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Percy Jackson and the Game (оригинал)

28.03.2018 — 29.03.2018
Percy is given the gift of the Gamer turning his life into a video game with levels, dungeons and skill points. Now Percy, armed with this amazing ability, sets out to prove himself to the world of the gods and humans by becoming the best at he can be and fulfilling his destiny. And eventually maybe even find love. Swearing, OP Percy, oh and REVIEWS!
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"No!" Artemis shirked in horror. She started to glow, anger took over.

The monster threw away the now drained corpse of the Majestic Hind. Percy got a good look at it. It had the body of a giant gorilla, but with the hairy face of a boar. It stood on two legs, it's hands covered with claws as big as Riptide. It's tusks were large and looked sharp enough to cut steel, and it's eyes glowed green with hunger.

Roaring Primadox

Lv— 35

HP: 10,500/10,500


Str— 56

Vit— 65





A beast born to kill and ravage the land. The Roaring Primadox is a beast carved out of the very foundations of the forest, it exists to bring balance to the eco system. It kills without mercy or regret, pray you don't meet it in combat.

Kill to gain— 500 Exp

Percy growled, "looks like we found the monster we have to fight."

Artemis nodded, "indeed."

"GRAAA!" The Primadox roared as it smashed its fists into the ground causing the very ground to shake. But neither Percy nor Artemis were shaken. The Goddess pulled back her arrow and let it go.

The arrow whistled through the air in a flash of silver. It hit the Primadox in the right eye imbedding itself into it's brain. The monster paused before it feel to it's knees and then flat on the ground. It was dead on the spot.

"What the shit," Percy exclaimed as he saw the monster vanish in front of his eyes leaving behind a single tusk, some money and a veil of blue potion. "How did you do that?!"

Artemis shrugged as she put away her bow and arrow, "I aimed for it's brain. I'm sure even a beast like that wouldn't be able to survive an arrow to it's brain."

Percy blinked, "right...." 'Huh, this might be easier than I thought.'

Percy and Artemis quickly approached the loot the monster left behind and Percy observed it.

Tusk of the Primadox,

One can hollow this out and make it into a horn. That honor will then be able to summon other Roaring Primadox to one location. But the question is, are you sure you want to summon more?

Number of uses per horn— 1

Roaring potion,

The drinker of this potion will be able to shout 20 times more than their normal voice. This will give a +20% bonus to all skills that involve speaking.

Time limit— 5 minutes.

Money— 5,000$

Percy was impressed, there was fairly unique prizes. He tossed Artemis the potion and the money, "here, you earned it."

The Goddess blinked, "what do you mean?"

"They are yours," Percy clarified as he picked up the tusk looking it over, "they are yours by right."

"But what use have I for them?" Artemis asked looking over the money and potion, "I don't even know what this potion does."

"This potion is a shouting potion," Percy explained as he used his matter manipulation to hollow out the inside of the tusk making it into a horn, "you will be able to shout 20 times more loudly for five minutes."

Artemis blinked, "how do....never mind."

Percy chuckled, "you learn quick. Anyway, yeah, it's yours. Maybe you can use the cash on the hunt or something. Take them out for a special lunch or something. You know, do something fun."

Percy examined the horn as Artemis turned to the dead Hind. She bent down and examined the body. Tears welled up in her eyes as she closed it's eyes. Percy looked over and sighed, "there was nothing you could do."

Artemis nodded as she got up, "I know. I of all people know the rules of the jungle Percy, it's kill or get killed. I understand that. I just regret not being able to save it."

Percy sighed, "well if it makes you feel any better we could probably get revenge," he tossed her the horn.

Artemis raised an eyebrow, "what is this?"

"I hollowed out the Primadox tusk. If you blow through this you summon more of those creatures," Percy grinned, "maybe we could use them to blow off some steam."

Artemis looked at the horn and smiled, "maybe," she took the blue potion from before and uncorked it. Before Percy could say anything she chugged it down emptying it in one gulp.

"Why did you do that?!" Percy yelled out in a panic.

"I WANTED EVERY PRIMADOX IN THIS FOREST TO HEAR MY CALL" Artemis responded in a tone so loud Percy winced as he covered his ears, "OH, SORRY, WAS I TOO LOUD?"

"Stop talking!" Percy yelled as he waited for his ears to stop vibrating, "you need to be more careful , just blow the stupid horn."

The Goddess nodded, she placed the tusk on her lips, took a deep breath, and let loose.


The ground in front of Artemis erupted as the vibrations from the tusk exploded outwards shattering the tusk, turning it into dust.

