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Percy Jackson and the Game (оригинал)

28.03.2018 — 29.03.2018
Percy is given the gift of the Gamer turning his life into a video game with levels, dungeons and skill points. Now Percy, armed with this amazing ability, sets out to prove himself to the world of the gods and humans by becoming the best at he can be and fulfilling his destiny. And eventually maybe even find love. Swearing, OP Percy, oh and REVIEWS!
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"Stupid little shit. I'm the son of Poseidon, water is my speciality."

Charlie swam up, "fine, then let me show you mine!" The shrimp then started to glow green, and slowly so did Gorri. The giant whale and the shrimp floated towards each other before they meet halfway consumed by a bright light.

Percy blinked and there standing where Charlie and gorri were was a 16 foot tall white shrimp with what looked like muscles on its flippers and blades for whiskers. It smirked, "Impressed now?" It's voice was rough, but it was obviously Charlie, Percy recognized the arrogance.

Charlie the Shrimp King+Gorri;










The fused form of Charile the shrimp and Gorri. Formed out of an advanced magic, this monster is the best of both worlds, with Gori's body and Charlie's magic. Be warned that close combat can prove fatal as their combined body weight is 890 lbs. They might just sit on you.

Kill to gain-60,000 Exp

Percy gulped, 'well then, this just got interesting.' Percy put away his blade as he walked on the surface of the lake towards the ripped white shrimp.

"Have you come to surrender human? Because I will not accept! I rarely use this form, but when I do, I kill."

Percy shook his head as he closed the distance between them, "I don't want to quit, I just wanted to say something."

The shrimp raised a hand gathering water around him as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the approaching Percy, "what do you want to say?"

Percy stopped a few feet in front of the monster and extended his hand, "well done. You are pretty strong, guess I was wrong about you not being the boss."

The shrimp smirked as it grabbed Percy with one of it's tentacles, "so you finally learnt huh."

"Oh, and one more thing."


"Death Touch," Percy whispered as slowly as a burst of energy flowed through Percy's body. The cold energy flowed into Charlie's body. the shrimp gasped and tried to break loose, but Percy held on tight. Slowly the white shrimp stopped moving as it exploded into a million dust particles. Percy sighed, 'that skill gets easier to use every time.'


You have leveled up!

Percy Jackson

Health-3,650/3,650(+1000) = 4,650

Mana-1,900/1,900(+1000) = 2,900

The Gamer

Title— Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-22 Exp— 3,800/76,000









MONEY— 92,677$/466D

Percy smiled and pushed the box away. He dad then approached him with a surprised look on his face, "what was that last move?"

"A spell I picked up, Death Touch, anything I touch dies."

"I hope you don't mean everything."

"No, I can only use it once and on things less that 30 levels higher than me, not really useful on things to powerful but for Charlie...." Percy trialed off looking away to the sky where the sun was slowly raising.

Poseidon walked right next to Percy and placed his hand on his son's shoulder, "I have to go now Percy, I used up all the time I had."

"I know.....thanks. This was a pretty great birthday," Percy said as he turned to his dad giving the man a huge which was returned.

"You are very much welcome Percy," Poseidon broke the hug with a smile, "and I must say tonight was pretty fun, haven't cut loose like that in decades!"

Quest Completed!

Go on an awesome adventure on your birthday with your dad!


2,000 Exp

Necklace of Poseidon!

Poseidon then snapped his fingers and a necklace in the shape of a green trident spread, "this is-" Poseidon began.

"-The Necklace of Poseidon," Percy said interrupting his dad.

"Yeah...how did you know?"

"Oh, the game just said it was one of the rewards I would get for completing the quest."

"Amazing, even I didn't know what gift I wanted to give you, your abilities are something else Percy! Now back to the necklace, you see this is a special necklace. It's made out a special stone formed deep in the heart of the heart, it is infused with the essence of the sea. Here," Poseidon put the necklace around Percy's neck and the effect was instantaneous.


Necklace of Poseidon obtained!

Necklace of Poseidon;

Permanent activation of 'Son of Poseidon' activation along with +1000 for water dungeon bonus!

Percy smiled at the warmth he felt on his skin. The necklace power flowed through him amplifying his own. "T-this is amazing dad!"

Poseidon smiled, "I know right! Hehe, I made this one myself if you must know!" Percy smiled back, but just then Poseidon's attention changed as the god looked behind Percy, "what are those?"

