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Operation - "blankets for the Indians" Part Four / physical methods of counteraction and treating of the coronavirus pandemic/

20.04.2020 — 14.06.2020
When the Creator wants to punish someone, he robs his mind
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Operation - "blankets for the Indians" Part Four / physical methods of counteraction and treating of the coronavirus pandemic/

Operation — "Blankets for Indians" Part Four

When the Creator wants to punish someone, he robs his mind

Brief essay about coronavirus pandemic. English — http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/coronovirucpandemia.shtml

Operation — "Blankets for Indians"

Part One / For what tasks this virus was created? /Russian-languagehttp://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/graveclothes.shtml

Part Two / What, in my opinion, is the coronavirus that caused the pandemic? / Russian-language — http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/blanket_2.shtml

Part Three / What can be done to reduce the effects of the pandemic today. / Russian-language — http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/blanket_3.shtml

Part Three / What can be done to reduce the effects of the pandemic today. /English — http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/blanket_3_ingl.shtml

Part Four / Physical methods of counteraction and treating of the coronavirus pandemic/ supplemented part Russian-language — http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/blanket_4.shtml

Part Four / Physical methods of counteraction and treating of the coronavirus pandemic/ supplemented part English - http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/blanket_4_ingl.shtml

Part Five /Pandemic — as the Paralympic Games for morons and ungifted/ Russian-language — http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/blanket_5_rus.shtml

Part Five — "Pandemic — as the Paralympic Games for morons and ungifted" — http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/blanket_5.shtml

Supplemented Part Four

"Physical methods of counteraction and treating the coronavirus pandemic" supplemented part

Why did it need to insert more detailed pictures?

I did not take into account that medics, as a rule, do not have sufficient technical training to understand the actions of physical protection method by usage of a brief description of the method only, and officials who have neither technical training nor medical knowledge are by able to perceive such complicated subject only at the pictures level.

Like many other microorganisms, coronaviruses have rather strong sensibility to ultraviolet radiation at the invisible part of the electromagnetic spectrum lying in the range from 150 to 300 nanometers. Under its influence, these viruses lose their activity, cease to multiply and even die. This is due to the fact that ultraviolet radiation destroys the structure of RNA and DNA of viruses, which leads to the loss by microorganisms their main functions

You need to consider — If UV emitters are used in the room — they do not cure — they tear the structure of most viruses (carries out this not in the nasopharynx, but in the air)

Such particles, firstly, are no longer contagious, and secondly, the human immune system reacts to them as a full-fledged virus, and the human gradually acquires partial immunity.

Movement of aerosols which containing virus in a store that does not have physical protection

Complete immunity to this type of virus is apparently not possible by definition.


If a person after this procedure subsequently becomes infected, then the disease goes away in a very mild form ... well, he coughed a little bit and have allow-grade fever — well, it is not terrible.

Movement of aerosols which containing virus in a store that has physical protection

Therefore, in order to reduce the consequences of the epidemic, it is NECESSARY, where possible, to place ultraviolet emitters in crowded rooms — ultraviolet cuts the RNA of the virus into inactive fragments that, when inhaled, gives partial immunity — at least, the disease will be going in mild form. We can see it as a result of infections of doctors in hospitals where there are enough UV irradiators at present

Using powerful UV emitters, one can initiate group immunity in the epidemic zone without resorting to quarantine, which is not effective enough and causes a serious economies losses.

Where to get so many powerful UV emitters?

The funny thing is that they are already available in the number of THOUSAND units in every modern city.

These are street lamps of a high pressure HPML.

A high-pressure mercury lamp contains two flasks: the external and the internal.

Its specificity — mercury in the gas state is located and activated only in the internal bulb, and visible light is reradiated by a luminophore located on the inside surface of the outer bulb, under the influence of UV radiated from the internal bulb

You take such a lamp and cut off from it an external oval flask with a luminophore (there is no excess pressure or any harmful substances under it — therefore such action is safe).

Immediately behind it a powerful the UV emitter is located

Reactive coil or ballast should be standard, designed specifically for these lamps; all mountings that are used for such lamps are standard (Without a ballast, the lamp cannot be used IN NO WAY)

How to use it?