'Pop' that was the sound of Percy's ear drums exploding. The son of Poseidon went deaf at the sound of that horn. He felt blood leaking down his ears as he tried his best to stay on his feet. 'Stupid Percy, you should have fucking backed up!'

Artemis ran to Percy's side, she helped him stand still, Percy could see her lips moving but he could hear shit. Panic rose in Percy, but just as quickly it was squashed away. Gamer's mind took over, it helped him think thought this problem of his.

Immediately Percy's hands glowed gold as he placed them over his ears curing his deafness.

The shriek of the real world hit him hard as Percy heard Artemis's voice again, "Percy? Percy are you okay?"

"Stop talking," Percy grumbled as he wiped the blood from his ears, Artemis was controlling her voice, but it was still far too loud for his delicate newly created eardrums.

Artemis nodded as the two waited for a few seconds for Percy to get his bearing back. He quickly shook his head, "maybe I should have stood a little further away."

The Goddess sighed as she smiled at him nodding her head.

"Sorry about snapping at you before," Percy said rubbing his head, "I was kind of in a lot of pain." The Goddess smiled and waved her hand, "well glad to see you forgive me. Anyway I'm guessing we are going to be swarmed with a huge wave of those Primadox monsters, you ready?" The Goddess grinned and evil smile as she readied her weapon, Percy didn't need to guess what her answer was.

A few minutes later;

Percy stood in the middle of the clearing with Waverider in it's trident form.


Percy looked in the corner of his eyes and saw three Roaring Primadox charge out of the trees and make a line straight for him. The demigod smiled as he waited for the monsters to attack.

The Paradox in the lead jumped into the air and brought down it's fists, Percy extended a single arm and grabbed the creature with his telekinetic powers. The monster looked confused as it floated in the air, Percy smirked as he threw it into one of the other Primadox.

The third one saw what happened to it's brothers and roared in anger, it charged Percy but before it could even raise it's mighty fists a silver arrow embedded itself into it's skull dropping it like a sack of potatoes.

Percy moved away from the disappearing corpse of the Primadox and looked out the two that were slowly getting back up. He didn't let them get on their feet. Percy took Waverider and threw it at the two, peircing one in the head;

Critical strike!

100,000 Attack X 2,500 times = 250,000,000 Attack

The monster didn't stand a chance.

Percy then gathered a large amount of mana into his right hand and created a ball of energy. He launched it at the remaining Primadox ripping a perfectly round hole into it's chest.

Critical strike!

100 Attack X 2,500 times = 2,50,000

The remaining Primadox vanished into nothing as well.


Total Exp gained: 1,000 Exp

Percy summoned his trident to him using his telekinetic powers and once when it is in his arms he channeled the feeling of greed through it activating it's Greed Mode. Percy thought of all the times he wanted something, a kiss from his girlfriend, more money to buy things, more power to save his friends, and slowly the white lines running along the trident turned orange;

Special mode Activated! Emotion: Greed

Greed— 5 X Loot, special ability — causes automatic gathering of loot.

Percy clicked his teeth, 'Shit, I should have activated this before I beat the shit out of them, that way I would have gotten more loot! Sigh, maybe next time.'

Waverider glowed with an orange aura as it automatically targeted the fallen loot items. Said items, which were mostly just money or tusks of the fallen Paradoxes, glowed orange before automatically disappearing into Percy's inventory giving him a notification;

Items obtained;

10,000 $

1 Roaring potions

20 D

1 tusk of Primadox

Percy wiped the screen away and waited for the next wave. He didn't have to wait long as soon another wave of Paradoxes broke through the tree line charging right at him. Percy counted 12 of them, he lowered his trident and with a vicious grin charged, "come on you dead fuckers!"

The son of Poseidon leapt into battle without a second thought. He moved his trident as if it was a part of him. Every swing of the weapon caused a Primadox to die. Percy was having fun, he was finally able to let loose after so long.

Occasionally an arrow would fly out from the trees tops, Artemis acted like his support firing arrow after arrow in rapid motion. The monsters went down with an arrow sticking out of their head, they didn't even realise they were dead.

Soon more and more Paradoxes came, and they all feel to Percy and Artemis. Soon the clearing became filled with golden sand as the monsters disappeared one by one. Percy's arms grew heavy, but he wasn't tired, no, not one bit. If anything he felt like this was just a warm up.

A pair of Paradoxes charged Percy from either sides, the son of Poseidon jumped up and floated in the air as he sent two energy blasts at the beasts killing them both.