Percy raised an eyebrow and turned. Floating on the water was a stack of dollar bills and a few drachma. Percy waved an arm and commanded the water to lift them up towards them. He collect the cash and coins which came up to 10,000$ and 222 D. And just then a golden skill disk floated up wit the number 10 on it along with a blue book which read 'Binding Hands'.

Percy quickly put both away and turned to his dad who smiled and said, "I'm leaving now Percy, but before I go I need to tell you something," eyes narrowed and his voice turned firm, "do not trust Fate. Right now they let you get away with whatever you want, this is the reason I could even spend any time with you Percy. Understand that Fate is not on your side Percy, it is on no one's side but it's own."

Percy nodded, "I know dad. I know they want something from me. And I know that one day I'm going to have to pay them back for this gift they have given me, I know you can't gain something without sacrificing something else."

Poseidon nodded, "good. Then that's a load of my back," Poseidon smiled again as he slowly started to glow, "goodbye Percy."

Percy smiled closing his eyes, "bye dad." His father vanished in flash of light and once it was over Percy opened his eyes and started to walk back to his mom's place, after all the last thing he needed was someone to see him standing on water and think he was the next coming of Jesus or something.

He snuck back inside without whacking his mom and quickly went into the kitchen to make breakfast. After a plate of eggs and a sausage Percy turned on the T.V. and wondered what he should do that day. After all today was his day, with the +50 boost to his Luc anything was possible.

'Wait isn't there something I wanted to do once I had a bonus in luck?' Percy thought to himself as he rattled his mind for an answer. Suddenly an idea came to him. He opened his inventory and pulled out the Pot of Chance, the loot he got a few weeks ago;

Pot of Chance!

Test your luck by sticking your hand into this pot! If you are lucky you might get something useful, if not...well let's just hope you can materbate with your other hand as well.

Percy brown and black pot with question marks on it looked very.....promising to say the least. It was plain looking, Percy didn't really expect some kind of legendary weapon or anything as long as he still had his hand that was good enough for him.

He put the pot on the table and got up. He then slowly lowered his left arm into the clay pot and, "OUCH!"

Something bite his hand. Percy pulled his hand back but whatever that bite him had a good hold of his hand. He pulled again and again untill someone he broke open the pot revealing what had bitten him.

It was a dog that was 2 foot long with a white and black coat and brown spots spread all over. It had the brightest blue eyes and very sharp and white teeth that were now around Percy's finger.

"What the fuck are you!" Percy asked for which the dog only growled at him in a low rumble. Percy narrowed his eyes and Observed the dog;

(Unnamed Dog)




Race— HellHound (1/2)+Wolf (1/2)







A dog which is a mixture of a hellhound and a normal mundane wolf. It is strong and quick and very lucky. It is also know to be very hyperactive

He currently hates Percy, but thinks he tastes like bacon.

He is very very hungry.

Just then the hellhound wolf hybrid started to shiver before it peed right on Percy's shirt. The demigod sighed, "why me?"

Percy Jackson

Health-3,650/3,650(+1000) = 4,650

Mana-1,900/1,900(+1000) = 2,900

The Gamer

Title— Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-21 Exp— 3,800/76,000









MONEY— 102,677$/688D

Status— demigod, giving Percy — +6 VIT, +6 DEX and the ability to breath underwater, enhanced strength, communicate with fish, create earthquakes, talk to horses, control water and look cool.

Okay I know I'm late by two days but please forgive me. Also note this chapter hasn't been Beta tested, I kind of got excited and didn't want to wait for my Beta, sorry Piyush!

So right here you go, hope this chapter was nice. I quite frankly just wanted to do a very slow chapter, Percy's life isn't always quest's, even his crazy and bizzare life does have slow days where one can just go out to have fun killing off shrimps called Chalrie.


Party system dynamics: There have a lot of questions about this, but the things is I still havent decided on it. For now I'll let that mystry hang about, but most likely it will be like any ormal party where one can see other's health system and all that. Note: Any party member can do similar things like Percy, when they are in the party they are in the Game menaing they can get loot and Exp as well.

ID's becoming portals to other worlds: Hey that's not a bad idea, wish I thought of it. But yeah if you wish maybe I can do something like that. Mayb after book 4 or something Percy could find himself in another world helping out Harry Potter or even chatting up Deadpool or something.

