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Percy Jackson and the Game (оригинал)

28.03.2018 — 29.03.2018
Percy is given the gift of the Gamer turning his life into a video game with levels, dungeons and skill points. Now Percy, armed with this amazing ability, sets out to prove himself to the world of the gods and humans by becoming the best at he can be and fulfilling his destiny. And eventually maybe even find love. Swearing, OP Percy, oh and REVIEWS!
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Percy whistled for Leo to come over and the dog did so. It was now three feet tall, big enough for a small child to ride. His mane of fur was slowly becoming darker and darker, probably due to his hellhound side finally acting up.

"Awesome boy," Percy said scratching Leo behind the ears, "you managed to get a new skill."

"Yup!" The wolf barked out as it wagged it's tail in excitement, "I think I can walk through shadows now master! Isn't that cool!"

Percy grinned, "hell yeah it is! Come one, let's give it a try," Percy said as he turned Waverider into it's form, he then took them out of the Zombie ID and into a Time dilution ID.

Percy looked around for a place to practise before he saw the perfect training sight. He pointed at a large shadow by the stands, "I want you to try and run into that. When you do, don't think of it as a shadow, think of it as a doorway."

Leo nodded, "right, got it master." Leo then started to stalk the shadowy area of the Arena's stand as he suddenly charged forward throwing his mana out widely. Percy wasn't surprised when Leo ended up banging his head up against the side of the wall instead of going through the shadows. No one ever gets anything on their first try.

"You need help?" Percy asked the dog.

"No," Leo growled glaring at the wall, "I got this."

Percy chuckled, Leo was acting like the wall was an enemy to defeat in combat, but it was a good attitude to have, especially for someone who wanted to get stronger.

Percy smiled as he went to one of the stands and leaned back opening his own stats. Ever since that huge stat point deposit yesterday Percy hadn't touched his own stats. He held off doing so last night because of....reasons named Thalia;

Percy Jackson

Health— 14,850/14,850 (+1000) = 15,850

Mana— 8,050/8,050 (+1000) = 9,050 (+20% more mana, +1,810) = 10,860

The Gamer

Title— Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-48 Exp— 50/130,000


STR-100(+20)=120 (Multiseal — 6— 1.5(+20)=21.5)







MONEY— 25,437,683$/ 856D

Percy smiled at all the points he had. It was a major boost to his power, and quite frankly he had no idea what to do with them.

Percy closed his stats and opened his perk list. The only way he knew how to spend points large amount of points was to improve a perk via their perk trees. So he would do just that.

Percy first opened up Chimera's blood. Percy had already one add on bought which allowed him to have a total of 2 extra slots for that perk. This allowed him to have Goblin's growth and Metal summoning. So obviously Percy wanted to increase the number of perks he could obtain through this power of his.

There were a total of three add ons, each resulting in unlocking another slot. Percy bought them all. He spent 10 points on the first one, 15 on the other and 20 on the last unlocking them all for a total of 45 stat points;


Chimera's blood— Allows user to temporarily take on one trait from the last monster he killed. The user can use this trait for however long he wishes. Slots— ⅖

Percy then moved to his Psychic powers perk. It was like a well of powers that Percy could chose from and he hasn't done so simply because he didn't want to divide his attention to much focusing on improving different powers, but right now it felt like he should at least see what the perk has to offer.

Percy opened the perk tree and saw various amount of skills available to him. There were useless things like 'Tarot card reading' or 'Star gazing', things that while they might be useful aren't necessarily something Percy was going to use. Then as Percy was scrolling through the list he saw something that stuck out;

Tactile Telekinesis — The user's body is completely surrounded by an invisible field of telekinetic energy protecting them from harm and enhancing their physical abilities. The field can also be extended to manipulate objects on the same surface as the user or even the user themselves. The applications are endless.

Percy was definitely interested. He used his telekinetic abilities a lot, like a lot lot. It definitely made things a lot easier for him and definitely helped in the fight against Argo. Anything similar to that is definitely something Percy might want.

