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Kissing Iskina

18.02.2017 — 21.07.2020
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...Dialogues similar to that one occurred in all parts of the world around that time, and despite some blunders, a crushing blow landed on the global crime.

* * *

"Gentlemen, what are your impressions on the report?"

This time there were all five people, who knew of Iskina"s existence, at the meeting table.

"Extraordinary!" The Prime-minister was the first to reply. "Even if we recruited all our analytics for this project, the result wouldn"t even come close to this."

"Some factors would have been way over our heads," confirmed the President of the Science Academy. "For instance, the point that more women would likely file for divorce, since they would be sure they could feed their children on their own and had no need to tolerate a man, who had disappointed them."

"The depth of analysis is staggering. Let"s mark out the main points. Iskina states that synthesizers will not lead to chaos and a global breakdown, especially if accompanied by an educational campaign in the media. She estimates the number of workers to resign as 20 — 25%. These are the people, who hate their jobs, but need them to make ends meet and provide for their families, plus the retired ones. The withdrawal from using money as a means of exchange is not expected. At least, at first. Apart from food, clothes and dwellings, people have other needs. They go to the theatre and to the cinema, visit art galleries and travel abroad. For that they need money. The ultimate beneficiaries of the new system are the pensioners, since all their money usually covers only their primary needs. With the new technologies, they could spend their entire pension on their other needs. Others will have to continue working, if they want anything fancy."

"As far as I understand, at the primary stage the new technologies will provide for the basic human needs: food, clothes, dwellings. According to Iskina"s estimates, construction will cost next to nothing. Out of all housing services people will need only water. Gas is redundant, everything will be electrically powered, while electricity will be supplied by efficient solar panels and nuclear accumulators with an operation life of decades. A close-loop sewage and waste disposal systems are part of the synthesizer, which facilitates water cleaning and waste atomization. Therefore, one needs only the bare minimum of water, since later on it would circle in the system. The house itself, with all its contents including specific furniture at request, is printed on a huge 3D-printer. This technology permits to build houses practically anywhere, without struggling with the challenge of communications. That is awesome."

"Cars, electrical appliances and many other things will cost next to nothing. Everything will be churned out using 3D-printers, like hot cakes."

"She connects the issue of immortality with genetic control over population and providing free housing by the government. If you want immortality and free housing, choose a pair from the list. If you don"t want to, it"s your choice and your responsibility."

"Wow! That means fluke marriages will die out."

"That is self-explanatory. Iskina suggests beginning rejuvenation with prominent scientists and artists, giving the right to make such decisions to an independent legal body under the President, consisting of the most renowned and respected citizens. After genetic charting of the whole population this system can be spread to others, based on their genetic potential. She believes this system will help to get rid of such social pests, as criminals, drug addicts, alcoholics, within just one generation."

"Do you say susceptibility to such kinds of behavior is determined genetically?"

"To a great extent, it is. I have delved into this topic."

"She also suggests using the same method of a carrot and a stick to motivate people to unite globally. If you want immortality and synthesizers, you should join the Planetary Union. If you don"t want to, it"s your choice."

"I wonder," grinned the President, "Is there a government, which could hold a month, in case it refuses such an offer? Even though I imagine it might be a bitter pill to swallow for some of our partners."

Everyone chuckled.

"Iskina thinks there might not be such a lucky chance to unite the earthlings peacefully after that."

"She"s right. But how does that correspond to our interests?"

"I have pondered about it quite a lot, when I read that section of the report," mused the President. "I have come to a conclusion that strategically speaking, it fully corresponds to our best interests. The main point is that it eliminates any threat of a global war. Besides, as a planetary union it is easier to fight terrorism of any kind. The problem of migration simply ceases to exist. Why would anyone migrate, if it"s peaceful at home and there are resources everywhere? Concerning the execution of the agreement clauses, that"s clear, as well. If any governor starts fooling around and neglecting his part of the deal, the counter measure is simple — shutdown of synthesizers. His own people will quickly put him into his place."

"Iskina also suggests a certain structure for the planetary government."

"I have taken a look at it. It"s shrewd, but we"ll have to discuss some details."

"Planetary union presupposes an abrupt reduction of security agencies and defense industry, which become redundant at this point. There will be an overwhelming inflow of people," noted General Ivanov.

"There are also retail trade, food products and manufacturing sectors to be taken into account. That is why Iskina makes a conclusion that one shouldn"t be afraid of a lack of human resources. There will be enough people willing to work."

"The western world would never get rid of its military corporations, cashing in on defense contracts, if not for this irresistible offer of immortality and endless youth."

"Absolutely. That"s a one-time opportunity!"

"Iskina suggests that due to the curtailed arms race and army reduction a part of military financing should be invested into education. The state will able to afford itself one teacher per two or three students, and soon enough it will bear its fruit."

"Smart. We"ll consider it. There is a complex programme of retraining to come."

"Retraining is not a problem, we"ll manage."

"Have you noticed that in one of the clauses Iskina suggests she should already start with the genetic mapping of population, since it is a sizeable and slow-paced task? She even offers to finance the process!"

"She"s sure of the success of such an undertaking, however costly. But how does she have so much money for it?"

"I suppose, she speculates on stock exchange. With her talents, it would be a child"s play."

"Of course. Money"s not an issue for her. We need to agree to this clause. Only good can come out of it, anyway. Mister Prime-minister, you have to take the responsibility to prepare population and organize the work with them."

"I"ll do it."

"Let"s wrap this up," continued the President. "What do we gain by cooperating with Iskina and transferring to new technologies? First of all, stabilization in its broadest sense. Thanks to an inevitable emergence of a planetary union, any threat of a suicidal global war is neutralized. A total disarmament and disposal of any deadly weapon stock will follow. All humans receive a warranted base package of free food, clothes and housing. This, in its turn, stabilizes social situation in all the countries and cuts short migration flows. Local hotspots will inevitably cool down. Secondly, a whole cluster of deep-rooted social problems will be obliterated — drug addiction, alcoholism, homeless, beggars, etc. Thirdly, after disarmament and unification our civilization will be finally ready for a contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. At least, Iskina predicts this time will come soon. The last but not the least, it seems we"ll be immortal and eternally youthful," the President smiled. "So, those of you who are in their fifties should start remembering how it was — being young."

Everyone smiled — they were all in their fifties, if not older.

"Is this technology really feasible?" asked the Minister of the foreign affairs.

Everybody turned to the President of Science Academy. He shifted in his seat before speaking.

"The information she shared is phenomenal. It is out of reach for any human genius. At first, I simply didn"t believe my eyes. I have been pondering over it, till it struck me — she is no genius. For her solving such tasks is like solving fifth grade math equations or physic tasks for a PhD. It is admittedly a pale simile. He solves such tasks not because he is a genius, but because he knows by far more than a fifth grader. Iskina knows a billion times more than any of us. In her electronic brain is the heritage of billions of people, who had inhabited the Earth for thousands of years. Then everything falls into place. It still looks phenomenal, though. Scientists, which have been assigned to develop separate concepts, are pestering me with pleas to introduce them to this "genius". I try to diverge by referencing the confidentiality clause. In general, the theoretical base in all the fields of study is all-encompassing. The experiments are under way. Personally, I have no doubt that all our plans will come to fruition. It"s just a question of time. I would even dare to say "not so much time", since all these projects have been prioritized."

"Well, friends, let us wait for the results from our scientists and prepare ourselves meanwhile. We are lucky to live and work in the time of great changes, interesting time," the President lifted from his seat, making it apparent that the meeting was over. (https://spoonpay.com/goods/4478)

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