Level limit?: I have mentioned this before, but you see I do not plan on having any set limits for Percy's power. If a skill says it is atthe MAX, it is at MAX, but anything else is fair play.

Lemon: Paitence, Percy just turned 13, he won't be getting the teenage hormone perk until halfway thorugh the year.

Han Jee Han AKA Percy?: Well kind of, if you remmeber I mentioned this is kind of like 'The Gamer', so yeah that's the basic idea, excpet well Percy is a demigod whie Han is just human.

Physical attrativness: Well as a Perk I might just do it, but it would be something only avalable after some time. Percy is cute right now, not handsome.

Harem?: For the last time, NO! I might have Percy be with one or two women before Arty, or maybe not, but in the end Artemis and Percy all the way.

Am I really going to do the whole Team work can save the world angle?: Nope, sure the other demigods are involved but that's it. This story is about Percy and no one else.

Okay I'm done with the questions, If I missed some I am so sorry, pleas P.m. me and I will answer as soon as I can. Thank you for readin my story, it really means a lot to know people like what I do. Bye for now!

Also from the next chapter onwards will be the Sea of Monsters arc.

Chapter 24

Chapter 24:

Percy sighed, "yeah okay, I don't like you."


"Percy is that you?" Sally Jackson walked in with a towel around her head wearing a fresh set of clothes.

"Hey mom," Percy waved to her as he held the wolf hybrid away from his body while he narrowed his eyes at the dog, "meet pee stain."


"That's this one's new name, pee stain," Percy pointed at the dog in his hand who growled before trying, and failing to bite Percy's finger off.

"Yip yip yip yip!"

"Oh shut up Pee stain," Percy said grumbling. Just then;


Do you really want to name your dog: Pee Stain?


Percy sighe, he wasn't that cruel. he pressed no as his mother walked up to Percy and the dog before tacking him of Percy's hands, "be careful mom he's-"

The dog instead of yelping or peeing on Sally instead barked happily wagging his tail. Percy narrowed his eyes, "-he's extremely friendly."

"Oh how cute," Sally hugged the dog as she scratched behind his ears, "where did you get him?"

"Ah...dad, he kind of gave him to me. Said it was a birthday gift" Percy stammered out.

Lie Successful!

"I see, well isn't that thoughtful of your father," Sally said putting the dog down before going into the kitchen to make breakfast, "although Pee Stain doesn't really seem like a nice name Percy."

"Any ideas on a name?" Percy asked as he tried to touch the dog only for the little pup to snarl it;s teeth at Percy. 'Yeah okay he really doesn't like me.'

"How about....Leo," Sally said as she tossed the pup a piece of bacon she had just heated up.

Percy smiled, "isn't' that the name of your childhood dog?"

"Yup," Sally said with a smile as she scratched the pup's head, "what do think? You like that name?"


Do you really want to name your dog: Leo?


Percy smiled and pressed yes as suddenly another profile popped up;

Congratulations! You got a new companion!





Race— HellHound (1/2)+Wolf (1/2)







Percy raised an eyebrow before sighing, only he could get such a lame ass companion. He closed the box and then looked at Leo who was still whole focused on his mom as she cooked some food for him. 'Well it could be worse. Imagine if I had gotten a snake or something.'

"So what's the plan Percy? It is still your birthday you know," Sally asked as she flipped a pancake.

"I...I don't really know. I feel like I should do something, but I don't really know what," Percy said as he took a piece of bacon and offered it to Leo, who promptly huffed at him turning his head in disgust.

"Hehe," Sally laughed, "guess he really doesn't like you. It's okay give it time Percy."

Percy formed and took a bite out of the bacon in his hand. 'There must be something I can do to make him like me.....ah ha!' Percy opened his status and pulled up one of his perks;

Ј Canidae Tamer— user of this perk can control members of the Canidae family with relative ease. This also includes magical beasts like werewolves and Hellhounds!

Percy smirked before turning to Leo, who shivered looking at Percy. "Leo, eat," Percy commanded offering the bacon to Leo. The pup snarled but it quickly ate the food offered leaving nothing behind.

"See what did I tell you!" Sally said, and just then Leo walked up to Percy and barfed up the bacon he ate right on Percy's shoes.

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