"ARGH!" A third Primadox jumped at the floating Percy with it's arms spread out, Percy gracefully moved away from the monster's attack slicing Waverider through it's neck. The Primadox turned into dust by the time it reached the ground.

Total Exp Gained: 21,000 Exp


You leveled up!

Percy Jackson

Health— 15,400/15,400 (+2000) = 17,400

Mana— 8,325/8,325 (+2000) = 10,325 (+20% more mana, +1,865) = 12,190

The Gamer

Title— Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-49 Exp— 2,050/150,000


STR(Multiseal— 6) — 2.89 (+20 + 60+5)= 92.89

VIT-109(+11+20+5)= 145

DEX-56(+11+20+5)= 92

INT-120 (+5) = 125

WIS-62 (+5) = 67

LUC-100 (+5) = 105


Percy looked at the points he had, 'maybe I should spend some of these things, if Kronos is coming for us I need to be on my A game.' Percy pushed the notification aside, he would deal with that later.

The demigod turned to the tree Artemis was firing from, "I think that's all of them," Percy said as he floated down landing in the ankle deep golden dust currently occupying the clearing.

"I believe so," Artemis said as she jumped down from the tree she was hiding in. She smiled as she looked at Percy, "I almost thought you were going to break a sweat there."

Percy chuckled, "me? Neah, you're thinking of the other teenage son of Poseidon."

Artemis rolled her eyes, "seriously Percy, I was worried. I didn't know you could fly."

Percy blinked, 'oh shit.....fuck me' Percy rubbed his forehead, "shit....it was supposed to be a secret. Fuck my life."

"I won't tell anyone Percy, I swear," Artemis assured him, "I'm assuming you particularly don't want my father to know, yes?"

Percy sighed and nodded, "yeah.....I discovered I could do this just a few weeks ago. Thalia has been helping me with it, but we decided it would be best if people didn't realise I could do this, you know? A son of Poseidon that could fly, that would definitely cause heads to roll, and in this case I'm worried that the head in question might be mine."

Artemis nodded, "my father is a very vindictive person. If he knew you could travel in his domain...well rest assured I certainly won't be mentioning this to him. Though I would suggest you try and hide your secrets better."

"Yeah, I will. I am usually better at hiding things, but...I don't know," Percy shrugged, "guess you just seem trustworthy. I don't really feel like keeping things from you Arty, I trust you."

The goddess blushed gold, but she turned her face away before Percy could spot it. "R-right. Now what do we do?"

Percy looked at the loot he obtained from the fallen monsters. Including the stuff from before he now had;

105,000$ (X5 due to Greed bonus) = 525,000$

70 Roaring potions (X5 due to Greed bonus) = 350 Roaring potions

9,000 D (X5 due to Greed bonus) = 45,000 D

34 tusks of Primadox (X5 due to Greed bonus) = 170 tusks of Primadox

4 Bottle of Forest essence (X5 due to Greed bonus) = 20 Bottle of Forest essence

Percy grinned, "we got a lot of loot from that round," Percy then began to list all that they had gathered, each item listed caused Artemis's mouth to open lower and lower until it almost look unhinged.

"How did you get so much?!" Artemis shrieked the moment Percy was done, "Hades! I didn't even see you collect all that!"

Percy pointed to his trident that glowed orange, "Waverider has a special mode called 'Greed'. When active it automatically gathers all loot dropped and will increase it by 5. Pretty cool huh?"

Artemis blinked in disbelief, "you are impossible."

Percy chuckled, "yeah," he quickly took out all the money they got along with the drachma. There was so many he had to use his telekinesis to carry them all. He floated them to Artemis, "here, it's yours."

The Goddess looked at the money and did a quick count, "but Percy this is all the money that was dropped."

Percy shrugged, "I don't really have need for money anymore."

"And yet I insist we share," Artemis took 250,000 and 20,000 D and snapped her fingers vanishing it, "you will need it in order to help build your Haven."

Percy raised an eyebrow, he wanted to tell her how he could just summon gold out of the Earth if he wanted, but doing that would raise suspicion. And Percy may trust Artemis, but he wasn't stupid. So he just nodded his head and put the money away for later.

Percy gave Artemis a couple of Primadox tusks, they were useless now, Percy was sure they would have probably cleared all of the monsters in the area and then some. So for now the tusks were just decorational. Artemis also took half of the roaring potions, something about scaring the shit out of her Hunters, Percy was honestly surprised, he didn't think the moon Goddess had a mischievous bone in her body.

However all of those loot items were basic, not really worth noting. The main attraction now however was the 20 'Bottle of Forest essence' Percy obtained;

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