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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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— Maybe you're going the wrong way. — Suggested the young "adviser" and Russian President Putin.

The girl-Queen objected:

— Clockwise, that makes sense.

As if to confirm his words, the door swung open, it struck its thickness, the abyss disappeared at once, as if it was not there.

Trump threw a stone, but no, not a Mirage, they have nothing to stop.

After this test, the children gained confidence, though treacherous traps did not subside. On the contrary, each new trap was more sophisticated than the previous one.

The number of deep and small scratches and cuts on the bodies of young fighters constantly grew, they began to overcome the strongest fatigue.

— So you can weaken and fall from the loss of blood. — Whimpered Putin. — There's no room on me.

The Queen girl was full of disdain, despite her scratched face, but her resolve did not weaken:

— What, you want to turn back?

Putin moaned, scratching blisters on the heel:

Well, this is a test, this way destroy the presidency of Russia. Is it possible to do so with future soldiers. I am sure that without the maze, I am quite capable of putting five, or even ten.

Emmanuel tensed, squared her shoulders. :

— We have no other worthy exit to survive it is necessary to pass up to the end. Who panicked, he was already half lost. In addition, you are not pulled by the language: he agreed.

The next large, slightly lighted room was filled with snakes that looked like colored ribbons. These things hissed and raised their heads.

— Let's tiptoe through. — Offered, quietly he was smiling, Emmanuel. Maybe it will.

— Something tells me there isn't! — Putin began to tremble.

Remember the mentors, the snake immediately without provocation attacks. The Queen-girl spoke in a tone that brooked no objection.

The boy-President of Russia shivered:

— It's you, Sizzling, tell them.

— I go first! Emmanuel said decisively.— Fear not in my rules.

And she went, deftly stepping on your toes and avoiding live nodes. Her bare, girlish legs, in spite of numerous bruises, bumps and stuffing with hardened iron, and sometimes hot in the furnaces crowbars, were slender and elegant. Guys-the presidents could not help admiring them. If wrong, the bluish light of the torch they seemed mysterious, like an ancient goddess. Its soft. and at the same time proud step, gave confidence. It was followed by two comrades-the President.

Moving slowly, but firmly, perhaps here played a role positive experience with spiders. Most likely, and here it would be possible to pass, but a few drops of blood fell on the moving reptiles. This was enough to make them rush at the boys.

— Chop with both swords and run. Emmanuel cried desperately.

Taking the torches in his teeth, the guys began to break. Snakes rushed from all sides, they were cut. In the answer the creature bit. Fortunately, most of their bites were non-poisonous.

— Run faster, don't let them run like hell. — Through his teeth grated Emmanuel.

Fear and active training in running gave the guys strength. They all accelerated and accelerated. Snakes followed them. Here the firm ground unexpectedly came to an end, and desperate children-presidents, and the girl-Queen appeared before a small lake. On him floated gigantic lizards in armor with large heads and meter mouths. In each tooth in six rows, the shell is covered with thorns.

To argue bargain once, the first jumped Emmanuel, for it the rest. Guys jumped from one back to another, they have had an experience similar to jumping on logs. However, the spikes pricked, but to break the long-suffering, callused feet boys-presidents, and combat girl-Queen was not so easy.

Here Putin moaned:

— I feel bad, very dizzy.

— Hold on, just a little bit. Shouted the exhausted, who became almost a brother tramp.

— I'm falling. — It was not a cry, but a cry of pain, the President of Russia.

The young man really did not jump, fell flat into the water. Here is a turtle with the head of a very large Behemoth rushed at him, instantly biting it in half. However, the poor boy-the President, dying, at all didn't cry, once naive, but courageous eyes forever froze.

— Looks like he died of a snake bite. — Regretfully said, combat trump.

— I hope in heaven the organization if it is true about parallel universes, our friend will find his rightful place. Emmanuel said bitterly.

— Alas! We have our first casualties. — The young man-the President of the USA sniffed a boyish nose.

Hopefully the last. He was so funny and always made up funny stories. Feel sorry for him. — Emerald-sapphire the girl's eyes flashed a tear.

— Don't cry, girl, don't rain! Laugh loudly, do not wait for trouble!— Comforted her young companion and former head of the strongest and richest Empire in the world.

