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Brief essay about coronavirus pandemic

29.03.2020 — 31.03.2020
10 years ago, in my book I described the such the pandemic as there is now ... but with one difference in this book, solving problems were by Stalin and his managers , but not by stuped immoral Putin and his illiterate thiefs - "a true Aryan Caught man"_general file, book 3 - part 2 - http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/pest302.shtml chapter - "East China, the Amur-Sungaria Lowland"
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...Still more significant is practically almost complete lack of diseased people in the part of the country bordering with China (about 25 persons only. This (I remind) is one of the longest terrestrial borders in the world (4200 km), moreover the border is practically opened with very intensive mutual tourist and business exchange.

But the Far East and Transbaikalia is the patrimony of Ministry of Medium Machine Building and army — in Transbaikalia and Far Eastern Region traditionally all children were vaccinated, and the wave of unsupervised global larceny in medicine did not reach this area in the nineties.

Very interesting is the situation in the USA — 26 705 contaminations and 339 fatal cases.

What's the matter? But it's has assumption the USA presumably is the author of the epidemic.

The problem is /-/ that Yankee is Yankee.

If they created such a brilliant plan, everything in the world definitely has to follow it.

They were Yankee in a real mess of Pearl Harbor, and at provocation in towers of World Trade Center, and in Iran provocation with nonexistent military toxic agent, and in Afghanistan — the most important thing is to act with dispatch and to make their profit.

Are there any moral problems?

As already has been said in due time — "...there is no such a crime that Occident can't accomplish for 200% profit..."

Well, as for the fact that some States were not vaccinated, and hepatitis vaccination was paid there ...

And generation of hippies whom as other subcultures of 1960s no one tried to vaccinate — this is not that important — for the USA establishment they are superfluous people, without whom America will be cleaner.

Пандемия коронавируса Использованные материалы из мировых Сми — http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/pandemia.shtml

P.S. 10 years ago, in my book I described the such the pandemic as there is now ... but with one difference in this book, solving problems were by Stalin and his managers , but not by stuped immoral Putin and his illiterate thiefs — "a true Aryan Caught man"_general file, book 3 — part 2 — http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/pest302.shtml chapter — "East China, the Amur-Sungaria Lowland"

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