Yes, it's very simple — to fix it under the ceiling of a store, office or production room in place of standard fixtures in an upright position at a height of at least 4 meters with a step of 3-5 meters.

Under the base of these lamps have to strengthen an opaque disk with a diameter of 40 cm — this is for protecting unnecessarily curious man.

If the lamps are located lower, you need to increase the diameter of the protective disk, evaluating the radiation intensity at eye level using an ultraviolet tester.

If you are constantly in a room with such protection, it is advisable to use sunblock cream and sun glasses.

There are no particular contraindications to the use of this method.

You can turn on such a powerful emitter inside the apartment building only for a certain time / unfortunately, I can't give recommendations on this issue /, with the mandatory use of sunblock cream and sun glasses.

I remind you once again — this is not a therapeutic procedure.

It protects a HEALTHY person from infection and gives him the opportunity to gradually acquire immunity.

How can physical methods (UV radiation) be used to treat a person already infected with the virus?

Historically, the first to irradiate blood with UV lamps back carried out in the 20s of the last century by doctors in Germany, where after that UFBI, was quite widespread.

Now, in many countries, is practiced intravenous laser irradiating of blood (ILBI) in vivo by supplying low-intensity laser light to the vascular canal.

Unfortunately, in case of with a viral infection, ILBI does not give anything.

There is a minimum threshold level of irradiate intensity and a threshold level of irradiated blood volume at which the procedure gives a real effect.

To create such a necessary levels giving a persistent effect of secondary bioluminescence that largely determines the therapeutic effect, a powerful emitter and specific irradiation conditions are needed that do not destroy blood at a high level of radiation power per milligram of blood.

This method has a very specific indicator of effectiveness — when active bioluminescence of blood inside a body begins, a rather serious anabolic effect appears and, moreover, the patient crop up to experience a state of euphoria.

What is the reason for this reaction of the body, I do not know, but, according to the medical literature, this is a fairly clear indicator of a successful procedure.

Blood should be continuously withdrawn from the vein of one hand by a peristaltic pump and, passing through the device and filter, return to the vein of the other hand.

The complete cycle of passing a single portion of blood takes several tens of seconds.

The device, is designed as an elliptical, two-focus reflector with a quartz tube and a UV lamp located in optical foci.

The main feature of this method is that the oblique tube rotates, and blood, under the action of centrifugal force, is spread with a thin layer along its inner wall and is intensively irradiated as a THIN LAYER.

The entire device is cooled by drained and cooled air from an external source.

It is very desirable to blow out the rotating quartz tube from inside with helium — this improves the conditions for blood cooling and protects blood from being destroyed by ozone that is generated by strong UV radiation.

Since the walls of the tube with which blood contacts in a thin layer are blown with cooled air, overheating of blood does not occur.

A very strong effect can be achieved by injecting into the blood flow that is go irradiation, of 50 ml of whole blood of the corresponding group from a person who has immunity of this infectious disease (preferably without heparin. This blood shell be taken immediately before of procedure) (introduction of serum gives a very weak effect)

When this procedure is carrying out, it should be kept in mind that in a weakened patient, during and after the procedure, Hypercytokinemia (the so-called "cytokine storm") may begin, therefore an immunosuppressant like Tocilizumabum always should be in readiness and an attending physician must know its features and method of use as this medicine has serious side effects

How can be choosen the exposure dose for each specific type of device?

It is necessary to connect the reactive coil or ballast of UV lamps at the autotransformer and, starting with a minimum level of radiation, gradually increase the level of blood irradiation.

The optimal radiation level can be determined by usage of ultraviolet tester by the appearance of secondary blood bioluminescence — it is the initial sign and the emergence of a euphoric state in a patient — it is the beginning of exceeding the permissible radiation dose.

Significant excess of the permissible level of UV radiation or violation of the temperature regime is indicated by signs characteristic of non-infectious jaundice — these are icteric staining of the skin and visible mucous membranes due to an increased content of bilirubin in the blood

To be continued

Part five

Pandemic — as the Paralympic Games for morons and ungifted (in the process of writing)

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