Here trump could not resist and fell down, plopping into the green water. He was attacked by strange creatures, monsters of course, but because of the large mass, their speed was small, and high-spirited young man-the President managed to pop up. Iskrov hands, he climbed on my back and again jumped a grasshopper, the only torch went out.

— Less talk. Emmanuel summed it up.

Only when they were on land, trump, spitting, and dripping with blood, asked:

— A lot of them here, a couple hundred, what do they eat?

I don't! Probably omnivores. The Queen girl shook her head.

— But better, more accurately safer snakes, not so the creature mobile. — Trump shook his relief muscles.

The young man President and a brave girl is the Queen continued to run. Now became lighter, the various creatures attacked much less frequently. It seemed nightmarish maze, ran out of traps. Although deadly "Goodies" sometimes fell from the walls. But "whimsical," like a whore, the corridor narrowed again. I had to squeeze through, and the walls of the tunnel heated and burned the skin.

Now any movement was like an execution, excruciatingly painful, hot sweat pouring over the cuts, slime sticking, making it difficult to move. At one point, trump got stuck. Strong Emmanuel, some frenzied, furiously, desperately tried, straining every nerve, pushing and bare feet and hands, to push his partner on, go ahead, but the result itself is mired:

At first trump some frenzied screaming:

— Come on, my love!

The kind, by demonstrating the remnants of energy, objected:

Don't think! After all for me, you Prince, more expensive life.

Now they are both "heroes" of the magical maze of the Amazon Empire, found themselves in a difficult situation. The tunnel, obviously not wanting to let go their victims.

— Let's exhale together! — With some degree of despair trump suggested.

— And as sharply as possible. — Emmanuel supported the initiative and drew the press.

Guy is the President with the girl-Queen did so, they, like the snakes, managed, carapace to go further. Emmanuel, killed bare fingers of his powerful legs, but then they stuck more strongly, the stone was squeezing his chest. Al nipples girls-Queen cracked.

— Well, now we're dead for sure. -Whispered, pale boy-President trump.

— No need to bury us before our time. There's still a chance, especially since we're alive. — Said Emmanuel. While talking, it was hard, the process itself was calming.

— What!? Hope flickered in the young President's voice.

The girl-Queen had been offered:

— We can hang out, clamped, and then pohudeem and viscolinetm.

— Do you think we will survive, my tongue is swollen, and I'm thirsty. Whispered The Tramp.

— But this is not the first time, I remember being locked in a punishment cell, stretched my legs and forced to keep my hands on the weight. In this case no water, no food, and even the flame of a candle, slowly burning bare, round heel girls. Emmanuel shivered at the memory.

— So it and I had no time, but there we were never to die, and then we just sgin. Trump cracked his bones.

Emmanuel tweeted in a thin voice.:

— No, probably just dry out and turn into a mummy.

— Does that make it easier for us? — Despite the tragedy of the situation, the young President smiled.

"I don't know whether it's easier or harder, but the posthumous list of achievements will take it into account. Emmanuel Snapped.

— Our conversation became quite stupid, better keep quiet. — A young President for some time and really was silent, and then broke down, broke:

And may Emmanuel, well, the demons that oath. Use magic and set us free. Dead we need only necromancers.

The girl-Queen did not utter a sound. She thought hard, looking for a way out.

The game of silence could drag on for a long time, but suddenly the sharp hearing of the students of the militant order of the space Amazons caught the hiss and faint rustling.

Emmanuel crushed the insect with her bare toes and whispered:

— Calm down, just calm down.

Trump said tragically:

— Here comes perdition to our souls.

— Only one snake, and then kill one. "She said, as if she did not understand that this would not calm her, Emmanuel.

— Yeah! You forget that there are special striped cobras, whose poison is used in arrows, one such monster can sting a dozen strong guys. — Moaned a lot of knowing trump.

— All the better, not like would die, possessing near a dead comrade. — Radiantly flashing his teeth in the half-light, smiled, always cheerful Emmanuel.

— You're joking sweetheart in our last hour. — Even Trump was funny and he giggled a little moved. — And they say her cast of elusive, and the cruel venom, very painful. The snake, meanwhile, crawled up to Emmanuel, it was in blue stripes, shimmering, throwing green and orange glare. Her fangs are unusually long and very sharp, glittered in the dark, and his eyes kept changing colour, and in a complex sequence, the pupils were vibrating like a spiral. She seemed mesmerizing.