He pressed on the ability and four options showed up;

Please select the level at which you wish for your Tactile Telekinesis ability to be at;

Human Level— Your abilities are nearly human like, barely reaching the mark of super human. Cost-1

Superhuman— Your abilities are above human, you can do things like lift cars with your mind or your body via physical augmentations. Cost — 20

Meta-level— Your powers are unique and definitely is not anywhere near human level. Your mental strength is enough to carry a building. Cost — 50

God— You powers can be called God like by others. Your limitations are what you set for yourself. NOTE: This ability will start at the bare minimum, you will have to level them up.

Cost — 100

From what Percy could understand each skill level was different. Meta and Superhuman were basically perks, giving you instant access but limiting your abilities. Human was....trash. And God was basically a skill without a level cap.

Percy scratched his head, it was obvious what he should pick, after all God could theoretically make him into a...well God. And there was the added bonus of strength enhancement, which would give Percy a total of three ways to improve his strength.

And since Tactile Telekinesis enhanced one's body that might mean the stress Percy feels when using Body Form with all his seals removed will be no longer an issue.

'Plus I have like 300 stat points, I can afford to waste some,' Percy shrugged and pressed on 'God'.


Note: If you select Tactile Telekinesis, your skill, 'Telekinesis' will be merged with this new skill. Your level will NOT be reset to one, but telekinesis will be considered a sub skill of Tactile Telekinesis.

Do you Accept?


Percy pressed yes and saw his points decrease from 313 to 213. A new box then appeared before him;


You have obtained a new skill!

Tactile Telekinesis, Lv— 1 (0%)

The user's body is completely surrounded by an invisible field of telekinetic energy protecting them from harm and enhancing their physical abilities. The field can also be extended to manipulate objects on the same surface as the user or even the user themselves. The applications are endless.

Available abilities:

Second skin force field— An invisible force field around your body that simulates invulnerability. This force field covers your whole body and cannot be felt by others unless you wish them to.

Defence — 200

Super strength— You can exert extra force through a combination of your mind and body simulating super strength.

STR— + 20

Body enhancement— Mind over matter, any stress or struggle your body feels will be suppressed until it cannot be held back anymore. This effectively improves the amount of energy your body can access allowing it to use the full range of Tactile Telekinesis powers without causing self harm.

Telekinesis, Lv-12 (80%)

The physic ability to move objects with your mind.

Range— 50 feet (Exception— Any object present on the surface you stand on or interact with can be manipulated by your mind.)

Max weight— 500 Pounds

Cost -30MP

Carrying Multiple items, Lv-3 — Carry multiple items, Max— 6 (Exception— 'X' number of objects can be manipulates and carried as long as they are present on the surface you stand on or interact with can be manipulated by your mind.)

Percy felt a wave of energy burst out from his head and cover him whole. He could feel it around him as it slowly built up. He could also feel everything around him, the way the air moved, the way the ground felt. It was like his mind was linked to everything he touched. The ground he walked on...he could feel it's presence. It was like he was seeing it from a third person's point of view.

He then looked at the info box and was stunned silent at what he read. He had not only gotten a boost in his defence through this invisible barrier, but also a boost in his strength. Percy know that his telekinesis ability has also been some what advanced as well, it was like his brain had been split open and introduced something new, something super.

Percy needed to try this out, now.

He closed the info box for the skill and walked to the center of the Arena was empty, well other than Leo of course who was still running into walls, so Percy could practise to his heart's content. Percy bent down and placed his hand on the ground and sent his mind through it.

Now that he was focused Percy could feel the ground around him. It felt.....it felt big to say the least. It wasn't similar to his control over water or even shadows, it just felt big. He knew he had some form of control, but that paled in comparison to what he could do with water.

Percy reached out and focused a patch of dirt in front of him. He felt his telekinetic field reach out through the molecules on the ground and surround itself around the patch of dirt. It was like Percy was extending an invisible hand to grab the dirt through the surface of the ground.

Percy then willed the dirt to move up, and sure enough, it did. Through the telekinetic connection to the ground the patch of dirt was surrounded in a mental capsule of sorts and lifted up. The clump of dirt stayed steady, it didn't trickle down or anything. Percy was amazed at the amount of control he felt, it was like before he was using a spoon to lift objects with telekinesis, possible, but difficult. But now it was like he was using a fucking super scooper to dig the dirt out, his powers were like an industrial machine.

