in his ear.

— Read the next word, and all your wounds time to heal.

The boy-the President of Russia was surprised:

— What?

— Remember!

The spell was short but effective. The boy-President of Russia a couple of times strayed, and had to start over, but he still read to the end.

The transformation began before our eyes, the wounds healed and disappeared as if they had never existed. Of their existence resembled blood and holes in the jumpsuit.


Putin jumped to his feet, he felt so cheerful that he jumped high up, flashing in the air with his bare feet breaking the concrete block on the fly. Here trump regretted that he and Putin while in teenage bodies. What beautiful girls would cling to them if they were older.

Although in General and now they rather big.

— Nu, and now my friend Vova, that let us to do.

The President-the boy firmly replied:

— We'll get our winnings first. There's never any extra money. And then do what is instructed to us... or Rather your duty to mankind, which can not reproduce..

— More likely in a few centuries will lose the ability to reproduce. — Said Trump. — Until it all comes down to collapse.

Vladimir Putin has noticed:

— Maybe, but it is necessary, such disgrace, the Deputy Minister of internal Affairs, the curator of minors in space police so indifferently look as finish with undergrowth. This world is rotten and I agree with the skeptics, we need to change everything dramatically.

The boy-us President roared:

That's what we're doing!

Trump and Putin headed for the exit. They looked happy and cheerful. Teenage girls and slightly older for women stretched out his hands toward them, trying to touch the winner. Young gladiators graciously handed them back. Meanwhile, the Manager of the games announced:

— Will be willing to challenge and to fight to the death with this pair.

No one answered. Then the call was repeated, but again there was no answer.

Here intervened the lady mob boss:

— Two fights in one night is too much. I propose to hold the next match tomorrow, and now it's almost time for these children to go to bed.

The last words caused a furious laughter. Wow, kids, killing Champions.

Trump and Putin, not at all embarrassed, went to the exit,they were given a whole backpack with dollars. The guys whistled songs, trump even began to whistle:

The dollar has entangled the whole world,

A web of infernal passion!

Of people juice drinking vampire,

An insatiable wolf's mouth!

After passing this test, trump and Putin are very happy, recovered from the gladiatorial combat.

The girls were feasting with them. On a Golden, gem-studded tray, a roast in the form of a bull with five horns and a diamond shell flew in. At the same time in the garnish were coconut bullfinches, banana roses, a hybrid of cancer and pineapple, ant peaches and more. The dish was large stood in front of trump and Putin.

The boys presidents exclaimed in chorus:

— Wow!

The girl in the glittering crown chirped.:

Eat our knights! Get your strength! You will have a very difficult and long road. Therefore, you should be ready for the test, and the real fight. The girl took her bare toes a nip in the air appeared platinum wine glass. And poured a pink liquid into a transparent glass.

Trump, smacking his lips, said:

— What elegant fingers you have! They're like a statue of Michele Angelo, and what a seductive bend of the heel.

Girl according to nodded her:

— I'm not as simple as I look! Tell me, boy, what did you like about being President of the United States?

Trump answered honestly:

Not much! Too much hemorrhoids. Constantly presses the press, the Congress, the Senate! All the time in tension, not that Putin, whose opposition and really in the Duma.

The girl asked with a smile of Putin:

— And what exactly you have no real opposition in the Duma?

The boy-the President of Russia answered honestly:

— Where does it come from? The opposition is primarily the leader of the party. And these old men even for power to fight, not capable. However, in the USA is dominated by two parties, and third parties are not allowed!

Trump vehemently objected:

— How not allowed? We have complete democracy! Just people have become accustomed to the two-party system to another, and does not stretch. What about you? You have imposed a single party, couple the appendage!

Putin wanted to answer sharply, but changed his mind. Again, I did not want to remind about politics. Moreover, what is going on there, on the planet Earth when Putin and trump disappeared? In America it may be nothing, but in Russia? Like it or not in the US President servant of the people, and Russia has become a country leader. Where authoritarianism has reached a terrible degree. And even formed the actual cult of personality. What will happen after Putin? Yes, it's a problem! Although it happened that the leaders came and went, and Russia remained.

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