— It looks like some kind of hypnosis. — I noticed without losing control of Emmanuel. The girl-Queen tightened her grip on the dagger, preparing to strike.

The striped, mottled Cobra swelled its hood and suddenly rushed. Emmanuel trained movement framed blade. She guessed correctly that the snake would hit her neck first.

Trump yelled, moaned, breath heavier, as if the blow fell on him. In fact, the carefully sharpened tip of the dagger landed right in the Cobra's throat, cutting off its head.

Emmanuel said with satisfaction:

— Victory!

The venom from his fangs dripped onto the stone and hissed like strong acid. Trump drew attention to this, the young President's voice trembled.

— Her bite would have made our blood boil.

— Of course, we would live badly, but not for long. Girl Queen and in a difficult situation, having survived the threat of death, is not lost.

— It's like having a healthy tooth removed with a sledgehammer. — Said trump, the President-the boy was a clear philosopher. — A at all can we, its for good reason killed, after all death from hunger and thirst much more excruciating.

— Why us, not me! — Said Emmanuel.

Well, well! I hypnotized her. When the tongue is stuck to his nose! "The young President immediately demonstrated that.

Emmanuel laughed and then noticed that she too had shifted.

You know, laughter helps, let's laugh out loud may break out of the trap. She offered.

-I'm not having fun. — Answered, frowning, the young guy-the President of the USA.

— You tickle yourself, or let me do it, hands free, able to reach. The Queen girl purred playfully.

— And I you, so much funnier. — Sincerely delighted trump. The prospect of touching a girl's body excited a strong fighter who could not afford too much in his former life.

Guy is President and the girl is the Queen began tickling each other, laughter shrill and hysterical was the roof. Emmanuel was excited by the touch of the fingers of the right guy. Her scarlet nipples swelled and became slippery. Trump pleasure tickled her black dust, calloused yet gentle heel

— Well, do you like it? He asked, smiling.

— Fucking hell. Emmanuel Laughed. — I've never felt such pleasure.

The Queen girl responded in kind. The body of the young President had not yet had time to be covered with hair, it was smooth as glossy paper, the skin is healthy and elastic. It's a pleasure to touch such skin. And indeed, with each new burst of laughter, they moved further and further. Finally, breathing became freer, half-naked children began to move themselves. The corridor widened, and a madly rotating simulator appeared in front of them.

It consisted of five chains, six axes, seven spears, eight long swords, a rotating Mace, a sledgehammer with spikes, and four tubes spewing flames. There was no way around it.

Trump said:

— Oh-Oh-Oh! What to do!

"Haven't we ever dealt with such monsters?" Emmanuel said, showing fearlessness.

The boy is the President afraid noticed:

— But not at this speed! .

— No big difference, we'll be twice as fast. -Girl-Queen shrugged it off.

You going first? No, I'm a man, and the risk of death must lie on my shoulders. — Trump said, inflating his chest.

— Better together, acting synchronously, then struck together, it is easier to repel the attack, weren't you taught? Emmanuel said in a superior tone.

— Yes, taught! That's better! — Willingly agreed the boy-President.

Emmanuel ran the tip of her sword over her slender, stiff, girlish heel.

— Two hands beat off more reliably, than one!

The young man President and a girl-Koroleva muttered a prayer and pulled forward, like the dogs after the hare. From the swords, they dodged, diving like a beaver, then jumped, skipping the chain, just four of them Emmanuel and trump repelled friendly movement of blades, one of the links was cut.

Girl-Queen winked at partner:

— You see, it came in handy to have two of us.

But the torque in the thorns Mace almost hit the young men, in addition, face flashed a twinkle. The hammer just grazed the shoulder of trump. Emmanuel even had time to thrust the sword through the tube, slightly nagrubil barrel, as a result, the stream of flame had escaped in another direction.

Another couple of copies they cut down and broke to a clean surface.

— No casualties. — Summed up, grinning pearl teeth Emmanuel.

— I think there's another blank. — Trump's voice sounded alarmed.

The next simulator was even bigger than the previous one, a couple of extra chains with spikes and blades at the bottom.

— No, it's no good! We're being tested for survival. Like wild animals. The President-boy shouted hysterically.

Don't be! Trump. — It's just a blank. Let's double or triple our efforts and break through. Said the brave girl-the Queen.

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