Percy released the dirt and reached out with his mind further than he had ever done before. While 50 feet was his range, tactile telekinesis advanced it to such a degree that Percy could reach out till the edge of camp if he wanted to. As long as it was on the same surface as Percy himself he could control it.

Percy quickly zoomed out of the Arena and looked around for something to lift. He spotted a tree in the distance and smiled, 'that'll do nicely.'

Percy placed both hands on the ground and reached out to the tree. He felt the roots and the dirt around it and he slowly began to pull the tree up.

The ground began to shake as Percy felt the roots being pulled up from the ground. But the tre was much too big, it's roots were woven into the ground. It was difficult ripping the roots up, but Percy knew his new powers could do it, he could feel them begging to be let loose.

So Percy did.

He pulled the tree up, he felt the roots struggling to stay submerged, it seemed that they were wound around a huge rock underground that prevented the tree from being pulled out. Percy however didn't give up and he pulled and pulled, when suddenly;


Percy felt his telekinetic field rip into the roots as it destroyed them molecule by molecule. Percy was stunned as the tree suddenly rocketed out of the ground. Percy couldn't control it as it flew across the ID landing on the other side of camp. Percy blinked as he looked at his hands, "what the fuck?!"


You have unlocked a new ability via tactile telekinesis!

Molecule manipulation, Lv— 1 (0%)

You can manipulate the molecules of objects within your range. Your control over this ability is minimal, you can only separate the molecules not manipulate them.

Cost— 500 MP per 1,000 pounds of mass

Percy was astounded at what he read. This power really was something else, it was like all this time Percy was using the kiddy pool and now suddenly somebody pushed him into an Olympic sized six laned behemoth with a depth of 50 feet. He was definitely in a whole nother league now.

'Okay then, time to test this new power out,' Percy smiled as he turned to the nearby cabin, the Apollo cabin, and walked to it. He pressed his hand on the side of the cabin and suddenly his mind automatically connected to the entire wooden frame work.

Percy could feel the walls, but not the inside, guess that was one of the limitations of Tactile Telekinesis, hopefully this little problem can be solved as he levels up.

Percy reached out with his mind and pulled on the wood and slowly the began to ripe it out of it's fixtures. Percy then went deeper, he felt the molecules inside the wood, feel the way they moved, maybe because he was holding physical contact with it. They kinda felt like sand, but much much smaller. Percy was amazed he could even feel them at all.

Percy then closed his eyes and focused, 'destroy.' Cracks started to appear in the wood. Slowly they spread until the entire wooden wall exploded into chips and bits of wood. The only thing left behind was the inside of the cabin and the roof, which promptly collapsed straight down with nothing to hold it..

Percy looked at the destruction and smiled, this was his new trump card.

Sure it was basically only useful for destroying things now, but if Percy worked on it hard enough it should be able to convert matter itself. Maybe even transmute things. He could use this power to build buildings for the Haven.

Plus if Argo ever came near him again Percy could destroy the man from the inside out. Percy didn't know if Argo was immune to telekinetic abilities, but since they were powered by mana maybe he was. But either way Percy was looking forward to find out.

Percy cracked his knuckles, 'time to train in molecular manipulation.' With a face splitting grin Percy moved as he began to destroy every single thing inside the ID. He began with the Ares cabin and moved on one by one.



Percy grinned as he destroyed the Athena cabin, 'I think I might just become addicted to this!' Percy released all his pent up anger and frustrations.

He moved the the Poseidon cabin, "this is for leaving mom!" Percy yelled out as he obliterated his own cabin.


He still hadn't forgiven his dad for leaving him mom, but the God was trying his best to make up for it. And yes Percy knew he was acting like a dick, but hey, he deserved to once in awhile.

He then moved on the Zeus cabin and placed his hands on the statue of Zeus in the middle of the cabin, "this is for being such a shitty dad to Thalia!"


He went to the Aphrodite cabin, "this is for telling everyone we were dating!"


Hermes, "this is for being a shitty dad to Luke!"


Dionysis, "this is for always calling me Peter! My name is Percy shit head!"

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