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Percy Jackson and the Game (оригинал)

28.03.2018 — 29.03.2018
Percy is given the gift of the Gamer turning his life into a video game with levels, dungeons and skill points. Now Percy, armed with this amazing ability, sets out to prove himself to the world of the gods and humans by becoming the best at he can be and fulfilling his destiny. And eventually maybe even find love. Swearing, OP Percy, oh and REVIEWS!
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Kronos growled a he used his blade as a lever and swiped upwards. Percy's helmet groaned before it was ripped off from the rest of his armour revealing his face. Kronos blade danced across his face, cutting him from his right jaw to the bottom of his eye. The scar would never disappear.

Percy looked at Kronos, meeting his golden eyes, He grabbed onto Kronos' feet, activating his body form;

Body Form activated: Full Body!

STR— 42,467,436 X 10 = 424,674,360

He pushed upwards, but Kronos couldn't be moved.

"I will send Thalia your love," Kronos spat out, "do not worry, she will join you soon enough."

He brought down his sword, Percy was just about to activate his smoke form and get out of the way when suddenly a pitch black blade came forward and stopped Kronos's weapon in it's tracks. The ting of their clash was loud, it sounded like a metal rod hitting a concrete wall.

And holding the black blade was the last person Percy was excepting.

Her blonde hair was let loose reaching till her lower back. She no longer wore her pencil skirt and white blouse but instead was dressed in blue robes with white borders. She looked at Kronos, meeting his eyes, "heya crazy farmer! Fancy meeting you here!"

"Who in Hades are you?" Kronos asked.

"Mrs. J?" Percy asked in utter surprise.

"Heya Percy! Oh, looks like you're in trouble there, no matter," she flicked her blade throwing Kronos' arm upwards before she sent a punch into his solar plexus causing him to go flying backwards into the air, his sword thrown out of his grip.

"There we go," Mrs. J smiled as looked down at Percy, "well? What are you waiting for? An invitation? Get your fine ass up Percy!"

Percy got up slowly, his eyes went to her fists which was coated black, a familiar hue. His eyes went wide, "haki? But, how can you know haki?"

"Oh come on now Percy, surely you don't still think I'm just an ordinary highschool teacher do you?" Mrs. J chuckled as she snapped her fingers causing her hair to turn from a golden blonde to a deep blue. And her eyes turned from green with golden specks in them, to a sulphuric yellow.

"Y-you're not normal," Percy said as he looked up at her name, demanding her identity;

Tanya Jameson, Real life Lara Croft

Lv— 21

And suddenly in front of his eyes it started to change.

Tanya Jameson, Here to help!

Lv— it's over nine thousand!

"What the fuck?" Percy asked as he blinked, "how-"

"-How am I doing that?" Mrs. J asked, "well you see if you know how to use Haki properly, the entire world is basically your playground. I can make my title read anything I want it too," she snapped her fingers again and once more the words floating above her head changed;

Percy Jackson, Sexy seductress

Lv— Pink fluffy unicorn!

Percy couldn't' believe what he was seeing. For the first time ever his powers weren't working, and this one was given to him by CHAOS itself! He met her eyes, "who are you?"

The woman smiled, "to keep it simple just keep calling me Mrs. J," as she spoke her title changed to just that, "and as for what I am...well that's a long story. And we don't have time. But what you should know is that I'm here to help, always."

Percy was about to open his mouth to ask what she means when he looked over her shoulder and spotted Kronos charging right at them, with his blade in hand. Damn Titan was fast!

"Ah, he's back, quicker than I expected," Mrs. J frowned, "oh well. Ready to do this partner?"

Percy knew he didn't have a choice, he needed all the help he could get. He readied his weapons and stood by her side as Kronos came for them. Before they began their attack he whispered, "if you betray me I will destroy you."

Mrs. J just smiled, "if I ever betray you, I will kill myself. This I swear on the Styx." Thunder rumbled in the sky and Percy could only look on in utter disbelief as she charged at Kronos with her haki infused weapon.

Here you go, I hope you enjoyed this, if you have any questions PM and I'll answer them as soon as I can.

The reason I am writting so little these days is becuase I just recetly got an internship, so I'm like super busy, but don't worry, PJG will still be there every month. I'll try to do more, but no promises.

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